Coleto Creek – That Sucked. 8/5/2021.


I had hoped to be on the water Wednesday (Yesterday) but when I got up early it was thundering and carrying on.  A look at the radar ended that plan, but since it ended up amounting to not much I will be going in the morning no matter what.  But while we have not had much at the house it was over an inch locally yesterday.  It was enough to raise the lake some, but at this point I do not have a clue what that means.  So will be on the water at daylight and see if I can catch a bass.


75/88. Mostly cloudy with a thunderstorm in the area and a 53 chance of rain.   Wind E  5 – 10mph.

Lake Level

Today 98.45 msl.   3 days ago  98.37 msl.

Bite Times

Major  11:09 am to 1:09 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Yesterday it blew through and was fishable after a while.  So of course the same thing would happen today, right?  Nope.  It is now 10:30 and I am back from the lake after fishing a total of an hour.  Big storms, lightning, and a little rain at the lake, it was just to sketchy to stand up in a boat and hold a fiberglass lightning rod.  And on the way home major power lines down, traffic stalled and re-routed, the Boss said we got 2″ at the house, and the thunder is still rumbling as I finish this.

First place, things were looking up.

The weather was perfect when I got to the lake.  Almost calm, water temp 92, and the color about the same as it has been.  It was drizzling a little and way off I could barely hear thunder.  (On a side note losing hearing in one ear I have a real problem telling which way a sound is coming from.  Which was a little problem today.)

First up was a main lake point leading into a big cove and the one above blasted that buzzbait.  So at this point I am feeling pretty good.  So a quick move to the same type place and though it did not hook up, a real one jumped it and flat missed.  So now I am excited, 2 good bites shallow in places they should be, perfect.

But of course it was not to be.  Then lightning off in the distance.  It was within my lightning rule, if you can see it and it looks like it is heading down, time to head to the ramp.  I go back and sit for a good while, then it looks like it might be slacking off, so time to head back out.  Of course as soon as I get back to the next place the lightning starts up again.  This time ugly and on both sides of me, definitely time to quit.

To bad, but live to fish another day.  The lake is definitely up a little, and when crossing the Guadalupe on the way it was back to really high and dirty.  Funny but we missed that rain the last 2 days, but today more than made up for it.  It is basically the same forecast tomorrow and I will definitely give it another go.  If it will just cloud up and stay that way minus the lightning it might be a good day, and I do not mind fishing in the rain.  I still expect the fish to keep coming to the cover, and that little touch of a rise might just be a good thing.


I read a great tip for cleaning rods.  Wipe them down with Pledge.  Really makes sense.  Not only does it clean the blank but it leave a light protective coating.  I admit I rarely “clean” my rods other than the spray down, so I just might do a few and see how it goes.  But not a bad idea, and they sure should look better.  So after just doing it to my fly rods  (Prepping for Colorado in September.) not only was I surprised at the amount of dirt that came off, but how nice they ended up looking.  Guess it is time to do the other dozens in the tackle room!


This year the ShareLunker program produced 270,000 offspring from donated fish.  Most were returned to their home waters and the big fish survival rate according to TPWD was 91%.  While that is a big number, the program at times has had its share of detractors for not living up to the initial projections.  If you will remember there was talk of producing a new world record.  All I know is that Coleto could use a bunch of them, but most are headed back to the lake that produced the ShareLunker. Maybe someday the program will produce the state record, but so far it has failed to do so.  Has it produced some big fish?  Of course.  But the real way to grow big ones is great habitat, end of story.


I do have a question for you died in the wool Texans.  Why is a state that is so proud of itself such a roadside dump.  Again this week we saw a car toss a bunch of trash out the window.  (I wrote this yesterday and then on the way home today a POS tosses a wrapper out his window.  What is up with that?)  When I see someone do that it just amazes me, do you not care at all?  Hate to see inside your house.  Just look at any roadside that has been recently mowed, there is trash everywhere.  The more we travel the more it is apparent that some folks in Texas do not care.  (Maybe Oregon’s approach: Fines to $6000 might help.  Cleanest roadsides we have ever seen.)  And this from the state where Lady Bird led the charge on littering.  Guess the state needs another push.  But it is just as easy to simply quit littering.


And last congrats to the Boss on finishing the rehab on her knee.  It was interesting to watch as a medical professional do exactly what she was told to do, including here self rehab at the house.  She was a good patient but did whine some like most of us do.  By time we hit Colorado and the mountains she will be good to go.  And speaking of Colorado, I will be going out weeks in advance and just driving around fishing and animal watching.  Hard not to get excited about that.


Will try again in the morning.  Really it is kind of a holding pattern around here as I wait out summer.  I am ready for fall and some cool mornings.  Maybe a little elk bugling, rams on a hillside, and a big brown smoking a hopper.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Coleto Creek 8/2/2021.


Tomorrow is going to be the lake and a quick meat haul.  Rarely do I just go on a meat haul, but the Boss is wanting a fish fry and that should not be to hard to get done.  Hopefully a couple of nice catfish will hit the ice in the morning.  If anything tells you that shad in the lake are the number 1 forage by a mile is how many catfish I catch on crankbait.  Guess we will see in the morning, but it will be a quick trip.  The yard needs mowing,  (We might get rained on the next 4 days.  I thought this was South Texas!) have some stuff to do online, and need to get some beer.  And in the words of Justice Kavanaugh in the craziest Supreme Court Confirmation Hearing ever:  I like beer!



78/93. Partly sunny and humid with a 25% chance of rain.   Wind WSW 5 – 10mph.

Lake Level

Today 98.28 msl.   10 days ago  98.37 msl.

Bite Times

Major  8:41 am to 10:41 am.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


This was a short trip, exactly what needed to happen so I could be responsible the rest of the day.  Since the Boss only likes them fresh time to put a few on ice.

There is the meat!  This is as close to a dead fish picture you will see here.

When I got to the ramp at 8:00 the water was down a couple of inches, the color was just a little bit better, and the water temp was 89 degrees.  The wind was barely blowing with patchy clouds and you could tell rain is coming at some point today.

