Have A Great Thanksgiving 11/26/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


89/50.  Sunny. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph.  (A basic carbon copy of last few days but finally some wind.  Nope did not happen.)

Lake Level

Last Friday 95.16.  Today 95.10 msl.  (The steady decline continues.  As the ramp continues to lose water I had hoped GBRA would go ahead and put the poles out to mark the end of the ramp.  Last time it got close to this folks did some serious trailer damage, the drop off is rough.)

Activity Times

Major 7:14 am to 9:14 am.

I managed to slip out a few hours Monday and the fishing was as slow as I have seen it in a while.  If I fish another day of no wind and high skies I will go berserk.  The plan was a fall and early winter of a farewell to Coleto but it just is not working out.  To top it all off the house sale things is off the rails and that continues to take time.  But oh well, you do what you have to do.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


One thing about fall is often it is consistently inconsistent.  They will move in a heartbeat and that is what the fish I have been catching have done.  Whether location or depth they have changed, and I need to next time out.

The future of the lake is bright but if I see another one like this I just might jump in the lake.

The other day they were on a big break around a tree, this morning they were gone, not a bite.  From that point on the rest of the morning before I finally called no mas it was 7 and they all looked like they came from the same mold.  One did fall to a spinnerbait otherwise it was one here and on there on the swim jig and the beaver bait.  It was surprising they were gone off the deep wood which is a great fall spot and the magic tree was barren.

I hope winter gets here before I leave to Colorado to find some winter.

Hate to whine but since my medical troubles and return to Texas things have just not gone like I hoped.  And the weather has been just to freakin’ nice, if that is possible.  Funny when the wish is for some really crappy weather, cold rain, high winds, big front.  But that is what gets fall on Coleto going and with a month left maybe just maybe it will happen.


There is one last project on the boat trailer that will get done this weekend while you all are enjoying Thanksgiving.  The parts to put real fenders and step pads on the trailer will be here Friday and I can finally get that job out of the way.  All serious heavy duty they will not only be able to stand up to the rough roads of the high mountains along with long tows to Canada.  Plus, they will be able to stand the weight of anyone who wants to climb in the boat.  This project is going to be a one and done and hopefully last a lifetime.  But as you all know with boats that is asking a lot.


Please be careful this weekend as you enjoy your holiday.  The projections on the number of folks traveling by car this year is stunning.  And if you are flying good luck, what could possibly go wrong?  The Boss will be working most of it and I will be working around the place and enjoying a good book.  So keep stopping in and have a great Thanksgiving.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


Rudy – Rudy – Rudy

It is so sad to see what he has become.  When I commented on his legal affairs years ago some dude got all pissed off about me talking about him.  Well here we are, he is losing it all ($$$$$) and has a couple of criminal cases against him.  The 2 election workers who won his money at trial are trying to collect and he again in public repeated the lie they were fixing the election.  That is a complete fantasy, funny how it is fixed until you win then all is good, but he is about to be slapped down again, with maybe a little stay in the jailhouse.  And to top it off today he had an outburst where he accused the federal judge of being a radical democrat.  One problem wine boy he is a Trump appointee.  I take no joy in calling it right, but he continues to dig himself deeper and deeper and is getting exactly what he deserves.


My only comment on this no bail option for criminals is it is nonsense.  While for first time nonviolent it might be ok but when they have priors, and it is a crime of violence they need to stay locked up for the safety of all of us.  When I see one of these crazy stabbers who was let out 8 TIMES in the last year with no bail I cannot believe it.  We as a society have decided to not fund mental health but that is no excuse.  If you have been arrested multiple times you need to be in a cage, what kind and where is up to society.


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Consistent 11/23/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

It just did not work out that I was able to fish this week but will be on the water tomorrow.  I can not believe this weather will not break and give me a chance for some real winter fishing.  But that is the nature of the game, it is what it is and you go when you can.


79/44.  Mainly sunny. Winds light and variable. (A basic carbon copy of last Monday and Wednesday, a little cooler.  But you go when you can go.)

Lake Level

Today 95.16.  Wednesday 95.27 msl.

Activity Times

Major 5:12 am to 7:12 am.  Minor 12:27 PM-1:27 PM

A fat guy on the morning hunt.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


The numbers have stayed consistent as the weather.

It was flat cold when I launched at daylight but with proper clothes on no big deal.  The lake conditions remain the same other then the continued dropping level.  Color is clear down lake with some color way up the creek.  The water temp was 69 – 71 at daylight so is down a few degrees thanks to the cooler nights.

First up was the point up lake that produced the good fish last trip.  The buzzzbait did not produce a bite so moved to a big tree on the edge of the drop and the pattern for the day produced.  Wood and plastics or swim jig, but with either bait it was hardwood.

The best of 4 off the tree.

They ate the Berkely beaver style bait.  Circling the tree they were actually on a little clump of wood off to the side.  The other 3 looked like this.

I will take that for a morning start any day.

For the rest of the day it was one here and one there flipping visable wood.  It was not fast by any means and most of them were small.  But they are scattered on any wood you could find.  For me though I love the swim jig so stayed with that for much of the morning.

This guy thumped it.

Still staying with the pumpkin green jig and craw trailer on the swim jig.  Watermelon beaver style on the pitching bait.  Since being out of action, and out of state turned out there was only one of each for a spare but made it work the rest of the morning.  Hard to guess how much $$$ I have saved not buying stuff but going to have to head to the store and stock up.

