A nice morning on the creek. 10/26/2020.


Proudly Representing

The Knockin Tail puts trout in the boat!

This is my favorite time to fish all year.  The salt bite is good and the fresh is definitely better than it has been in the summer, and both can be great.  But the thing about the river and the creek is it is a fleeting bite.  When it is good it is very, very, good. but if we get a flood it can be over in a minute.  And no matter what it slows considerably after December. So with that in mind it would be back to the creek on Monday.   The philosophy?  Get it while the getting is good.  (The real reason – the Boss ordered up a few trout for super.)

What a way to start the day.


72/88.  Cloudy skies becoming partly cloudy later in the day. Winds SSE 15 to 25 mph.


High   5:55 AM  +1.3   Low   8:49 PM   -0.8.

Solunar Time

Major 8:12 am to 10:12 am..   Minor  3:40 pm to 4:40 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


The tide was super high again, and the water color had not changed.  What had was the water temp which was 74 at daylight, down 3 or 4 degrees.  And with this little cold front coming tonight the drop will continue and it looks like temps will moderate and the nights will finally cool off.

The Mansfield Magic catches trout.

It was definitely slower than last trip, for some reason they just were not biting all that good.  I did have a first, a sand trout on a topwater.  One more jumped on a plastic on the same point so I moved.  I hit my favorite  bank going and coming without a bite.  The water was coming in and was up in the marsh and grass, which had something to do with it I am sure.  So headed down river.

I intentionally did not start where the small trout were the other day.  I just let the wind blow me down the banks tossing the Mansfield Magic Knockin Tail on the 1/8th jig head slow rolling it.  It was one here and one there, most small.  I did catch one on the Knockin Tail White Lightning which I threw for a little in an area with flounder.  And not a redfish of any size, which was kind of surprising, but I did not fish the spinnerbait.  As a side note the spinnerbait is best on a falling tide when the water is just leaving the grass, something I have not seen these last 2 weeks.

I will give them credit what would hit a topwater smoked it!

It was raining off and on, with the occasionally sunny periods.  Funny how it has rained down there the last 4 trips, and not a drop at the house.  Since I was needing a little bigger trout for the fish fry I spent a little time this morning throwing top water.  Around 10:00 there was a little flurry in an area that I usually fish.  I boated 5 or 6 only missing 1, not how it usually goes when trout are biting topwater.  When they were coming for it they were just blasting it like they do occasionally.  I re-fished it with plastics and could not get a bite, which surprised me as they were definitely there.

Around 1:00 I called it a day to head home, clean the boat, and fry some fish for the Boss.  3 is plenty for us and as most of the fish I catch, the rest were CPR’d.  It was a dozen or so this morning and it seemed once the wind came up, and it did, they quit, or I lost them.  Whatever I called it a day.  Great way to spend the morning.


When the box your baits come in says it is not for human consumption because it has caused cancer in California I assume it is safe to eat in other states.


I fished Monday thru Thursday before I had to get gas Friday morning.  Both the truck and the boat were full when I started, and when I filled up, $48 total for 4 days of fishing.  I can live with that all day long!


Our winter ospreys are here in force on lake and river, cool bird.


Will take tomorrow off and let the front blow through, and then it will be a lake day on Wednesday.  From there who knows, but it will be fishing until I drop.  And it is just over a week out until the Austin Boys come, which means a couple of things.  We will catch fish, and if there is even the slightest chance the weather will suck, it will.   It is always an adventure.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Day 5. 10/23/2020.


Proudly Representing

Put your favorite Knockin Tail under a Four Horsemen popping cork and hold on!  A deadly combination.

I looked at everything and decided to hit the creek again.  It may not be the 5th different place but I so enjoy fishing there.  And there are several places there I did not get to fish that are calling me.  This was a vote for the experience, the fish are a bonus.  So time will tell but it will be a great ending to a good week.  Nothing like fishing 5 straight days!

Let the games begin!


70/86.   Sunshine and clouds mixed. 20% chance of a stray shower or thunderstorm. High around 90F. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph.


High 5:11 AM +1.6.    Low 6:09 PM 0.6.  (Another day of high water.)

Solunar Time

Major 1:01 pm to 3:01 pm.   Minor  7:25 am to 8:25 am.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

All your wading needs.waderight2-50


It is not a Mansfield Magic Knockin Tail, it is now the Mansfield Mauler!

Running down the creek at daylight I made a conscious choice to just have a good time and don’t worry about the blog.  And by having that mind set it was a fish catching good time because I stayed with the small ones early, and I still managed a few good ones before the day was over.  The tide was super high again and the color the nice tannic looking stuff.  And the wind was perfect, with occasional clouds and really freakin’ hot by noon.

Here are a few of the tons I caught the second hour.  All small but all fun.

Starting on my favorite long bank close to the bay it was a no go for over an hour, it looked so good.  Not plastic, not topwater, not popping cork.  It was like the fish were gone.  As I got closer to the bay I could see birds working here and there on a couple of small flat points, so I idled over.  The ones above are examples of what was there.  You could see bait moving and the water also started moving just a little.  I stuck with them for over an hour fishing everything in the box.  They kept biting and I wanted to see just what they would hit.

It is a thing of beauty when one this size smokes a Skitter Walk.

One thing that is still puzzling me is why they just are not interested in any white/pearl color on the jig head or popping cork.  As most of the activity is on mullet and other finned bait and not shrimp, that may have something to do with it.  They bit long enough that I went through the box and one thing has become clear on both the creek and the river – the Mansfield Magic Knockin Tail.  I finally settled on 1/8 jig head and just a slow roll.  Last year on the creek and river I caught some nice trout slow rolling the prototype Knockin Tail, and it looks like it is the ticket.  It seems like the nicer trout want it swimming along at a moderate pace with the tail rattling, and when they bite, the smack it.

They were thumping it.

Points, no matter how small, had a trout on it.  I worked my way back up river stopping here and there, and some of my old places are starting to come on.  Not sure how many fish today, but it was steady for most of the morning.  And once I got the speed down slow rolling the Mansfield Mauler it was fun.

