Apples vs. Oranges. 10/4/2020.





The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

Check out the new Madre Sling



Our first morning as we head out to spot wildlife.

Comparing the plains of Africa to the Great Barrier Reef to the jungles of Costa Rica is impossible.  But sitting on the porch of the cabin looking out at the Continental Divide as the sun rose is no different.  Not a 10,000 mile flight, it is in our backyard and it is to stunning for my puny vocabulary.  Suffice to say it is awe inspiring.  The more we go the more I am moved by the great outdoors.

And this is how the trip from hell started.  We did our usual morning drives for 3 days, but I was getting sick as a dog by the third one, and then it was pack up and go home.  So disappointed.  We were so thankful our friend volunteered to let us stay in his cabin.  We had no real time constraints, no where we had to be, it was to be a true get away.  And for me it was to be a time of reflection and rest, which was not to be.  But for 2 days we were hard at it.

The Raptors were on the move and we saw them everywhere.

Steller's jay








Stellar’s Jay. 

We could not figure out what these were and could not get a good picture so I stole one off the net.  Cool bird.  And one other interesting animal we saw several of and just could not get to stay still enough for a picture, but man it is cool.

Albert’s Squirrel.  Cool ears!

********************Put your favorite Knockin Tail under the Four Horsemen popping cork and hold on!  A deadly combination.


If this does not move you check your pulse!

Shedding a little velvet on the second guy.

The elk were few and far between.  But with bow season in full swing not surprising.

I got to fish a minute.

And there are is no shortage of turkeys.

Fall in the mountains.

The beaver was hard at work on the pond and the ducks were flying.

We see you!

There really is not much more to say other than we were so disappointed when we had to come home after  just a few days.  But we are so thankful and appreciative to our friend for letting us stay at his cabin.  It was tough trying to clean and make sure all was right with the world when we left, I was sure no help, but hope all is ok. Thank you so much.  It was shaping up to be a dandy.  So time to put this to bed and try to get back to my old life.


The Knockin Tail continues to spread across the Gulf and can be found at better tackle stores near you.  It is now at all 3 of the Fishing Tackle Unlimited Stores in Houston!  And if you can’t get by one of the stores just check them out online at the website.  And as I have said before they are not just for the salt, if it has a fins and gills it will eat the Knockin Tail.


And from this months TPWD Warden notes it was deja vu all over again.  Last time it was a truck transporting commercial croaker illegally, this month it is illegal shrimping.  All in our area.  A warden on Matagorda Bay saw a couple of commercial shrimp boats head out early, then turn off all their lights and start to shrimp in violation of the shrimping at night provision.  The catch was returned to the bay and citations issued.  Time to crack down on the commercial fishermen who intentionally violate the law.  This is blatant stealing of our resource and why there are not stricter penalties does not make any sense.  It is theft plain and simple and should be treated as such.  You try sacking up 50 trout or 100 crappie and see what that gets you.


Football Weekend

Of course I spent the weekend watching football, so here goes

TCU v. Texas  –  There was an article online about how a few folks got their panties in a wad as Ehlinger is not on the Heisman Watch List.  Dream on.  Watching them was like watching the South Park Cows play.  Mistake after mistake.  And blame the refs all you want, it was equally bad for all.  Ehlinger was just 5 of 16 in the first half.  And then they fumbled away the win on the 1 yard line with 2 minutes to go.  TCU has beaten them 7 out of the last 9 times.   Just like last year, way over rated.

A&M v. Alabama   –  From what I read A&M will owe the coach 10’s of millions at the end of the year.  The big question – Getting your $75 million worth?  (Note:  You can not buy a winner, see Jerry Jones.  You build a winner.)  And sorry but I have never been impressed with Mond.  The pick 6 could not have come at a worse time.  Then down by 3 touchdowns you kick a field goal and then turn right around and give up an 87 yard touchdown pass on 2cnd and 22?  Some really bad football.  If I am Florida next week I will go deep until you show me you can stop it.  Over rated.

(Just read an article on how only 3 teams in the country have football revenue of $2o0 million:  Texas, A&M, and Ohio State.  Only Ohio State is a perenial contender. Nice job on use of resource folks.)

Arkansas v. Mississippi State  –  Lets start off with the premise we suck having lost 20 SEC games in a row.  We are in the throes of a culture of losing and are definitely not over rated, we are as bad as anyone in the FBS.  So what happened?  A great defensive scheme and good tackling, including 3 stops on 4th down when MSU was inside the 10 yard line looking to score.  Who knows, maybe MSU believed their own press clippings after leading the nation in passing and beating LSU last week.  What ever, we won our first SEC game since 2017, over 100o days.  Will wonders never cease.

Browns v. Cowboys  – OMG.  See above Jerry Jones, money can not buy a winner.  This is one of the more talented teams in the NFL and their defense is a sieve.  1 – 3 and they are not out of it in the conference, says all you need to know about that.  I will keep watching but may just put the bag on my head!


Tomorrow I try to start living again.  I can not tell you how hard the virus was on me.  Do not let someone tell you it is no big deal because their cousin only had a headache.  My best hope is it does not linger but I know I will be feeling it for quite a while.  So last time I will bitch about it, but it is just another notch in the 2020 dumpster fire.  So be safe.

And thanks to all the comments, emails, and texts.  Nice to know folks care and it is humbling.  I will never forget.

Not sure if I am quite ready to fish yet but will head to the lake for a couple of hours and see how it goes.  Just being back in the boat will be good enough.  Then the bay is calling me and am also planning a trip in 2 weeks while the Boss is traveling to spend time with her family.  It is between Falcon, Amistad, or Bird Island Basin and the upper Laguna for 4 days.  Tough choice.  So good to be back.  Keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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My Thursday 9/28/2020.

As I lay on the bathroom floor last Thursday I was sick as a dog, being the 5th morning of having the virus, little did I know it was about to get worse.

  1.  Here we are in a beautiful cabin on the Continental Divide and I am sick as a dog and we are about to cut our trip short.  We are returning to Texas in case I get sick enough to be put in the hospital.  The Boss drove the whole way and I was miserable, but there was more.
  2. An hour into the drive I got a text that my best friend from high school had just died.
  3. The an hour later another text.  My brother’s brother in law, his mentor in the early part of his career, had just died of the Covid.
  4. An hour later there was more.  My buddy from our area was in Pagosa fishing, I had hoped to meet for supper and maybe a little fishing, was in the hospital in Durango.  His gall bladder was infected and he had emergency surgery and now gets to stay in the hospital for another 5 days.

Now here I am at home on day 8, and while I don’t think I am going to croak, it is still ugly.  This thing has had all the symptoms that you don’t want.  Think of 1, I had it, and am still having it.  The worst was the day we left, the night before the shortness of breath was really scary, I almost went to the ER but I was worried they might put me on a vent.  I do not mind telling you I was scared.  Dying on a vent is a terrible thing.  I think the approximately 9,000 elevation was not helping and once we got back to Texas it was not near as bad.  If having trouble breathing at any level is a “not near as bad.”  Suffice to say it sucks no matter the elevation.

