Rain, rain, go away! 7/8/2021.


The Great Barrier Reef.


Calling it a Week.

The amount of rain we are getting is amazing.  In fact we got the months worth in the first 5 days of July, crazy.  There has been heavy cloud cover stretching from POC to Victoria and beyond all week.  Inches upon inches of rain, it is actually projected to be over a foot in Port Lavaca by Friday and the streets in Rockport are flooding.   Just here at the house we have passed an easy  5″ and growing.  Of course we are under a flood watch/warnings for the rest of the week.  So our earlier freshwater issues in the bays will only get worse.  I hate to even think what it is doing to the lake.  And the forecast is significant rain until Saturday, then starting up again.  Who knows, I may actually fish a weekend day.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


Cabo Blanco Peru.


And from TPWD the holiday weekend numbers:

Texas Game Wardens conducted safety checks on more than 12,220 vessels statewide between Friday and Sunday.

In addition to issuing 1,474 citations and 1,797 warnings for various boating safety law violations, wardens arrested 42 individuals for Boating While Intoxicated (BWI) and filed eight other charges for Driving While Intoxicated (DWI). Additionally, another 33 people were arrested for various other charges.

18 reportable boating accidents at several Texas lakes and rivers including: Nasworthy, Bob Sandlin, Grapevine, Richland Chambers, Canyon Lake, Possum Kingdom, McQueeny Granbury, Corpus Christi, Lewisville, Ray Roberts, Lake Fork Ray Hubbard, Neches River, Lake Austin, Lake Travis (2) and Lake Belton.

the TPWD dive team assisted with locating an open-water fatality at Lake Travis.

Texas Game Wardens also dealt with two boating fatalities and seven open water fatalities on Texas waterways over the Independence Day weekend. The two boating-related fatalities occurred on Lake Lewisville. Open-water fatality locations included the Brazos River, Lake Amon G Carter, Lake Travis, North Bosque River, Joe Pool, the Gulf of Mexico (Matagorda Beach) and the Comal River.

In Austin on Lady Bird Lake, TPWD Boater Education Manager Kimberly Sorensen and City of Austin Lake Patrol made contact with 60 people without proper life jackets on their canoes, kayaks or stand up paddleboards.

Falcon Lake off the Rio Grande River.  An inspection of the vessel revealed more than 200 pounds of illegal narcotics in the vessel’s storage compartments.

Another spectacular holiday weekend in Texas.  A special round of applause for the Austin area, guess life jackets are a new concept to the area.  If you think about it, they inspected over 12,000 boats and issued over 3,000 citations.  Of course there is some overlap but when it comes down to it 1 out of 4 were in violation, besides 40 of them were drunk.  There is no more dangerous time on the water than the holidays, and as usual these numbers are disturbing.  Nothing but props to the wardens for dealing with all of this 3 times a summer, what a hassle.  We can do better than this.


Had some friends fish the Sabine area in Louisiana last month.  It was tough for them but they did manage to box some trout the last day.  Unfortunately a little tangle with a immovable object resulted in the death of a lower unit.  The joys of boat ownership.  Nothing like traveling fishing, you never know.  But if you never give it a real go you are missing out.


Colorado Rainbow.


The last year and half since the pandemic has been a shit show in some respects.  It did not help I got the covi, which when combined with the lake being closed meant a 6 month mess.   But finally things are starting to shape up.  Having both vaccinations I am ready to ramp back up the fishing travel.  The only question is where, besides the big western swing in September.  So I will ponder the next destination, but I am needing a fix that is out of the area.


And last but not least this for all you Rudy G. lovers.  The Washington DC courts have also suspended his law license, the second jurisdiction to do so, for being nothing more than a big fat liar.  I told you so last year and now the chickens have come home to roost.  I hope if you need an attorney you find one that is truthful.  It is so important.  If they will lie to the court they will lie to you.


Just a few thoughts today.  Guess I will head to the tackle room and stare at the baits, best I can do right now.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Nothing to do with fishing! 7/7/2021.



First my condolences to Michael and his family for their loss.  Loss is always tough.



Random fish pic – Belize permit, a bucket list fish for me.

As I sit here Wednesday morning watching the radar I am beginning to wonder why the Gods are conspiring against me and my fishing plans.  What happened to retiring and fishing whenever I want?  The rain is literally solid from here to the Gulf, a pattern we can not seem to get out of.  And for some reason the electricity has been out 3 times already this morning.  The wind is blowing lightly as it rains, and rains, and rains some more.  We actually have a flash flood watch/warning until Friday morning.  Can it be possible that we have finally have to much rain?  That would be a Texas first for me, though we have only been here 15 years.  If it was not so heavy I might try to slip out to the lake at some point today but looks like that will not happen.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


And further conspiring to keep me shore bound we traveled to Houston yesterday to see ANOTHER ear specialist.  Over the last 2 weeks the roaring in my ear has gotten much worse (They were not impressed.) so I decided to give it one more try to get some relief.  (Attempt #4.)  I was hoping there might be some form of surgical option, nope.  The punch line – To bad, so sad.  It gets somewhat frustrating to hear that we have done all we can, and maybe try this or that,  (As in $3,000 and $4000 gadgets, cash up front.) with the realistic chances of relief about zero.  And if I hear one more time it is all in my head – DUH!  Funny how one of the professionals I spoke with yesterday said I might be obsessing.  Well no shit Sherlock.  So guess this is my fault?  You try having your ear literally roaring 24/7 and see if maybe you might “obsess” some.  So today is give up day, I guess it will be what it is.  Occasionally in life it requires all of us to man up and shut up, so time for me to do the same.  But hey, they got to do hearing test number 4, which was exactly the same as it has been since this started a year ago, and charge Medicare and my insurance company, so it is all good.



Everglades snook – That is a real one!