The best trout of the day.

One point had bait going by and the occasional trout busting them.  A couple came on the Knocking Tail and one on a topwater.  As I rounded the point the red above just smashed the Skitter Walk.  Since I did not do any intentional red fishing today she was a bonus.

I finished on my other favorite bank that I did not fish the other day and it had keepers on it.  And the fish were really active and close to the bank.  And at 1:00 I called it a very successful and fun day.  It was just getting to the prime period and you could tell as they got better as the morning wore on.  But it was time to head to the house.  There just might be a thing or two that need to get done before the Boss flies in tonight.  Typical batching it, why do anything at home when you can do it all before she catches you!


Got this comment from Ross, who I believe is a first time commenter.

Glad to hear you are feeling better and fishing consecutive days now! Thanks for the reports on the creeks as well! I don’t fish those, but it does coincide with an area I fish a little further down the coast and I am heading down for 4 days starting Nov 1. Should be good timing with the better front coming through next week. Hoping it will flush some water out of the bay and get the winter fishing set off!

Enjoy your reading your Saltwater posts while I am stuck up here in DFW area!

You took the words right out of my mouth.  Hoping the weather is at least as “bad” as they are forecasting, and maybe a little worse.  We need a couple of fronts to cool the bay off, and with it some really low tides.  They are so high right now, which is not my forte by a long shot.  But give me that clear super low and I can make do!  As a side note pick up a bag of Knockin Tail and give them a go, right along side with your favorite plastic, you might be surprised.  And let us know how you do, we always love folks reports.  Thanks for reading.


One word on the ramp on Garcitas, you will get wet if you are by yourself.  It is rarely that good a place to launch normally, shallow when the creek is up.  And the ramp on the Lavaca is still the same though the wooden walkway around it is trashed.

With this little front coming, looks like it will not be as bad as they initially thought, there should be more fish hitting the rivers.  And it was interesting how the big school of small trout I beat on were at the mouth of the river.  So here they come.

I am tired and sore.  And kind of sick of cleaning the boat, especially as just getting it in the water and rolling involved mud most places.  But by the same token I am getting my mojo back.  By that I mean the physical act catching fish, including the “feel”.  One of the better bass fisherman I was friends with, John Story, owner of Champion Boats along with several others, always said:  “Fishing comes down to feel.”  Along with that the old saying, the more I go the luckier I get is so true. Nothing beats time on the water and I intend to keep it up.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Having Fun Now. Day 4. 10/22/2020.


Proudly Representing

Put your favorite Knockin Tail under a Four Horsemen popping cork and hold on!  A deadly combination.


74/86.  Partly sunny and warm with a 50% chance of rain.  Wind  E 10 – 15 mph.


High  4:18 am  1.6.   Low  5:00 pm  0.5.

Solunar Time

Major 12:21 pm to 14:21 pm.   Minor  6:33 am to 7:33 am.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

All your wading needs.waderight2-50


Day 4 – 4th Different Place.

After yesterday at the creek I decided to go ahead and see how it was in the Lavaca, and it is basically the same.  Color not to bad, water temp 78, and the tide super high when I dropped in.  And of course pulling away from the ramp it started raining, but that is why I carry the works in the truck so the rain suit was already on so I eased down river.  It was a little foggy, but not locked in.  First up was my favorite bank, and there were a few there.

It was early and wet, but the Knockin Tail Mansfield Magic put them in the boat.

What was interesting this morning is that most of the bites came in the first hop.  In fact until I stopped at one spot late just to see if they were there, none came more than 2 hops off the bank.  And those that did were all small.

I hung up the Mansfield Magic so retied with a 1/8 screw lock and the Knockin Tail Chicken on a Chain.  Like yesterday it was the preferred bait.  Thinking about it now I might have caught 3 on the KTL Bone Ice, and one of those was after I dipped the tail in chartreuse color.  And I did catch one small on the Heavy Metal.  It looks like the tail color being different than the body just might be  the ticket.

One on the Mansfield Magic and the only one worth a hoot on the Bone Ice.  It would rain and then stop, then rain again.

Again like yesterday they just would not hit a popping cork.  What is up with that?  Popping cork on the Lavaca is like a go to bait.  In fact, I caught a nice snook last year on it, but if I was guessing, and I am, we need some cold weather.  A few fish will go in the river at the “usual” time cool or not.  But we need that super cold weather to cool the bay off for real and send them in.  The water up in the bushes might have put a damper on the popping cork, they were tight.  But at least I was catching a few.

Most were like this, and on the last place they were really small.

I spent most of the morning on one long stretch.  The flounder came right off the bat.  The trout were really slow and around 9:00 they started biting a little better.  There was bait moving around right on the bank and it got cloudy and started raining again.  So thought I would give topwater a go just for the heck of it.

This one absolutely smoked the Skitter Walk.

First the nice red above jumped it, the only red this morning, and then 5 or 6 took a run at it with one trout getting on.  It turned out to be the nicest trout of the morning on, but trying to grab it for the picture it hit the deck and back in she went.  Around 11:00 it was time to check 2 more places back up river, one had no fish, the other I put 6 – 8 small trout in the boat.  It was pretty apparent the further up you went the slower it got, and the smaller they got.

Today was nice and quiet on the river, nice not to have high power boats running everywhere.  Folks who fish the creek and river are a little different than the POC crowd.  Sometimes it is nice to really enjoy the outdoors without 50 of your closest friends running you over.

I give the day a B+.  The last couple of days is my kind of fishing.  It is so like winter fishing with grubs for bass.  Light line, drops and flats, and watching your line jump.  It is a subtle way to fish, and like all fishing, once you get the retrieve and color down you are in business.  It is time to really watch the tides, looking for those really low winter tides.  When it pulls the water out of the marsh and bushes on the bank the fishing gets better.  And once you find them it can get stupid easy.  Trout fishing is so like crappie fishing, of course I am not talking big trout, find them and you will catch them.  It is far from rocket science, that coming from me, who just might be the worst trout fisherman in the world.