So no matter what you think about Covid know this, it is ugly.  You may be the lucky one and have a little head ache, or you just might die.  Or maybe you will fall into the spectrum where I have, totally miserable for days and days.  Think it is fake?  Come on over and let me breath on you and see how that goes.  Think it is the flu?  I have had that plenty in my 67 years and this is ain’t it, unless you think being really ill for 8 days and counting is no big deal.  Not sure how I got it, that is irrelevant at this point, just know I got it being compliant with the rules.  It started with a cough, then fever, then shortness of breath, nausea, headache, etc.  Now, all of that and more.

And of course I could not be more pissed.  I am not a good patient, and knowing it will be a while before I am back on the water sure does not help.  At least it will be first on the list as soon as all the symptoms are gone, you can isolate from others while fishing.  So until I feel better, and it is safe to be out there, here I sit.  My only advice to you, be safe, this is not fake news.  Thanks for sticking with me, I will be back.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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This and That 9/16/2020.





The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

Check out the new Madre Sling


We are about to be out of “range’ for a while.  So I will be taking a break for a few weeks.  Hopefully there will be some trout, and some serious wildlife, and some restorative time in the high mountains.  And a little break from the “interweb” and the blog will be a good thing, a time to reflect and recharge before the serious fall fishing begins.



Every once in a while a product comes along that impresses me from the git go, and this is one. I have seen this popping cork in several tackle stores and I got a chance to fish the new to me cork, and it seems to be all that it is cracked up to be.  Right off the bat it comes with a serious fishing pedigree.  Designed and marketed by Four Houseman Tackle, it is the brain child of Aaron Pierce and Roger Dowdy, a couple of life long Louisiana residents and full time guides.  Ok, so what does that have to do with popping corks?

5.5” x 4” White Sticker

They are from the Golden Meadow area of Louisiana, which is just a few short miles from Grand Isle, one of my favorite destinations.  When I fish that area I might trout fish a day or so, but it is always back to the reds.  So if you think about it, who else would know how to make a better popping cork?  When you are a full time guide in that area you catch reds, then more reds, then even more reds.   Much less that crazy 25 daily trout limit.  And with that came the necessity of designing a serious popping cork that can take the day to day abuse only South Louisiana can bring.  And they clearly got it done.

Once I got my hands on one it was immediately apparent that it resolved one of my main complaints with popping corks, they wear out, and it does not take that long.  In fact, I have 5 or 6 old ones hanging in my tackle room  (Why I do not know!) that are trashed because they were clearly not sturdy enough.  There is no doubt that the Four Horsemen have made a major improvements on the classic popping cork.

So what I did was take a “regular” popping cork and a Four Horsemen cork and laid them side by side and here is what I learned.  First the Four Horsemen feels and looks sturdier, and it is.  The wire itself is a lot heavier, which I believe alone helps significantly, and it is also shorter.  Which basically ends the problem of the wire bending or kinking making it not work properly.  It also allows for shorter pops, allowing it to be worked longer in an area.  The noise making beads are of a material that makes a different sound from the normal.  Not sure what they are made of, but it looks like the liner in the cork that the wire runs through is of the same material, it sure makes a different “click”.   Plus it also ends the problem of the cork beginning to hollow out on both ends as the beads tear into the styrofoam.  And the last readily apparent improvement, the swivel where you tie your bait is a real upgrade from standard poppers.  Basicially the whole dam thing is just plain tougher and better designed.

They sell 4 styles which covers all the bases.  An oval, and  3″, 4″, and 5″ poppers, along with a skinny popper, and their newest product, the 3″ Armor Popper.  And here is what make the Amor Popper such a good product and is one of my favorite things about their popping cork.

Armor Coating for 3″ Popper

(5) pack of Orange Armor coating for 3″ popper cork.

*Corks not inluded*

Application Process

1. Bring water to near boil.

2. Slide armor around your 3″ popper.

3. Dip entire cork in the water and hold for 1 second.

4. Remove from water and let cool.

These liners work on the 3″ popping cork and the 3″ oval.  Let me tell you this is cool.  It makes them literally hard as a rock, and since I fish popping cork during specific times and places, they should last me forever and not end up hanging with the rest of the rejects.  So you can either pick up the Armor Popper and order the oval and cover it yourself.

Of course they cost a little more, but looking at those hanging in the tackle room, I could have saved some serious money compared to what I have spent.  No more buying those cheesy 2 packs that bend and tear up, often in one day if they are eating.  If you tear up one of these it will be a day to remember.

And Rex, who gave it all up to head out on his own path, had this to say about the Four Horse Men corks.

Popping the four horsemen cork, with its beads is like playing an musical instrument. A few little tap on the rod makes a little rattle noise. A strong pull on the rod gives it a good pop and splash. I like to vary the sounds and you can do that with the four horsemen. I even use it when trolling a live bait or artificial, it still makes noise as the beads as go over waves and ripples. Additionally, trolling a cork makes a noise wake that can attract fish as well. When trolling live bait on a cork, I like to lip hook a Pinfish or croaker – it swims more naturally keeps the bait alive longer. The popper shape gives a good splash with ever pop. An oval, would be ideal more ideal trolling purposes, it will glide smoothly as you troll. But a classic popper is a good versatile shape that you can work in any way with a little extra splash to gain more attention from the Reds.

Rex is living the dream as the owner of and founding member of, along with several other entrepreneurial endeavors.  He is a serious kayaker who spends tons of time in Louisiana fishing and filming.  Take a look at his site, he has lots of cool stuff and my couple of tee shirts are my favorite.

It is interesting he has found out it works trolling as he paddles his kayak.  One trip to the Chandeleurs ended up being windy and we would toss it way out behind the boat and drift with the wind. No casting, just the occasional pop and we caught them right along.  A great way to save a day.

So next time you need a cork check out their website or you local tackle store and give them a try.  Can’t wait for winter fishing on rivers and creeks, it will be a real killer!  It not only catches fish but will outlast any other the market.

********************Put your favorite Knockin Tail under the Four Horsemen popping cork and hold on!  A deadly combination.


Support Your Local Fishing Club

The St Joe Bass Club after their first meeting.

You can always contact them and help out.  Good luck guys and gals!

The mailing address is:
St. Joseph High School
Bass Fishing Club
110 East Red River
Victoria, Texas 77901
The high school has set up an email for the club as listed below, great for asking how to provide specific help.
Mrs. Ann Brogger is the high school counselor and one of the advisors . I’m the second  (Chago) by default.
The high school will provide a tax donation form.
As for the bass team, other potential options for helping the anglers are some basics on breaking down a new lake, articles about technique, discussions on fishing patterns, or similar.

I may sound like a broken record with these pleas for help but it is a worthy cause for some great kids.


And from TPWD the holiday weekend numbers.

AUSTIN— Texas Game Wardens closed the summer boating season with water safety checks and boating safety patrols on the lakes, rivers and bays in Texas over the extended Labor Day weekend. Between Friday and Monday, water safety checks were conducted on more than 3,800 vessels statewide. Additionally, 267 citations and 412 warnings were issued for various boating safety law violations.