It ended up being about 10 or so for the morning.  It started off plenty of clothes to a tee shirt by time I called it a day.  The fish are biting some and starting Monday clouds are coming and it is going to be a killing and I cannot wait.  There is plenty of shad in the lake and there will be a spinnerbait day if it will combine with a little wind.  So as our time here wears down it will probably be the last big hurrah on the lake as I plan to fish 3 days this week if the world will not get in the way.

And don’t tell anybody but there is prototype bait coming my way shortly and I cannot wait.  It if does what it looks like it might it could be something.  More on that later, depending on how much they will let me tell you.  Hopefully you will at least see the results.


I have known David since he was in high school in Arkansas.  We fished together and he even killed his first deer with us.  He now is an outfitter in Montana and Idaho and can put you on deer, bear, or elk, along with a horse back pack in to high country fishing.  He and his son are great guys so if you have ever thought about it give them a look.  I have seen the results.  Congratulations David, we will see you in our travels.

David with a good one.  Want to kill a good one check out his site on the right.  Five Bear Outfitters gets it done!

I hope after this January being an official Colorado resident I can put some 4-legged creature on the ground and in the freezer.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


I have always enjoyed watching fishing on Sunday mornings but now when I see a bass fishing tournament where they are fishing forward facing sonar I turn it off immediately.  So big deal, any 10-year-old can catch them like that.  Tournament fishing used to be about who was the most versatile, could find and catch them in all conditions on all water.  Watching them fish on TV while they fish on TV is just plain stupid.  There has to be a better way to spend your time.


I am sick of this selling the house thing and hope to get it wrapped up this week so we can close next week.  We are so ready to get out of here and hope nothing goes wrong but as we all know shit happens, so we shall see.  Really looking forward to a little time on the salt to come along with the rest of the fishing.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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From Parts Unkown. 11/16/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


81/45.  Sunny skies.  Winds E at 10 to 15 mph. (A basic carbon copy of Monday and Wednesday, except the wind did not blow even a little.  How about cooling off?  Not a chance.)

Lake Level

Wednesday 95.31.  Today 95.27 msl.

Activity Times

Major 11:01 am to 1:01 pm.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


While still sick of the weather pattern I decided to go ahead and fish Friday morning.  The lake conditions are still the same, though the slow decline continues.  The water temp was down to 72 at daylight and it was a little brisk on the morning ride.  But again, it was dead calm, and I mean flat with not a breath of wind.

My day started off with a bang when a big one smashed the buzzbait on the first point I fished.  When going for a picture, oops, left the SD card in the computer so no picture.  Of course the minute I dropped him back in the lake my old brain went you have your phone.  But us oldsters are still learning to adapt to the new days so at least I got a couple of pics later.

One of 4 off a short stretch.

The buzzbait only produced one more halfhearted bite so time for the swim jig.  But the fishing was tough and it was a while before the next one.  My magic tree was empty, the deep brush that has had them was empty, so it was trolling motor down and just cover the miles.

One short flurry on the swim jig.

The surprise, the bite came on a flat mud bank in about 3′ of water.  They were pounding the swim jig and 5 jumped on and I missed a couple.  The best I can figure is it was a calm bank with the sun shining right on it.  Maybe the little cool evening slowed them down and there was some crawdads or shad warming on the sunny bank.  So that should have been a clue, right?  Nope.

For the next 2 hours not a bite.  In fact it was so slow finally headed back down to see if there were a few white bass feeling like cooperating.  Then the big surprise, in a couple of hours only one really small bass jumped on trolling shad crankbaits.  At that point the relator let us know the offer was accepted so I called it a day.  It might have been one of the overall slowest days in a long time.  But this weather pattern is not the best and obviously I do not have them cornered.  But I will keep after it until the trucks are loaded and we hit the road.  The memories made on Coleto will always be treasured and during the heyday I put untold big bass in the boat.  Just maybe there will be one more for the road.


I love getting pictures and reports from readers and here is a perfect example of some good ones.  This band of oldsters has been putting the hurt on them and wanted to let you see.  But as my practice has been you send them and I don’t tell.  But suffice to say they had a good day.

That is a real one!

Did you say flounder?

As a side note my buddy had some trolling motor troubles, so he took it to Tejas Boat Works a Victoria company that is a certified Minn Kota service center and he had nothing but good things to say about them.  I will get by there and meet them and fill you in after I do.

The tug is the drug.

Last week my buddy had trolling motor troubles so he dropped it off for repair.  What makes that story interesting is he had a backup trolling motor which many of us do so he put that on the boat and fishing he went.  It looks like the same switch that failed on his other one locked in reverse, so they spent the day going backwards which he reported was “interesting”.  But that is the way with us who fish, we get it done one way or the other.  Hopefully I am progressing enough to join folks one day soon.   Good job and thanks for the pics it got my blood flowing this morning.


And to you all who have sent additional well wishes thanks they are so appreciated.  I decided not to post them as it would seem self-serving but suffice to say they are humbling.  I am getting a little better but still not perfecct.  But I am thankful things are looking up.  Still a ways to go but there is light at the end of the tunnel.


And I am happy to report we have one more thing off our plate. we accepted an offer on the house.  Now the usual inspection and assorted things to be done by the buyer and if all goes well we will close on December 18th, which is perfect.  Close, then the Boss works her last day and we are finally out of here.  So holding our breath it all works out as planned.