As soon as I post this it will be looking at the weather and tides.  Then I will make a decision on where next.  I am starting to feel it a little physically and tomorrow will be Day 5, and I can’t wait.  Nice to finally getting over the Covid!  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Day 3 – An improvement of Results 10/21/2020.


Proudly Representing

Put your favorite Knockin Tail under a Four Horsemen popping cork and hold on!  A deadly combination.


74/86.  Sun and some clouds with a 25% chance of rain.  Wind  E 10 – 15 mph.


High  12:47 am.   Low  12:58 pm.

Solunar Time

Major 5:33 am to 7:33 am.   Minor  12:47 pm to 1:47 pm.  (Never have figured out how it works on the river or creek, think I will pay more attention and document what it was compared to what it says.)



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

All your wading needs.waderight2-50


Day 3

It was cracking daylight when I dropped the boat in Garcitas.  The water  temp was 80 degrees and the color was that tannic looking stuff.  The tide was really high and the wind was light.  With the water temp that high I decided to head all the way down almost to the bay and fish back.  While it was slow at least there were a few fish there.

This is what all the trout looked like.

It was interesting today as both the trout and reds wanted the darker Knockin Tails and other than one trout on a white, 3 light col0rs did not temp them.  Once I figured that out the numbers came up.  By noon the water temp was 82 degrees, definitely not to their liking.  As long as the bay stays that warm there is no big reason for them to move into the creeks and rivers.  But as a side note we have a real cold front on the way and it should gets things rolling.

The spinnerbait got it done.

There was a little period, which I guess was almost low, though you could not tell be looking at it, except the boat quit floating downstream on the current.  The low was maybe 1 or 2 inches,  They wanted it on a heavy 1/8th jig head to get them to bite, and it had to be hopped slowly and then let fall.  I think I caught maybe 6 trout and 10 reds at the lower end.  Interesting to note the only other boats went past me into the bay, if that gives you a clue.

The rats were running wild!  Love it when their tales are all lit up.

After a little run of rats I decided to throw my homemade spinner bait with the Knockin Tail trailer, and it accounted for the best reds of the day.  One of those things if I had just done that it would have been a good catch.  So after the wind came up I headed back up and stopped at 2 places where I normally catch them. and caught 2 on one place and 1 trout on another.  So there are a few scattered in the creek, and it will only get batter after this norther blows through.

Love it when they hit a spinnerbait.  Today the bites reminded me of the swim jig, basically they were slack lining it.

While I did catch a couple of small trout on the White Ice, the Mansfield Magic was better, but when I got on the Chicken on a Chain it was by far the bait of choice.  So I used it on the spinnerbait and they liked that.   I did through a topwater and a popping cork but they are definitely not having any of that.  As I said before as soon as we get the cold front it will improve leaps and bounds.  All we will need is a little real fall and some rain for the lake and it will all be good.

So today was an improvement and I am looking forward to fishing on Day 4.  Who knows, I might even go for Day 5, nice to actually starting to feel more normal.  And I fished 7 hours today and just quit so I could track down a power cord for the laptop.  It will be up early and on the water somewhere by daylight.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines.

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Coleto Creek 10/20/2020.


Proudly Representing

Put your favorite Knockin Tail under a Four Horsemen popping cork and hold on!  A deadly combination.

After looking at the weather the next few days I decided to fish the lake on Tuesday, then either the Lavaca or Garcitas on Wednesday.  It is calling for some morning rain on Wednesday but it really does not matter on either how early you go.  So if it does rain in the morning no big deal.  If they are there they will bite most of the day.  So tomorrow the lake, it will be interesting to see how that goes.


71/88.  Sun and some clouds with a 15% chance of rain.  Wind  SE 9 – 14 mph.

Lake Level

Today  93.15 msl.    Friday  93.24 msl.  (The ramp getting sketchy, be careful.)

Solunar Time

Minor  11:43 am to 12:43 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

All your wading needs.waderight2-50


Day 2

It was dead calm when I dropped it in the lake.  The water temp remains in the low 80’s and the wind was light all day.  The water has cleared a little, even up lake.  First up was my favorite point and 2 smalls (When I use that term it could be 2″ or 13″.)  jumped on the buzzbait.  So next was the bank where several good fish ate the swim jig last trip, and not a bite. I turned around and re-fished it and caught 2 smalls on the buzzbait.  From there I ran all the way up lake, the plan was to throw the swim jig

So why am I showing you this?

I went all the way up the river until it was 5 foot of water and proceeded to fish down with the swim jig, and surprise of surprises, I could not get even 1 bite.  Staying with it for a couple of hours just knowing it was going to happen, and it didn’t.  Shallow banks, deep banks, brush, they just did not want it.  Crazy after the other day.  Shows you how important weather is.

There was one bank, where it is only 4 feet deep, that had multiple birds on it and I could see the occasional shad jump.  So why not the buzzbait.  A few casts later several fish chased it and when I stopped it a white bass jumped on.  That is way earlier than normal, to be there now makes little to no sense.  But last week there was some schooling action which I ass-u- me were small bass.  So why not a pearl Knockin Tail slow rolled?

That produced 2 small bass and I missed what was probably a white bass.  It made sense if they were that shallow to troll a couple of baits that ran less than 5 feet and see if they are up there, very similar to what normally happens in January.  Well it worked, about a dozen whites like the one above, 2 catfish, and several small bass.  Most of the whites were small but there was a keeper or two.  A Rapala Rattle Rap in shad was the best.  After trolling and finding several bunches it dawned on me, cast the rattle bait.  On one pass on a long bank 5 bass, 2 whites, and another catfish jumped on.  It was 2:00 and my last bank when I stopped fishing,  As I was putting the trolling motor up a school of whites came up right around the boat and I caught 2 more smalls.  Just nuts.