Four individuals were also arrested for Boating While Intoxicated, three others were arrested for Driving While Intoxicated and 21 others were arrested on other charges.

Over the holiday weekend, game wardens also responded to 26 boating accidents across the state.

One of those weekends where it could have been worse.  So be careful and organized out there no matter when or where you fish.  There may be a TPWD officer coming to a boat near you – Yours!


So time to put down the computer and phone and enjoy the outdoors.  It is easy to forget what a joy it is to simply be outdoors, taking it all in for what it is – the Great Outdoors.  After a recharge it will be back at it, and I am really looking forward to our fall bay fishing.  And I just started looking at Grand Isle for late October and a redfish extravaganza. I appreciate all of you how have stuck with me all these years, fishcatchingtravel will be back at it before you know it.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

Check out the new Madre Sling


Image result for 9//11

This was one of the worst days in the history of our country.  Insane nut cases flew 4 planes into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and the other crashed in a field due to the bravery of the passengers.  2 months after it happened we went to New York City and it really was hallowed ground.  Folks still walking around with posters looking for loved ones, walls of pictures and flowers , so quiet, and lots of law enforcement.  And the rubble, it was still smoldering.  Seeing what we used to call a big steam shovel next to one of the piles put the magnitude of what happened in perspective.  I will never forget that sight and smells.  Nor will I forget the medics, firemen, cops, union guys, some giving their life, others working till they dropped.   With that comes the need to remain ever vigilant so it does not happens again.  Never forget what happened that day, the victims deserve that.


With it looking like it would be cloudy and cool this morning I decided to hit the lake.  It was still dark when I got to the ramp and the wind was a steady 15 mph out of the north. The water temp was 72 at the ramp, the cool wind was blowing right on the ramp, and most of the lake was 83 or so.  Basically the temp was down in the 5 – 7 degree range.  Way up lake where the is a little bit of color coming in it was 72.  And though it came up a tiny bit you could not really tell, we need some real rain.


66/90.  Humid with sunshine and patchy clouds.  25% chance of rain.  Wind  9 – 13 mph.

Lake Level

Today  93.16 msl.   A Week Ago   93.12 msl.  (Not much of a raise but it is a raise.)

Solunar Periods

Major   8:11 am to 10:11 am.


The new Knockin Tail is catching fish all over this country!  Ask for them at your favorite tackle store.


So up lake I went to do the buzzbait.  It was blowing right down the pike but 3 did jump on, all really small.  That would end up being the blueprint – small.  After that it was try it all.  First up was a swim jig with a Knockin Tail trailer and of course one jumped on pretty quick, it looked like the first 3.  An hour of that produced zip so time to head down lake.

Not a bite while hitting a couple of points working my way down lake.  On a longer deep bank a couple back to back smoked the Bang O Lure.  So things were looking up – not really.  Could not get another to take a sniff.  Why not go to where the wind is blowing directly on a deep bank and throw a spinnerbait?  Why not?  Because it was even worse, not a even a half hearted pass at it.

This would be the size of it.

Now it is 11:00 and only 6 smalls have come over the side, so in spite of the fact I figured no more trolling until spring I gave it a go.  Now that was interesting.  The shad were non- existent, not sure where they were but the places I have been seeing them were barren.  Giving it an 1 1/2 hour go only 2 small bass came over the side.  No white bass or other stuff, and did not see many fish on the locator, where before staying anywhere near 15 feet there were lots of fish.

So not sure what changed but obviously they were not liking this cold front.  And if you think about it, when that is combined with the water dropping like it has that is not the best recipe for smoking them.  But there is a good side on the long term, the falling water temp.  If the water level will just stabilize fall will be here and the bite will be back on.  At least that is my story and I am sticking to it.


Anonymous got it right.

You Need a day off👍

Really it is not surprising.  This post will be number 1,254, no wonder I get tired.  It is really hard to keep it fresh and at times I struggle in the attempt to keep it interesting.  So the break has been nice but feeling the urge to catch a couple.  But with some things to do next week it will be tough to make it back on the water.  (See below.)  Thanks for reading.


And from Metalfish.

Three things.
First, “selling the skiff”…….hmm, how many times have you said that…….lol?
Next, where y’all are going in Colorado, is it anywhere near the fires they are having?
Last, seriously, someone made this reply to you, “The next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesn’t disappoint me as a lot as this one. I mean, I do know it was my option to learn, but I really thought you’d have something interesting to say. All I hear is a bunch of whining about something that you could possibly fix when you weren’t too busy on the lookout for attention”?

The skiff is definitely on the chopping block.  Other than putting it on the muffs and running it in the driveway it has been months since it hit the water.  In fact since the last tune up it has not moved.  There is someone out there who would love to own it and I hope to be able to sell it to someone who wants to start boating.  The compression is equal and good on all cylinders, impellor replaced, along with plugs etc.  It may not be pretty, but it has caught a ton of fish over the last 20 years and it should be good for another 20.   The engine is 10 years old and has only served as a back up when the LTS was in the shop.    Carolina Skiffs are known for being rock solid and unsinkable, and this one has been just that.

The fires are west of Pagosa, and just like it was in Montana last month, the smoke will be around.  The last few years as we have traveled the west it has come with the territory.  But hey, it is not 100 degrees+ with 90% humidity!

And last, that comment is a spam by a bot, it has come on the site hundred of times.  Trolls in whatever form come with the territory.  I do not take it personally, how could I, it is not from a real person.  Thanks for commenting.


And I believe this is a first comment from Thomas.

Just want to let you know I enjoy reading your work. I too spend time in Pagosa Springs every year but we go to ski Wolf Creek. I hope they are able to open up this year. Like you, my wife and I consider moving to that part of the world when the Texas heat builds each summer. Funny how it bothers you more the older you get. Not sure if you have done an Alaska trip yet but I highly recommend it for the wildlife and the sheer beauty of it. I spent a month in Haines, Alaska this summer and look forward to going back next year. Anyway, enjoy your time on the mountain and maybe I will see you on the Texas coast in October.

I definitely feel the heat and find myself not that interesting in fighting through it when it is 100+.  In fact, right now the nights are in the 40’s in Pagosa, nice change.  If all is right with the world at daybreak we will be sitting on a high mountain top near the Continental Divide on a crisp morning listening to the bull elk bugle.  Doesn’t get better than that!  Hope you checked out the Wolf Creek Pass camera, looks like a good 4 or 5″ snow fall the other day.

Alaska is definitely on our bucket list, probably after we visit Thailand next year.  As a side note Thailand has very reasonable offshore fishing prices and I want to fish one of those ponds that Thailand is famous for.  I will probably never make the Amazon again so maybe I can catch an arapaima and red tail catfish and knock them off the list.  I will be back on the bay now that the traffic is down to a dull roar.  If you see the white Mako 18LTS with my logo on the front cushion hollar, always nice to meet folks who read this drivel.  Thanks for commenting.


And SA Joe chimed in.


Was that an actual picture of a boat sinking for the Lake travis boat parade? That wake was a bitch…..