First up was the main lake bank in sight of the ramp where they have been, and amazingly enough not a bite.  So kept going, heading to where the catfish have been on the edge of a big flat on the main lake.  It took a little bit, but one finally jumped on the Shad Rap, which by far has been the bait of choice.  Then another, and also missed a couple.  So I headed back to the ramp trolling and caught a couple of bass and another small catfish.  A good one did manage to pull off, but at that point 3 were on ice so time to go mow the lawn.

Today most of the shad were in the 10′ range give or take, and just because there was bait did not mean a bite was coming.  But if you saw good hooks below them that would get you bit. When it only takes an hour to catch supper who knows what the day would have brought.  In fact, it took longer to put in and take out as it did to catch them.  Consistently catching catfish like this is just plain interesting.  Over the years I have caught lots of them but only the last 2 summers on Coleto has it been possible to actually target them trolling.  It would be no surprise if taking a walleye spinner rig and slow bottom bouncing with a crawler in that area would smoke them.  Every day there is a way to catch fish, you just have to figure it out and not be a species snob.


You can not miss it.

We spent the weekend in Shreveport and had a good time.  It had been over 25 years since we visited and the city has not changed all the much, other than there are more casinos.  But that was not the highlight of the weekend.  (If you go be sure to eat at the Blind Tiger downtown, you will not be disappointed.)  Those of you who read this know when out of town I generally search out tackle stores just to see what is up in that area.  This time it was a home run.

Looking online there was a place called “The Crappie Shop” which is also “Gray Wolf Fly Shop”.  What fisherman could resist that?  So we headed over there and what a good time.  The owner was there and greeted us warmly and said come on in.  What a cool store.  If you are a fly tier this is the store for you.  A complete selection of anything you might need, including rods, reels, and waders to name a little.  Much of his products come from a company, Wapsi, that still exists in Mtn Home Arkansas. Tad’s Fishin’ Machine Lure company where I worked got our jig material there.  But of all things the Boss worked there many moons ago as did her mom, so they knew some of the same folks.   Small world.

The owner Wm. Howard Malpass was a hoot and the fishing stories flowed.  He has fished around the world and does casting and tying classes.  And he is very knowledgeable on the fishing industry.  One of his regulars was there, Scotty, a former fighter pilot who had fished some of the areas we have.  Of all the stores I have visited around the country this is by far my favorite.  We will be going back, the Boss is wanting more lessons and I just might start tying a fly or two.  Seriously, if you are ever in Shreveport stop in and say hi.  Plus if you ever need a bag of fuzzy hair off a ring tailed thing-a-ma-bob from the Himalayan mountains give him a call, he just might have a bag, or know where to get it.  Check out his website, a interesting guy doing it right.



Like most kids who were teenagers in the 60’s I have been going to concerts for 55 years now and have been fortunate enough to see some of the great ones.  But I would be remiss if not giving Green Day their due after seeing them again Thursday night.  No band, and I mean not one I have seen, can literally get 30,000 people up on their feet singing and dancing from the moment it starts until the moment they quit.  So when I hear musicians and other wanna b’s critiquing them my question:  When was the last time 30,000 folks paid you a $100 each and then danced for you?


If there is one good side effect to Covid, it is folks are getting outdoors in record numbers.  If there is one bad side affect to Covid, it is folks are getting outdoors in record numbers.  We have seen it in the national parks, Yellowstone is swamped like never before, and that same thing is happening where I fished the Snake River in Wyoming.  There is record numbers of folks fishing, and of course with that comes not only tighter regulations but pissed off guides.  As in most places in the words of my old friend Carmine:  There are so many guides they need to wear badges so they do not guide each other.  Now it means you paid your bucks, and maybe took the Coast Guard test, then bought a boat.

And of course, as is happening on the Snake, guides feel that they are most entitled to the water, including over some other guides.  So they are fighting with the county, each other, and anyone else that sticks their nose in it.  (And of course the county, like all government, is spending $20k to administer the use, and taking in $80k, transferring the bulk of it to county general fund.  I wish many government entities and other public interest groups would remember who paid, and continues to pay, for most of the recovery of wildlife.)  We all need to remember the water belongs to ALL of us, guides should thank each and every taxpayer for the right to earn money on the public’s resource.  (I have always said guides should pay a whole lot more when I was guiding which should be put to the resource, this is not a new position.)



Having caught thousands of white bass over 25 years in Arkansas, but until I moved to this part of the world did I ever heard of folks using this contraption.  For those of you who are not familiar either this is called a thumper, and this one can be had with a remote.  Apparently it works to draw white bass to the boat when deep jigging.  Other folks just use a rubber mallet to pound on the floor of the boat.  It is a big wide world of fishing out there and you just never know.


As you know I look at boats for sale in Texas constantly.  And the most important thing to me if you are going to buy a used boat and motor is not the number of hours, but the number of service trips.  Many online sales say only 350 hours as an example.  If this is the cases the next question, how many times has it been serviced.  As mine approaches 1000 hours it has been serviced every 100 hours, or yearly, whichever happens first.  And if they have serviced it as they should have they will know the number of hours, and if they do not they should have no problem with you speaking with their service provider.  That should come with every service.  I just saw an used X3 that they want $155K  for (That in and of itself is nuts.) and they should be able to tell you any and everything. So when you are looking if they can not tell you those answers be wary.


The weather dude said we could see up to 3″ of rain in the next couple of days, and we do not need it.  But by the same token clouds will keep it from being so dang hot, when it starts getting over a 100 heat index I start wishing for the AC.  But I will be fishing some this week, where will be dictated by the weather.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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POC Day 2, 2021.


It was flat amazing this morning!

I was off before daylight and it was really nice, but hot.  As it was yesterday there was very little wind.  The water color is still poor in some places, as in the closer to Port O’Connor the worse it is.  And the water is a balmy 86 degrees.  So I headed to Big Bayou for some boat fishing.  It would end up defining the day, and not in a good way.