But I learned, every thing was on the shad and they were liking the rattle bait.  As I was quitting I did not throw it anywhere else, but it will get a good work out next trip.  I was just using it at a moderate pace and they were jumping it.  It is a little puzzling why they are that far up but it is probably all about the bait, and trolling around there was plenty of bait.  But I did not look a gift horse in the mouth and took what the lake had to offer.  So I showed you those 2 because it was a progression today, and I can not wait to get back out and do it again.  Maybe I learned something.


And SA Joe sent along this comment on the 20 year old boat with a burnt cylinder.

Glad to see you back up and at it !!!!

You mentioned ” It has a dead cylinder on a 200hp Merc. And they want $11,000! ” Mine is 2001 Basscat with 200 Merc EFI, the ECM went out throwing weird symptoms. Along with my mechanic we figured it out,, Ignition packs, stator, etc…..but it still ran and went thru oil.

There is no new replacements for them and have to be rebuilt by CDI for $1300. So if you can part out an old motor for some spare change. Parts are the way to go..

There are fish still in medina, got me a nice one bass today at 6.81

The joys of boat ownership.  But the cost is worth it, keeps some of sane.  And I am slowly getting back to normal.  Still tired at times and the occasional brain fog is a hassle.  When you add not being able to hear out of one ear, taking care of that next week, it has been a crazy 6 months.  But it will all be resolved when I start actually catching them again.  And nice to put a good one in the boat.  Good to hear from you.


Though it has been a dink fest this week I am looking for things to improve.  It really shows how fishing regularly is important and I am just getting back in the game.  It looks like this is turning into one of those see how many different places you can fish in 1 week.  Next up for day 3 is Garcitas or the Lavaca.  That decision will be made in the morning.  But it is time, and after that happening today anything is possible,  I am looking forward to some serious 4Horseman popping cork and Knockin Tail fishing.    So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Anchors Away! 10/19/2020.


Proudly Representing

Put your favorite Knockin Tail under a Four Horsemen popping cork and hold on!  A deadly combination.


After a long absence from the salt it will be back to POC Monday.  The weather looks good and I will be on the water at daylight.  Since it has been a while I have no preconceived notions as to what is happening, and that is the way I like it.  Topwater at daylight and Knockin Tail the rest of the day, so we shall see how it goes.


75/84.  Partly sunny and humid with a 50% chance of rain in spots.  Wind SE 6 – 11mph.


High  2:57 am  +1.25  Low  11:21 am  -0.35.

Solunar Times

Minor  10:36 am to 11:36 am.   Major  4:02 pm to 6:02 pm.


The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

All your wading needs.waderight2-50


I had a plan, and like all plans it is all good until you get punched in the mouth, an apt description of my morning.  It was daylight when I dropped in at Froggies and headed down to a couple of drains near South Pass.  The wind was light and the tide was definitely up.

When I went to jump in I could not find the camera, oops, in the truck.  Oh well, before the morning was over not much to see unless you wanted to see 7 trout averaging 13″, and no redfish.  1 came on topwater, of course on my third cast after jumping in, the rest on the Knockin Tail in Heavy Metal color.  So over the next 3 hours it was 3 drains, and other than losing a good one right at the Bogo, it was slow.  And the the tide was flat all morning which sure did not help much.  So time to make the big move and catch some fish.  I saved the best spot for around 11:00 hoping the water would be running by then and the bite would be on.

Pulling up to the drain there was a big thunderhead coming in off the Gulf.  I idled in way farther than normal, just to get to the sweet spot before it started to rain.  I shut off the boat, tossed the anchor over and dropped the power pole.  It seemed like the anchor did not catch.  Well it did, it actually broke the anchor chain at a spot the was rusted.  So now the anchor is gone which changes everything.  I do not wade just using the Power Pole. After several drownings on the coast the last few years when folks were chasing their boat not interested in losing the boat, especially fishing by myself..

So I just let it drift and a midget jumped on, and one took a pass at a topwater.  The storm was getting closer, and of course it was the old one more cast thing.  My next plan was to run back near the ramp to be close and hit Big Bayou and boat fish, but that did not happen,  It started looking real scary.  I took off and then it started to rain and blow.  On went the raincoat and it was a bumpy ride to the ramp raining the whole way.  When I got there a guy grabbed the rope so I could tie up.  I asked if he saw the radar and he said it was big, red, and moving real slow.  No thanks.  In fact, it ended up raining most of the way home, at least did not have to rinse off the boat and trailer.


Ole Miss v. Arkansas  –  Arkansas is finally starting to “relearn” how to win. It has been a while.  They got flat screwed last week, this week they basically dominated the Rebels in the first half then held on to win in the second.  A pick 6 sealed it for the Hogs.  What a defensive effort.  2 wins in the SEC!

A&M v. Miss State  –  Miss State has basically forgotten how to score since they beat LSU in the season opener.  In fact 9 quarters without a offensive score, their last one against us in the 3rd quarter.  While I only caught snippets A&M did exactly what they needed to and are now 3 – 1.  But with tough games to come we shall see.

Georgia v. Alabama  –  Saban tested positive for the virus mid week, then 3 consecutive negatives so he was good to go.  Of course he was.  They are one of the 2 best teams in the country.  Can’t wait for them to play Clemson, it will be a real game.


The MLF Bass Pro tour was at Shearon Harris Lake in Raleigh NC and if it were close I would have already loaded up and left.  The average was awesome and one over 8 hit the scales.  Now it was the spawn, but put me on a body of water with that average size bass and I just might catch one.


Not particularly happy with how the day worked out.  I got to fish about 3 1/2 hours and never did find anything worth catching.  And then getting rained out before I had a chance to do anything else sucked.  Losing the anchor would have changed the days plan if the rain had not reared its ugly head.  Irritating when it is the first time in months I have felt like hitting it hard.  But there is always tomorrow, and while where remains to be seen I will be on the water at daylight.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Go0d Luck and Tight Lines

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Coleto Creek 10/16/2020.


Proudly Representing

Put your favorite Knockin Tail under a Four Horsemen popping cork and hold on!  A deadly combination.