I saw a video of a parade on Canyon lake here in san antonio. Sure was alot of boats…

I just plucked that pic off of Facebook and I don’t think that one sunk but what a mess all the way around.  From what I read everything from smaller ski boats to pontoons went down.  The organizer said the plan was for the parade to take place at 10mph.  Really a bad idea and that is probably where the trouble started.  Think about it for a minute.  What kind of a wake does your boat make running at 10 mph?  Big like mine as it plows!  Then put hundreds of boats, including big cruisers and house boats, much less the holiday weekend traffic, along with plenty of the inexperienced and it was an accident waiting to happen.  Crazy stuff.


Unfortunately my Monday and Tuesday are off the table as far as fishing is concerned.  There is a recall on the 4Runner so it has to be in the shop Monday.  It would have already been done last week but they forgot to tell me it should have less than a 1/4 tank of gas.  So hopefully that will be done before we head out.

(We are on our 6th Toyota, my third 4Runner.  We have dealt with multiple dealers in 3 states over the last 30+ years and Victoria Toyota is not only the worst, they are absolutely terrible.  They have tried to pull a couple of fast ones on me, that I know of, and luckily I caught them.  I am one of those folks who religiously follows the maintenance schedule, in fact due to lots of towing the drive line stuff gets done early and regularly, so I deal with them a lot.  You have to watch them like a hawk so be warned.)

Tuesday is the MRI.  After going through the shots in the ear thing it made no progress.  So 2 months later nothing has changed.  I can’t hear a lick and my left ear still sounds like the roaring of the surf in a seashell.  Trust me that is freakin’ irritating.  Now they are looking for a tumor/growth on the nerve.  I really do not care what it is, or needs to happen, anything to stop the stupid ringing.   At least now when the Boss accuses me of not listening she just might be right!


Finally football is back, and since it is my favorite sport I am ready.  And as far as the the teams pregame actions I could care less what any of them do, or anyone else for that matter, short of a felony, before the game starts.  They have a right to do it, you have the right to not watch it.  If it pissed me off I just would not watch and save myself the aggravation.  It is football, not brain surgery or astronaut stuff, the only thing I care about is what takes place between the lines when the horn blows.  In the grand scheme of things it is nothing more than a game and is no more important than that.

As far as fishing hopefully the weather will be good Wednesday so I can hit the bay before Colorado.  Time to work them over on the Knockin Tail.  And a little more fishing with the  Four Horsemen Tackle popping cork and then get the review to you.  They made it right.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines 

Posted on by Redfishlaw | Leave a comment

Random Ramblings 9/9/2020.





The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

Check out the new Madre Sling


I have basically taken the week off.  And with some well needed rain thunderstorms have been popping up here and there. Of course not to all things fishing as I spent some time getting the skiff back towards up to snuff.  The reason?  After 21 years it just might be time to send it on its way and let someone else catch a few fish out of it.  From the Everglades to the mountains of Arkansas, it has served me well.  Tarpon, catfish, bluegill and everything else in between it has been a fish catching machine.

And of course getting all the fly fishing stuff organized for the Colorado trip, much less working on the tackle room, which seems to spend a lot of time in total disarray.  But it is all back to snuff, just need to get off my rear end and do some fishing.


The new Knockin Tail is catching fish all over this country!  Ask for them at your favorite tackle store.


Random Fish Pic.  My best Everglades snook, an epic battle!

As the organization begins for the 2 week Colorado trip it was time to get the fly stuff out and make sure we are ready to go.  And I want to take a minute to give a big thanks and shout out to Rusty our Fayette guru.  When he said he would tie a few flies for our trip it was big surprise when we got a real selection.  After tying thousands of bass, striper, and crappie jigs in my past life the quality of the flies he sent me is awesome.  The plan is to take what we learned on our fishing trip with hoppers on the Yellowstone and see if it will carry over.  Whether getting ready for the Everglades, or Lake of the Woods, the feeling is the same, is it time to go yet?

And interestingly it looks like the Pagosa area on north will get snow, in fact at Wolf Pass Ski area they may get a foot.  Now we love snow so that is all good, though it will be gone by time we get there.  But the good news is it has dropped over 40 degrees in some places so it looks like there may be some run off, cold run off, which will help put some water back in the rivers and streams.  Due to warm water and low levels they are asking folks in the area to voluntarily not fish after noon to reduce strain on the fish.  No matter the rules we will do our part.  One thing about fishing in the mountains, it is not all about the fishing.  As several guides have taught us, stop and look just around and appreciate where you are.


My favorite spam comment is the one that says; “You used to be interesting.”  Here is my second favorite.

The next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesn’t disappoint me as a lot as this one. I mean, I do know it was my option to learn, but I really thought you’d have something interesting to say. All I hear is a bunch of whining about something that you could possibly fix when you weren’t too busy on the lookout for attention.

Sorry that I did not meet your expectations.  Since this has appeared in my comments off and on for over 9 years I would suggest you stop checking in, nothing is going to change on this end.   At least come up with something interesting to say so I won’t be disappointed!  I will miss these guys when I finally call it a day.


That looks horribly safe!

I would like to congratulate all the participants in the Lake Travis Trump Boat Parade.  It was a rip roaring, boat sinking, dozens in the water, good time.  It gave the local first responders a little practice. But nobody died and apparently a spectacular time was had by all.  Like I warned you, these holiday weekends are dangerous.


Fun With Boat Buying

Hanging out as much as I have the last 4 days of course I am checking out the boats for sale, and here are the hightlights.

Needs interior, animals ate interior. Not all of it.

At least it will save a little work.

Made with plywood covered with fiberglass.  Top covered in outdoor carpet.

Trust me the pictures are worse than the imagine.

dismounted and gutted, MOTOR needs overhaul work. TRAILER in fair condition. TIRES are up to pressure but are dry weathering.

Will I make it back to the house?

 Nice boat trailer for sale with boat on it that needs work.  No title.

In other words get this piece of junk out of my yard.

 got this setup from an 86 year old man was promised title haven’t seen it yet doubtful of getting them you will have to file for bonded..

This title thing can sure be a problem.  Run away.

No title | as is.  Hasn’t been driven in several years.
Registration not up to date. No Key.

Other than that no big deal.

I have the title for the boat, motor and trailer from the previous owner, I never got a round to registering it under my name.

Trust me, this will be no problem.  I have legal title, sort of.

40hp Evinrude not running no titles as is.

So it is not running and you don’t have a title?

This is a great project boat.  It has good compression but one of the cylinders is not getting spark. No title for either.


Fixer Upper: It Floats!

That’s a plus.  Run away some more!

No Motor No Trailer No Title FREE

Finally a realistic ad.


Random Fish Pic.  This girl ate a bowling ball!

I am sure the St. Joe Bass Fishing Club is getting excited as they are ordering their new tournament jerseys.  It won’t be long before they take their first run at it.  So wish them well and if you have not donated please think about it.  Every little bit helps.

The mailing address is:
St. Joseph High School
Bass Fishing Club
110 East Red River
Victoria, Texas 77901
The high school has set up an email for the club as listed below, great for asking how to provide specific help.
Mrs. Ann Brogger is the high school counselor and one of the advisors . I’m the second  (Chago) by default.
The high school will provide a tax donation form.
As for the bass team, other potential options for helping the anglers are some basics on breaking down a new lake, articles about technique, discussions on fishing patterns, or similar.