80/89.  Mostly sunny with a 14% chance of rain.  Wind  ENE 7 – 12 mph.


High   11:18 am  1.05.   Low   1:46 pm  1.0.       High  4:13 pm  1.06  (The same flat top mountain.) 

Bite Times

Minor   10:14 am to 11:14 am.   Major   4:42 pm to 6:42 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


In the first hour 3 big redfish just exploded on the One Knocker and just did not hook up.  Probably need to have a rod on the deck with a Knockin Tail to throw back on them, but that takes a certain amount of organization, which I was not this morning.  The bites were few and far between but they were real ones.  I even caught a couple of small trout on top, and missed several.  So things were looking up, some.  But here is a couple of trout, perfect examples of the 8 or 10 I caught today.

The Knockin Tail Chicken on a Chain was the best bait.  One on the One Knocker.  Louisiana Specials.  This size is the way it went both days.

One thing that is puzzling is my favorite trout bank, which is a no brainer and always has some nice ones on it, did not produce a fish,  I ended up fishing it 4 times the last 2 days, which is how confident I am there.   And with it being 5 foot deep they have the protection of good water.  But they are gone.

This drum smoked a Chicken on a Chain Knockin Tail.

The plan was to boat fish a while, then wade, the opposite of yesterday.  But one problem, left the stuff in the truck.  So instead went to the Oil Cut where I caught 4 or 5 small trout, a sand trout, and this black drum.  And then the first of the oh shit moments.  I picked up the spinnerbait and on a cast when it got off the bank I reeled it quickly back and out of nowhere a huge trout hit it right at the boat.  She did not stop it but hit it from the side and just moved it.  I did not set the hook, in fact it was one of those did that really happen moments?  It was the biggest trout I have seen in a while, and it was in a weird place.  You never know, and you can not ever give up on a cast.  Operator error.

I decided to finish up the day and throw spinnerbait for reds and then oh shit number 2.  A big one just smoked it and started ripping off line kicking up a mud trail as she went.  The water was trolling motor deep and when it took off, I tried to turn the boat and for some reason it just pulled off, rare on the spinnerbait.  It was definitely a horse and I should have just forgot the trolling motor and made sure I boated it.  The best bite of the 2 days.

They like the gold blade/Pink Ice Knockin Tail combination.  

This one ate the spinnerbait and kept on coming.  The last few trips I have been working on a couple of combinations for the Knockin Tail and spinnerbait.  When fall gets here it is going to be a killing.  So on that note I called it a day.  it was hotter than hell and there was almost no wind.  The water had just started coming up, which is probably why the fishing was slow first thing.  I do know I had my chances today, it could have been 2 big fish, operator error both times.  Plus I missed several nice reds on the topwater early, which did not help matters.  I do admit to not knowing much right now, the fresh water combined with whatever affects the freeze had has definitely moved my fish, to where I do not know.


And this from SA Joe.

What were you talking about the “Alligator” guy? I’m lost…was he trying to keep you away from a spot? And why did the others guys go help him??? Was there any gators?

Sorry guess it was not as clear as it could be.  I did not see a gator but no doubt they were there.  He actually said he saw a big one and a small one.  I think he was just an old guy who was just trying to be helpful or nice, but was definitely excited.  Probably the first ones he has seen on the bay.  He also said he caught 2 big sting rays, which is not surprising, there are lots of them.  Why I always wear my shin guards.  So sorry, it was just a weird happening that day,


So it was about like I expected it to be.  There is definitely a change in San Antonio Bay.  The first order of business, no more rain, the freshwater has an effect.  Second, TPWD needs to finish the net studies, and what ever else is at their disposal, and make sure we do not need reduced trout limits.  At least the net studies will give us a reference.  But no matter what I had a  big time, and as I have said for the last 10 years, I can not wait for school to get back in, hunting to start, and with it the redfish run.  Next up Green Day.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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POC Day 1. 7/26/2021.


When I got to the ramp before daylight there was already a lot full at Froggie’s, just a gentle reminder why I love hunting season.  It was a mess.  And just to illustrate what a mess it was when I went to pull out at 3:00 stupidity was out in full force.  A big twin offshore boat looked like it was pulling out, but no, it pulled up, and she got out of the truck and stood there, blocking 2 lanes.  He was yelling, she was driving, and they put it back in to hook it up correctly.  And then pulled it back out and sat right in the middle of the ramp again blocking that side.  The other side had a guy and his wife who obviously did not have a clue how to take a boat off and it took them forever.  And in the last available slot a guide in an offshore boat drives on the trailer, then proceeds to take down a dozen rods at least, basically putting stuff away blocking the ramp.  Just another day in the neighborhood.  I have friend on the San Antonio Bay committee, or whatever they call it and he asked me my number one thing –  Ramps and parking.  There just are not enough, but that is another story.



80/88.  Sunshine and patchy clouds with a 6% chance of rain.  Wind S 6 – 12 mph.


High 11:12 am  1.2 ft.    Low  12:44 pm.   1.19 ft.   High  3:09 pm.   1.25.  (If you look at the graph it looks like a volcano, steep rise, a 4 hour flat top, then a steep decline.)

Bite Times

Minor  9:14 am to 10:14 am.   Major  3:55 pm to 5:55 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


Dink Fest

David you did not miss anything.  This was one of the tougher days I have had down here in a while.  I was gone at the crack of dawn and ran down to South Pass to fish my favorite shell, and it was slow, real slow.  I caught 2 trout and missed a couple, small enough not worth a pic.  And they were not interested in topwater, which I definitely stayed with to long.  And the water was crap, as it came up, like an inch, then down, then up, it was stagnate at best.  So after a huge wade, almost 3 hours from ankle to waist deep, time for a move.  Headed back down the island to my favorite drain, and boy was that interesting.

The Alligator Whisperer.

There was a guy on the other side of the cut boat fishing as I waded towards the cut.  On the way I did catch this guy.  You have to give black drum their due, they flat pull.

Pink Ice Knockin Tail.  Here is one for the guide who told me you can not catch black drum on lures.  