I am preparing tonight so I will be ready to hit the road first thing in the morning.  As long as it is not lightning or raining cats and dogs it will be fishing a soon as it is feasible in the morning, hopefully at daylight.  The forecast is one of those that may help the fishing, or it could suck.   It is my favorite forecast for Coleto in the fall and winter.  Clouds, drizzle, wind.  But that is what makes fishing what it is, you never know.  I am happy, at least we get a taste of fall.


60/70.  Shower in the morning then clouds breaking to sun with a 58% chance of rain.  Wind NE 12 – 17mph.

Lake Level

Today   93.24.    Wednesday  93.26 msl.  (I sure hope we get the rain tonight as the lake continues to drop.  And with GBRA not giving a crap about the annual pass holders when we can not put in it will be screw job #2 this year.)

Solunar Times

Minor 7:08 am to 8:08 am.   Major  1:13 pm to 3:13 am.


Blowing out of the north with white caps.  Water temps down to around 80 degrees and there was some color based on the wind.  It was blowing right in the ramp cove and it was not easy loading.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

All your wading needs.waderight2-50


Today was a real put on your big boy pants day, it was rough.  With the direction it was blowing at daylight I decided to fish some in the plant arm of the lake.  It was cloudy and the air temp was 64 when I started.  First up an all white spinnerbait buzzed right on the top.  4 smalls jumped on and a couple just missed it on the first main lake point.  I tried the buzzbait on one more place in a deeper  cover next to the channel where another small jumped on then my brain finally started working.  If there is shallow smalls time for a bait change.

That will work.

I changed to a bluegill colored swim jig with a Pumpkinseed Knockin Tail trailer.   It is a great bait on Coleto from late fall through late spring.  The first bank produced 3, and from then on it was one here and one there.  A couple just knocked slack in it, one of my favorite bites, they have eaten it.  A couple felt like it was ticking bottom, and a couple surprised me when I set the hook and they were there.  The rest just softly stopped it, none of the bites were hard, but they were biting.  And I did not break my line setting the hook, which happens at times with the swim jig.

It was a good day.

They were shallow, and of the dozen or so that ate the swim jig none of them were more than 5 foot off the bank, and of course a little wood nearby did not hurt anything.  The speed was moderate and since it was a quarter ounce it never got below 5 feet deep on the retrieve.  And the Knockin Tail rattling right along is the perfect addition to the swim jig.

Definitely a size improvement across the board this morning.

As far as color on the swim jig it was a bright bluegill 1/4 ounce, which is what I generally fish.  I have no real preference as to manufacturer, if it looks good I fish it.  With the water color like it is fishing it on 12lb seems to be the best combination.  And while I already had the Pumpkinseed Knockin Tail trailer rigged, there are enough Knocking Tail colors to match any jig.  You can swim it steady, or hop, or drop it, but they did not want any of that today, just a nice steady retrieve.

Today was the day that they almost had to bite.  Fall is late and dropping water level and increasing water temp was just not to their liking.  Today should help move it along.  The water temp dropped a couple of degrees while I was fishing.  I thought the front was already here when I put in but around 1:00 it really started drizzling hard and you could feel it cooling off.  So I called it a day.  When I backed the truck in to load the boat it was 57 degrees, 6 down from when I started.  I would have fished a little while longer but wanted to get home and see the Boss off as she headed to the airport.  I have been waiting for a month for a day like today, and with a little cooler temps, clouds, and maybe a little rain, it can only get better.


Another reason to not fish partner tournaments.

I have repeatedly said partner tournaments are just not safe, cheats are everywhere.  This case is a perfect example.  2 anglers (using the term loosely) were originally charged with felonies after being found to have cheated in a fishing tournament in Utah by catching a big bass in another lake.  They were sentenced to 2 years probation, no hunting for 24 months, and basically $3000 in fines and restitution.  They were the first people convicted of cheating in a Utah fishing tournament.

First.  They should not have reduced the charges.  These guys are slime at best.  They were stealing from everyone else in the tournament, and why it is not viewed that way I do not know.  They were trying to steal $2500, a felony most everywhere.  Lots of folks have gone to jail for less.  This plea was a big break.  (Understand one thing, the ultimate disposition of any case via a plea bargain can only come from an offer by the prosecutor.  Why defense attorneys are criticized for any plea is a mystery.)

Second.  I have reported on cheating quite a bit, and it almost always happens in partner tournaments.  If they kept to the original felony charges these guys would have lost their gun rights, as well they should.  And why their fishing rights were not reduced/taken away makes no sense.  Maybe it will not deter others but it will keep them from the rest of us in the outdoors.   A felon is a felon, no matter the underlying reason, or who they are.

So does my opinion seems pretty rough on these guys?  What am I, some kind of meanie?  Well how about this.  In 2018 these same slime balls finished 1st, 2cnd, or 3rd at 8 other bass tournaments in the same year!  KVD or Roland would have loved those results.  All that needs to be said about that.


In my daily perusal of boats for sale I came across one that is just amazing.  It was for a 1999 Triton bass boat, in other words 21 years old.  It has a dead cylinder on a 200hp Merc.  And they want $11,000!   So the engine is worth zip and you want that much for an old hull?  Dream on.  And if you are looking at a deal like this good luck.  If the boat was worth it he would have had it fixed.  Do not buy someone else’s problems, boat ownership is tough enough as it is.

And it is amazing what has happened to new boat prices.  Lots of folks whose eyes were bigger than their stomach bought big, then they end up for sale in a year or so.  See them all the time.  Often buying used like that can be a good deal.  If you ever think about doing that the first question is:  How many hours and can I speak to your mechanic.  If they can not document that and have a problem if you speak with their mechanic run away.  And as I have learned from my mechanic working on my 2 boats, the hour meters on most consoles are not absolute, to be accurate it has to be taken off the computer during maintenance.  Plus, if it is one of those $50k and up boats request a copy of the rpm history, that will tell you a lot.  (Think about it:  If you were going to buy a used car, say a fast one, and the guy you meet with is wearing a street racer shirt and tells you it will run like a scalded cat would you buy it?  Same with a boat engine, you need to know if it has been run wide open most of the time.)  It is your money.