I may sound like a broken record with these pleas for help but it is a worthy cause for some great kids.


It never fails that every year there are tournament cheats caught flouting the rules.  And the problem – partner tournaments.  When there is money involved, and no observer in the boat, you will always have cheating.  It is why, unless it was just a small pot tourney, I quit fishing partner tournaments.  And one thing that continues to happen is part of the sentence following involves a suspension of their outdoor privileges for a period of years.  Sorry but that is not enough.  It should be a lifetime ban on purchasing a fishing license.  You can’t get one if you are behind on child support, so if  you are a convicted cheat you deserve nothing less than a lifetime ban.  So while this may not be constitutional let the cheater appeal and spend their money, maybe all the way to the Supreme Court.  Trust me, these dirt bags will never get that done.


Sorry there has been no reports but every once in a while I need some time off to recharge and as our weather is finally starting to cool off that will change.  I just emailed to a Austin Boy friend to set up a couple of days as soon was we get back from Colorado in early October.  Then the Boss if off to visit family and it ill be either Falcon or Louisiana.  So there is fishing on the way.  I appreciate all of you who have stayed with me over the years when I take these little breaks.  This is a labor of love so keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Broken Record 9/3/2020.





The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

Check out the new Madre Sling


Worth getting up for!

There is good news and there is bad news.  The bad news first.  It is going to be off the chain hot again tomorrow (Thursday)  as in a 106 heat index.  So it will be the short early morning Coleto trip as I wait this heat wave out.  The good news, the forecast for next week has a cool front coming, and with it temps in the 80’s and I can not wait.  The lake will be just enough to keep me occupied until the serious fall fishing starts.  Plus with the holiday weekend happening I jump in a hole and pull the grass up over my head until Tuesday.  No reason to add to the confusion.



77/94.  (Feel like 106, caution if out extended period.)  Hot and humid with some sun.  20% chance of rain.  Wind  SSE  10 – 15 mph.

Lake Level

Monday  93.16 msl.  Today  93.12 msl.  (I hate to look.)

Solunar Period

Minor 8:13 am to 9:13 am.  Major 2:35 pm to 4:35 pm


The new Knockin Tail is catching fish!  Ask for them at your favorite tackle store.


What a morning.  What could be better than whacking one during this sunrise?

It was cloudy, wind fairly light, water temp still in the 90 range, and the lake is dropping.  The ramp drop off is getting closer and closer and if I was guessing with the holiday weekend someone will fall off the end loading or unloading.  But I digress.

I really thought it might be a little bit better this morning but it was deja vu all over again.  Caught 3 on buzzbait until it got light, then a couple of smalls on plastic.  Every day on the water is different, and the difference this morning, nothing was moving.  No deer, no gators, birds still on the roost, it just had that feel about it.  But I have seen a big flight of ducks the last couple of mornings, so fall is coming.  So after fishing up lake time to head down to the 2 areas where I have been trolling up some nice bass to give cranking a go.

Sitting in 15 feet of water I used a 6XD, which you an plow the bottom in 10+, and cranked 2 long stretches.  Staying way out and tossing into 5′, burning it down, and then banging it along.  A total of 1 bite, and it was a small white bass.  Not that I was expecting a killing but I figured one would jump on.  So around 10:00 time to troll a couple of hours and call it a day.

Sparring you the pictures of the small stuff, it was 6 or 7 whites, 5 or 6 bass, and one catfish.  What made it interesting today was the number of fish right on the  bottom, way more than there was the last couple of trips.  The shad did not seem to be bunched up and only saw one big bunch.  Before they were in small schools with fish around them, not so much today.  When it comes down to it that is what makes fishing what it is, it is ever changing.

So I was just fine trolling, it will be the last time until January when the serious white bass fishing starts.  It is always fun but with the holiday weekend it will be Tuesday or so before I get back out, and the bay is the plan.  And with the small cold front coming next week it might even be the stay overnight at POC thing now that the crowds will be leaving.  After that 2 weeks out west and fall will be here, and with it my renewed commitment to fishing.  And the fish feel the same way.


The Ramp

Be careful.  The posts are the end of the ramp with a drop off!

As you can see the lake is dropping like a rock.  We really, really, really, need some rain.  If not it won’t be long before the ramp is a real issue.  When I took the boat off the trailer this morning there was about 4 feet behind the rear wheels, plenty for the moment but be careful.  Part of the problem is how flat the ramp cove is, which translate to drop an inch, actually a foot off the bank, if that makes sense.  And when you go to load pulling next to the outside pier to beach the boat is getting sketchy, it is really shallow so be advised.


The Holiday

Ok so here goes the holiday rant.  To make it simple here are a couple of rules that if we all followed them it would be a better world.

  1.  Just because you are correct does not make it right.  Assume your fellow boaters know nothing, or have been drinking, so give way.
  2. Other than saying hi do not get into it with some knucklehead on the water for any reason.
  3. Get you stuff together before you even approach the ramp.  Then unload, and if you have help you should not even get on the ramp until the driver is in the boat and ready to go. Then drop it in, float it off, and pull out.
  4. Then move out of the way.  Don’t be a Froggie’s idiot and pull off on the side in front of the ramp to clean fish while 10 people are trying to get out.
  5. Drink like a fish if you want, when you get home, especially if you are the captain.  You are responsible for your passengers safety.  I mean who wants to be cuffed and stuffed in front of family and friends?
  6. Remember the kill switch and mandatory life jackets on the kiddos.
  7. Be sure to check everything out on the boat and trailer before leaving the house.  The ramp is not the place to find out your battery is dead, or end up sitting on the side of the road instead of in the water because your hub blows out.
  8. And last – have a great time with your family and friends.  2020 has been a dumpster fire and the last thing you need is trouble on your weekend.  Party on!


When I contacted the St. Joseph High School Bass Club about donating I got a nice response from Ann, a counselor at St. Joseph and mother of a couple of girls who will join the club.  As far as some of the kids who will join the club she said it better than I about what it might mean to them.

I’m the counselor at the high school and I know some of my students are going to find their comfort zone, their friends group, and their confidence in this club!

And that says it all.  So I can not wait to speak with them, will be my pleasure.  So give them a helping hand.  And thanks Ann, can’t wait to see a little girl power in the club!


Have a Great Holiday!

Be careful, be safe, be smart.  Where your mask when you should, it is amateur night so do not drink and drive.  Be nice to folks, why ruin your weekend.  And if you are lucky enough to be on the water sack them up.  Keep stopping  in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Pay It Forward! 9/2/2020.





The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

Check out the new Madre Sling


Every once in a while a project that is near and dear to my heart comes along, and helping the St. Joseph Bass Fishing Club get a start is one of those.  As I said in a past post, scroll down on this main page, it would have made a difference in my life if that would have been available in high school.  And now that they have turned it from a dream to reality time to step up and pay some forward.  And guess what?  When I did it was returned to me on the same day.  So get off your rear end and lend a hand.


The new Knockin Tail is catching fish!  Ask for them at your favorite tackle store.