Monday looks a little sketchy with some rain in the forecast with high winds as the front blows through.  But the plan is to be on the water early looking for the big bite.  So keep on stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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It is just to nice. 11/13/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

If I was not jonesing to fish it would not be happening tomorrow.  It is too nice if that is possible.  Fortunately, the week ahead looks perfect.  Some clouds with a little rain and wind, perfect for the fall bite and I will be hard at it.  But with the fishing being what it is who knows, maybe it will be a good day.  The swim jig will get the majority of the work tomorrow, just have to concentrate on cover.  One thing I am thinking of doing before I hit the road is share all “my spots” and what I have learned over the last 15 years, I hate to have it go to waste.  Not sure how I will do that but mulling it over.


89/53.  Sunny, along with a few afternoon clouds. Very warm. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph.  (A basic carbon copy of Monday.  How about the wind blowing and cooling off?  Not a chance.)

Lake Level

Today 95.31  Yesterday 95.31 msl.

Activity Times

Major 9:10 am to 11:10 am.


Other than a 3 – 5 degree drop in the water temp depending on where you were today was a carbon copy of Monday.  It was definitely cooler and I barely had enough shirt on for the ride, but it is a sign of things to come.  I hate to bitch about the weather when it is so nice but the picture below is the most wind I saw today.  But it sure was nice not to battle the fog.

When you are glad to be alive this makes your day!

Instead of starting down lake with the buzzbait I headed up to try it there which was obviously the wrong choice.  While 5 jumped on it was not as good as Monday.  The weather of lack of it could have had as much to do with a shorter morning bite.  I stayed with it a little to long but as the last hurrah is right around the corner I gave it the good go.

Best I could manage on the buzzbait.

After that it was the swim jig and it turned out to be almost a complete bust.  One smacked it fairly hard and did not hook up, but clearly my fault as I was late on the hook set.  It was a little surprising but oh well, it is fishing.

3 pitching plastics to wood.

It was getting later in the morning so time for the old standbys with mixed result.  My magic tree which produced 4 the other day was empty, surprising this time of year but with no wind and mile high sky you never know.  Other than my plans to troll back time for one of my most consistent banks, deep water with brush.  So pitched the beaver style bait and 3 jumped on in that short stretch.

His twin on back-to-back casts.

The claims made by many tackle companies are just hype, but not in the case of the Berkley beaver.  Their claim that fish hold on to it like some ridiculous 8x longer is actually the case.  When pitching it they often swim right out of the brush, maybe because they want to get away from their buddies, but they really do hold on to it longer.  You can actually let them swim just a little bit to make sure they have it than set the hook.  Often you do not feel the bite it just starts moving or goes slack and it is nice to be able to play a game of touchy feely that with other baits is often the kiss of death.

To finish off the day time for a little trolling to the ramp.  Today the rattle trap put 3 in the boat and only one small hit on the Bang O Lure.  One advantage of trolling is you get a feel where the fish are, and today it was 2o feet in areas where the channel dropped off.  No white bass but I did lose a big crappie and what was probably a catfish.  One area near the discharge cove gave up a bass both days, not a bank you would normally expect to catch them but they were visible on the locator.  You just never know.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


So while it was slow it is not surprising.  As clear as the water is it needs either the wind or some clouds, and both at the same time sure helps.  Now the good news, next week looks totally perfect.  Cloudy with rain chances, some wind, Monday thru Wednesday looks fabulous.  I am going to give it a rest the next few days and do a little more packing, then Monday it is on and one of those days will be epic.  Coleto is setting up for some great fishing and it sure would be nice to end my time here with a couple of really good days.  But with a month to go it will happen, thats what makes us fishermen – tomorrow, one more cast, a different bait, we just keep on going.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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I Am Back! 11/11/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

Finally after weeks I will be heading to the lake in the morning.  While my eyelids are still not perfect it has been a major improvement.  Not sure if the fishing is worth a hoot but who cares.  And the Boss wants a fish fry so will end the day trolling up some supper.


88/56.  A few passing clouds, otherwise generally sunny. Continued very warm.  Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph.

Lake Level

Today 95.31 msl.  last time I fished 6 weeks ago 96.23 msl.  (Almost a foot, can’t wait to see the ramp.)

Activity Times

Major 7:30 am to 9:30 am.  Minor 2:20 pm to 3:20.


I am finally starting to get a little relief.  The medicine is starting to work, and while not perfect I can finally drive so I headed to the lake like a big boy.  It would be impossible to tell you how I feel but it looks like I am getting my life back with the least amount of hassle considering.  So the fish on Coleto better look out because we have 6 weeks to go and I intend to make them pay.

The lake is definitely down, but the color is awesome over most of the lake.  The water temp was 77 – 80 degrees and the wind was light and never did get over 5 mph.  It was foggy as all get out when I got there at daylight and it was a little bit before I could leave the ramp.  If the lake keeps dropping the ramp could be an issue at some point to come.

Love the early morning buzzbait bite.

Until the fog lifted at 9:30 5 jumped on the buzzbait including 3 that measured.  They were on steeper banks with wood and were pulling it under.  I preach all the time about holding the rod level and pointing it straight at the bait.  When they do that pull under thing you have a tight line which gives you the chance to stick em.  It was fun so next up time to throw some plastics.

I hit my magic tree and caught 4 off it in nothing flat, one of those was a keeper so things were looking up.  Since I was just wanting to see what was happening I switched to the swim jig and they liked that.

The swim jig did its part.