As I got close to the cut Alligator Whisperer put down his trolling motor, headed my way, and started yelling, which since I can only hear out of one ear took me a minute to understand – “Look out for the alligator!”  Ok, I will.  Then a crab trapper dude came to check his traps and he headed over to tell him.  And right before he left a boat came idling towards the Army Hole and he headed over to save him too.  Thanks Alligator Whisperer, keeping POC safe for all of us.  As far as alligators go, tons of fresh water = tons of gators.  No big surprise but it is a consideration right now.

This was basically the size of it, maybe 8 at best.  Fish sticks.

I did catch 3 small trout, but even being in a couple of smalls could not buy a bite, which is usually not the problem when catching smalls.  Since I just could not get it going wading maybe if I go to my boat fishing banks it will be better, but no.  They were not liking the tide and the water in Big Bayou looked like crap.  I literally could not buy a bite there, which rarely happens.  So at this point I was getting a little frustrated so decided to make one last stop in the oil cut.  That was sure not worth the drive, 1 sand trout and the rat red above on a spinnerbait with a Heavy Metal Knockin Tail.  So at 3:00 I called no mas.

The tide today was interesting and I probably could have done a little better picking the day, but you go with what you have.  And I definitely did not fish all that well to compound matters.  As far as in the morning guess I will boat fish first and see how that goes.  Just don’t know if you can attribute any of it to the freeze or just my lack of any time on the salt this spring.


I saw an ad for a product this weekend called Rooster Something or Other.  Basically it was like those chest straps for binoculars, but it was for your cell phone.  They were touting that you could keep fishing and check your phone.  If you buy this, and wear it on the water while you are fishing, then there just might be something really wrong with you.  Just saying.


Will be gone at daylight.  Not sure I could have done any worse boat fishing and not wading.  This is one of those times when it would be nice to have an oxygen meter, it sure did not feel “salty.”  At least the gator did not get me.  Keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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A Fun Coleto Morning 7/23/2021.


Before I get to the fishing wanted to say a little about the “ditty” bag, or whatever you choose to call it.  As I pushed the throttle forward I reached for my sunglasses, oops, not there.  I forgot them, and it would have been miserable.  But I opened the bag, found one of the spares, and off I went.  That bag has a spare hat, sunglasses, gloves, nek gator, spray, among other things.  It goes on the boat every time and this is the reason.  Really can save the day.  Now to the fishing.


78/92.  Partly sunny and humid with a 7% chance of rain.  Wind  SSE 12 – 17 mph.

Lake Level

Wednesday  98.29 msl.   Today  98.37 msl.

Bite Times

Minor 5:57 am to 6:57 am.    Major 1:13 pm to 3:13 pm.

(Water level remains stable, it is slowly clearing, and the water temp was around 90 degrees in most places.)



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


Best of the day cranking.

I literally had a plan, and like they do on occasion, it all came together.  First up was the one bank where I have been catching them each time.  The plan, fish the whole thing with buzzbait first, then the same chartreuse square bill crankbait.  And not a bite on the buzzbait, so I went all the way back to where I started and fished the whole thing with crankbait, only catching the one above.  But like they have been doing he smoked it, hard to  miss them when they hit like that.  I only did that to learn something, but it wasn’t much.  Then it was time for the real purpose, trolling.

The first couple.

I have never understood why come folks look down on trolling.  It is simply another technique to catch fish, like any other it has a time and place.  In Coleto’s case that would be summer time.  So out went the crankbaits 75 feet behind the boat on the bank where I caught them the other day

First up was a white bass, and that would be the last of them this morning.  But the small bass were there.  It was an easy 7 or 8, all coming around 10 foot deep on that bank.  I made several passes but could not catch any more white bass so time for a move.  That turned out to be a good thing.

Man they smack that crankbait!

Next up was the area where I killed the catfish last summer on crankbait.  I have caught tons of catfish of all types bass fishing with crankbaits, but the catfish on Coleto are not a little bit shy about eating a trolled crankbait.  I started in 15 feet and ended up catching the ones above, most coming where the point broke off from 10 feet to deeper.  By keeping it on the break I managed to catch 6, couple were really small, and the ones above.

The baits I was using are the same ones for whites in the spring, and being balsa they do not hold up all that well.  Catfish do not mess around when they hit, and generally get multiple trebles all up in their face.  Today is one of those days I wish I had brought the fish cooler, but they are biting and as we like them on the ice and in the grease the same day no problem later getting a fish fry.

Today was a lesson in doing what it takes.  And after a couple of sessions this is what I have learned.  Almost everything I am seeing on the locator is in the 10 – 15 foot range.  It helps to have shad obviously.  But the big thing is most of the bass I am catching are small.  But it sure does beg the question:  How about cranking a big bait that runs to 15 feet?  It just might be the ticket, other fish sure like it.  So no matter how you fish, keep it in the 10 – 15 foot range.  (I need to take my own advice now.)  I have trolled miles and that is where I am seeing most of the stuff.

Whether catching marlin on the Great Barrier Reef, or fly fishing out west, there is a big fishing world out there.  And sometimes you have to do what it takes to get it done.  Plus, each fish, each place, each method, all are an adventure in their own right.  I just prefer not to be a one trick pony, and trolling is another technique to get it done.  I give the day a B+.


And this from TPWD.

AUSTIN- The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) is extending the emergency spotted seatrout regulations in the Laguna Madre for an additional 60 days. These temporary regulation changes for spotted seatrout in the bays and beachfronts of the Upper and Lower Laguna Madre bay systems include:

  • a three fish bag limit,
  • a minimum size length of 17 inches
  • a maximum size length of 23 inches and;
  • no fish over 23 inches may be retained.

While the 60-day extension of regulation changes is warranted now in the Laguna Madre, additional focus on trout fishery recovery in the San Antonio and Matagorda Bay systems is needed as well.

So my quick read from the last sentence, things may change in our area.