A great starter pack for the kids!

We went to Bass Pro and Academy and I tried to get the basics.  Spinnerbaits, crankbaits, plastics, swim jigs, and a few other things to get them started, and one nice spinning combo.  There are 2 specific reasons why I am showing you this.

First, not to toot my horn, but to attempt to shame you into doing something.  (This is but a small example of all the stuff in my tackle boxes, which is exactly my point.) You do not have to go this nuts, just anything that you can do to help, even a small donation will be appreciated.  If you are tossing a $200 rod and $200 reels out of your $40K boat you can surely help.  We are lucky for what we have and sharing is a duty.  And a reminder, you can even offer to speak at a meeting to spread that knowledge that we all have.  It is great project that deserves our support.  Plus it was really fun shopping for them!  I felt like Santa Claus.  And then what goes around will come around when you least expect it.

Second, what goes around does comes around, it happens.  It did for me.  This is what a received from my buddy Rusty in the mail right as I started working on this.

Hoppers, attractors, midges and a couple of other cool flies.

As we were starting to plan our fishing trip to Colorado at the end of the month I kidded Rusty, our Fayette guru, about tying us a couple of flies and he was kind enough to say he would.  I did not expect this at all.  Rusty is a well traveled fly fisherman and has tied at the Sow Bug Festival in Mtn. Home on the White River.  He definitely knows his stuff.

This is what our sport is supposed to be about.  Enjoying the fishing and sharing with others who love the sport just like we do.  And helping the young learn and enjoy our sport will go on way after we are all gone.  So help in your own way.  And here is what you need to know.

The mailing address is:
St. Joseph High School
Bass Fishing Club
110 East Red River
Victoria, Texas 77901
The high school has set up an email for the club as listed below, great for asking how to provide specific help.
Mrs. Ann Brogger is the high school counselor and one of the advisors . I’m the second  (Chago) by default.
The high school will provide a tax donation form.
As for the bass team, other potential options for helping the anglers are some basics on breaking down a new lake, articles about technique, discussions on fishing patterns, or similar.

So please help if you can.  The kids are itching to learn and if we don’t do it who will?  Who knows it might save one kid, keep him or her in school, and motivate them to pass.  There are plenty of other options for kids with sports and clubs, and the Bass Fishing Club is for those kids like us, itching to get outdoors and catch a few fish.  So thanks for listening to me, I have said my piece a couple of times now and it is all up to you.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Don’t come home without it! 8/31/2020.





The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

Check out the new Madre Sling


Another beautiful morning.

When the Boss says “get supper” you get supper.  She really likes my fried fish, and I am actually fairly good at it.  But she says nothing tastes like fresh trout on the bank of the White River, which we did for clients when guiding, and she is probably right.  It was really nice when guiding for a trout dock and everything was packed and ready for lunch.  Good times.  (If you can live on $35 a day.  But I am glad I had the pleasure of fishing the White River regularly, it is full of trout.)  So of course this morning was the lake to troll up supper.


82/96.  Breezy and humid -Sunny/clouds – 23% chance of rain.  Wind  SSE 15 – 25mph.

Lake Level

Today  93.16 msl.  Friday  93:17 msl.

Solunar Time

Major   12:22 pm to 14:22 pm.


The new Knockin Tail is catching fish!  Ask for them at your favorite tackle store.


It was the last light wind as I put the boat in.  The water temp is still basically 90 over most of the lake and the color is so so.  Since trolling was the plan I fished 2 places I haven’t fished, and 2 places I have first.  The buzzbait put one in the boat and I lost a keeper, and plastics was a total of 1 small.  While stuck in a bush and shaking the plastic I reached down and moved the trolling motor and when I looked back my line was 5 feet from where it was and hauling ass.  With my superior skill I somehow missed that one.  About 8:30 time to troll up supper.

Smacked that little shad colored crankbait.

Starting where the white bass were the other day, the big open water before the turn to the discharge, they were still there.  And unfortunately they had not grown any.  So time to troll in the 10 – 18 foot range and head down towards the dam.  Using the mapping is critical but of course it is not the whole story.  No map will show the little cuts and points and watching the locator I have learned quite a bit.  One of the places where there was a big school not only have I not fished it much, they were on a little turn, which only by trolling over it could you see it.

Around 10:00 they started biting and a mix jumped on, and at that point the wind was blowing pretty good with white caps on the lower end.  A couple of keeper white bass, 3 keeper largemouth, and a bunch of smalls.  Interesting how no crappie or catfish have shown up, you usually catch one or two trolling.  A small silver shad looking crankbait, hard plastic that rattles like nuts and runs about 10 foot, was the preferred bait.  Caught a couple on a small Shad Rap, and even caught 2 switching to a rattle trap style bait.  There are not great big schools of shad, at least I have not run over any from the dam area up to about the discharge cove.

One result of trolling is that I have found a couple of banks with some really good fish on them.  Where the big one jumped on the other day produced the nice one above and a couple of smaller  ones.  And I ran over what was a really big school, looked like dozens of  nice ones, and doubled on bass in a second.  I tried to turn around and get a screen shot of the school but didn’t see them again.  Both areas were similar in that the wind was pounding on them, both bunches were in the 10 foot range near a turn in the bank, and both banks had a good drop within reason.  Definitely places to fish later.

There was hardly anyone out at today, think I saw 3 boats, and no one was at the ramp when I took out at 11:30.  The crappie are still biting, when I cleaned fish someone else had cleaned a wad of crappie earlier.  There was some real good ones in the can, and as it has been on Coleto, they are biting.  So for what the plan was the day was a success.  And when they are sizzling in the pan it will be all good.  One thing about trolling, there is more than one way to skin a cat.


It is easy to see if you are paying attention that boat sales are up and it is a good time to sell on the used boat market.  I see it in the ads and on the water and here is confirmation.

Total new boat sales – from personal watercraft to yachts – in May were the highest in a decade, and June was strong as well, reports the National Marine Manufacturers Association, based on the latest sales figures available.

When it comes to new power boats alone, the 115,000 sold in May and June combined represented a 30% increase over the same two months last year.

Much of the increase is of course the result of covid.  A way to have fun, and keep social distancing, there are definitely more folks on the water.  I saw this years ago during one of the economic downturns when boat sales actually increased in tough times.  And here we are again, and economic downturn and folks are buying boats and going fishing.


And this comment on Coleto Creek.  When I voiced my displeasure at the rise to $17 for the day user fee and its potential affects on retirees and vets, their response was that the increased revenue was needed for maintenance of park facilities.  Ok, so with the water dropping, and probably continuing to drop for the near future, now is the time to do some real work on the ramp and the approach.  (Be careful putting in just in case, the drop off on the end of the ramp is getting closer.) And along with that, from the minute you turn into the park the road is a mess.  So while they said all the right things it remains to be seen whether it will be followed through on.


We are starting to get excited as it will be a couple of weeks in the mountains of Colorado.  And I mean in the mountains.  In a perfect world the rivers and creeks will be down and I can fish those places I have scouted the last couple of trips.  And it can only be topped off by the elk bugling.  Should be a good time to be there and a little cool weather will be appreciated.