So since it looks like fishing is not on the plate today guess I will hit the tackle room and try to get a little better organized.  In other words clean up the mess that comes with changing line, hooks, gluing stuff, changing combos, all that is associated with fishing.  But it sure is nice to  have a tackle room.  Wish I had not sold all my lure making molds, pots, etc, would be making jig heads today.  I have a style I like and being able to make them at will was nice.  Sure saved lots of $$$ as the price has gone over the roof.  And speaking of jig heads, the ones at Tackle Town that were $10 I found for $7 so it pays to shop around.



The Boss crosses the border in the jungle from Costa Rica into Panama.  It is in the doing!

And there is some early planning going on for what will be one of my biggest adventure yet.  The Boss is wanting to head back out west, Montana or  Idaho, and has a week to get it done in September.  So the plan that is taking shape is I am going to fish my way west for a couple of weeks, leaving after the holiday.  Then pick her up for a week, and then fish my way back.  As it is hefty drive thinking the plan is at least 2 weeks out and 2 weeks back, stopping and fishing from Colorado to the Canadian border.  No plan, no route, take the scenic route and fish it if it looks good.  The San Juan, the Yellowstone, Snake, Bitterroot, all those famous places, and who knows what other rivers and lakes await.  And of course at least a day or two in Yellowstone to get my wolf and griz fix.  Then back and 2 weeks later to the Chandeleurs, looks like it will be a great fall.


So a melancholy day to mess with tackle, read a book, and take a nap.  Hope you all had a great weekend, and if you got to fish had a couple tug on your line.  I appreciate you sticking with the blog during this down time.  I know it gets a little stale during some of these periods, it feels that way to me.  But just around the corner the fish are jumping in the boat, hope springs eternal for all fishermen.  It is the one trait we all share.  So keep stopping in, there is fishing to come, and most of all – Thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Just Checking In. 6/30/2021.


The grandkids are here for the week so the fishing will take a back seat, unless throwing some worms at catfish and bream is fishing.  It is all relative.  A little tube time and some fishing on the lake keeps them happy.  And of course a visit to the zoo and then a little shopping with the Boss.  Which shopping with the Boss is way more fun for them than for me.

The crew heads out with high hopes.

So watching the weather looked like we had a window so we headed to the lake.  Since I was catching catfish on crankbait had a pretty good idea where to start.  Pulled up, tossed some corn and Wren catches a small cat on her first cast.  Then we missed a few and Wren caught a nice bluegill.

I am not touching that!

Then it looked like it was coming so I headed to a spot closer to the ramp.  We no more than got there and made a couple of casts when here it came, and I don’t mean a shower, it freakin’ poured!  Good thing we were close and everyone laughed about it as we headed in a downpour.

Mia fishes and Wren being Wren.

By time I got it on the trailer and pulled the plug it had 2″ of water in it.  On the way home there were storms and rain all around us, which should be out of here Friday so who knows we may give it another go before they head home.  The trip was short, but a good time was had by all.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


TPWD has taken additional action on deer breeders in an effort to contain the spread of CWD.  I do not think they took it far enough, but it is a start.  Until proven otherwise NO deer from any commercial breeding facility should be allowed out.  I feel for the breeders but this is a potential disaster and there should be a moratorium on sales or movement of any deer from any breeding facility in Texas, or importation for the time being.  After that until the herd is absolutely undeniably clear no movement without a test, end of  story.  Time to nip this in the bud, before it spreads over the whitetail industry, both hunting and breeding.  It can easily spread and then no one wins.  I still have a problem with a state agency equating the commercial needs of an industry with our animals they are paid to protect.  I understand that there has to be some balance to it, but nowhere does it say Texas Parks Wildlife Commercial Department.  Oh… and a couple of questions, asking for a friend:  How did this happen?  And why has it taken this long to be given the look it deserves?  Just wondering who was supposed to be minding the hen house?


Boy looking daily at boats for sale is eye opening.  First is a “shortage” of some new boats and consequently the price of used is skyrocketing.  And now the shortage has extended to used boats.  I used to say if you could afford a high dollar boat why buy used.  Now that is not the easy answer as there is very little out there, and finding exactly what you are looking for it might have to be used.  Of course the price “might” be a  little out of line, it depends on how bad you want it.  A few folks are selling hoping to take advantage of the current market. The best advice right now, hang on if you can, this will not last.  (Probably.)


A Sad Day

Another senseless death out of POC.  According to what I read a man was killed when the SCB he was riding in hit the small jetties near midnight.  It could have been even worse as there were 4 other folks in the boat.  How do things like this continue to happen?

I can scream about horsepower till the cows come home, but the repercussions from high speed boating continue.  (And do not put words in my mouth, I do not have a clue how this happened.)

As a buddy and I headed home late one night on Lake Norfork we almost had our incident.  It was dead calm and I felt the Champion rock slowly back and forth, then it hit me, wake.  I pulled back on the throttle and we idled down and almost hit a pontoon full of folks.  They had their running lights off so they could “see.”  The one and only time I ever yelled at anyone on the water.

If you do not know, and I mean like the back of your hand, where you are and where you are going, you have no business on the water at night.  And if you think you know where you are, but your horsepower is overriding your good sense, you have no business on the water at night, or maybe even owning a boat capable of going that fast.  Your GPS is fine for general navigation but it is not infallible, or that precise, to rely on it while running high speed in the dark.

Do not get me wrong I have no idea why or how this happened, or whether speed was a factor, but I saw the pictures from the last deadly crash involving a high speed boat out of POC, and they were ugly.  (That gentleman is now under indictment and facing significant prison time.)  I know many of you think you have some God given “constitutional” right to run as fast as you want.  (Love how that is always thrown around when talking about a ton of different “rights” by folks who heard about the constitution in the 4th grade.)  But as far as I am concerned it is time for a speed limit on the water.  There is a reason we have them on our highways.  Trust me, after having worked a bunch of highway fatalities crashing at 45 mph is nothing comparted to 75 mph.  How hard is water?  You can roller skate at 60 mph on water, plenty hard depending on how you hit it.  And while mandatory kill switches is a start, it means little when you hit an immovable object.  I do not mean to rant, but it is so sad when a good time turns to tragedy.  Seeing the human consequences at the time it happens is heart breaking.  My condolences to family and friends, what a waste.  Try telling the family a few times their member has died, it is not easy.


