This and That 12/26/2020.


Hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday.  Spending time with the Boss over Christmas is a new thing for me as it is the first time in a long time I did not fish Christmas Day.  But it has been a good time, other than she is making me take long walks, but I will admit they are a little more fun than the tread mill.  Now it is time to move on from the dumpster fire that was 2020.  The Year in Review will be up in a few days, and there were definitely plenty of highs, and lows, and my only comment: Bring on 2021!



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


Here are some interesting photos one of the folks who works in the ER gave the Boss that were taken walking the beach near POC.

They found this flounder boat in February.

And here it is in May.  

I am actually surprised that it lasted this long,  But I am somewhat puzzled why no one came back and tried to save it.  Can you say insurance claim?


And speaking of boats, my buddy Todd sent me a picture of his “new to him” poling skiff which he will be picking up in a couple of weeks.  Can’t wait to go for a ride!

East Cape Skiffs Fury.  That is one sweet ride!

A big change from a Shallow Sport but you all know how it is:  “The proper boat for the job.”  And I assume this one will be getting its first work out in POC soon.


Sad to report that Buchanan Lake is now “infested” with Zebra Mussels.  No matter how hard folks try the infestation is spreading and even with the best intentions it continues.  Even with the drain rules for boats it marches on and is coming to a lake near you.


Got a few of the Austin boys thinking about an Amistad trip.  It has been few years since I have been there but I always enjoy it.  It really is like “home’ for me.  Much of it reminds me of Bull Shoals – deep and clear without homes surrounding it.  In the 5 or 6 trips there only once was it a disappointment.  It fishes to my strength and there is always a smallmouth or 2 to top things off.  So with pre-spawn right around the corner in South Texas I can’t wait.  Plus, you never know what kind of critters you will see while fishing.

And my trip to Falcon is also in the works.  I love fishing it during the week when the crowds are down.  Since the bass there are known to spawn from January thru April, and some folks who have fished it for decades say there has even been a second spawn some years, the good time to go is when you can.  But no matter what it is right around the corner.  When I go there it is not about the numbers, it is about “the bite.”  I love slow rolling a spinnerbait deep there, and there seems to always be a bite or two that smashes the wire flat, those are the good ones.  Means it had the whole thing in his mouth.  Makes me want to head out right now.


And Rusty sent along this report and Christmas wishes.

Merry Christmas to the Coppernoll’s!
After chasing redfish and trout last 3 months, I have elected to stay close to home and fish Fayette lake. My 90+ years old parents need my help.
So the last three trips on the lake as been almost the same. Water temp 65-68. If the wind doesn’t blow you off the lake, fishing has been fairly good in 17’-24’ of water using a black/ blue craw or senko on 3/4 oz football jig or Tokyo rig. I have never seen so many boats during the week as I am seeing. This time of year I’m used to seeing 2-4 boats on the water now it’s like 20-30 boats. Did everyone retire at the same time? And don’t get me started on the cast netters who are catching and keeping any and everything that’s in their nets. Legal or not.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.  I can relate to the parents issues, my dad is over 90 and mom is about there.  They are doing everything possible to stay in their home, but it gets tougher every year.

(Since I initially started working on this I am sad to report that Rusty’s father passed away on Christmas.  There is really nothing to say but how sorry I am for his loss.  But his father made it to a ripe old 90+, which is a good life by any standard.  It is a reminder to live your life to its fullest, remember there is not “always tomorrow.”  So call your folks and tell them you love them!)

As far as Fayette, it is the exact opposite on Coleto, with just a couple of boats on the water everyday.  I think with the way Covid has affected the economy more folks are fishing and RV sales are booming.  The outdoors is one of the few places “safe” right now.  And sad to hear of the ongoing problem with the netters on Fayette.   You are far from the only one who is talking about how bad it is getting.  It seems the problem is growing and it is unfortunate that our overworked Game Wardens are left rowing against the tide.  My suggestion, a season and a daily time period where netting is legal so there is a way for the Wardens to really monitor it.  Just a thought.

I am sure if you asked most biologists involved in the stocking of tilapia, and other non-native species, in the “old” days, many would say they regret it.  So many things seemed like a good idea, and they have backfired.  From tilapia here and there, grass carp, cichlids, peacock bass, Nile perch, and on and on, many have had unintended consequences:  See Lake Austin, ruined in nothing flat.  Time to stop it, and the importation of any kind of non-native species, they do not live here, nor do they belong here.  To bad it has made Fayette a busier and more dangerous place.  As usual good to hear from you.


Watching football and thinking about where next.  But after the better part of the week at home starting to get the fishing itch again.  Where it will get scratched remains to be seen, but it will be back at it Monday and then Lake Travis for a couple of days at the first of the year.  Going to be nice to have the boat in the water and a dock, so much easier.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


A Great Deal From Four Horseman Tackle

If you fish a popping cork and have not tried the Four Horseman popping cork, or even if you are currently using them, here is a GREAT DEAL.  They have been kind enough to give my readers a discount. It will be a 20% discount so get them while the getting is good.  What a deal.  Use the code 4H6 at check out to save some serious bucks.  No better time to stock up.  (I will leave this up for the time being, you never know when you will need some new corks.  Plus fishing season is on the way and a 3″ Armor will last you a season or more.)


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Merry Christmas 2020.


I wish you and yours a great Christmas.  It has been a long year for most of us but there is hope on the horizon.  With the new year right around the corner there is no way for many of us to go but up.  So many lost, plenty others in a tough state, a little holiday cheer will lift spirits and we can look ahead with hope, keep the faith.  Merry Christmas!

Coleto Creek   10/23/2020.


60/78.  (Dropping to 39 Wednesdays night.)  Cloudy then chance of showers increasing in the afternoon with a 60% chance.  Wind  SW 10 15 mph.

Lake Level

Today  93.38 msl.   Monday  93.39 msl.

Solunar Times

Major   6:50 am to 8:50 am.  Minor  1:05 pm to 2:05 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


To bad there is nothing for comparison, this is a big one!

The full body shot.  Look at the size of his tail!

This time of year the gators are out in mass.  Cool nights then a warm day, they love those sunny banks where I am sure it is really warm.  The real big ones, which this is, are not that scared or annoyed by the boat.  Most just slam back in the lake, but not the real ones, they just keep an eye on you.  What cool creatures.