The next couple of days look like the wind is going to blow some so we will probably take a drive somewhere, want to pick up some stuff for the St. Joe Bass Fishing Club.  Thursday is looking promising for the Gulf.  Though when it comes down to it I am just killing time this week until the holiday is over and dove season begins, which really reduces traffic on the bay.  And with that, if we are lucky, slowly falling daytime temps as we head to fall.  So keep on stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Coleto Creek 8/27/2020.





The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

Check out the new Madre Sling


With the weather forecast calling for crazy hot and humid I decided the lake was logical.  And it turned out to be a good choice when I quit around noon and went to get the truck it was 96 in the shade.  And it was the right call as far as the fishing went.

The ramp is looking like it could be a real issue any day now.  The poles mark where the ramp ends and there is a drop off and it is close.  At least they have taken some of the sand off the ramp.  It is getting real shallow around the ramp area.  So if you go just be careful, if you have a big boat it will be tricky soon.  Easy to see this last 1/2 a foot has really contracted the lake.  The water temp was a low of 89 to 92, depending on where you were, and the color is not all that good.


79/99.  (Feel like 104!)   Partly sunny, very warm and humid with a 20% chance of showers. Wind S  10 – 20mph.

Lake Level

Today  93.17 msl.  17 days ago  93.49 msl.  (The fall continues.)

Solunar Period

Major  9:46 am to 11:46 am.  (And I will be done by then if it is that freakin hot!)


The new Knockin Tail is catching fish!  Try them today.


I am not all about getting up early, until I am gliding across the water, then it is all good.

To bad about the spots, but this was the biggest bass I have had my hands on this year.  This girl was a hoss.

I started with a buzzbait as it was barely light and a nice one jumped on.  But over the next hour only 3 other bites:  One blew up on it and missed, one just took a half hearted swing at it, and one the size of the buzzbait hooked up.  I did toss plastic back at the big blow up but no taker.  Then it was a little pitching with plastics.

It was early.

The real reason I went way up lake was to see how it has changed, it has, and pitching plastics was a whole new game.  This water level drop has really pulled off any shoreline cover.  And though I caught 4 they were really small, I mean peanuts.  So that pattern may have just about run its course.  Next up was down lake around 9:30 to do some trolling.  At that point the wind was blowing with small white caps near the dam area.

Still trolling the shad looking crankbaits that run 10 foot deep about 50 feet behind the boat at 2.5mph.  Right off the bat started catching white bass, 6 or 7 on a windy main lake bank, which had not really happened the last couple of trips.  They were really small but at least there are a few around, I was starting to wonder if we had any at all.  Along with that came a few small bass until 10:30 when a couple of good ones, including the big girl above, started biting.

A nice bass and finally a keeper white bass.

For about an hour if there was shad and fish on the locator it was a bite.  It turned out to be about 2 hours of trolling and catching right along.  The best places has wind on them and were 13 – 18 feet deep.  Points and channel turns had the most fish on them.   A simple matter of following the map contours.  And it was one of those days that the bite was dead on with the solunar time.

When the big one hit she just stopped it, I initially thought it might be hung up, but she came up and jumped which made the morning.  Since it was 10lb test took it easy, which you should do when catching fish trolling with crankbaits, they will pull off.  When I lipped her it was one solid fish.  One of those you could stick your fist in her mouth.  It has been a while between big fish, and it was nice to get that done.  Over the years trolling Coleto in the summer I have caught several really big fish but this girl was the biggest.

So today I learned that if a person wants to crank a 5 or 6XD you should be able to catch fish.  And one thing I have been planning to do, the big flutter spoon could work.  And maybe the Knockin Tail pearl swim bait slow rolled.  They are on shad, at least down lake, and they are not all that deep.

Funny how the lake has changed, NOT.  From a perfect grass and weed covered lake to a lake with no live cover or grass.  Trolling was out of the question except near the dam, now unless you hit timber you can troll for miles.  But it works, just like it did today.  A good way to end the week, trout on the Yellowstone, wolves, and the biggest bass of the year.  Can’t wait to see what happens next week.


 I almost missed this comment from Adam.


I came across your Chandeleur Island post from 2018–looked like a ton of fun. I’m headed there with some buddies in October and was curious about your experience with the Whopper Plopper? I’m also considering your friend’s product (Marker 54). We targeted a timeframe when the tides will be ripping, and will be fishing with Due South Charters. This will be my 3rd trip with them over the last 20 years. Regardless, I look forward to any recommendations you might have (fish the surf or cuts?). My trip 3 years ago did not produce many fish, unfortunately. Regardless, I look forward to your feedback and appreciate your time sir!

First up, our last trip ended up being fairly poor with not a lot of fish and I did not throw the Whopper Plopper.  When I did a couple of trips ago I got some big bites.  I had the biggest one and was ripping and stopping it like I have seen them used in Venice.  They hit it on the stop so give it a second.  While it caught reds there was one really big trout that blew up on it and just missed.  I did catch one good trout in the surf when the tide was slow, but it was better drifting and tossing it in deeper water on the bay side.  I would probably use the medium/small one in a bone color.  And as far as topwater bone spook junior is always a good choice along with a black back silver Skitter Walk.

The Marker 54 hard plastic shrimp got the job done both in the surf and the bay and is amazingly tough.  It will probably last forever as long as you don’t lose it.  He used a popping cork and the reds loved it, and it caught some real bulls in the surf.  And as far as popping corks I can seriously recommend the 3″ Armor by Four Horsemen Tackle, and I would add an oval with the wrap.  I have a long review coming on their popping corks but here is why I would not go back there without one.  They are really sturdy with a heavier wire, the sound is completely different, and the coating that covers the foam can take a licking.  Built by 2 south Louisiana guides they are the proper tool for the proper job.  And of course whether drifting or wading the Knockin Tail under the cork, or by itself as a swim bait, will catch trout.  Just get a couple dark and light colors and you should be good to go.

The surf was awesome 2 trips ago, slow this time.  You never know but anytime I can cross over and fish it I am there.  Not sure the best time but high tide to going out seems the time to be there.   And when it dropped and stopped moving so did the fishing.  Of course anytime the wind is down, it does not take long to figure out if they are up or not.  Sounds like the tide will be good when you are there, it was really weak our last trip and it showed.  If it is up early and running out during the day I would fish the cuts and drift or wade out with the tide.  Love the area of pockets near the red can on the island.  Last trip when the boys found them they were drifting reefs in 4 -5 foot of water, basically in the area the motherships anchor.  But even when it is tough it is still a great trip.  We will be really interested in how your trip goes.  It is one of the cool trips and when it is good it is crazy good.  Good Luck and thanks for reading and commenting.


So next week it will be back to the bay some.  The Boss is off and it is time to get her on the wade.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

Posted in Fish Catching Travel | Leave a comment

Yellowstone Park 8/27/2020.





The Wade Right Fishing Belt

Brought to you bywaderight2-50

Check out the new Madre Sling


The new Knockin Tail is catching fish!  Try them today.