Please, please, please be careful out there this weekend.  The weather is going to straighten up and that means folks will be out in full force.  So wear your life jackets, assume the other guy does not have a clue, be the bigger man and yield, check all your stuff before heading to the water, and then act like you have a brain in your head and it will all be fine.  And do not get shit faced and drive anything mechanical, safer that way.  So have some big fun with family and friends, we deserve it after the last year and a half.

For me it is another few days of the kids, letting everyone have the holiday weekend, then finally back on the water full force.  All parties are on notice that I am going to fish, and then fish some more.  Keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Lots of bites – No size. 6/24/2021.


Going to the lake in the morning.  Since  I managed to weasel a few out at the lake the other day it has been eating at me.  It is quite possible that having my head up my rear trying to make the fish do something that they do not want to do had a big part in my recent lack of success.  Fishing the past catches all fishermen at times, hard not to.  So until I get back out there and toss that crankbait all morning it will drive me nuts.  I will be on the water at daylight.  And being at the lake will be close to home in case the Boss ends up needing something as she enters day 2 or her recovery.


79/94.  Partly sunny and humid with a 40% chance of showers in places.  Wind SSE  12-17 mph.

Lake Level

Monday 98.25 msl.  Todayu  98.24 msl.

Bite Times

Major  12:24 pm to 14:24 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


Got to the ramp at daylight, the water temp was 87 – 91 over the whole lake, the color is still sketchy, and the wind was light.  It was clear overhead when I got up and watched the full moon sink into the horizon, and here came the clouds.  Other than the wind white capping when I quit at noon conditions stayed the same all morning.

Best of the 13 I caught this morning.

Though I threw the buzzbait on a few small flat points, see the only one that ate above, I stuck with the chartreuse square bill.  I was confident that the bite would be better, and the numbers bore that out.  The only problem, size.

There was no place any better than any other, but throwing it near cover accounted for a few, the rest just got on, most close to the bank.  The better places have some deep water close by, common this time of year.  And today like Monday they did eat, the only one I missed all morning knocked a foot of slack in it and just did not catch up.  And like Monday, a few “other” fish jumped on.

I small catfish stayed on, another followed it all the way to the boat.  Then one smashed it and the tussle was on.  Hoping it was a bass it turned out to be a pretty big carp.  I was already envisioning the picture but being to lazy to get the net I tried to grab it, and after a couple of attempts it pulled off.  It was hooked in the side of the head, if it would have been the mouth there would have been no getting off.

After a couple of fishless trips, then 6 Monday, 13 today was a definite improvement.  Crankbait looks to be a ticket, and maybe throwing deeper diving baits might be effective.  I did throw another similar bait and color but did not get a bite.  It seemed they wanted the little tighter wiggle and noisy rattle.  And for those of you who like the bladed jig it would sure seem to be an option right now.

The one thing I know for sure, seems like when I get above the bridge and go further up the fishing definitely declines.  It is much dirtier way up, and while I hoped the crankbait would get it done in that water, not a bite.  Most of the places I have caught the last 2 trips have been on the lower part of the lake.  So while it was not a big fish day the bites were just often enough to keep it interesting.

And as side note the grandkids will be here next weekend and they want to go fishing.  With the number of catfish shallow we should be able to catch a couple.  And they always tell Granpa – We don’t want to touch them!


There is a crazy story of a collegiate bass angler who was struck by lightning while practicing the other day.  They saw the storm coming and took off and were hit running 55 mph.  Best they could tell it hit the driver in the shoulder and exited out his pants into the boat seat.  Wow!  He was checked out and seems all is good.  Man that could have been a lot worse, when you see it coming the lightning is often already there, so be careful next time you see one coming.


Happy to report the Boss came through her knee surgery with flying colors.  She had the most trouble with the after affects of the anesthesia.  The Doc said it was all good and is ok to walk on it after a couple of days of rest.  Then some rehab and she is good to go.  It is hell getting old, it is not for the faint of heart.



Those of you who have been reading me for a while might remember the guy who gave me hell and said he would never read me again because of my comments on Rudy G.  Well guess what?  He has now been suspended from the practice of law in New York, and actually has to appear in court today for one of his bullshit legal filings.  Then a hearing before the BAR to see whether he will actually be disbarred.  No greater shame for an attorney. The BAR in its lengthy opinion said that he was suspended for lying, both to courts and to the public.  End of story, he is a liar, plain and simple.  And when the courts where he spread his nonsense get done with him and that nut Powell, much less the multiple lawsuits for defamation,  (Making shit up.) he will be nothing more than a stain on the profession and one heck of  a lot poorer.  Sad to see what was once a well respected lawyer and politician sink to nothing more than a scumbag.  And what next?  Then a good chance he will be indicted.  Told you so.


In a perfect world I will have a few days on the Gulf next week.  The Boss will be back in business and the kids will not be here until late in the week.  The world continues to conspire against me but I should be good to go for a month or two after this latest commotion.  Can you say Grand Isle?  So keep stopping in and thanks of reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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That Was Interesting! 6/21/2021.


Perusing the weather Sunday night, including the coastal sites, the wind is blowing 20mph all along the coast.  It is predicted to be that and more tomorrow with possible storms so will do the usual Monday Coleto thing.   Make the final decision when I get up.  Then get the Boss fixed Tuesday and then hopefully some serious coastal time in my future.  She might be able to rehab beside a pool somewhere, tough it out.  At least there is some clouds in the forecast tomorrow, maybe that will help the lake.    I am just happy to be able to go.


78/95.  Intervals of clouds and sunshine with a thunderstorm in spots; breezy with a 40% chance of rain.  Wind 14 – 21 w1th higher gusts.