The weather forecast was perfect.  Looking back on past Decembers fishing has always been pretty good.  Bang O Lure, which they refuse to touch; swim jig, which one or two will eat; and spinnerbait, more on that in a minute.

It was cloudy, warm, and dead calm as I dropped in at daylight.  I had made a specific plan and stuck to it.  What a plan, by 10:30 I had not put a fish in the boat, and am not even sure if I had a bite.  So to just catch a fish I headed up lake to see if the whites were biting, and of course they were. But after 2 passes, and a bunch of fish, I could not stand it.  There had to be a way to catch a bass.  And a pattern that has followed me this month reared its head again in a new way.

This is my sad face – More white bass though they are getting bigger.

Starting with a spinnerbait on a flat bank up lake with wind on it low and behold one jumped on.  Small, but welcome.  Could it be here come the boys to begin pre-spawn? Ended up catching 6 smalls, now the day is looking up.  They were chasing it buzzed and not missing it.  When they are like that towards a spinnerbait it usually means game on.

This is my happy face – spinnerbait.

But then the current rule that the fish made up this December, catch one a particular bait and you will not catch another.  This time from that point on, and I mean a couple of hours, only one more small jumped on.  I went to different banks, a couple of coves, up lake and down, and the one small came in the back end of one cove along with another white bass.

I really think today was a perfect example why fishing can be so interesting.  Absolutely the best conditions, then a little flurry, then a complete and total stop.  The more I fish the less I know.  Though it has been slow I really thought the conditions would improve the bite, which it did, sort of.  And then the day finished perfectly.  As I was taking out the only other boat out came up.  His plates said Iowa, where I grew up, so we chatted.

I figured we had met before and we had.  For years he has come for the winter with his camper and boat.  As were talking about the sad state of affairs, he said he did not have a bite.  In fact, he ended up fishing where I left.  His comment:  “It has gone from the best bass lake in Texas to the worst.”  That is so sad, but I am not ready to throw in the towel yet, spring is on the way.


Good News

Here it is almost a year now that the pandemic has been messing with our lives but just maybe the end is in sight.  The Boss looked like this at work 8 months ago, and nothing has changed.   But she is finally getting the vaccine and if we are lucky she just might make it through without catching it.  And I may be in the next round and will line right up.  We want to seriously travel somewhere and it just might be required at some point.

A salute to all the health care folks from housekeeping to brain surgery.  Your courage and skill saved lives.  It has been tough on providers nationwide, even here in Victoria we are experiencing another spike.  So tell a provider thanks, they deserve it.


And speaking of medical professionals, we met Kyle while at the store picking up some holiday life saving medicine, or some mood improving libations.  His significant other Amber has gotten into fishing, so we are looking at a date in the near future for a little bay action.  (Plus I can use a little of that easy trout fishing right now.) And apparently she really likes to bass fish, so as soon as that straightens up some it will be a day on Coleto.  It will be fun to take a newbie with the fever, it can be epic when that happens.


This is not taking sides so don’t get your political panties in a wad.  I just got a text from a Republican fundraiser trying to get my $$$ and this may be the dumbest things I have ever gotten.  “The Democrats are trying to cancel Christmas.”  If you are the candidate paying this pinhead for coming up with that hire someone else.  Try coming up with something not quite so far up the stupid scale.  Please election, time for you to crawl back under your rock for a couple of years.


This is the first Christmas in I do not remember when that the Boss is not working.  While this will end my years of fishing on Christmas day there is plenty of fishing on the horizon.  Amistad, Kyle and Amber, and making reservations right now for Lake Travis.  Have a safe and happy holiday.  Keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


A Great Deal From Four Horseman Tackle

If you fish a popping cork and have not tried the Four Horseman popping cork, or even if you are currently using them, here is a GREAT DEAL.  They have been kind enough to give my readers a discount. It will be a 20% discount so get them while the getting is good.  What a deal.  Use the code 4H6 at check out to save some serious bucks.  No better time to stock up.  (I will leave this up for the time being, you never know when you will need some new corks.)


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Monday Insanity. 12/21/2020.


Nice and warm, must be time for a nap.


50/74.  Mostly sunny with no chance or rain.  Wind  SSE  5 – 10 mph.

Lake Level

Today   93.39 msl.   4 days ago   93.36 msl.

Solunar Period

Minor  12:36 pm  to  13:36 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


When I got to the ramp at 10:00 it was dead flat, sunny and 55 degrees.  The water is really clearing and the temp was 71 at the ramp, 76 on the drive by the discharge cove, and 68 way up lake.  The plan was to fish the A Rig until my arm fell off, and that is just about what happened,  First up was the plant arm, all the way to the inflow, and before it was over and I headed up lake it was 9 places, 2 fish on swim jig, and one miss.  And not a bite on the A Rig.

A bluegill swim jig with a Greenback Knockin Tail trailer.

Both in the plant arm and the main creek I intentionally fished places I have not fished, places that might have fish, and places there should have been fish, but the fishing remains at is has been, slow, slow.

Number 2 trolling the rattle trap.

After fishing several places as I headed up lake I finally decided to troll a little, drink coffee and eat a honey bun, and contemplate my fishing situation.  I tossed out a rattle trap and had not gone 20 feet when one jumped on.  I kept going thinking it was a white when a big fish jumped and for some reason broke my line.  So another trap went on and it happened again but the one above stayed.

Ok, so lets try cranking.  Make senses huh?  Though I got a few bites it was not fast by any means and the majority were small.

To bad was not looking for a fish fry, it would have been good.

I really did give the rattle trap a good go and ended up catching 3 small bass, several whites and one big crappie.  There are plenty of fish up lake, and it was surprising after catching a good one and breaking off a big one not another good one bit.  At least the whites keep it interesting.  With the water temp heating up quite a bit along with the water coming up the white bass just might really get after it with the next moon.  The bass?  Not a clue.  Like they say:  The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result.  I tried to mix it up but it just is not working.  But it might start to drive me insane if it does not pick up.

When I got back to the ramp the gentleman who is there most evenings enjoying the sunset had an interesting piece of info.  Over the last 8 years I have been fishing the lake regularly there was often only a boat or two out many days, and Mr. Crappie 1 + 2 were almost always out there.  They are crappie catching fools, and most days put the real hurt on them.  He spoke with them last week, the last couple of trips the most they had was 3.  Trust me, if they are struggling it is tough.  So I guess I will tough it out, better days are coming.  And it could not be any worse out there.