And if you will remember when TPWD took trout from 10 down to 5, guides, and lots of other folks, went half nuts.  Look at us now, at least before the freeze.  The fish were definitely bigger, and a limit was a lot easier to catch.  My point, I have no problem if they lower the limit, it is in the catching.  To bad folks seem to forget that in their belief that it is only about a limit.

To read the whole press release –  News Release: July 21, 2021: Emergency Spotted Seatrout Regulations Extended 60 Days in Laguna Madre – TPWD (


ICAST is going on right now and it will be interesting to see what the new products are this year.  No matter what there will be a trinket or two most of us can not live without so there should be lots of articles coming soon.  And it looks like Michael and family had a great time visiting.  He saw some old friends, made a couple of new ones, and did a little business.  Hope he can get me in there next year, looks fun.


And the day would not be complete without the favorite comment I get on the blog.  This is just awesome.

The next time I learn a weblog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as a lot as this one. I mean, I know it was my option to learn, however I actually thought youd have one thing interesting to say. All I hear is a bunch of whining about something that you could repair when you werent too busy looking for attention.

I get this often, it is my favorite.  Guess he knows how I feel about the way the fishing has been on the lake.  How about this for interesting?  Lots of folks have sent me this over the years and it makes me smile every time I get it but does remind where things fit in this world.  So keep those cards and letters coming.


Next up will be POC Monday and Tuesday.  Will stay all night, save the drive, and enjoy some shrimp and a cold beverage.  And it will be nice to get up later on Tuesday morning, and get a good parking spot at Froggie’s before everyone and their brother gets out.  It will be good to do some wading, it has been a while.  Later in the week is Green Day in Houston.  Bought the tickets for the kids and worked out they can’t go so I will be happy to use them.  Those little guys put on a great show.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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That was interesting. 7/21/2021.


With rain in the forecast will fish the lake tomorrow, not interested in driving down to POC and getting blown off.  According to the weather dude we will have 2 more days of rain and then it looks like this pattern is over, finally.  I am sure before it is over the next year or two we will be wishing we had this rain.  There is an upside, it filled the lake.  I keep expecting once if finally stabilizes that the fishing will improve.  Just have to see how it goes tomorrow.

Early enough for you?



76/89.  More clouds than sun; humid with a 47% chance of thunderstorm in a couple of spots.  Wind  ENE 5 – 10 mph.

Lake Level

Today  98.29 msl.   Last Friday  98.27 msl.

Bite Times

Major 11:09 am to 1:09 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


It was dead calm at the ramp and the lake level looks about like it did.  The water temp ranged from 89 to 92 as the day warmed and the color is slowly but surely clearing.  Unfortunately since the grass did not come back it will never be “clear” again.  So I headed up lake to throw buzzbait until sunrise, then crankbait and plastics.  It was dead calm and basically stayed that way all day.

Best of 5 casting.

And as it has been I caught 2 smalls on the buzzbait, which was the only 2 bites on it.  So I tossed the chartreuse square bill, some plastics on wood, neither of which produced a bite.  At this point I turned around and ran way down lake to the one bank that has had fish on it and tossed the crankbait.  Basically the bank is a good ways from deep water and not the kind of place that one would think has fish.  For the whole length of it just reeled the crankbait at medium speed and when they bit they whacked it.  3 made it to the boat, and i missed 2 for some reason.  The one above was the best I could manage.   Now it is about 10:30 and dead calm so I decided to do a little trolling and see if the white bass are at the lower end.

First up was the long point coming out of the mouth of the ramp cove.  It usually has white bass on it most of the summer, but not this morning.  So time to just keep going, which I did for an hour without a touch.  And the finally it started with a double.

2 whites bass of the 5 caught trolling.

Using a Shad Rap on one line, and a shad looking thing I have no idea where I got it, it gave them 2 different looks and vibration.  I tried out to the main channel, some of it almost 30 foot deep without a bite.  What made that interesting is that usually produces small bass.  So I moved in some and then a double with a small bass and a white bass.  They were in 10 – 14 foot of water and there were schools of shad on the locator.  After making a bunch of passes it produced 3 small bass, 5 white bass, and one nice catfish.

And like catfish will do it smoked the crankbait.

I find it interesting that until I found them I did not have one random bite, which is very unusual for summer trolling on Coleto.  And all of them were in one stretch about 20 yards at most, and miss it by a little and no bites.  It was 2.5 mph with about 100′ of line out, which had one bait running 10′ and one running 7′.  The Shad Rap was definitely the bait of choice.  Those of you who read this know I like to troll when the time is right, and maybe a little more time in the shallower water might produce.

So it is puzzling that one spot had a bunch of fish, and miles prior to that zip.  They were definitely on shad, which were in that 12 – 16 foot range.  And I am still seeing a really strong line on the graph that must be dirt from the flood.  Really reminds me of when Norfork and Bull Shoals would thermocline and you could easily see it.  Only time will tell if it clears up.  I still do not know what to think about the bass fishing, but there is definitely a fish fry coming in our future.  And hey, I did catch 14 which made the morning.


The Coleto Bassmaster club tournament went exactly as I thought it would.  One good one over 5lbs was caught by the winnner, Johnny Wagoner (Sp?), and the next couple of places barely made the 5lb range.  It really is a comment on the fishing on the lake right now and is what I am finding every trip, including this morning minus the trolling.


Unfortunately sliver carp have been found in the river below Texoma.  It now joins 2 other rivers in the state which have reported one form or another of the invasive filter feeding carp.  Suffice to say they will infest and take over a river in nothing flat.  If you fish any of these bodies of water you are not allowed to remove them from the river.  But looks like that has turned out to little to late.  More to come on that front.


As I plan on my September fishing out west I have had to modify my plans some.  With the fires and drought on the Western Slope there are already low water reports in some area.  That could definitely be a problem so the plan is the area in Colorado I usually go, I have found 3 rivers I have not checked out yet.  And one of those we fished one of three lakes last trip and smoked them, but did not check out the river.  We spoke with a fly fisherman on the way out who was catching a few so that is top on the list.  As the Boss will be flying in to Durango for a week in Pagosa I am free to move about aimlessly for a couple of weeks, but with a plan to keep moving until I find some good fishing.  And this year I hope to end my bad luck at hearing bugling elk.  So it will be up and in the mountains every morning at daylight, you never know what you will see.  No matter what the trip is taking shape and it is not that far off.  Then it will be Louisiana soon after I get back.  So fall is really looking up.