Lake Level

Today 98.25 msl.  Last Friday  98.42 msl.

Bite Times

Major  9:34 am to 11:34 am.  (That was right on.)



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


When I got up first thing checked was the radar and it confirmed the lake.  It was drizzling at the house and there were pockets of storms blowing in from the Gulf in the POC area so off to the lake I went.  On putting the boat in at 6:00 the wind was about 15 mph out of the SE, the water temp was in the high 80’s, and the water is finally starting to clear some.

Right off the bat 3 just flat missed the buzzbait, all on points.  Not sure what that is about but only one looked like it might be a good one.  I worked lots of different places and the results stayed the same as it has been, no bites after first thing.  I finally changed tactics, which might have cleared a few things up, or maybe confused me even more.

It was kind of a Gary Klein thing, a small chartreuse square bill crankbait.  Strictly just hoping for a bite.  The first point I came to one the size of the one below jumped on, and I mean smacked it.  From that point on it was the only thing I threw for the rest of the morning.

Ok maybe there is something to this.

One small jumped on next, then the one above.  All three of them smacked it, no trouble telling it was a bite.  And all three came on a windy point.  I fished several places without a bite then had a run of the “other” stuff.  Got to give them credit they unload on it.

Then it was the attack of the killer catfish.  They do not come off.

And if these guys are shallow looking to spawn the bluegill swim jig should be working.  And looks like the catfish are also about to spawn.

Of the 6 I caught on the crankbait all were right on the edge of the stuff, and about half jumped it after it hit something.  None came very far off the cover.  Points were best, but just because it was a good looking point did not mean there was a fish on it.  And if you take into account the miles covered with the crankbait it was not fast by any means, but it gives me hope.  Also tells me I might have had head up rear syndrome.

I am somewhat puzzled though.  With the amount of water that I have tossed both the swim jig and swim bait without success the last week it was another story with the crankbait in the exact same type spots.  Confirms there are some shallow like I thought, guess I have just not been throwing the right stuff.  Maybe the bright color with the wobble is what it took, and will take, to trigger a bite.  Another bait that might catch them would be the vibrating jig.  Makes me wonder how many might cooperate if I threw it all morning.  No matter what it was nice to have some bites that acted like they really wanted it.  Now I can not wait to head back up lake where the water color is not the best, who knows, it just might be the ticket.


Can I Have 2?

Mercury just introduced a 600hp Verado that has 2 features new to outboards.  1.  It has a 2 speed automatic transmission.  2.  The lower unit is articulated.  Turn the wheel and the cowl stays unmoved and just the lower unit turns.  All that is wow!  But the real wow, it only costs a cool $77,000.  What a deal.  And that is all freakin’ nuts if I do say so myself.


Saturday we made a lunch run to Rockport where the choices are more to our liking.  After eating we made the usual stop at Tackle Town.  First I was looking for swim bait hooks in a certain size and weight.  The options are still far from complete in the hook business, one area that was, and still is, affected by the pandemic.  And whether it was in North Arkansas, Houston, or Rockport there just is not a full compliment in any store.  But there was one that I thought at first would be the ticket, until I looked at the price.

They were a Mustad 4/0 in 1/8th weight.  Ok that will work, except there are only 3 hooks in a pack, and they were $9.99.  Wow!  I am not paying that for 3 hooks, period.  Though they were the most expensive, most were in the $6 plus for 3 or 4.  Man I am getting old.    As we all know a  4/0 in one company is not always a 4/0 in another, so I settled for another brand, and then addressed my second need.

After taking a Penn spinning reel locally to get it cleaned, I wanted to shop somewhere else.  They actually cleaned it and gave it back to me still basically broke, and charged me $20.  They knew it was not functioning properly because he said I could order the part.  Huh?  If I am going to order the part, then take it apart then I might as well clean it.  Make sense?  That is like dropping your car off at the mechanics for the transmission and he fills it with gas, changes the oil, washes the windshield, then bills you for it and giving it back to you and it still won’t run.

The dude at Tackle Town told me if they could not fix it they just stop, put it in a bag, and give it back to you.  No charge.  Much better, then at least if you want to put in the effort to save it you can order parts.  But anyway they had the pawls I was needing so nice to get those.  I am not all about cleaning and repairing reels, but pawls I can handle.  And it was all it took to get my 4500C cranking reel back in action.  To bad I did not have it today.


Chronic Wasting disease has infected  some Texas captive whitetail breeding facilities, which according to what I read makes a total of 5.  Now it has made the national media.  It says TPWD is “scrambling” to test and contain, but it looks like the horse may be out of the barn, which could threaten the wild whitetail population.  There are calls for increased regulations of the 900 plus breeders, but it has been unsuccessful, and of course you can surmise why.  TPWD should be “scrambling”, if the wild Texas whitetail herd gets infected we could have a serious disaster, decimating the herd with what is called the “zombie” disease.  And as keeper of the wildlife they might also “scramble” to explain how this happened under their watch.  Who was watching them?  Another example of why at times I am skeptical that TPWD always has their priorities in order.  Animals first, commercial interests last.  Pretty simple concept.

I know at times I have been critical of TPWD, when they deserve it.  But in their defense they need more money, more help, and more wardens.  Arkansas took the bull by the horns and the state voted a dedicated 1/8th cent sales tax for fish and game.  And they specifically dedicated it so the greedy legislature can not steal it, as so often happens.  Texas needs that kind of  funding, it is a big state.  And one other thing it needs, how about just one “regular” person on the commission?  Using politically connected folks with money is not the best way to assure that all the users of our outdoors are protected and have at least a little of the access most commissions have.


Congrats to Colby Peyton and the Waterloo gang for their win at the Rojo Classic this weekend.  Those were some really stud redfish.  Between him and Colton with the Everlast guys, tough for anyone else to win one on the coast right now.  The little friendly competition between them could go on for a while.  No clue where they caught them this weekend but there are some good bull redfish reports from the jetties.