They were definitely eating the swim jig.  They hit it pretty good and I maybe missed one and boated 5 of which another couple were keepers.  While a big fish did not jump on considering no wind and high sky the results were promising.  As it was getting hot time to do a little trolling on the way to the ramp.  And that worked.

And the Bang O Lure added a couple on the way in.

4 jumped on, 2 on a shad crankbait and 2 on the Bang O Lure.  Trolling gave me a chance to see where the fish were in the water column, and most were shallower than 15′.     It was a little surprising to catch a couple as the Bang O Lure only runs about 5′.  The nice thing about the white bass, besides he is on the plate tonight is it was a little bigger than the average for Coleto.  It just might be a good year for them and the time is coming.

All I have to say about the fishing today is it was so good to be back.  Now it will be watching the weather for that cloudy rainy day, and it will be a killing.


Jingle Bells

Home Sweet Home.

Thanks to Linda the neighbor across the street for this.  Winter had finally arrived in Colorado and we are so ready to head back for good.  We love our neighborhood walks in the snow, quiet and stunning.  With few folks around it is a winter wonderland but there will be plenty of snow to blow as soon as we get there.  But the snowblower is staged when the garage door opens and in no time flat the drive is clear.


Wildlife News

Texas –  A new case of chronic wasting disease has been found in a new county in Texas.  I can rant and rave all I want but again TPWD continues to allow captive deer breeding.  Good luck to all you whitetail hunters the future is not a bright as you might think.  When the state says the incubation period might be years remember the inactivity if it goes to shit.

Colorado  –  A voter initiative on the state ballot to outlaw the hunting of mountain lions was soundly defeated.  It had no basis in scientific fact and deserved to lose.  There was never a dispute that there are plenty of lions in Colorado.  Sorry all you tree huggers but lions are not pretty kitties that you can pet when they appear on your porch.  In fact, pet is the operative word, it is your pet they are after.  I always come down on the side of all stake holders having a say, and the issue is dead in Colorado.


Good Questions – Impossible to really answer.

I’m planning a fishing trip to Alaska next year—dream come true! Any advice on gear or spots I shouldn’t miss? The colder climate will be a new experience for me.

That is not something I can really answer for you but as far as gear there are 2 things I would not go without.  But do your research until you are blue in the face.

  1.  A real rain suit.  And I do not mean Frogg Togs, a real heavy duty that will keep you dry and also act as an outer shell so when you layer you do not have to take a big ass coat.  Add a couple of good gloves maybe one heavier set another maybe the wool with open fingers.  And of course, some waterproof boots.  The weather can change in an instant and you can always take it off but wet and cold will spoil the day.  Chances are it will rain one or every day.
  2. A quality point and shoot camera with a built-in telephoto lens.  Easy to fit in your pocket, preferably waterproof.  Easy for some quick CPR fish pics.  And be sure to buy a new SD card that you can save your trip on and after downloading to your computer you can save it just in case.  Be sure to label it.  And always have it on you, the wildlife is amazing including in town.
  3. Not knowing your where and how plans as far as tackle if I had to cover as many bases as possible it would be a 4-piece 6 weight fly rod and would wait until I got there to buy flies depending on what you are after.  Then a 3-piece good quality spinning rod and reel that can hold 10 – 2olb line depending on what you are chasing.    As most of it is trout or salmon again buy your tackle there.  Might be a little more expensive but at least it will be based on local knowledge.  (Sharp hooks etc are not welcome on the plane.)
  4. As far as where just go anywhere and do anything you can, the options are endless.  Big wild rainbows and dolly varden, or salmon depending on which one is on the run.  Do your research on what you want to catch, do, or see at the time you are there.  The fishing is endless depending on your willingness’ to travel or spend money on guides.  Only you can decide how you spend your time.  But no matter what it is a true bucket list trip, good luck.

Here is the link to our trip.  Flossing the Kenai 6/29/2022. | Fish Catching Travel


Nothing beats the taste of freshly caught fish cooked over an open fire It’s a real treat after a long…

You are so right.  I started cooking shore lunch when I guided in the 70’s and 80’s.  whether on an island in the White River when guiding for trou or at a campsite at lakeside I have cooked hundreds of shore lunches.  I always kept it simple, dredge in egg and then shake in a bag with cornmeal, flour, and whatever seasoning sounded good.  It tastes as good today as it did decades ago, as in the fish fry we had tonight.

These questions came from the following site, one of the best places on the planet to catch your fish of a lifetime.  In fact, when I fished that area I caught so many big Mahi I put the rod down and said let’s go back to the sailfish.   Thanks for the comments.

The Dream Girl Charters | Fishing Costa Rica | Puntarenas Province, Playa Herradura, Los Sueños, Costa Rica


Aransas Wildlife Refuge

As part of the leaving Texas tour we headed to the refuge to see if the Whoopers were there yet.  At the gate they told us only a few were around and not in an area where the public can go.  But with the storms up north I figured they should be there and of all things a giant bunch showed up while we were there.  They should be easy to find now that it looks like the big body of them have arrived.

Here they come.  One of the great birds of North America.

There is very little water in the ponds and consequently nowhere near the number of gators we usually see.  But at least one big boy was in their usual sunning spot.

Not a giant but he had some shoulders.

The big lake is almost dry but the deer and hogs were loving it.



To all of you who commented or texted in my time of woe a big thanks.  I admit it was scary, and it was so hard not to always think the worst.  We are so lucky it has come out this way, not sure I deserve it but will take it.  So life goes on and today I am going to head to the garage and mess around with the boat.  And if all goes well I will be back on the water first of next week.  (Today.) Our life will be taking a big shift as will the blog and I so appreciate those of you who have read this stuff for the last 14 years.  All who know me will not be surprised that I won’t shut up until the bitter end.  Thanks it was good to know you are out there.