And great news from Rusty our Fayette guru.  His annual Canada trip was canceled and then of all things Canada is going to open August 9th.  The resort called and asked if they wanted to come and of course it was a big yes, so trip saved.  There is a big world of fishing out there and while it takes effort to get it done, that is how adventures are born.  Go somewhere, it is good for the fishing soul.


No other particular plan at the moment.  Really hoping the weather dude got it right about next week and we are finally out of this rain pattern.  And with that will come a couple of days of fishing on the coast.  Hope to spend a night or two down there to avoid the driving back and forth.  Until then will just see what the weather has to offer.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Rainy POC 7/19/2021.


One look and I decided to not head to South Pass.  Good Call.

There were isolated thundershowers, the wind was around 10 mph out of the SE, and the water temp was 85 and the color was ugly in Big Bayou when I got there at daylight.  The initial plan was to fish shell in the South Pass area but as it cracked daylight I could see that was not going to happen.  It turned out to be the right choice, unless you don’t care about getting drenched.


78/86.  Partly sunny with a 40% chance of thunderstorm in spots in the afternoon.  Wind S 7 – 13 mph.


Low 7:27  1.21 ft.   High 8:59 am  1.23ft.  Low  6:05 pm   -0.22 ft.

Bite Times

Major  9:12 am to 11:12 am.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


A funny thing happened on my favorite topwater bank in Big Bayou.  4 blew up on the Skitter Walk and none hooked up.  It was exactly what happened the other day on the same bank.  So of course I stuck with the topwater to long.  But I did fish some places in there I have not fished in a while, but without success.  So time for the old honey hole, and like it is want to do they were on it.

Now that is a trout.  On the Pink Ice Knockin Tail.  CPR.

Since they were liking the Pink Ice last trip, and it was already tied on, started tossing that and on my first pass on my deep trout hole (Not sure what else to call a place I have caught buckets loads of fish this size.)  I put 4 or 5 rats on the deck like the one below and a couple of trout until I got to the very end of it.  When I lifted up, it had just fallen off the drop into 4 foot of water, the one above just started swimming with it.  Thought it was a red at first since I was using light line and a spinning rod.  Then she did the mouth shaking thing and in the net she went.  So no matter how the day went before or after this made it a success.


5 or 6 like this, all on the Pink Ice Knockin Tail.

I re-fished the first bank, and not a bite.  So while I was fishing another shell edge here it came.  It was a couple more smalls up to that point.  Now maybe in the old days I might have waited it out, but it looked big enough to at least head to the ramp around 10:30.  I had seen several showers around me this morning, so discretion being the better part of valor, time to put it on the trailer instead of trying to dodge them.  As soon as I pulled out it started pouring and rained for about 10 miles as I headed out of town, then started clearing back to pockets of showers.  We have enough rain!

Then here it came.  Since I am older and wiser, and not near as “mad” at them as I used to be, time to head to the dock.

I have been fishing the Knockin Tail on 10lb line and a spinning rod, generally on a 1/16th jig head.  And once the water gets over a couple of feet deep on a “heavy” 1/8th ounce screw lock.  Of course I threw other KTL’s colors, and had a tail bit off one when a lady fish smoked it at boat side while I was reeling it in.  While the last couple of trips to Big Bayou the numbers have been down, the water color has not been the best, but there are fish there.  So not heading to South Pass turned out ok, will get there soon.  But looking at the forecast we have rain 2 of the next 3 days.


Knockin Tail –  Not just for the salt.

Michael got this picture from one of his customers.  It is a nice big muskie caught on the Mansfield Magic Knockin Tail.  You can just see the white tail sticking out of his mouth.     The guy also sent along a few smallmouth pictures to go along with it.  So while the Knockin Tail has caught most fish that swim in the salt this has to be one of the better fish yet.  Anytime any way you can put a muskie in the boat is a great thing.  It you are not fishing it in freshwater you are missing out, and definitely anywhere there are smallmouth and walleye.   And it should catch the snot out of lake trout early in the year.  Not sure who this is  but congratulations, that is a real one.


I still do not get it.  So far in the Tampa Bay area over 791 tons of fish have been killed by red tide. They basically know what causes it and where it comes from, and of course the state has done zip other than making fishing catch and release in the area.  Treating the symptoms instead of the cause is just plain stupid and irresponsible.  My bigger point, and an issue I have with every Game and Fish in the country, including the at times toothless actions of TPWD, why do they let things like this continue?

State Game and Fish Departments are charged with the protection of our wildlife, but they move at the speed of a snail.  Take the current CWD in Texas commercial deer farms, it almost took a freakin’ disaster to get TPWD moving, and still no guarantees we will not have an outbreak .  And for the love of GOD Florida-  791 tons of dead fish!  Your response is catch and release?  Just what in the hell does that do to resolve the issues and hold whoever accountable?  Instead of laying the blame, and the costs, at the feet of the polluters, lets just have fishermen not keep any, that will work.  And since it has happened repeatedly over the years it is no freakin’ surprise.  Nothing but lip service most of the time to commercial interests.  Exaggerating?  How about they let a private company dump 200 million gallons of pollution into the bay in March and April!  What do we pay these folks for?

Update:  DeSanits, the governor of Florida has denied any aid and says there is enough money to clean it up.  What a pin head, he exhibits a complete lack of understanding of the problem.  Or should I say a complete knuckle under  (Or bought and paid for?  Who knows.)  to commercial interests like the phosphate mining companies that dump pollution in the bay.  Bars, restaurants, resorts, and other business are now suffering their second punishing year after covid.  Seriously folks, how have we gotten to this point?  Nobody gives a rats ass until it is their house.  Think about it, if this stuff was in your front yard you might think differently.  And until you see something like that with your own eyes you can not believe how flat out nasty it is.