And on a side note when you get your engine serviced make sure you find out the hours and the rpm history, you just might find it informative.  The majority of  my rpm’s on the 90hp is either less than 1,500, trolling or idling, or 4,000 to 5,000, cruising speed.  My guy always says, easy on the way out, “git it” on the way back in.  Has worked for me for over 900 hours and still going strong.


Really happy with this mornings fishing.  And fortunately I am finally not feeling sick.  So the next couple of days will be weather watching before a week of fishing.  The lake looks good a day or two, POC a day or two, and I definitely want to take a run to the river/creek and see if that is starting to go, it is about time.  This weekend will be a real boat cleaning, some football, and then off we go.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Coleto Creek 10/14/2020.


Proudly Representing

Put your favorite Knockin Tail under a Four Horsemen popping cork and hold on!  A deadly combination.


92/65.  Partly sunny and very warm with a 5% chance of rain.  Wind S  7 – 13 mph.

Lake Level

Today  93.26 msl.   Monday  93.28 msl.   (As the water slowly falls the ramp is headed to be an issue.)

Solunar Time

Major     11.27 am to 1:27 pm.

Conditions basically the same with the water temp up a degree or two here and there.  Will fall ever get here?



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

All your wading needs.waderight2-50


I am finally starting to feel just a little more normal.  One sign of that is I woke up right in time to hit the lake at daylight.  On getting there it was a little hard to see as it was really foggy.  Enough that I waited a bit and then idled over to a point where it seems there is always fish, and there was, one.

She flat blasted it!

It may seem old to some of you how often I start with a buzzbait, well here is the reason.  She was right on the tip of the point by a stump and I maybe turned the handle 4 or 5 times when she exploded on it like only a big fish can.  It was the kind of bite, and the kind of fish, that makes the whole day.  To bad it went downhill from there.

As the fog slowly lifted I point hopped alternating with the buzzbait and the stick worm.  I had a total of 4 more bites.  I missed a small on the buzzbait and the other 3 bites came on the stick worm.  2 made it over the side but unfortunately the third one did not.  I had tossed it right into a tangle of stuff and a real one thumped it.  She was wrapped up and though I played the game she just would not come out, until she finally pulled off.  It was definitely another real one.  So I guess since I got one out Monday it was bound to happen that the next one would come off.  But at least it was 2 big bites today, come on fall.

I also gave the Bang O Lure a go, but the water temp needs to fall some for the winter top water bite to get going.  But I will be tossing that every trip from now on.  After 3 hours and just those bites time to troll until calling it a day.

These 2 were the best of 10 or so.

By time I started to troll the wind had just about died, like Monday.  Though you could see them on the locator they were just not happening.  But trolling around for an hour still got bites and fish, but they were not bunched up, just here and there.  And after changing hooks only one came off reeling it in.  Amazing what sharp hooks will do.  So at 1:00 I called it day.

One thing that was really interesting today was 2 unusual brushes with wildlife.  First as I was fishing I saw a gator way ahead of me swimming to the bank.  When he turned sideways I could see what looked like a coon or maybe a small pig in his mouth.  I kicked  the trolling motor on high to go take a look but he was not having it and dove down and was gone.  Was cool though.  Then when pulling in to the ramp I could see fry jumping right on the bank where I pull in.  When the nose hit the sand they took off, and so did a big fat snake!  Guess he was after them.


This is an interesting question from Lacy.

Enjoyed your Colorado road trips .

What color knockin tail would u recommend for flounder.

Check out @TracesofTexas on twitter.

I had my own choice but I wanted to ask Michael, the owner/designer of both the Controlled Descent Lure and the Knockin Tail.  He has caught a world of flounder, had a good fall last year, and his recommendation was the White Lightning.  Mine is the Pearl so we are basically on the same page color wise.  My biggest last winter, 20″, came on the prototype Pearl.  Of course you can catch them on any color, I often think flounder fishing is as much technique as it is color.  But since I rarely target them not much of an expert.

Last year his Controlled Descent tandem rigs, which he personally ties, caught a ton of flounder.  The only way to get them is on the site, and if memory serves me correct the White/Limetreuse was the ticket as far as color went.  Take a look at them, there may be a new one coming  and of course I will be shilling it as soon as it happens.  Or buy a bag of CDL to go along with the Knockin Tail and tie your own.  Jig head on the KTL and flotation to supend the CDL, deadly on flounder.

Appreciate your comments on our Colorado trips, we have really learned to love the mountains, the wildlife, and the fish.  As a result we are looking to relocate and are basically just waiting for the right circumstance.  I could spend the rest of my life crawling around the mountains, and who knows it just might happen.  Got some bears and lions to see!

And last, looked at the Traces of Texas website, don’t do twitter, and was impressed.  Any Texan who loves the state should take a look at the website, cool photos and history.  So thanks for commenting, always good to hear from a new reader.


I have repeatedly said be careful what you post on the internet, but there is no accounting for stupid.  Some bozo in Florida posted a video of himself holding a shark that was to short to keep being placed in a swimming pool, which is against the law.  He also had pictures of himself fileting a Goliath Grouper, protected, and lobsters on the grill that were also to short to keep.  He contended he could not go to jail, wrong dude.  He was arrested by Game and Fish, his bond was set at over $18K, and he remains in custody.  No sympathy.

To bad Texas refuses to take game law violations seriously, unless you trespass on some rich guys land, then it is a felony.   Or TPWD giving a rich guy our Share A Lunker fry for his lake, where it costs over $3K a weekend to fish.  Makes clear where their priorities lie.  We need serious penalties for intentional violations.  Not talking a redfish that is an inch short, but have a dozen of them and there should be a serious price to pay.  As a retired criminal defense attorney I know that most laws do not really deter folks who are willing to break them.  So make it hurt in the wallet, works as well as anything.


And this from Keith.