The Don’t Call Them Pigs for Nothing!

These 2 were helping the buzzards out on a carcass.  Who knows what they were eating but I really am not interested in knowing.  There were plenty of deer, ducks, gators, and ospreys out and about.  Unfortunately there was a doe floating in lake the other day, in the area I heard some shooting.  Not sure if she was shot but if she was I hope does are in season.


Would be back on the water tomorrow but have a little outside painting to do and it looks like the best day this week.  So Wednesday I will be back at it somewhere.  If I can drag my old butt our of bed early enough might be time for the bay.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


A Great Deal From Four Horseman Tackle

If you fish a popping cork and have not tried the Four Horseman popping cork, or even if you are currently using them, here is a GREAT DEAL.  They have been kind enough to give my readers a discount. It will be a 20% discount so get them while the getting is good.  What a deal.  Use the code 4H6 at check out to save some serious bucks.  No better time to stock up.  (I will leave this up for the time being, you never know when you will need some new corks.)


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Coleto Creek 12/18/2020.


After messing with the salt for most of the last few weeks I am ready to be back on the lake.  As we were not here last week not sure how much rain we got, or how it might have affected the lake.  I do know that Johnny won the club tournament with around 8lbs  and the big fish for the day was under 3lbs, not all that for that group of fishermen.  If I was guessing the white bass should be on the chew, a great fallback position this time of year.  So no preconceived notions on my part, but the weather gives me hope. As usual, you don’t know until you go and I am just happy to be headed that way.  The Boss has put in the fish fry order so the stress will be at an all time high!


46/70.  Becoming cloudy with a 15% chance of rain increasing in the evening.  Wind  ESE  10 – 15 mph.

Lake Level

Today  93.36 msl.    11/24/20.  (24 days ago.)   93.11 msl.

Solunar Period

Minor  10:05 am to 11:05 am.   Major  3:24 pm to 5:24 pm.




The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


At least the Boss is getting her fish fry tonight.  I on the other hand just could not get the bass to go.  It has been so slow, and the ones I did catch, 3 came on 3 different baits and then could not get a bite on that bait.  Crazy!

The lake is noticeably up a little and plenty clear.  The water temp was 61 at the ramp, 63 going past the discharge cove, and as low as 53 way up lake, which ended up be a factor before I quit.

The best I could manage today.  At least this one was not to bad.

First up was a bank that has had some fish on it and one did manage to jump on.  Though I kept after it there not another bite.  It would become a pattern, the 3 fish I did catch casting were it.  To make that long story short, first one on plastics, then one on crankbait, and finally a small one on the Alabama Rig.  And each time that was the only bite I could get.  And the Bang O Lure and swim jig did not produce a fish.  So time to go get the Boss her fish fry.

The only bite on plastics.  A crappie for the fry.

I headed up lake where I have been catching white bass and it started off slow.  Today was very interesting, one where it all worked together.  Starting at the farthest area that had been producing only a couple took the bait.  Shallow running minnow bait and a pearl Knockin Tail on a 1/4 jig head ended up catching a few but it just was not “right”.

Then a fishing epiphany –  the water temp was 54 way up, and it was just the occasional bite.  (Note: it was in the 3 – 8 foot range.)  To boot around noon there were schools of shad a little ways down lake, in deeper, and warmer, water.  So it finally sunk in.  I kept in the warmer, 58 degree and higher water, put on a little deeper running crankbait, and used the map to keep along the break on the shallower side of the river where there shad dimpling

Plenty of these guys.

They were in around 8 foot of water and occasionally both crankbaits would bump bottom.  It was a combination of them starting to bite and the right location.  It was not really fast by any stretch but they were biting.  After keeping a few for the fry out of the 20 or so I finally caught a few small bass so figured it might be time to bass fish.

The punch line, zip.  I fished 3 places without a bite on an assortment of stuff.  It was fairly calm with a nice ripple and starting to drizzle.  And I did something I rarely do when it is like that, called it a day.  If the fishing was just a tiny bit better I would have stuck it out.  When I got back to the ramp there was one trailer, and he pulled out right after me.  When I went to clean fish there was a variety of fish in the can, which I assume was the only other boat I saw all day, and he was crappie fishing.   The lake fishing is still fairly spotty, but I will keep after it until it beats me down or improves.


And John sent this report on his trip to the Lavaca on the 9th.

Glad you guys had a good day on Lavaca. I was there with my wife and daughter but we did not get fishing until 10:30. So we missed what tide there was today. Found the trout on channel edges on bottom using popping cork with vudu shrimp or the knocking tail on bottom in white. Finally got 5 keepers after culling through a lot of 12 to 14 inch guys.
Still a fun day out with my girls.

Being with your girls is enough, adding a few trout is a bonus.  Hope to get to the river or creek next week a day if they are still cooperating.  If I hear anything else will let you all know.  Thanks for the report.


And Rick had this question.

Glad you are feeling better. Nice report. Enjoy your time away from the blog, I’ll be here when you get back at it! Just curious, what medications were you on to get over the Corona?

Easy to have a good report when the fishing is good.  As far as the covid here is the quick answer.  The Boss is a PA in the ER and she know her stuff, which was a big help.  Fever only bad once, then an occasional low grade so Motrin and Tylenol.  Same for the aches and pains.  A steroid the first day or two for the shortness of breath which went away, at least the tough part, but it hung around for a couple of weeks.  A little nausea occasionally so a med for that, an antihistamine for sniffles, and Nyquil sure helped me sleep.  Now that I think about it the Nyquil was the best of all the others.  The important part, it lasted almost a month and was the wheel of symptoms.  Any one has says it is like the flu needs to understand one thing, it can be, or one that kills you or leaves lasting effects.  There is no cure, so I just toughed it out and didn’t whine to much.  Good to hear from you.


And last from SA Joe after my comment about interstate traffic.

Hey Buddy,
Be safe in your travels.

Got me thinking….about the bunches(baitfish) drivers. The cops might split them up and get 1-2 of them, running drugs? One will be the bait car and hang back???

I was just talking about the average drivers but it sure can be the MO of drug smugglers.  The bait car is clean as a whistle and their only job, get stopped so their carry car can keep on rolling.  It is cat and mouse and as the police get better the smugglers just modify what they do.  If we learned one thing with prohibition in the 20’s, it does not work.