The best thing about this morning is the Boss will finally not have to drive me everywhere.  There is still some to go but as the medicine continues to work we are so hopeful.  Plus it is time to fish and by God I am going to fish until I drop which looks like may be later than sooner.  I can never tell you how appreciative I am for everything including you who follow the blog.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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So Lucky 11/7/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

It Is Never To Late  –  Do Not Let it Immobilize You.

After multiple Doctors, tests, it looks like I have skated by again.  We (The Boss) have worked our ass off to get to what we thought was the finish line.  Beautiful house in one of the great places on this earth, basically debt free, new boat, good health, it was all perfect for her to retire at the end of December.  It was all laid out clear as a bell, then potential disaster.  It is hard to tell you how awful not being able to open your eyes, much less drive and live your life is until it is taken away from you.  The timing could not have been worse with the move planned for the end of December.  A lifetime of work and planning seemed down the drain, plans in jeopardy, so unfair and so depressing.  But as we have always done, we put on our big boy pants and got to work.

Starting with Dr. Mccoullough of South Texas Eye Center in Victoria we began step one, figuring out what might be happening to me.  And let me say he is one of the most caring and wonderful men I have ever dealt with in the medical community.  He called it (More on that later) and boy was he right.  Next was finding a neurologist, which you would think was an easy task, not so.  90 days, 120 days, 6 months, they all said, though the ones in Victoria were not interested in helping me at all.  This is where the Boss took charge.  She worked the phones and found Dr. Rohit Kuruvilla in Houston who agreed to see me in a week.  (It is so depressing that if not for him and the Boss I would have been disabled for many months until someone would actually see me.  That is the best we can do in America?  Shame.)  Dr. Mccoullough actually took it upon himself to call Dr. Kuruvilla personally before my appointment and fill him in on his findings.  So with hope and fear we kept our appointment.

Basically the eye droop can be several things from ocular myasthenia gravis (Only affecting the muscles to the eye lid.) to MS and other places in between including a brain tumor.   The best and most treatable option was MG.  So the plan, first an MRI, and again the Boss stepped up.  She was able to get the MRI scheduled in Victoria so our friend could read it and save us a trip back to Houston.  While there we had fancy blood work that had to be sent off which would be telling.  So other than my head is empty, happens after quitting the practice of law, only old man changes we all experience so good results on the MRI.  Then today it happened, the lab work is back, and it is MG, which Dr.Mccoullough called early on.  There is medication for that I will start today and it will work quickly and we will get our life back.  I am so thankful to the physicians who helped me, and to the Boss who kept the process moving at a pace I could never have accomplished myself, much less has driven me for weeks now.  So in a matter of days I will be back to normal, at least as normal as I can be, and our life is back on overdrive.

Sorry for the long post but here is the reason for the title.  On many things it is never to late, back to law school for me in my late 30’s, the Boss to PA school in her 40’s there are so many things in our lives that we can change.  Start that business, make a move, go back to school it is all good, but I have learned another life lesson.  All the planning in the world does not mean there are no bumps in the road.  We were so looking forward to spending time exploring and traveling and enjoying our mountain home, but it could have all been gone in the blink of an eye.  You can work all you want, chase the almighty dollar, just one more day of this or that, but never forget the end game.  If this had gone another way I would be giving it all back for one more day with the Boss doing our thing.  In a couple of hours I start the medication and next week out comes the little Lund and I am going to beat some fish senseless.  I am one lucky guy.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Not exactly sure when I will fish next week but the Doc said the medication would start working right away with results in days so I will try not to jump the gun.  This has been one of the longest periods in my life without a fishing rod in my hands and looks like I am back in business.  I won’t even bitch about the $17 ramp fee until we leave.  Never fail to appreciate what you have.  And to my lovely wife you are the bomb, and I am so thankful that you like me in spite of me being me.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


Last Call

Last week there was enough snow that fell on the high mountains that Wolf Creek Pass right above the house got 28″ and is the first ski area in the state to open.  And with that first snow the migration from the high country will begin.

We are leaving Saturday morning first thing so Friday will be all about getting ready to come back one last time before the big move. A morning drive was on the menu for one last time as when we return it will be a totally different place.  The weather is stunning, and this time of year is my favorite in the Rockies.

Cool animals are found in cool places.  This is over 10,000 feet with snow on the mountains.  This is where we see the most moose, just not today.

On our drives we have stuff we want to see or hope to see, but you never know.  They are wild animals.  Today we hoped for a moose but one thing about our favorite drive, sheep are always on the list along with all the deer you want with a coyote or two thrown in.  This morning it was sheep.

Talk about a big boy, what a body on him.

Love was in the air.

There were 3 rams, but the big boy was getting all the action.

The girls were running for their life.  We all know how those “boys” are.

This little guy was getting no love.

When I made the same drive last week nobody was out.  But there was a show high up meaning winter is coming and once it gets here it is on.  The snow is on the peaks and the temp is getting cooler every morning.  With that the elk and sheep become a little more accessible.  After leaving the highway and heading on gravel we hoped to see a moose.  Unfortunately, we did not see any, but spotting stuff is often a matter of luck, just a turn of the head.