Hopefully the Boss will have a good outcome on her knee in the morning.  The Doc says she will be good as new and that mountains are back in her future.  Just have to see how it goes, but I should be back on the water in a few days, hopefully the bay.  Maybe it will start clearing like the lake has, but there is more rain in the forecast so who knows.  I am happy to have the LTS back and looking forward to adding a ton more hours.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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The Lake and More. 6/19/2021.


I have definitely been getting on the water early enough!  But the early morning bite has left me.


75/95.  Partly sunny with a 30% chance of a thunder shower in spots after noon.  Wind NE 8 – 10 mph.

Lake Level

9 days ago  98.49 msl.    (GBRA has a new website and trying to find lake levels.  Stay tuned but it is still way up.)

Solunar Times

Major 7:09 am to  9:09 am.   Minor  11:00 am to 12:00 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


I lost one on my second cast this morning, and that was it until I quit at 11:00.  There is nothing to add about the lake, you have heard it all.  If  am going to keep fishing it time for a major change.   (I am no Carolina Rig fisherman, but time to start running the deep ledges.) No matter how hard I try I can not make them come to the shallow water, and today it was the same.  Fished old places and new, flipped some heavy cover on the main river channel, several points, same old, same old.  I even went way up lake where there really has not been enough water to fish the last couple of years and the water color sucked and could not buy a bite.  The bay is going to be the place to be as soon as the Boss is straightened out next week.  But it does have some correlation to what is going on in the bay.  Lots of water.

Over the years I have seen water levels do some crazy things.   In the present case the lake got way to much dirty water at the wrong time, and it pushed them deep, at least that appears to be the case.  (If you remember about 5 years ago we had the same kind of big flood which they blame for killing all the grass and the subsequent fishing decline.  Hope this is not a harbinger of things to come.)  Might be one of those years where the fish basically stay on the old shoreline level, have seen that several times over the years.  Just not hearing any good lake reports with even the crappie fishing being tough.  And the bay has suffered its own affects with way to much fresh water.  Our rains really have affected area waters.   In the long run it a good thing all the way around, but often when it is happening it makes things tough.  The Boss did bring up one thing they see on occasion in the ER when you have warm fresh water flushing the bay, which is an increase in vibro.  Just have to wait and see how that plays out.

There were lots of folks out on the lake today, about half crappie fishing, the other half bass fishing.  Someone will catch them, it always happens.  And maybe if someone really gets it figured out it will be whoopin’.


And this comment from Ross after my POC report.

With the freshwater, may want to fish closer to the passes along with those deeper reefs. Friend of mine fished shell in SA Bay on Tuesday and struck out. Said the water was off color. Did hear there were fish in the surf and plenty of bull reds at the jetties

Good luck and glad to see a salt report from you!

Fishing in the vicinity of the pass makes tons of sense, at least the water gets flushed every so often.  With all the color in the bay it might take a while to clear back to the color we like.  And as far as the surf, I have heard a good reports from both shore and boat fishermen.  Last time I fished the surf I jumped a tarpon on a popping cork which was exciting.  So hopefully the fishing will start improving, and the tropical storm headed to Louisiana will stay that way, we do not need the rain right now, which of course I might be regretting later.  Look for more salt reports from me as the lake just has me humbled right now.  Thanks for  commenting, great to know you are out there.


I will be real interested in how the tournaments play out at POC this weekend.  It is going to be a circus but there is plenty of water, the question will be how much of it is worth a hoot.  I would think that the water quality would be fairly poor in places like Keller and the Powderhorn as examples due to the amount of fresh inflow they both get.  From what I have read the water quality is much better in Matagorda Bay than points farther south in our area.  So if you are fishing good luck, smash em’!


And good to hear from our Fayette guru and Knockin Tail pro.

Texas summer has arrived!! Glad you have your boat back, you showed a lot of patience, especially for a ex lawyer. I’m would like to think I would have too, but who knows! Sooo hot, fishing has been good but you have to be willing to pay the high price to catch them. Got a guide booked out of Matagorda next week, hoping to gain some new skills.
Fayette lake report: if you can take the heat they are biting at 18-28 feet fairly well on Carolina rigged Senkos by the dam. Cloud cover and a little wind helps. Both for the fish and fisherman.

Going to be headed North soon to fish in some cooler waters, hoping Canada opens their border.

Sorry Arkansas didn’t get in, they got out played. I was rooting for them for you.
Tight lines

The only reason I was able to keep from imploding while the LTS was in the shop was having the skiff.  Trust me, if I had not had it I might have just bought a new boat.  But it is running perfect, it has always been a running machine.  It was a little irritating that I finally got it set up like I want it then a breakdown, but as usual B.O.A.T.

And folks, Rusty is being humble on the Fayette fishing.  I have seen the strings he has been catching on Fayette lately, and they have included one over 8 and multiple over 6lbs.  Some of those  coming on the new prototype from Controlled Descent.  One thing about Fayette, it seems if you can get on them you can make them pay, and Rusty knows his lake.  He also happens to be a dedicated fly fisherman and fly tier.

Speaking of Matagorda, which I did above, you should have a good trip.  Can’t wait to hear what the water color is in that area.  And It will be interesting his approach and maybe you can introduce him to the Knockin Tail.  Once you start throwing them you are hooked, fresh or salt they catch fish.  Some of those big bass Rusty has been catching have come on the prototype.  (To bad Coleto is not producing, I have missed out on some of that.)

And good luck on your northern swing.  Good time to be heading that way.  And I saw today Canada is talking opening on July 21, hope it happens.  We are still crossing our fingers on Thailand in December, but if it gets canceled we will change our destination to the Yukon.  We have had our last 2 foreign travel plans cancelled, which of course is driving the Boss nuts.