Since we began what has turned into a passion a few years ago it has been a great time.  We love the west, fly fishing, mountains, and most of all, the wildlife.  And we have been lucky enough to see much of the big game in the US and this trip was no different.  It is hard to put the park and the experience into words but here goes.


The North Entrance to our greatest National Park

While a day of fishing was on the schedule the park was the reason for the trip and in 4 forays we saw wolves along with most everything else.  But with the wolves being the main reason we headed to the area where we saw them when there with Yellowstone Wolf Tracker.  This year in the park there was a big bunch of pups and finally on the last morning we got to see 8 join up with three adult wolves and basically act like puppies, which now they are not.

Collared yearling.  Without the 600mm lens this would not have been possible.

Here she came.  Such cool animals and this was close as you can hope for.

On the second morning we could see a grizzly way off and got to watch him a few minutes before he ambled off.  And while watching 3 black wolves all of a sudden a antelope ran out of a draw about 60 yards away and here came the collared wolf.  If I had not had the good camera there is no way I could have taken these, got lucky.  She ran the ridge letting us watch her and then disappeared.  What a moment and everyone there freaked out.

Worth Getting Up For

So we started to move and saw her again a couple time  running a ridge.  Timing is everything there.  As we headed down the road we stopped and watched one harass a bison bull, who had a broken leg.  Nose to nose, apparently he was still to much work to eat so she gave up.  We also saw a couple of wolves on a bison kill, but it only took them 2 days to completely eat the carcass and not return.

We were on the den site before daylight twice and saw wolves each time along with a grizzly and then the pups.  And let me tell you it is awesome as daylight broke and the wolves howled. Understand that these sightings are way the heck out there.  We have real quality binos and could see the same stuff but a spotting scope is needed to see the whites of their eyes at a 1000 yards.  And you can video with your phone with the attachment.  If you go there is a company that rents spotting scopes which I highly recommend for serious wolf or grizzly viewing.  And remember these animals have legs – here today gone tomorrow, it is work to score, but worth every second no matter the weather.   And we were so hoping to run into Taylor who guided us last year and saw her twice in the park.  She let us look in her scope and downloaded a couple of videos for us.

Sorry to break up the story but I have to put in a good, no great, word for Wolf Tracker and Taylor in particular.  She is an awesome woman with extensive knowledge of wolves, along with most else in the park,  you could not find a better person to spend the day with.   Watching her put her Wolf Tracker customers on wolves is a thing of beauty, and she also works with the Wolf Project, so she knows her stuff as does the rest of the crew. Trust me, first class folks and it was great to see her again.  If you want to see the park up close and personal with the best chance of seeing the good stuff give them a call.  Now back to the trip.


Before I go on to simplify things here is a list of wildlife we saw:  Antelope, bear, wolf, bison, mule deer, whitetail, eagle. osprey, sandhill cranes, mountain goat, big horn, elk, coyotes, hawks, eagle, ducks, and a few other things I might have forgotten.  We saw 3 coyotes one morning, had a full curl bighorn run across the road in front of us, and watched an osprey which was carrying some small rodent fly full blast and dunk him in the river shooting a rooster tail.  My favorite was the mountain goats.  Way up on a rock bluff we saw 5 one time, and 3 another, along with a mom and baby.  And one time there were also some Bighorns down the bluff.  Trust me a spotting scope would have helped but do not go out there without good optics, it made the trip. We love the great outdoors.

Looking for a girlfriend.  Nothing says Yellowstone like Bison.

As usual the bison were around.  They caused assorted traffic jams, one we were caught in a huge heard headed down from high up to the flats in the Lamar Valley by going right down the road.  There was lots of that this trip, right by the car stinking and grunting, it was something.  They have the right of way and seem to know it.  But when you are 8′ at the shoulder and can weigh almost a ton you deserve it.

And the bulls were in the rut and some of them were higher than 8′ at the shoulder, massive as they made wallows, butted heads, and rolled around on the ground making a dust storm.  I should have spent more time for photos, but so much wildlife, so little time.  They seem so serious, calm, and in no hurry.

Yes we see you.

The big boys were still in the high timber, but the rut is on the way and they will be chasing these girls soon.

There were some elk around, in the main area of the park, downtown Gardiner, our motel, the river, just here and there with lots of calves.  We only saw a couple of small bulls with horns, the real big boys are still up in the dark timber.  That is about  to change as the rut is coming.  Still one of my bucketlist trips – to hear the bulls bugle.  As a side note we might hit that just right in Colorado in late September.  Along with bison they are a main staple in the park and on the bear and wolf diet.

Many more antelope than I would have thought.  

There were a few antelope around and we saw them every time out.  I can only imagine what speed does for them.  Lots of stuff out there to eat them, but in a flat out race they survive.  They are a cool looking animal.  And that is the advantage of the park, you can spend time watching lots of stuff if you will take the time.  If you are driving fast through the park you are seeing very little.

A big mule deer in velvet.

These were a bachelor group.  All good until the rut starts.

We saw these guys along the road on the way to fishing.  Still in velvet they are feeding up for the rut and then winter.  Every where you look there was stuff to see.  We had a rental car this time so stuck to the highway, that will change next trip so we can really explore the nearby National Forest lands.

The Beartooth Highway.  10,900 feet of grizzly country.

As you traverse the northern Yellowstone at 6000 feet you keep going right out of the park until you hit Cooke City on Highway 212.  You are now on the Beartooth Highway which goes to 10.900 feet at Beartooth Pass.  It is an awesome drive into Wyoming for what they call “the most scenic drive in America”.  High switch backs to the top of the world.  It is way the heck up there, a little snow left, great high mountain lakes, goats, and along the way serious grizzly country.  Which is just plain cool, unless he is chasing you!  So if you have the time on your trip make the drive, definitely worth it.

These guys were here and there but unsure what they are.  Tried to get the Boss to try one but she was not having that.

One of the many streams in the park that you can fish.  The Lamar, Slough Creek, and the Gardiner to name a few.  A fly fishing mecca.  Just look out for the grizzlies!

And to share it with my best friend makes it the best thing ever.  

I did not take any of the precious time to fish in the park this trip, but will be back.  Funny we have not seen Old Faithful, or any of the other attractions, for us it is the wolves.  From the brink of extinction they have been brought back and helped restore the health of the park which suffered from serious over grazing.  And even with over a 100 in the park they still have to eliminate bison every year.   (Though we heard from a little bird there might be 2 new packs introduced to the world this year.)

While there is some conflict outside the park with the ranchers, here is an important statistic:  A couple of hundred domestic animals are killed each year by wolves, over 2,000 are killed by coyotes and dogs.  The wolves were here first, while we can not ever go back to the way things were, they belong here, as does the other apex predators like the grizzly.  They need wide open spaces.  Our public lands in all forms need to be protected and proposals to sell any of it are short sighted.  There is no more “land” being made and we need to reserve it for the wildlife and our children so they can enjoy the great outdoors.

This trip was an A+  Fishing the Yellowstone out of a drift boat, catching a few on the fly rod, woloves, seeing lots of other four legged and feathered friends, watching elk hold up traffic in town, this trip had it all.  We are getting closer and closer to making the move to that part of the world and I can not wait to get back next month.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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