Once we got high up we went past the elk guides preparing for camp.  There were 4 or 5 with their mules and horses getting ready to hit the real high country, which in that area is the Weminuche Wilderness area in the San Juan National Forest.  On the continental divide it is a no motor of any sort area.  It is vast and wild, with some of the biggest mule deer and elk in the state.  So I am sure there are some hunters headed this way as the season opens on the 26th.  Let the games begin.

As we continued up, we came around a corner near the lake and the sheep gods smiled on us again.

There was a good dozen, all ewes and yearlings.

The let us watch them for quite a while.  They were cautious but as long as we made no quick moves we were able to get really close.  This high up this time of year other than hunters there is little traffic.  And traffic today was below us as that is the access to the wilderness.  Hard to describe how high and wild that area is.

I never get tired of Bighorn Sheep.  They were the animal of my dreams when I was a kid now I am living that dream.


Fall in the Rockies.  This is in the valley.

While the does and small bucks have been around the house the big boys have been scarce.  Not sure if it is the weather is the issue but the mule deer are not in full rut like they were last year at this time.  But with the weather change coming to the mountains next week that will increase.  It sure is fun to watch them spar.  On the way to the house we spotted these 2.

A respectable buck.

This was his buddy about 40 feet away.


An act of skullduggery.

So I am working in the yard and minding my own business when I find that we had been trespassed.  There before my eyes was a blatant attempt to slowly infest my property with a Giggin’.  Luckily only steps away in the truck I had the antidote.

Respect my authority!

A word of warning for future trespassers, Tusker is alert and will protect the property from sliding into the abyss known as College Station.  And of course, I know who the culprit is and I must admit he knows his football along with his way around a boat.  Truthfully, I appreciate the gesture, and it has a place on the stone wall.  Thanks, it made my day.


The Truck Just Went This Way

It all started when I went to the store to pick up a couple of leaders and a fly or two.  From that point I was headed to Beaver Lake to catch a few rainbows but the truck had other ideas.  The lake is on the road that is one of my favorite drives and instead of stopping I just kept going.

How could I not keep going?

The drive takes me way the freak up there to Summitville.  A gold mining area it is now a Super Fund debacle that has cost over $200 million to clean up and is still ongoing.  But that is a topic for another day.  Today it was all about the Aspens, it does not get any prettier in Colorado than right now.

Awesome everywhere you look.

My limited photography skills do not do it justice.

It was 62 at the house when I left.  Getting higher and higher that temp began to drop until it hit 37 degrees and my first taste of winter.

Winter is right around the corner in the Rockies.

With the winter coming it will not be long before some of the roads are closed or impassable.  And here is your clue what happens.

They are not kidding.

I did see a few mule deer, including one of the biggest bucks I have seen when he crossed in front of the truck.  Unfortunately, with my right eye patched I could not find him in the woods for a picture.  Plus not having my wing man with me it is a lot tougher to get the shot.  More on that when I head up searching for the sheep.

This is one of the reasons we love the high mountains.

Winter is coming!

The point of this is when we get back it will be winter.  Many of the roads we love will be closed until at least May 1 or even later. But with winter comes herds of elk, sheep, and moose.  On our drive today we had a herd of mule deer led by a big buck cross the highway which had plenty of traffic.  That was followed by another herd of mule deer.  Man are there lost of deer here.


Now the Bad News

I had been having some serious trouble with my eyes and saw the eye guy a couple of times for double vision and a dropping eye lid before I came out here.  I was able to patch one eye and drive without any issues.  Unfortunately, since I got out here it has gone downhill drastically.  Thank goodness the Boss is out here to drive me back because when it comes down to it driving is now impossible.  I cannot tolerate light, fishing is impossible much less reading and writing as one eye has now completely closed, the other is headed that way.  How quickly it happened is worrisome.  Of course we have done our research and combined with what the eye guy says it is not good.  As you have seen me write in the past:  Just put on your big boy pants and deal and deal we will.


News Flash

The neighbor lady across the street who has lived here for years dropped by with a pie as I write this.  When she was talking to the Boss apparently we have a great big bear roaming the neighborhood the last couple of nights.  She said she went to Denver and forgot to put away her bird feeder and he came and trashed it.  The last 2 nights he has been on the camera coming back and making sure there is no more bird feed.  She also said the lion sightings in the area were up.  I wondered what triggered the bears to hit the den but with this amazing weather they are still out and about.  Never a dull moment in South Fork.


Thanks to those of you who noticed I was absent.  That is why it has been while since I wrote but it is a real effort.  Sorry for the errors but it is what it is.  Who knows what is to come next, but we should have some answers by the end of next week.  We are lucky to have been able to see the eye doc on Monday then off to Houston on Wednesday to see the neurologist. No guess what kinds of diabolical tests are coming but if it is an MRI of my head it will bring to mind the great quote from NY Yankee Dizzy Dean; “The doctors x-rayed my head and found nothing.”  It may be a while before you here from me but I will get back with you.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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Loving Life! 10/15/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

It is so good to be back in the mountains.  The weather is beautiful, the aspens are in full color, and all is right with the world.  Yesterday after doing a few things around the house it was time to make a quick trip right down the road to check my brown trout honey hole.  Suffice to say it was all good.


Brown Trout Beat Down

This was a stud.

Since I have not gotten the fly rods out yet, that is going to happen as soon as I share this.  Though the river is down some it is not terribly low and it should be good with the buggy whip later today.

You can’t beat this guy for color!