And last the Hogs, they did not lose a series all year until the last one.  But what a year and they will be back.  Van Horn is a great coach and can get the players.  Let us know how the guide trip goes.  Good to hear from you.


And speaking of lures and prototypes it has been my pleasure and very interesting working with Michael on his new baits.  When I was with Tad’s Fishin’ Machine Lures back in the old days when we needed a mold we went to a small area machine shop and he would make one for $20, and usually get it done in a week or so.  That is not how things go these days.  First add 3 more zeros, then get on the wait list, and if you are lucky you might be in production within 6 months.  But no matter what the new prototype baits we are fishing work and will be a great addition to your tackle box.  The one hint I will give you, can’t wait for winter.


And speaking of a crazy year, we were hoping 2021 was going to be better than last year but our family is off to a rough start.  Dad passed this spring, my sister-in-law is undergoing chemo, the Boss is heading to knee surgery on Tuesday, and now mom fell in the backyard and broke her arm.  As usual, when it rains it pours, but like all fishermen hope springs eternal and tomorrow will be a better day.


I rely on the GBRA website to keep up with the Coleto lake level.  The other day the page was completely revamped and now I can not find the levels that were posted on the old page.  So I dropped them an email asking how to find it.  Will be interested in seeing whether they respond.


That is enough idle rambling for today.  Got a few things to do on the boating front today so headed somewhere to be determined as soon as I hit post.  Then Monday will be back on the bay trying to improve on last trip.  Hope if you get a chance to hit the water this weekend you whack em’.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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POC 6/16/2021


It has been a little bit since I was on the salt, so anxious to get back on the water and maybe catch supper while I am at it, orders of the Boss.  I think it will be a boat fish morning as I have some new baits to try and I know just the places.  So it will be up real early and on the way.  A little topwater at daylight then some serious plastics fishing, should be fun.

And a little known fact:  This is the 1,426th time I have posted.  Really kind of proud of that.  Guess I will shoot for 1500 and see where we go from there.


74/97.  Mostly sunny with a 25% chance of rain.  Wind ENE 8 – 13 mph.


Low  2:4 am    0.17 ft.   High  1:36 pm     1.15 ft.

Solunar Times

Major 7:09 am to  9:09 am.   Minor  1:00 pm to 2:00 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


I was ready to hit the road so I would be at Froggie’s at daylight.  It was already busy, sounded like a Nascar race, forgot how busy it can be during the summer.  The water temp was in the 86 degree range and most places I fished the water color can best be described as poor.  But with the rain we have had it was not unexpected, and there was lots of water in the ditches on the way down.

There is just something about a good redfish smoking a topwater!

Since it was boat fish day first up was Big Bayou and one of my favorite redfish banks.  The wind was blowing on it, but it was fishable.  I always start with topwater or spinnerbait there year round, and it started off the morning with the one above.  Typical “here he comes” waking then blasting it, no missing for him.  (Since the Boss wanted a fish fry he went in the box with 1 trout.  Keeping with my policy of keeping only what we need for that night, no meat hauls, no freezer fish.)  You really have to give redfish credit, they are fun to catch.  That was the only bite there so time for some trout.

The best trout of the morning, a real fattie on the KTL Pink Ice.

The bank has 5’+ of water with a grass edge and a sharp drop and usually holds some better trout.  Today it was slower than usual.  But the one above was my first bite there, and turned out to be 1 of 3 on the first pass.  The other 2 were interesting.  The next one had it just like the one above, on the one above I moved the bait to show you, down in his gullet.  When I netted it he tossed his stomach out and came unbuttoned.  So no pic of that one, in as quick as I could, maybe he will make it.  But it was another good fish.  And the only other bite was also a nice one but when I boated flipped him he went over and came off and landed in the water behind me.  So not a bad pass, no big numbers but ok fish.

The “biggest” of the 3 rats.

Instead of fishing all the places I like in Big Bayou time to head to the Oil Cut.  That was a whole other animal.  The water color in there was not good and I only had a couple of bites, and I fished lots of it.  One was a real rat red the other a small trout.  That was definitely not what usually happens there.  So to finish off the morning I made a couple of passes back in Big Bayou.  I ended up catching 2 rats and 1 more small trout.  With the tide full up they quit it was real slow.  And there is a punch line and here it is.

When I got back to the ramp TPWD was doing a survey, which turned out to be for red snapper and not bay fish.  We got to talking and he said sounds like you caught more than almost anyone today.  And then he told me that Memorial Day Weekend they did the survey and almost everyone struck out.  So here is the punch line – They tested the water in the bay after all this rain and the salinity level was 5, which is wayyyyy down.  Average sea water is 35, and Baffin can reach a 100, so there you go. That really explains a lot about the fishing.

Though I have no complaint, I caught 10 or so and had not fished there in months.  And if I had stayed the day and caught the falling tide later in the afternoon a limit of both would not have been out of the question.  It was slow, but if the salinity is as low as it might still be the fishing could be slower for a little while.  We sure do not need any more rain right now.  I have heard tell that when it gets like this it is time to fish deep shell reefs, as in 5′ range as the freshwater stays on top and salt is below, consequently that is where the trout are hanging.  Just a thought.

And I had 2 Majek moments this morning, the first one right off the bat.  As I entered Big Bayou I dropped back to an idle to hit my first point.  I was not all that far from the bank, a big cast, when around the corner comes a Majek and he goes between me and the bank.  It was so freakin’ punk ass that I did not get mad.  Typical guide behavior that I have experienced many times out of POC.  I have made fun of Majeks  (Not the boat, they are great.) at times, asking whether when you buy one do you get a permit to be an asshole, or make bad choices?  Later  Majek number 2 comes screaming between 2 islands headed to the flat and bogged down he went.  Not sure why he thought he could do that, but whatever.  This horsepower race is just getting out of hand, and if gas prices keep heading up it might get a little sketching filling them up.  Just kidding but please by courteous and careful out there.