I get the monthly boating magazine from my Sea Tow subscription and was surprised to read this about winterization of boats.  Texas is the leader in freeze damage claims in the US.  In fact Texas has seven times the number of claims than Minnesota.  They are used to hard freezes, folks here are just not ready for it to happen.  Interesting fact.


Nice to be back on the lake in spite of the fishing.  But better days are right around the corner.  They will be pre-spawn shortly and things will only get  better, though it wouldn’t take much to be “better.”  Will try to hit the river or creek, depending on the amount of rain we get the next couple of days, other wise it is off to the bay.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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South Carolina 12/15/2020


I am not the best traveler around.  After a few days I start to wear down some.  There is only so much good food to eat, old stuff to see, and miles to walk before I am ready to take a break.  But since we are here in Charleston I did some research and am headed out tomorrow to fish with a guide.

The east coast is so different from our area.  Tides here commonly 6 – 8 feet, with miles and miles of marsh.  The area is aptly called the Low Country, amazing how much marsh there was on the 150 miles of coast we have traveled.  It all looks fishy, guess we will find out tomorrow just how fishy it is.  And I have a bag full of Knockin Tails to feed them.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


20 mph out of the North!.  43 degrees after a 34 degree drop – Must  be time to go fishing!

To say the weather deteriorated would be an understatement.  It was freakin’ cold, the wind was steady straight out of the north at 20, it was definitely was flat crap, so obviously I was still up for a day of fishing.  Searching online I managed to find Charleston Saltwater Guide Co which turned out to be fortunate.  With conditions as tough as it was  Crawford did a yeoman’s job.  Capt. Crawford Bishop was born and bred here and started chasing fish as a young guy with his jon boat.  He told me he would go out and just get lost.  And after seeing the area it is a maze of channels, rivers, and creeks, and getting turned around would be easy.

Amazing how blue this guy was.  Totally different from most we catch.

We met at the ramp at 10:30 to catch the last couple of hours of the falling tide, the slack, and the first hour or so of the rising. (To give you an example of high different it is from our tides, this one was almost 7 foot.)  Crawford had just sold his Maverick flats boat and his new one is on order.  So we ended up fishing out of a 18′ Beavertail poling skiff and I will give it credit, it was rough and it handled it like a trooper.  (Todd)

To say it was tough is an understatement.  One of the first banks he put us on there were groups moving down the bank, the water was off color as the wind pounded and I had something happen that I would not have ever guessed.  They would not eat a Redfish Magic spinnerbait, or a Knockin Tail.  They were just not wanting it, which was no surprise, if they will not eat a Redfish Magic in off colored water it is tough.  He picked up a popping cork with a shrimp and caught the one above, so I gave it a toss and got my just reward.

How hard was it blowing – filled my hood, hope my head is not that big!

The tide was falling hard and try as we might we could not get another red to jump on.  They were clearly off their feed.  Crawford put us on multiple places that should have fish, and we saw them here and there, but like all fish everywhere the front really had them messed up.  So with them not having it we started hitting some of his favorite docks but they could not be coaxed out.  Then the Knockin Tail saved the day.

Think Texas has oyster bars?  No, these are oyster bars.

When we hit low tide it was real clear how different things are here.  2 hours before I took these there was 3 – 4 feet of water on them.  The Charleston area is called the low country for a good reason, there is literally hundreds of miles of marsh.  It all looks the same, and I mean good.  Which would make it tough on a first time visitor, it all looked fishy.  He made a move up a creek to a dock to see if they were there and on my second cast I got that great thump.

We were staked off and went to wacking them.

The dock we were fishing was on a small bend in the creek where it happened to be an 8′ foot hole and the trout were right on the bottom seeking shelter from the front.  I was throwing the Mansfield Magic and after boating 3 or 4 Crawford took off his shrimp and went to the Pearl Limetreuse.  (Like I continue to say, fish the Knockin Tail and you will get hooked, just like the fish do.)  You almost had to drag it as most were not really  hitting it but you could feel them messing with it.  It became a feeling contest, just an easy drag and then let them eat.

They were all the same size, nice solid trout.

Not sure how many we boated in that spot, but it was one after another for a while.  He told me these were respectable trout for this area, and he was actually surprised we did not hit one here or there during the 6 hour trip.  I was not particularly surprised, the weather absolutely sucked and if I was home there was no way I would have been on the water.

Crawford with a rat.

We found out we had fished many of the same places so we had plenty to talk about.  He had fished Port Aransas, Louisiana, Florida, and many places in between.  (Any fisherman that would head to Bimini from Florida on a 22 foot boat to chase bonefish is my kind of guy.)  While he guides all types of fishermen he is actually a die hard fly fisherman.  Not only reds and trout, he has a several week period in the summer where they have a run of big tarpon, and his results are good for putting his customers hands on some every summer.  I would have definitely given the long wand a go under different conditions, but it just was not happening.

So a very successful day considering.  As a guide he was first rate, and as a person even better.  One thing I learned a long time ago when I was guiding, it is not all about the fish.  Of course that is the reason for the season but it not all there is to a successful day for your customers.  Having fished with some real rear ends over the years, see Baffin’s big time guide, he was a breath of fresh air.  After seeing the area I can see how under good conditions it was be a real killing.  I give the day an A, which considering the weather is a great day.  So take a look at his site, if you ever get this way give him a call, you will not be sorry.

Home – Charleston Saltwater Guide Co. (


As you know I look at boats for sale in Texas regularly and see some crazy stuff.  One today had the following justification for the price:  “If you think this is high go price a new one.”  Ok, first off it would be a New One.  Second, including that disclaimer where you are already admitting your price is way to high would not seem to be a good sales tactic.  And last, the boat is 13 years old and the book value is not anywhere near that.  If and when you are looking at boats be sure to know exactly what it is worth, not what the seller thinks.  Because should something happen and you have to sell it you will never get anywhere near your money back.


This one takes the cake.  Deck Boat for sale.  (The picture is a bass boat.)   And straight from the ad:  “new centerboard cable and wood burning fire place. Reverse cycle Air Conditioning and Heat. Standing rigging inspected and running rigging in great shape.”  That is one amazing deck boat!