Since I was at the “honey hole” it was the old standbys – small floating Rapala in the brown trout color and the hand tied olive jig.  Both produced in the usual order, catch a few on the Rapala until they get tired of it then back up with the jig.  It works like a charm.

They come in all sizes and colors.

It was 6 or 7 and as an average they were nice and the 3 above were solid.  It is so fun on 4lb line and a UL rod, they put up a great fight.  Today a couple exploded out of the water and put on a show.  It was everything that drew us here and when it is just right down the road from the house who could ask for more.

What in the Sam hell is this?  Turns out it is a white sucker.  Hate to say it but it fought like a bulldog, and I was disappointed it was not a brown.

I felt one on, never felt the hit, and the fight was on.  It stayed deep and bulldogged and I had visions of a really big brown.  As it headed into the net it was like what the heck is that?  So after a little reading it was a white sucker.  The mouth was obviously a sucker fish and apparently they are fairly common in the rivers.  On that note I called it a real success and headed back to the ranch.  Time to get the long rod out and have a go at it tomorrow.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Can I please finish my breakfast for God’s sake?  I guess not.

Every morning it is the parade of wildlife as the turkeys come down the mountain off the roost, and the deer just come from everywhere.  You can tell which turkeys roost together as they come in bunches headed to the feeding hot spot close to the backyard.  Every morning it is 20 – 50 as they pour out of the mountain.  But today it was nothing short of a mule deer extravaganza.

10 feet from the kitchen window.

Feeding under our windmill.

These were all taken while my breakfast got cold.  They just kept coming.  There were plenty of does and the bucks followed.  While they interact some the rut is not in full spring, but man were the bucks in the backyard.

Hey!  Did you hear that?

Looking for the girls.

These were all taken out the kitchen window.  I forgot the spare battery and charger for the good camera, so these were taken with a 200mm on the Canon, which is no downstream camera.  When all the action takes place feet from the house it will do.  Why having two is important, you never know what might happen, so it pays to be prepared.

Marking my territory.


Observing so many mule deer give me a chance to start recognizing individuals.  The does still have their young of the year with them and seems like most have 2 and unless one has adapted a spare there is one doe with 3.  And during all this one fawn had a serious case of the zoomies.  At first I wondered if it was being chased but after 3 back and forth trips it was just having a big time.

The boy showed up in force this morning.

A stud!  There were plenty of does this morning but I am horn obsessed.  

The last couple of mornings a buck who has been by himself as he walked up the hill.  He has an obvious limp on a front leg.  While not really bad it is nowhere as bad as the doe that was in the yard yesterday.  As she headed up the mountain she could barely put down a front leg.  It is a tough world out there and there is no way she make the winter.  In fact, as there were a couple of lion kills above the house last year she may not make the week.  But the circle of life continues, and it is my absolute pleasure to see it unfold right in front of my eyes.



Those of you who read this know that I am a big public lands guy.  I love the wide-open spaces for all to use, and if it is legal have at it.  So I am watching the Colorado ballot initiative where the state will vote to outlaw the taking of lions and bobcats.  In Colorado lions are game animals that have a season and require a tag.  The vote, and it only takes a majority to pass will outlaw any method. There is no debate that there are thousands of lions in the state.  The game and fish have not taken a stand, at least not publicly.  It seems to be based on nothing more than they do not want them hunted, no real scientific justification.  But that is what makes Colorado what it is, the vote for the wolves is a perfect example.  I would vote against it, but I have always believed that all the stake holders should have a say, so just have to see how it comes out.


I did not plan on posting today but decided to get these up before heading out.  First stop is the store to pick up some leaders for the fly rod, then maybe head to the lake and catch some supper.  We are so lucky to have scored this house.  The Boss kept an eye on our options for years and we could not have gotten any luckier if we tried.  So until she gets here next week I will run wild, I am one lucky guy.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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Home Sweet Home 10/14/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

After a long haul with the trailer, the only time that will happen with our move, I am back in the Rockies.  My buddy Mike came over and helped me unload then finish the last few feet of gutter.  I spent the weekend getting things in shape, glad that there were no issues with the house.  While I expected none it was nice the heat worked the water was on and the only issue was the yard needed a little cleaning up.  But winter is on the way so that is done until next spring.

The Best Yard in the World.

Plenty of bucks around and now that I am done with the work time to chase the big ones.

The first morning here the Boss called on her way to work and as I was looking out the back windows like I do here comes a really big silver coyote.  He stopped and looked back down the mountain but before I could get the camera he was gone.  Living here is hard, every time you get up it pays to look out both front and back, you never know what you will see.

Necks are starting to swell but at least the last 2 days have not seen them rutting yet, but the weather sure is nice.

Lots of these medium sized guys around.

The bucks are still hanging together, at least they seem to be well behaved.  Just this morning on the way to turn in the trailer there was a bunch of deer, including does and bucks all together.  It looks like a big winter front is coming next week some time and I expect the action to pick up.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Our yard in a turkey factory.  30 feet out the back door.

They come through every day, literally dozens of them.  Unfortunately, in the morning they are backlit, but no complaints just love watching and listening to them.  

Right after talking to the Boss that morning here they came.  It was at least 50 plus coming down off the mountain headed to the neighborhood.  While it is illegal to feed them in Colorado tell that to the old folks here.  It sure makes the viewing awesome and it is animal heaven all winter.

Not too bad, nice and high.

A halfhearted rubbing.