One of the things I always wondered about when I was guiding is why the license was so cheap.  You, the taxpayers, gave me a place to work and a crop to harvest.  So my feelings that guides have a higher responsibility to the resource continues to evolve over the years.  So good to see Bay Flats moving away from plastic bottles, which is the kind of thing I am talking about, a company using the resource and responding in a responsible way.  Very few days on the water you don’t see one floating somewhere, plus they are part of a larger problem.  It is incumbent on those who are using our resource for their personal financial gain to do something, anything.  If everyone did just a little something, the water would be a better place.  Good for Bay Flats.  And good for them for not posting trout pictures right now, think they are in catch and release mode for the time being.  And speaking of that we should be hearing something on the net surveys at some point.  That will be a defining answer to what were the real repercussions of the freeze.



Mtn Home, my old stomping grounds made the New York Times due to the massive outbreak of Covid and the folks who got it were not vaccinated and bitching.  Ok, you think you know more than the medical community?  Think you have some constitutional right not to take the vaccine?  So don’t take it.  But the time has come to then be sure to get a medial directive stating you do not believe, you know better, and do not want to be taken care of when and if you get it.  Don’t go to the ER, stay home and tough it out.  (I did and boy did that suck!)  And when you end up on a vent please have enough money to pay the $10,000 a day to save you so if you croak we the taxpayers are not left with the bill.  I have seen enough stories of folks saying I wish I had taken it, or family members whining when pops kicks the bucket because he was smarter than the rest of the world.  We all make choices in life and then live. or die, with the consequences.  Sorry, but I feel strongly about taking the vaccine.


So while it was a short morning at least a few jumped on.  Tomorrow looks like real rain so not sure if I will get back out.  But unless I get a better offer it will be back on the water no later than Wednesday.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Coleto Creek 7/16/2021.




77/89.  Humid with clouds and sunshine; 40% chance of an afternoon thunderstorm in one or two spots.  Wind SSE  12 – 17 mph.

Lake Level

Today  98.27 msl.   Tuesday  98.24 msl.

Solunar Times

Major  5:54 am to 7:54 am.  Minor  11:54 am to 12:54 pm.


Maybe Some Improvement?

I was on the water at daylight, and you could tell there is a tournament tomorrow as there were 5 boats there before me.  That never happens during the week.  The water level is basically stable, still off color, and the temps was around 87 degrees.  The wind was already blowing just a little.

O course I started with the buzzbait, I am nothing if not consistent.  And low and behold by time the sun got completely out I caught 4 smalls and missed a couple.  The one thing I noticed was they were in a little sparser grass near deep water.  It was good to catch a couple way up lake, and one thing right now is pay attention to the color.  It is not consistent and it seems just a little clearer is better.

2 on buzzbait.  Nothing to write home about but at least they were biting.

They finally quit the buzzbait so why not back to the chartreuse square bill.  It was working 2 weeks ago then seemed to fad.  But today they were just a little more interested.   A funny thing, when they bit they jacked it up, and I mean smacked it.  Of the 5 I caught on it most came on shallower banks.  Which only makes sense with the square bill, as this one only runs 3 – 4 feet at most.

Then they started on the crankbait.

Another catfish jumped on, to bad for him as  he is headed to the pan.  I cranked until I did not have bite for over an hour and called it a morning at 11:30 as the jet skis and pleasure boats started coming out.  Funny though I gave it a go in the right places I did not buy a bite on plastics, and also threw a swim jig on one place without success,  So no pattern to it right now, more keeping it in the water and getting lucky in the right place.

There was a couple of cool wildlife encounters today.  Monday there was a dead deer on a flat bank and the buzzards were working it over.  The water came up just enough and it was in the water.  When I came by it spooked 2 big gators who were apparently doing a little fine dining.  Near the same area a turkey for some reason decided to gobble his head off.  Not sure what that was about but it sounded cool.  And last as I passed in front of a big tree a really huge owl spooked.  That was by far the biggest I have ever seen.  These 3 happenings made the morning.

You know I have been saying I can not believe they have not come to the bank, but maybe, just maybe, if the water level would stabilize and clear they might slowly come to the bank.  There is just way to much good cover.  But it might just be the ones above, small, but as tough as it has been I am not complaining.  And my guess is someone will catch a big fish tomorrow in the tournament, it generally happens.


Michael, the designer and owner of the Knockin Tail Lure is in the Everglades.  I could not be more jealous, I have been lucky enough to fish it 3 times and always enjoy it.  To top it off he will be using some secret stuff so I can not wait for the report.


My buddy Clyde, one of my oldest fishing friends, is going through some serious medical issues right now.  So please, whether you pray to God, Allah, Budda, or the Man of Many Faces, say a good word for him and his family.  Hope he is back on the water soon.


As usual leaving it to folks for the weekend.  We are talking going somewhere this week, just a matter of making a decision.  I hope to be fishing POC 2 days next week and will stay down there overnight.  Time to do some wading, it has been a while.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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That was even worse, if it possible! 7/13/2021




75/88.  Times of clouds and sun with 40% chance of widely separated thunderstorms.  Wind ESE 10 – 15 mph.

Lake Level

Today  98.24 msl.   17 days ago  98.24 msl.   (After all that rain and it is right where it was.  They dumped a ton.) 

Bite Times

Minor  9:54 am to 10:54 am.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


This is what a $250 annual permit will get you in a morning of fishing!

My struggles on the lake continue.  When I pulled out of the ramp at 10:30 (Big storm coming.) there was a guy taking out his nice Ranger so we chatted.  Johnny’s experience this morning was the same as mine, one small one.  His came on a drop shot on wood, mine came way up lake pitching to cover.  Whatever is going on right now I am not the guy to go to for positive information.  I do know one thing, they are not in the stuff.  But we both agreed on one thing, it seems GBRA’s explanation of where the grass went, (The flood about 4 or 5 years ago.) seems to be bullshit, but that is another story.  We both think they killed it, but no proof that is the case.