I would love to talk to your friend that is selling his boat. Tired of my 25 Carolina skiff and wanting to make a change. I am interested please have him contact me at XXXXXXXXX Keith. I’m in canyon lake. There was no longer link to reach him like you mentioned.
Thanks and get well. I’m heading to p o c Friday. Hope to see you out on the water.

I looked it is still up on Craigslist and it is still there.  Sorry I should have said to just click on the boat in the post below and it will come up.  So good luck with your search, and I sent you comment on to Todd.  I have had a Carolina Skiff for exactly 20 years and it is finally going to move on, but it has been a great back up.  And thanks for reading, always appreciate hearing from folks.


And John dropped me a note.  He has been “keeping his head down” since the virus started, smart man, you do not want it, trust me.  He has been taking the kids to Fayette and working over the big brim.  Sounds like fun to me, good to hear from you.


From the looks of the weather we have a front coming on Friday with temps to stay in the low 70’s.  It is only supposed to get into the mid 60’s Thursday night with a possibility of showers and the wind shifts to the north and blows some.  So will be definitely be fishing the lake Friday.  Then it is totally up in the air.  The Boss hits the road for a week and I spend the next few days looking at the weather in 4 different places until I make up my mind what is next.  I am starting to feel better and intend to keep it in the water.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Coleto Creek 10/12/2020.


Proudly Representing

Put your favorite Knockin Tail under a Four Horsemen popping cork and hold on!  A deadly combination.

I can honestly say I am not quite ready to hit the bay, or anywhere else that takes much work.  Still tired and a little weak, this thing has been a drag.  So I decided to stay with the lake a little more.  Just not ready to add the 2 1/2 hours there and back plus clean up to my day yet.


66/91.  Partly sunny and very warm with a 2% chance of rain.  Wind NNE 6 – 9mph.

Lake Level

Today  93.28 msl.   Friday  93.31 msl.


Water temp 84 – 89 degrees.  Up 4 degrees since Monday.  Water color clear to little murky way up lake.


I slept in and did not leave the house until after 8:00.  It was foggy and almost dead calm, and when you could see up there were clouds.  Those stayed until about 11:30 when it got sunny and became completely slick.  When that happened it was like everybody had the same idea and off to the ramp most went.

Hoping the clouds might help the shallow fishing I started with a buzzbait.   The one below and one smaller jumped on, both bites coming half way back not near anything.  Both  came close to each other, and then it just died.  The wind was still light so time to do a little pitching.

A couple like this on buzzbait.

I caught 4 tossing to wood, 3 of the 4 coming on stuff you could barely see, 1 from cover on the bank.  At least it was calm enough to fish fairly efficiently.  The only problem was they were to few and far between, and it did not matter how good some of it looked they are just not on it solid.  But one did bury up in the brush and it was one of those pull tight, then it would shake, and finally I got behind it and the fish swam out.  Many times being patient will get one out of heavy cover.

Pitching a watermelon/red stick bait to wood was working.

I have a theory about the slow bass fishing.  The water has fallen, and is still easing down just a little, and as crazy as it seems the water temp is going up.  It was just a hair below 90 in front of the discharge cove.  The current conditions are not prime fall weather and warm for mid October.  It is not helping that the night time temps are not dropping enough to lower the water temp much, then 90 degree day time temps heat it back up.  No wonder the bite is slow.  (Of course me not fishing for over a month has something to do with that.)

The Boss wanted to eat some fish tomorrow when she is off so with it getting hot headed  down lake to troll up some fish.  And it was quite a bit slower than it was the other day.  By time I started it was dead calm, sunny, and hot.  Give or take a fish it was 4 bass, 6 whites, and one catfish.  The catfish and 1 white made the list and will be the guest of honor at supper and the rest were small.  Today several came off, you have to take it slow cranking them in if you keep moving, and after looking at the hooks on both baits it is not surprising.

At 1:00 I called it a day.  During the day most folks were crappie fishing and when I hit the ramp Mr. Crappie was there and they had 20, and only quitting because it was to hot.  I know I was sure feeling it.   At the cleaning table the trash can had a bunch of crappie, so the bite is still on.   While Coleto is not known for huge crappie it has tons of nice ones and they bite year round.  You would think a guy who has caught hundreds guiding and fishing would give them a serious go, guess I have not been hungry enough.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

All your wading needs.waderight2-50


And this question from Clyde.

What did u get for hull cleaner?

Booyah Non-Acid Instant Hull Cleaner at Academy.   Saw some online clips that looked promising so thought I would try it.  I put it on just 2 small spots on the dirty color line, sprayed it on, set 2 minutes and wiped it off.  Actually pretty impressive, and it does not hurt trailers so you are good to go.  Remember my hull is white and has not really been hand cleaned in years, the water line is really off color from lakes, so that it made a huge difference was amazing.  Can’t wait to feel good enough to give it a go.  It takes some rubbing, and with a whole hull from below the waterline it will be a big job.


My buddy Todd is selling his Shallow Sport 21 Mod V.  I have fished out of it many times and it handles rough water great and it is impressive how shallow you can go, even idling back in a pocket.  Plus it has all the bells and whistles, including a stereo from hell.  And being able to fish 5 guys on wading trips is a bonus.  So if you are interested here is a link.

Just What You Need!


And speaking of Todd a few of the Austin Boys were down a couple of weekends ago and had a pretty good trip.  They spent some time at the jetties, and when you do here is what happens.

If you have caught many of these you know why Todd told him not to cast over there!  They can pull!

That looks like one of those Louisiana jacks.  In fact last time I was there I got spooled on my first cast trout fishing.  To bad they are not good to eat.  The one below on the other hand is potential table fare.

This is what happen when you mess around at the jetties!

Looks like they had a good trip and hopefully next time you are down I can join you.  Thanks for the pictures.


So while I am still struggling a bit the fishing will continue.  And next week the Boss is gone and I am doing something somewhere.  Just to make it easy thinking about staying down at POC a few days to avoid the drive back and forth.  And with multiple days would like to start wading some and feeding them the Knockin Tail.  I appreciate you sticking with me during the 2020 dumpster fire, but a new year is right around the corner and it will be nothing if not better.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

Posted in Fish Catching Travel, Freshwater | Leave a comment

Back At It. 10/11/2020.