And the insanity continues.  Pictured is a Crestline Aluminum, a deep V boat common in the north.    OMG!:  “This boat has oiled teak interior, a varnished teak and holly sole cabin floor. There is no cheaper interior tub, furniture is tabbed to the hull for better stiffness, and quieter.”  Either lay off the crack or or where in Nigeria do I send the check?


And one more.  This is for a $30k Skeeter.  ” Im not sure how many hours are on the engine and don’t want to pay 120$ to find out. However I’m very confident that its still below 100 hours.”  Trust me?  Run away.  This is a 6 year old boat that should have been serviced at least 5 times since purchase with no question as to the hours, which are done on each service.  All he had to do is call the service place and get the last hours, which would have been close enough for government work.

As a side note Crawford and I were talking about hours and his last Maverick had over 100o hours in 3 years, mine has over a 1000 right now.  It is all about service and treating them right.  Running wide open all day long is not that.  And Carolina Skiffs are prevalent  in this area and are a great boat for what they have here.


Cruising the coast in Georgia and South Carolina I realized one thing – traffic on the interstates is like a school of baitfish.  Bunches come together weaving in and out, sticking close, hoping the predators (Cops) don’t get them, but get the other guy.  Think about it.


A little comment on our travels.  We have done our share of big cities here and abroad and it really has been amazing how little we have been panhandled in Savannah or Charleston.  It has happened a time or two, but no big deal compared to some places, Austin as an example.  Sorry but if you are saying you are hungry, but drinking a brew or smoking a cigarette, there is absolutely no chance your panhandling efforts will be successful with me.  Now the guy in NYC sitting on the sidewalk with a sign saying he needed money for beer – Ok, at least he was honest about it.


On this trip I really want to compliment the folks we have dealt with in Georgia and South Carolina.  The cities were great, really safe and clean, and so nice not to be constantly panhandled.  And the folks are so glad to see you.  It has been tough on the businesses here just like at home.  I would like to give folks credit for their behavior, masks are the rule and not much of that “Covid is fake” crap.  Now if the Boss will get the vaccine shortly life will start to get back to normal.

And on another note, really glad to see the airlines mandatory no excuse mask requirement.  If you do not want to wear one ok, but just the same as you feel it is your “Right” to act as you choose, it is their “Right” to require masks and social distancing.  Don’t like it, don’t go, simple and fair for all.

And one last comment on that, if you know the rules in advance don’t bitch when they are applied.  Just saw a family removed from a plane as their 2 year old would not wear her mask and was howling her little butt off.  Sorry, you knew it when you bought the tickets. Having listened to a child throw a tantrum from Houston to Greece nonstop for 19 hours it was not fair to the other couple of hundred folks trying to sleep.  Sorry for the rant.  (And sure am glad that child rearing thing is over for us.)


I am sitting in the motel room and we are getting ready to check out and head to the airport.  This has been fun trip, but if I eat another spectacular meal I am going to need a new wardrobe.  We finished off last night with a wonderful Greek meal, and as big fan of Greek beer it was nice to polish off a couple of their cold ones.

The fishing possibilities here are endless.  It finally dawned on me that it is actually closer than South Florida so a return trip with the boat is already in the planning.  There are untold creeks, rivers, and back lakes to explore and every bit of it looks like spinnerbait country.  But tomorrow it is back to real life, which means one day to get my shit together, and then back on the water.  It has been a welcome break but time to get back at it.  A big thanks to Crawford, made my trip.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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The Lavaca River 12/7/2020.


After a short trip today I will be back at it Tuesday.  It be the first time I have the good fortune to fish with Michael, owner and designer of Controlled Descent and Knockin Tail Lures.  I do not have a clue how it may or may not go as I have heard nothing.  I have ignored things the last week or so.  But I am really looking forward to it as Michael is a good flounder fisherman, and I just might know where a few are in spite of my poor flounder fishing abilities.  So we will be meeting first thing and see how it goes.  (And it will be the last fishing for awhile as the Boss and I are off again.)


44/72.  Sunshine with no chance of rain.  Wind W 5 – 10mph.


High  4:13 am.  Low  7:27 am.

Solunar Times

Major  6:10 am to 8:10 am.   Minor  12:48 pm to 1:48 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


Couldn’t resist the Knockin Tail.

We met at the ramp and were headed down river by 7:00.  It was as low (High Tide) as I have seen it this fall.  The water temp was 53, give or take a degree.  While it was not quite as clear as last time, it was ok.  The wind was flat calm.  First stop was my favorite place and we started catching them right off the bat.  And for about two hours or so the bite was fine.  Most were small to borderline trout with a few rat reds mixed in.  We probably caught just enough today to keep a limit of trout but they were no great shakes.

That thing was nothing but a fattie, it sure is one good looking red.  Of course on the Knockin Tail.

I wanted to try another spot up river above the bridge and I don’t think we caught a fish.  The best spot where I usually get them was quite a bit off color compared with down below.  After maybe a half hearted bite or two we headed back down.

We ran into Redfish Lake just to take a look when I noticed a couple of birds working the shoreline, but it was maybe a foot deep and a really long cast from the boat.  We could see them feeding, then they just charged off the bank pushing a bunch of water right at us. Michael hooked up immediately with the one above.  With my superior skill I threw in, hooked up, and lost it.  Then on the next cast I hooked up again and managed to lose that one too.  Unfortunately that happened to me several times today, as in at least 4 or 5, hooked up to a good fish and then gone.  Definitely out of practice.

My best trout on a Pink Ice Knockin Tail.

We drifted just a little in there and only caught a rat so we headed back out to the river.  First point zip, next bank, a couple smalls, then one last pass on the “good spot.”  The tide was out and the water was moving just a little, but it was as much wind as flow.  Instead of bites in one area it turned into just catching one here or there as we drifted down river, but they were biting.

This one ate a Knockin Tail and then puked up a really big mullet.

I caught most of mine on the Purple Demon Limetreuse Knockin Tail and the rest on the Pink Ice.  Michael stuck with the Pearl and White Ice most of the day.   As usual I stuck with the old hop and drop off the bottom, he actually varied his retrieve more but as far as bites went, it was just a keep it in the water and something would tug.  Michael added a small flounder for his slam, but that was it in the flounder department.  You never know.