As the water is still up I ran almost to the plant then way up the river just to get a feel for color and temp.  The water temp was in the mid 80’s and the color is a real tannic looking dark.  It did surprise me that way up the river the water color is fishable, no real mud line which I thought for sue there would be.  I went that way after fishing lots of shallow cover without success with lots of different baits.  Then it was a couple of deep points out to 20′ without a bite.  The one above came after pitching a mile of great stuff, and was the only bite I had all morning.  And I pitched over a mile of great looking cover.

The Coleto Creek Bassmasters have a tourney this weekend and I will be very interested in the outcome.  Here is my projection.  One big fish will be caught, the rest will be in the 6 – 8lb total for runners up since it is a 3 fish limit.  That is they way it has been going, so if you are in the club and reading this, please post the results so the rest of us mortals can see how it went.  Put enough people on the water and someone will get lucky/or figure it out.

So while there might be some usable information here, water color etc, unfortunately I am adding little to the discussion.  I guess the only type of fishing that is not in my wheelhouse, slow dragging a plastic on a Carolina Rig on deep ledges, just might be the way to go.  What ever has kept them from moving into all the fabulous looking cover is escaping me right now.  It just looks to good.  Guess I will remain a puzzled old man for the time being.  And it sure is humbling.


And this from Anonymous.

Thank you for writing your “stuff”.

Thanks for reading.  Who knows, you might even get something out of this drivel.  At least  on the lake there is a primer on what not to do.  So keep reading, it keeps me writing.


Headed out of town for a couple of days, then it will be back at it.  Time to head back to the Gulf, at least I can catch one.  It really is puzzling what is going on at the lake.  Maybe at times I am simplifying the question.  Is it lack of fish, or is this set of conditions the perfect storm?  As I did whack lots of big fish last month they are obviously not gone, it must be the perfect storm of conditions.  At least that is my story and I am sticking to it for the time being.  So in spite of my complete lack of success this morning keep stopping in, you never know, and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Port O’Connor TX 7/12/2021.


This one pulled a little bit!  Smoked the Pearl Limetreuse Knockin Tail.

I was excited to be headed to the water so it was easy to get up and get gone.  I got to Froggie’s  at 6:15, the parking lot was half full, and there was a pretty good crowd for a Monday.  The water looked like crap and was 83 degrees, which was the temp over most of the places I fished.  The wind was a steady 10 mph out of the SE and it was hazy on the horizon.  First up was my favorite daylight topwater bank, and it turned out to be a mixed blessing.


79/86.  Partly sunny with a thunderstorm in spots in the afternoon with A 40% chance of rain.  Wind  SSE 10 – 15mph.


High  11:39 am   1.39 ft.   Low  11:50 pm  -0.12 ft.

Bite Times

Minor  8:54 am to 9:54 am.   Major  3:51 pm to  5:51 pm.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.waderight2-50


At least 6 made a pass at the Skitter Walk.  Half were reds, they were just a little bit behind, the others trout doing the knock it in the air thing, and none hooked up.  I did re-fish it with a spinnerbait but they were not interested.  So I tried one more place with the topwater and with no more bites I put it up.  From then on it was Knockin Tails in assorted colors in assorted ways.

A 10 spotter on the Heavy Metal Knockin Tail.  One of the 2 on a 4 Horseman popping cork and the Pearl Limetreuse Knockin Tail.

Only one fish came on the deeper banks that normally are a no brainer right now.  In Big Bayou the side with the wind had floating grass, the color sucked, and not a bite there are in that kind of color all morning.  The water was super high, which was no surprise as it was coming up from when I started until quitting at 1:30.  I readily admit to not being the best rising to really high tide bay fisherman, much prefer the fall, but you can’t always get what you want.

Other than the 2 below only a couple of more trout jumped on all morning, and they were not worth a pic.  It was definitely slow after the sun came up until I finally had a moment of insight.  If that many hit the topwater early, maybe they are still there.

The first one slow rolling the Red Shad Knocking Tail.  Number 2 on the Pearl Limetreuse Knockin Tail.

The color on that bank was slightly off, but perfect for redfish.  I put on the 4 Horseman popping cork and old reliable, the Pearl Limetreuse Knockin Tail.  Since the bank is very shallow I put it on a 24″ leader.  I started right where the daylight bite was and ended up catching 5, 2 trout and 3 reds.  When they hit they pulled it under and took off.  Ended up wishing I had spent more time on the shallower places with the popping cork, especially with the color in most places.  I hit one more bank with it, missed a flounder near a dock, and called it a day.

The fishing could best be described as slows, but as it has been a month since I fished the bay I can live with it.  The water is super high and there were lots of folks cruising the back lakes.  Not sure what is up with the trout other than the fresh water has them a little messed up, and when combined with some poor color it is not surprising.  Today the best places had a touch of color along with being loaded with bait.  It was good to be back on the salt and next trip time to get out the waders.  In the end catching redfish never gets old.


How Much Rain?

There is water everywhere as you get close to the coast.  The ground is so saturated that it is not sinking in.  It definitely was over the road in a couple of places on the way.  Here is a couple of the local rainfall totals over the last week, and a little more was added to that.  To bad we can not send some of it out west.

Rockport  –  18″

Port Lavaca  –  14″

Victoria  –  10″

Saturday I decided to take a little ride out to the lake and fork over the $250 for the annual permit.  (Now that is nothing short of a total ripoff.  GBRA told me last year it was for upkeep, which the road and  ramp sorely need.  But that is another story.)  But I basically did it then to see what the water had done.  It almost went completely over the piers and into the lot.  The real sight was when I crossed the creek bridge on Hwy 59 on the way out there.  All I can say was they were dumping water like mad.  What it has done to the lake fishing I will not know until I go.


The current plan is to be on the lake at daylight.  Not a clue what might happen, but might as well start getting my $250 worth.  If they do not come to the stuff now it just might not happen until fall finally gets here.  And will be headed back to POC soon, maybe stay the night and hit it hard.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my sruff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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