The overall score for today was an A-.  Great to have the boat back, no real wind, caught some fish, did not break anything, all good.  On the way home the boats were flooding into POC.  And they were setting up at the Community Center for what looks like a big tournament so things will be hopping at POC.  I am going to hit the lake in the morning early, and then as soon as we get the Boss over her knee surgery it will be some serious bay time.  Time to get in the water.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Beware False Profits. 6/15/2021.


Well here we go.  After getting the boat basically straightened out it will be on the water at daylight.  I chose the lake first so if there is some malfunction I won’t be to hell and gone from the house.  To bad I am not more confident, but with the amount of work done anything is possible.  So hopefully things will work and I might even catch a fish or two.


75/95.  Partly sunny; a thundershower in spots in the morning followed by a thunderstorm in the afternoon with a 50% chance of rain.  Wind NE 7 – 12 mph.

Lake Level

9 days ago  98.49 msl.    Today  98.42 msl.

Solunar Times

Major 5:32 am to  7:32 am.   Minor  11:00 am to 12:00 pm.


I was out real early, but hardly worth getting up for.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


First off the LTS ran great, and no, not a fish.  Funny how the steering deteriorated over time and now that it is fixed it runs great.  I had forgotten how it was “supposed” to be.  In all the motors I have owned this is the best running and starting ever. Over 900 hours and it runs like a champ.  It never misses a beat, to bad I can not say that about the fishing.

There was a light wind out of the north, the color is real crap depending on where you are, and the water temp ranged from high 80’s to low 90’s.   I had high hopes with today’s plan, the first 2 hours fish nothing but points and I stuck to it.  To bad the fish were not having it.  In fact, this is the first time in I do not remember when that I struck out, a big fat zero, and I tried it all, banks and baits.

Since I was interested in how the boat would run I fished from close to the intake to way up lake, making a couple of long runs to give whatever kinks might still be there to show, and none did.  The plant arm is not near as off color as the Coleto arm, but it did not seem to help.  In fact, a couple of the coves near the dam are really off color as the color works it way down and out.  Before I called it a day at 11:30 I had 3 bites, 2 on buzzbait and one pitching a stick worm, and they were half hearted at best.  I fished everywhere I caught lately, and about as many places I have not fished, and the results were the same, zip.  I even finished up the morning fishing a couple of deep ledges by the dam without a bite.  Just do not get it.

Where does the False Profit thing come in?

If you fish much you know these guys.  When you ask it is always: we killed them, it was awesome, they were really biting.  Of course those descriptions are relative.  What is good fishing for some is not much for others.  But in my case no False Profit here – It sucked and I sucked.  Over the last 45+ years of hard core fishing I can honestly say for one of the first times I am stumped.  For the last 10 years I have fished Coleto hard, and caught tons of fish, with plenty of big fish.  Now I am praying for a bite.  When you fish a place regularly you see the ups and downs, but this just has me puzzled.  The guy I spoke with last week said it will get better, I sure hope so.  Really going to be hard to part with the $250 for an annual next month.

It cleared quickly but sure was awesome while it lasted.


Watching the Bassmaster Classic on tv this weekend Mark Zona (Speaking of false profits.) commented on the guys throwing frog style baits.  His said the popping perch is a little harder to hook up than a regular frog.  Guess I can blame the misses the other day on the bait, this morning they would not touch it.  The point, when it was first released he featured it on a show and they were eating it, hardly a miss.  Funny, my guess, fished one of “those” places that is full of hungry fish.  Of course no comment at the time on how it can be harder to hook them on it.  So remember these shows are nothing more than ads for Strike King, and he is the chief shill.


On a completely different note it is time to pay my annual dues to keep my inactive status with the Texas BAR and I am having a hard time justifying paying it.  It has been 12 years since I actively practiced and it would take a little time and money to become active again, not something I even think about doing.  But I worked for that degree and take pride in it but at times it is hard to defend the profession.

But my faith in the profession was renewed when it was revealed that the BAR opened an investigation of our felony indicted Attorney General.  (What an oxymoron, felony and attorney in the same sentence.)  It should have been done a while ago due to several other issues, but this time it is based on his filing of a lawsuit following the election.  I don’t give a rat’s ass who you voted for, but the lawsuit was nonsense, end of story.  Any other attorney would have been laughed out of court and probably humiliated and sanctioned by the Court.  So I am sending the money, there may be hope for the profession yet.


It will be up and gone early as I finally head to the bay after a long absence.  I have some “secret’ baits from Michael and Controlled Descent that I have been wanting to put in front of some trout and reds and tomorrow is the day.  Plus I need a change of scenery really bad and nothing cures that like catching some fish.  And the Boss and I are kicking around going somewhere next week after her surgery.  If she is no load bearing for a few days I can get us somewhere and she can no load bear on a deck overlooking some water.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Just checking in. 6/14/2021.


Just having a heck of a time getting back on the water.  First, I hurt my back Friday.  The original injury happened in the late 80’s on the ambulance and occasionally it rears it’s ugly head.  And like it often happens I simply leaned over doing nothing particular and on the floor I went.  Thank goodness it just takes a couple of days of rest, as in the whole weekend, and I am a lot better today.

And while the boat is done there is plenty to do to get it back on the water, which of course was slowed by my back.  It was real dirty, and everything was wet thanks to the couple of feet of rain.  So everything got a wash including whatever was in the boat.  Funny how much old and useless crap was in it.  The trolling motor batteries were dead, which was no surprise, and while one charged up the other was not having it so off to Interstate I went.  (Nothing like crawling under the console and pulling out a battery when it is 90 degrees with 75% humidity.)  It has a 3 year replacement warranty so they put it on charge and they said come back in the morning to make sure it takes, and then keeps, a charge.  This is a perfect example of what can happen if a boat sits.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


And to complicate things the Boss is having knee surgery next week.  Looks like no big deal but it will be done under a general which is always a consideration.  She did not “injure” it in the classic sense, it just started hurting and giving her lots of trouble. The Boss has always been a picture of health so this is the first hitch in her git along.  Only time will tell what kind of patient she will be, the opposite of her last 30 years.  But the Doc says she will be back hiking mountains in a few months so there is no doubt she will crush the rehab.