The fishing was slower than it has been, at least for the better trout.  I just wonder what was up with me today, getting them in the boat was a problem, and some of them were good fish.  But no big deal.  We caught them most of the day and talked tackle and plenty of fishing.  His company is doing really well, which I knew would happen the minute I saw his Controlled Descent Lure, and now the Knockin Tail has taken off.  So my compliments to Michael,  anytime you can make a bait they eat you are in business.

So around 1:30 I called it a day as it will be an early morning drive, we should be eating dinner in Savanah by supper time.  I give the days fishing a B,  but we had a good time and caught some fish.


Monday was spent in San Antonio at a hearing center, hopefully for some relief from this tinnitus that started when my left ear went deaf.  Unfortunately Chris and the Doc tried what they could but no luck, it may never clear up.  This is the 3rd place that has told me that, so time to learn to live with it.  Who knows, maybe some other options will appear but I am not all that hopeful.  As I repeatedly say, it is hell getting old.  Good thing it has nothing to do with a good hook set!


And thanks to those of you who sent along your comments on my little break.  By time you read this it will be on the road again, and it will be dark around here for another long week.  But then it will be back to “normal” and I am looking forward to seeing how the weather has affected the lake fishing.  Definitely interested in seeing how the Coleto Bassmasters do this weekend.  And Michael and I hope to be heading to the bay later for some wading, so good times are coming in the fishing department.


The Reason for the Season

Wren and Mia.  The best grandkids a guy could have!

It was great to see the Grandkids and my parents, with this virus it has been a while.  And though we are Covid tired we are still doing our best with the masks and distancing, waiting for the Vaccine like the rest of you.  Finally there is light at the end of the tunnel.  So stay safe, thanks for stopping in and reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


A Great Deal From Four Horseman Tackle

If you fish a popping cork and have not tried the Four Horseman popping cork, or even if you are currently using them, here is a GREAT DEAL.  They have been kind enough to give my readers a discount. It will be a 20% discount so get them while the getting is good.  What a deal.  Use the code 4H6 at check out to save some serious bucks.  No better time to stock up.  (I will leave this up for the time being, you never know when you will need some new corks.)


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A Welcome Break 11/29/2020.


Hope everyone had a safe and happy Thanksgiving.  The Boss worked a little and I messed around the house to get a few things done that needed doing.  And finally have the Carolina Skiff ready to sell, as soon as we are done with a little travel will part with it after 20 years, which was one job that needed doing.

One thing I can say about the Carolina Skiff, if there was enough water to float it, or on the biggest lake or bay, it is a real workhorse.  The Everglades or Falcon, it does not matter.  Snook, tarpon, blue cat, bass, crappie, walleye, stiper, trout, reds, sharks, and who knows what else, have come over the side.  It has been through 3 engines and it keeps on floating.  It is literally unsinkable,  and no matter what I wanted to do it did without effort.  Other than getting a little wet no matter the conditions it always got back to the dock.  She may not be pretty but for 20 years it has done its job.  So it will be like parting with an old friend, but keeping up with it has become to much effort for how little I used it the last couple years.  Nothing is harder on a boat than letting it sit, as evidenced by how much work I put in to get it back to snuff.  Hope whoever buys it will appreciate it, it should be good for another 2o years.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


Our weather is finally coming around with a couple of inches of badly needed rain and cooler temps.  In fact, the lake is on the rise, which combined with the air temps which will be in the low 40’s tonight, should get our fish to thinking winter and then pre-spawn.  The question will be how much of the rain made the creek and river, and whether it is muddy and hurts the fishing, or if it drives more trout in from the bay.  That will be something that will not be clear for a few days, you never know.  Over the years I have seen a couple of rains that killed the river fishing, and a couple that just slowed it down some before it took off.


I was thinking this Thanksgiving about my fishing, and I have so much to be thankful for.  The Everglades with its tarpon and snook, the Great Barrier Reef and a couple of marlin then visiting the hallowed ground of the Cairns Big Game Club.  (So many world records, so many great fishermen and women, made me realize how small many of our fishing worlds really are.)  Puerto Rico and my first marlin.  And how about Costa Rica with big mahi mahi and sailfish, 3 personal bests on Falcon Lake in 24 hours, the list goes on.  Bonefish and Permit in Belize, giant muskie and big smallmouth on Lake of the Woods, rainbow trout on some of the best rivers in America, it has been an adventure.   And just hitching up the boat and heading to Louisiana, Florida, and so many other places, without a clue but the hope in my heart and a boat full of stuff.  So here is just a taste.




What a great trip this has been!

So I just wanted to let you all know that we will be spending some time with the grandkids and parents, it has been a while.  And for me, a little break.  This is going on 10 years, and this is the 1,357th time I have written.  (Most of those a report on some fishing, that is a lot of fishing!)  Timing can be everything in fishing, and in life, and this next couple of weeks will be a welcome pause.  Because a pause is all that it is, and after that I will be itching to be back on the water so stick with me,  I will be back fishing and sharing it with you.  I appreciate all of you who read this drivel so keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


A Great Deal From Four Horseman Tackle

If you fish a popping cork and have not tried the Four Horseman popping cork, or even if you are currently using them, here is a GREAT DEAL.  They have been kind enough to give my readers a discount. It will be a 20% discount so get them while the getting is good.  What a deal.  Use the code 4H6 at check out to save some serious bucks.  No better time to stock up.  (I will leave this up for the time being, you never know when you will need some new corks.)


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Coleto Creek 11/24/2020.


It really is true, let a boat sit and things just happen.  I spent all day on the Carolina Skiff.  Running lights, bilge pump, and anything else that needed working on.  It is headed to “For Sale” and this morning the plan was to take it out and make sure all was good.  Only problem, the trailer lights were acting up, and I do not tow anywhere without good trailer lights.  To bad I did not mess with that  yesterday, so instead of working on them today I headed to the lake.


68/83.  Breezy and very warm with times of clouds and sun with a 25% chance of rain.  Wind S 15 – 25 mph.

Lake Level

Today  93.11 msl.   93.07 msl.

Solunar Period

Major  8:13 am to 10:13 am.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


The buck gave both of us the slip.

I slept in and when I got up it was cloudy with a moderate wind.  So after messing with the skiff hitched up the Mako and off I went.  Unfortunately by time I got to the lake it had cleared off and the wind was howling 25mph right out of the south.  But hey, since I am there might as well give it a go.  Turned out to be a less than stellar morning.