Proudly Representing

Put your favorite Knockin Tail under a Four Horsemen popping cork and hold on!  A deadly combination.


I finally got the boat out and headed to the lake.  I had a meeting in the morning so did not get out on the water until 2:00.  The first thing I noticed on entering the park is the new sign:  Annual Permit  $250!  Are you kidding me?  That is a rant for another day.


High 90.  Cloudy in the morning giving way to sun with a 20% chance of rain.  Wind N 15 – 25 mph.

Lake Level

Today  93.31 msl.   6 weeks ago  93.12 msl.  (It has been that long since I fished!)

The water level is about where it has been for months.  It was 84 degrees at the ramp and 80 way up lake.  The color is fairly clear with a little more color up lake.  And the wind was 15 – 20 blowing right in the ramp cove.  As long as the lake does not come down any more the ramp is “ok”, but if we do not get any rain it will be unusable at some point.  And I sure was feeling it just getting the boat in the water.  (Kind of amazing how much strength you lose staying in the chair for almost a month.)



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

Brought to you bywaderight2-50


This is a fish.  This is me with a fish.  This is my happy face.

With the wind blowing I headed all the way up lake.  It was blowing right down the pike so time to toss the spinnerbait.  Over about an hour and a half 3 smalls jumped on.   None were any bigger than the spinnerbait and I did miss another.  Wish I had been out earlier when it was cloudy.  But being mid day with the sun full up it was not surprising.  I was starting to get tired and with the wind there was no way to throw plastics up there so just decided to do a little trolling.  Today was not about catching fish, don’t get me wrong but just being out there was good enough.

They were definitely biting!

Fishing the edge of flats and points and staying in 10 – 15 feet with a shad color crankbait that runs around 10 feet was the ticket.  Put it 50 feet behind the boat and troll at 2.5 mph. Not only was there white bass suspended, though most were small, but crappie were mixed in.  Interesting that the crappie were nowhere near cover, but I never look a gift fish in the mouth.

About as big as white bass tend to get on Coleto.

Besides this one maybe another 5 or 6 whites jumped on, all small.  And to go along with it 4 or 5 small bass also participated.  I stayed with it for about 2 hours and finally the heat started to wear me out so I called it a big success and headed to the house.

Everything on the boat worked, I had my tackle organized before we left, and it was all good.  Just catching a few fish and being out on the water was plenty.  The old song is so true –  “You don’t know what you got till its gone.”  Can’t wait to get after them this fall.


This weekends football notes.

Florida at A&M.  Multiple penalties hurt them, a couple 15 yarders including wiping out an interception.  One wiped out a 15 yarder on Florida, then a 37 yard TD for Florida.  OMG then another on the kick off.  Undisciplined.  But Spiller is an absolute beast and Mond actually looked like an SEC quarterback.  A&M averaged around 7 yards a play, you have to win with that, which they did.  A fabulous winning drive with great use of the clock.  A big win that could be season changing for the Aggies.

Oklahoma at Texas.  While I only caught some as I watched the A&M game it is a perfect example of how crazy college football is this year.  Oklahoma 1 – 2, who is having a terrible year, beats Texas leaving them both 2 – 2.  After the A&M game got over I was lucky enough to get to catch the overtime finish.  What a freakin’ game!

Arkansas at Auburn.  Arkansas reverted to more of the same old same old in the first half.  Giving up a TD on a blocked punt sure does not help.  Second half was a flat slugfest on both sides, another good game.  Then we got screwed and ended up losing by 2.  It was a crazy play that I have never seen, and neither had the announcers or the refs, apparently. Hard to describe unless you saw it.  So no reason to hang their heads, they played all out.  Another great game.  Good games today all the way around.


Again I want to thank all of you who sent along your good wishes and there are just to many to share.  But I wanted to share this one from fishfearlarry after my first run at it since getting “better”.

So sorry to hear that you have contacted the virus. I have family members that have battled it, and each one says the same thing….”you don’t want this!” My brother was in the hospital twice because of it. I hope you continue to heal and get your strength back soon! From what I hear, the fall bite is turning on. Not to alarm you, but the people I know that had the virus has said it takes a while to get your stamina back. So, that just means that it will have to be half say fishing trips and maybe drifting/fishing from the boat for a while. God bless you and glad you seem to be improving!

You called that one right.  At least I got on the water, and am already planning on the bay this week.  But it is hard to put in to words how rough it was.  Trust me, the last thing you want to do is give this to someone with a pre-existing condition or an old fart like me.  (Just a comment on the folks who “play'” a Doctor online giving out medical advice.  How you can ignore the guidelines if you have someone with pre-existing conditions or an elderly relative I do not know.  This is real.)  Thankfully I am in good shape or I guarantee it would have been a different outcome.  Thanks and good to hear from you again.  And this is the last word on covid, lets all try to put 2020 behind us!


There are 2 projects coming soon.  Finishing wiring the running lights on the skiff, a little clean up, and it will be ready to go.  I really hope that someone who wants to get on the lake or bay for little money will end up getting it.  But it will make a trip to the river or creek before it hits the road.  That thing will be around long after I am gone.

Second, picked up some hull cleaner to tidy up the LTS hull.  Actually going to try it on the cowling too, a real small area first, to see if it can shine back up.  The little area I tried on the hull looks great.  When the mechanic says I have one of the best looking motors on the inside,  (Persistent maintenance.) but ugly on the outside, time to see if I can bring it back some.

But first it will be some fishing.  If I can get my lazy butt up early it will be off to POC Monday morning.  Not sure if I will do any wading yet but really looking forward to the fall fishing on the bay.  Prime redfish time and as soon as it gets a little later in the year, in other words super low winter tides, want to give the flyrod a go.  No better time to see them and our winds can be nice and low late fall.  So plenty to look forward to so keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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