On the fishing front the reports out of Grand Isle are full of folks absolutely killing the trout.  75 – 100 fish limits, most by 10:00 am is common.  It is really a whole other world down there, and besides the off the chain trout fishing, it has the redfish that Louisiana is famous for.  That place is a fish factory.  It is calling my name and driving me a little nuts right now.   If it was like that here the trout would be decimated.  The Louisiana marsh is a thing of beauty, to bad it is shrinking daily.

And the bay reports from our area are looking up, with redfish dominating.  Other than a few guides most are not posting pictures of strings of trout but they are being caught.  What I hope comes out of our freeze is a little more of that keep enough to eat and CPR the rest, and then the end of the dead cooler picture.  Most of us would much rather see a bent rod picture than some stagnant dead trout.

And it is to bad a planned Amistad trip did not materialize when the boys called off.  The fishing there is off the chain right now.  A good topwater bite along with the typical grass pattern are producing numbers along with some big fish.  It is my favorite Texas lake, just like fishing the highland lakes of Arkansas.  After running the boat a few times to make sure it is good to go, then getting the Boss over her initial tribulations, I should be good to go somewhere.


Just wanted to let you know I have not fallen off the face of the earth. This is how I hope the week goes.  Wednesday the lake for a little shake down with the LTS.  If it is all good Thursday will be bay day.  I have some new “things” from Controlled Descent that are burning a hole in my tackle box.  The look killer and my initial thoughts is another couple of fish catchers are on the way.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Coleto Creek 6/10/2021.


An interesting thing happened on the way to fish Thursday morning.  I have my pattern before heading out, hit the starter, check the tires, and make sure that the lights are in good working order.  So I head to the lake, drop in and head up.  On getting to my starting bank I drop the trolling motor in and nothing.  Now I don’t mean weak, so nothing it would not even light anything.  Jumped across post to post and not even a spark.  The battery was as dead as any I have ever experienced, I mean totally done.  So back to the house and on the charger and the code – internal short, bad battery.  I have had lots of battery problems over the decades but this was something new, completely dead out of the clear blue.  Turned out it was under warranty so I picked up a new one, in the boat it went, and off to the lake for another run at it in the morning.   (Friday)

Not sure what to expect tomorrow but I will be on the water before the sun comes up, it is going to be hot.  And then go by the mechanic and see what the hell is going on with the LTS.  This is getting ridiculous.


77/93.  Partly sunny, hot and humid; possible danger of dehydration and heat stroke while doing strenuous activities with a 25% chance of rain.  Wind SSE 12 – 16 mph.

Lake Level

8 days ago  98.49 msl.    Today  98.39 msl.

Solunar Times

Minor  7:17 am to  8:17 am.   Minor  2:30 pm to 4:30 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


The fishing might be slow but the sunrise was worth getting up for!

It was almost dead calm as the sun started to rise and of course I was the first one there.  Looks like the lake is still about the same level, and a guy I spoke with at the ramp later said they are letting  some out.  The color is still crap over much of the lake and the water temp was 85 to 90 degrees depending on where you were.  To make a long story short, 4 bites, none after 10:00, 3 boated counting a gar who got his mouth tangled in the line.

First up was a point, no bites.  Next up went half way back in a cove and fished out with the buzzbait.  At the point one just blasted it the second it hit the water, why it is so important to have that thing moving when it hits the water.

Same results, different day, but no complaints with this one.

I actually got the net out before taking off and was glad I did as she was doing some jumping.  From there it was working up lake for the next couple of hours with absolutely no bites.  The farther up you go the dirtier it gets so I turned around and headed back down and managed to get a small on a real flat main lake point.

The last one of the morning.

Though I basically stayed with the buzzbait, I alternated with a frog, swim bait, and swim jig.  Intentionally covering miles of the green grass produced one gar who jumped on the frog and got tangled, but I saved the frog.  Then on a flat point with the channel close 2 took a run at the frog and did not hook up.  Probably at least one should have but it takes a little while to get the hang of the frog when you have not fished it in a while.  If the fish would just come to the cover it could be fun.

So where are they, or just as important, why have they not come to the shallow stuff?  I really expected it to pick up, but after miles and miles of great looking stuff, every bite came on a point, which says something.   And there was some deeper water close so that is probably the pattern.  I sure know where they aren’t!  If forced to fish a tournament right now on Coleto it would be senko style plastics on points with water and cover.  Might be one of those just point hop and catch one here and there.  And just maybe like has been happening to me the last month, catch a big one.  That is where they are.  Right now covering the miles is not the ticket.  The only thing I do know, go early.


When I got to the ramp at noon there was a jon boat taking out and I thought I heard him say something.  Then I did:  “Did you get the Mako back yet?”  I did not recognize the gentleman and am sorry I did not get his name.  So I whined some about it and then he said he reads the blog which explains his question.  I always like meeting folks on the water, lets me know there are folks out there who read this stuff.  So thanks for hollering at me this morning, hope I get your name next time.  But there was a punch line, they did not catch a crappie all morning.  So whatever is going on at the lake is affecting all the fish.

And guess what else?  Surprise!  The boat is done.  I don’t know what to  say except the old saying you don’t know what you have until it is gone applies here.  Picking it up later and already looking forward to Monday.


Did you all see the photo or video of the boat that almost went over a dam in Austin?  Crazy!  It was an electric rental that according to reports had 4 women in it.  Once it got to close to the dam the current almost pulled it over before it was pulled out of harms way.  That could have been ugly.  So Austin.


Now that the Mako is back in action time to hit the salt.  So look for next week to be several days of bay fishing.  Since I have seen lots of conflicting reports not sure what to expect, except zipping across the bay at sunrise.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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