A good start, to bad it was the finish!  Swim jig with a Knockin Tail trailer.

Heading up lake about the only place where it was remotely fishable was way up river.  The clouds were coming and going so I started with a spinnerbait and buzzbait and after fishing a mile of bank it was obvious that was not working.  The wind was just howling and moving me right along so I switched to a crawdad looking swim jig with the Knockin Tail trailer and caught this one right off the bat.  I actually watched this one eat it as the jig came in sight right beside the boat.  That usually means a couple of things, reeling to fast or the color is just a little off.

For the next 2 1/2 hours I fought the wind, and made one really long run to hopefully find something not so tough.  But whether it was pounding on the bank, did 2 of those, or not quite so bad, not a bite.  I added a white swim jig with a Pearl Knockin Tail to the mix and still could not buy a bite.  So after all that I called it a day.  There was just no sense in fighting it when the fishing is so freakin’ slow.  So at 1:00 it was back to the house.

So the day did not go anywhere near how I planned.  Did not run the skiff, slept in and missed the perfect conditions, it was all wrong.  Not sure what is next, not even sure if I will pick up a rod much for a while.  We are off on a couple of trips, and apparently the bass are waiting for winter just like I am.  (Trying to figure out when I can make Falcon, looks like the bite is starting to heat up.)  At least there is a front coming next week and we might see some 30’s at night, which in my wildest dreams will help the lake fishing.  But I am starting to lose hope.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


A Great Deal From Four Horseman Tackle

If you fish a popping cork and have not tried the Four Horseman popping cork, or even if you are currently using them, here is a GREAT DEAL.  They have been kind enough to give my readers a discount. It will be a 20% discount so get them while the getting is good.  What a deal.  Use the code 4H6 at check out to save some serious bucks.  No better time to stock up.  (I will leave this up for the time being, you never know when you will need some new corks.)


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The Lavaca 11/20/2020.


I took it easy today and did not hit the road until 10:00.  Tried to time running water and it worked.  The only problem with that is it is a small tide day and when it dropped it was just barely a foot if that.   The water temp was 71 and the wind was blowing a steady 15 mph right up the river.


62/83.  Patchy fog in the morning; otherwise, very warm with intervals of clouds and sunshine with 10% chance of rain.  Wind  ESE 5 – 15 mph.


Low  11:36 am.  -0.1 feet.

Solunar Time

Minor  Period  11:27 am  to  12:27 pm.  



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


It was a tough first couple of hours, in fact not even a touch after fishing a mile of bank.  No matter what I threw they were not having it.  As I came up on a drain things started to change.  As I lifted up it was soft, and then it let go, flounder.  So right back in the same spot and a nice one jumped on.  Of course I did not have the net out so as I tried to get it out he came off, shades of last trip.  Next cast I got it done.  I am not a flounder fisherman by a long shot.

The Mansfield Magic catches them.  No giant but it will do.

From that point on the bite was on.  Whether the Mansfield Magic, Purple Demon Limetreuse, or the Clearwater with a tail dipped in chartruese, they were chewing on the Knockin Tails.   The 1/8th jig heads is right for most of the river.  Caught a few on the Four Horsemen popping cork, but hopping the Knockin Tail off the bottom was clearly the way to go.

Fishing is fun, and catching while you are at it is even better.

The best area was a little deeper with a sandy bottom.  At first they were off the bank but as the bite got wound up they moved to the bank.  A couple were there before it hit bottom.  Today they wanted it hopped up a little higher, and hit it right as it started to fall.  That is actually tough to get a hook in them at times as there is quite a bit of slack.

No big fish today, just lots of eaters.  They were smacking the Knockin Tail.

So it was all good, until trouble showed up.  There is one thing I hate more than a dolphin messing it up, it is a smart dolphin.  So I hear him blow and he is right behind following me along getting some easy pickens.  And the bite slowed immediately.  So now the great plan, just pull up and head back down to right before they started and re-fish it.  But guess what, no stupid dolphin here.  He actually followed me back down and started trailing me again, and he definitely ended the bite, which worked out fine as I was getting ready to quit.

It started off slow but when the bite was on it was an easy 20+ and the majority would measure.  I did lose a couple that felt bigger but who knows, it was good fishing.  I fished about 4 hours and half was good.  One thing I like about the river is compared to the creek it seems the fish are just a little bit bigger.  The only hitch in the git along was 3 yahoos in a flat bottom just moved right in on me.  Oh well, one thing you learn fishing in Texas is folks are just plain rude.  My revenge, them having to watch me catch 6 or 8 before they moved on.  Other than that a great day to be on the water.


And this question from Lee.

Hey Doug,
Glad to see you are on the mend. May I ask what size and where you get your jig heads from? I’m needing something a little larger than a crappie jig head for a larger silver grub on Lake Travis. The one you’re using looks perfect for the larger grub. As always, thanks for allowing us to vicariously live through you. Always read and appreciate your reports.


Many of the ones  I am using right now are from Arkansas, I picked them up last spring.  In the Twin Lakes area of Bull Shoals and Norfork grub fishing for smallmouth and walleye is a usual practice and luckily there is plenty to choose from.  One of my regrets when we moved to Texas so the Boss could go to school was selling my lead pot and molds.  I know exactly what you are looking for, which is basically a solid 1/16 jig head with the proper hook (Finer wire, just a hair bigger than most crappie jigs.)  and a keeper for the plastic.  Unfortunately I am not much help.

Here is one that I have had good luck with on lighter baits on the bay, and you can find them at Bass Crap or Cabela’s at times, or order them direct.  The hook shank is long but the weight might be something in the range you are looking for if the length does not detract from the grubs action.

And as far as jig heads go the price has gotten stupid ridiculous.  Before a guy I have known for over 30 years died he would pour them to my specifications, at $30 a hundred.  Look at your local tackle store and they are $5 for 4 or 5, what a rip.  So my suggestion would be to first define what you need in hook size, then weight, and then see if there is any local guys who make jigs and give them a call.  At least you might be able to get what you need/want.  So good luck with your search, or drive to Arkansas hit up any of the small tackle stores, which might be a tad far to buys some jig heads.  Thanks for reading.


My buddy Rusty commented that he was having some trouble understanding the tides.  Welcome to the club.  The one way I have finally come to grips with not really being all that sure about the tide timing is going with the flow.  It seems to me that the tables are a guide at best.  The real point of all this, is the ability to recognize when it starts and when it ends, which at times the fish will do for you.  It is learning where to be when the time is right.  Sounds simple huh?  If you have it figured out it would be great if you would share with the rest of us.  After fishing Florida for years before fishing Texas it was really tough.  A big tide here in Texas is just getting warmed up in Florida.


Finally got the new garage door in and will spend some time this weekend working on getting the garage a little cleaner and more organized.  And if I can keep my head in the game time to do a few things to the skiff and get it sold.  It will be a great deal for someone who can not really afford the ridiculous boat prices, and it is a great all around boat.  Then Monday it will be back at it, maybe POC a day or two and will be looking for a boat partner for Amistad.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


A Great Deal From Four Horseman Tackle

If you fish a popping cork and have not tried the Four Horseman popping cork, or even if you are currently using them, here is a GREAT DEAL.  They have been kind enough to give my readers a discount. It will be a 20% discount so get them while the getting is good.  What a deal.  Use the code 4H6 at check out to save some serious bucks.  No better time to stock up.  (I will leave this up for the time being, you never know when you will need some new corks.)



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Coleto Creek 11/18/2020.


I decided to fish this afternoon on the lake.  The cleaning lady is coming this afternoon and since I am kicked out of the house it will give me a chance to fish the last period before dark to see if there is some kind of evening bite.  Hopefully the last few cool nights are dropping the water temp some which should help, but that remains to be seen.

If I stay real still maybe no one will see me.  This was a big one.


58/81.  Warm, periods of clouds and sunshine with 0% chance of rain.  Wind  ESE 5 – 15 mph.

Lake Level

6 days ago  93.12 msl.   Today  93.07 msl.

Solunar Time

Major  Period  3:45 pm to 5:45 pm.  (At least the timing today is something.)



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


When dropping the boat in at 1:30 the wind was out of the north east around 15 mph.  The water temp was 75 at the ramp and 72 degrees way up lake and there was not a cloud in the sky.  There was one truck at the ramp, as it has been the last few trips.

A look at the ramp. 

The white pole on the right is the edge of the drop off at the end of the ramp.  A little more drop and the ramp just might be out of play.  But hey, when I complained about the high ramp fee I was told it was for maintenance and improvements, which must be coming any day now.  So be careful as it could be a axle buster.

Before the afternoon was over at least half of that worked out, the other half not so much.  Instead of fishing for bass until I can not take it I decided to do the following.  Fish whites until 3:30 around the time of the major period then finish out the afternoon bass fishing.  Dropped the slim minnow bait and the Pearl Knockin Tail on a 1/8th jig head and it took exactly 2 minutes before the first one jumped on.

They like the Pearl Knockin tail and the slim body minnow bait.

2.5 mph, 50 feet behind the boat, and hold on.  Today the little better ones were farther up the river, where there was lots of water under 4′ deep.  They were smacking it and it was 50/50 between the Knockin Tail and the minnow bait.  It is a little tough trolling in that shallow water, and if a person were so inclined they could easily be caught casting.  So after putting 16 or 17 in the boat it was time to bass fish.

I specifically fished several completely different places.  Points, channel banks, wood, I tried a variety from up the river to the dam area.  Buzzbait, swim jig, and plastics all got a work out.   Shade, no shade, wind, no wind, you get the point.  I intentionally fished 2 places with wood that are sure things, nope.  For 2 hours it was a water flogging failure.  The moral of the story, I do not have a clue.

When I took out a couple of guys in a jon boat came in, they pit in after I did, and said they did ok.  So of course I asked and he said spooning.  Since it seems they are on the shad, and my results surely do nothing to disprove that, it may be the way to go.  So take it for what it may or may not be worth, but it makes sense.

At least the deer were feeding.


It is good to here from SA Joe with an interesting question.

Got a question about the water you fish.

When your using that Knockin Tail, what is the clarity of the water?

I have flopped in rockport, Aransas pass, South padre using similar baits. Zoom fluke like baits and caught nothing…or just have to be in the right place??

First answer, last weekend on the bay the bigger reds were in 2′ of water and it was clear enough I could see some of them literally eat the bait.  At other times the water is hardly clear, though given a preference I like it with just a tiny bit of color.  A little different from most guys on the coast I fish 8 and 10lb clear mono, never heavier, and use as light a jig head as I can get by with.  And then it is a matter of determining how they want it, from dead slow roll to aggressive hop.  Example: last time out they wanted a nice soft double hop and drop, about half of them were there when I lifted up.  So that is the basic mechanics.

As to the second question, I know you are a big bass guy as I am/was, and one thing we have to learn is that it is just not like bass fishing.  While bass obviously school, it is often pattern style fishing.  Trout and reds hang together, and often with each other, and it is usually simple, are they there or not?  But like all fish, they like change, edges, drops, points, and most of all water movement.  Combine a change and water movement and if you are not getting bit time to move.

Right now we are in our usual fall to winter pattern on creeks and rivers coming off the gulf.  Of course normally it is colder right now, but the fishing is ok considering.  It is the one time period where they come out of the bay and into the rivers and creeks for some security from the really cold weather, which we have not had yet.  A couple examples now is the Lavaca River, the Barge Canal both here and in South Padre, and any other river right off the bay or Gulf.  This will only last a while, water and temp dependent, but until then that is a good place to start.   And  the nice thing, it is just like grub fishing for bass.  The real punch line, I throw it anywhere on the salt.  So hope this helps a little.


Tomorrow they finally come to replace the big garage door so will have to stick around the house.  But at least I can get back in the garage, just won’t be putting the Mako in it as I have an nice carport for it.  And when I get the Carolina Skiff sold the garage will only be half full.  Then Friday God willing it is definitely back to the salt.  There is a technique that I have been mulling over for the river, until I try it it will drive me nuts.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


A Great Deal From Four Horseman Tackle

If you fish a popping cork and have not tried the Four Horseman popping cork, or even if you are currently using them, here is a GREAT DEAL.  They have been kind enough to give my readers a discount. It will be a 20% discount so get them while the getting is good.  What a deal.  Use the code 4H6 at check out to save some serious bucks.  No better time to stock up.  (I will leave this up for the time being, you never know when you will need some new corks.)


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