Today I am going to get the fishing stuff organized then finish up a couple of things in the house before heading off to the river to check it out.  The Rio fishing is just for catch and release of the brown trout as far as I am concerned, so later I might head to one of the lakes to catch a little supper.  Then it is time to head north and see if the sheep are down.  It is good to be back, we are counting the days until the move is permanent.  Now that I am settled in it will be back to posting and can’t wait until next week when the Boss arrives.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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It ain’t easy…and not just the fishing. 10/3/2024.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


The last few weeks has been a real pain in my rear end.  The double vision thing was awful, and it seemed we had it fixed but things started going haywire again.  It has gotten to the point I can only drive with one eye open with the new glasses.  The Boss read that that the condition can right itself and maybe it has happened.  I am now wearing the old glasses and don’t feel like throwing up.  And of course, during that mess I got a real butt kicking flu.  Name an unpleasant symptom and I had it.  This getting old thing is the pits and definitely not for the weak.  The only option is to soldier on, so I decided to make a quick run to the lake this morning, it was tough, both the fishing and the eyeball thing.  At least back to the doctor next week to see what has changed and get ready to hit Colorado next week.  But for the next few days should be home bound unless something changes.  (Don’t mean to whine but it has sucked.)


68/94.  A mix of clouds and sun. Winds E at 10 to 15 mph.

Lake Level

9 days ago.  96.51 msl.     Today 96.23 msl.  (The slow steady decline continues.  It is about to drop past the end of the piers.  It could get ugly soon if we do not get some water.)

Bite Times

Major 7:34 am to 8:34 am.  (Right on, too bad it did not last.)


There was a light breeze as predicted when dropping the boat in at daylight.  The water color is clear as a bell down lake and has some real color up lake.  The temp ranged from 89 at the ramp to 82 way up lake so it has dropped just a hair.  But the real issue, the lake level is dropping fast, and at this particular water level some areas are super shallow.  Time to use your head while running, a few stick ups are coming out and some of the points are really getting shallow.

So just be a little careful as it continues down.  It is not looking good and could get interesting launching and running so just keep your eyes open.  And remember if launching a big trailer, the ramps do actually end with a drop off from the concrete.  If you drop off things break, and it is tough to get it back up the edge.  There were quite a few incidents with trailer damage our last low water year.  Hopefully GBRA will put the stakes at the drop but with them you never know.

Tired of this stuck at a couple of good ones phase.  This one was seriously lacking in the grocery department.

That all being said first up was a brush pile, which was in 15′ a couple of weeks ago and is now about 13′ deep.  There were fish on it but there was something going on, either they were not that interested or the trick worm was not on their menu.  Out of 4 bites not a one stayed buttoned.  In fact the only one that I got a good hookset and felt like it was coming was in the wood and just pulled off against something.  So at that point after messing the whole thing up time to make a move.

On the other hand this one was a solid.  Both smacked the spinnerbait.

Before we go on it is time to talk about wind.  The last month wind has been the ticket in most places.  The problem has been when it does not blow things gets real tough with the falling water.  There is plenty to know and learn about wind, but you don’t have to get all KVD about it.  Folks say this and that about it, but that is for the magazine writers and pros trying to sell you something so they can keep fishing while you work.  How about this rule, more often than not fish where there is some wind.  It is not rocket science and you don’t need $10k in electronics to get the job done.  Which leads me to this morning.

With it coming out of the NE there were only a couple of banks that had the good wind so that was where to start.  It took all of 5 minutes on the first place to put 5 in the boat, including the 2 above, on spinnerbait.  They were right, and I mean right on the bank, which had just a little scattered grass left with some stumps and good deep water nearby.  They were super aggressive and smoked it as soon as it righted itself off the bank.  That was the good news.

But as usual get them early.  From that point on I ran from the dam area to way up lake searching but there were very few places like that.  Unfortunately, the few places with good wind were way to shallow as some of the banks are really flattening out.  The fish now are deeper, and it takes the breeze and close proximity to deep water to get them up and biting.  And a few shad does not hurt anything so keep your eyes out for them flipping, it is always a good thing.  Of course I fished some deeper places with wood, but no luck as they had no wind.  One small did jump on the plastic at my magic tree but other than that it was hard to even buy a bite.

Since it was slower than dirt and my vision was acting up, I called it a day at 11:00.  A good indication of the quality of Coleto fishing is the complete lack of traffic.  There were maybe 5 boats or so out today and several were taking out when I did.  While the humidity is way down, which is a blessing, the truck said 88 degrees at 11:00.  I am going to whine, please cool off and rain some.  Our good winter fishing is right around the corner if the weather will cooperate.  Until we get out of this pattern I don’t expect any major changes in the fishing in the near future.  And if you do fish hope you do better than I have been doing.


More Sheep Fun

The world is full of coincidence, serendipity, and just plain whacky happenings and here is a perfect example.  Just one day after I gave TPWD the business on the blog over the “Super Sheep” my phone pings with a text from TPWD.  Trust me TPWD could give a rat’s ass about what I think so I knew it was not personal.  But once I read the text it made me laugh out loud.  Basically, it said take a chance on the drawing they do every year for a sheep hunt.  While I am not going to enter, I probably should.  Would it get any weirder than that?



The Boss and I can eat some oysters, and I love my shrimp.  So yesterday we scratched a little of that itch.

So freakin’ good!

Whether it is Big Bend, Corpus, or Padre we are on the do it one last time in Texas tour.  And obviously fresh sea food is one of those guilty pleasures we will miss.  Dockside in Greece, overlooking the ocean in Italy, mahi from rod to plate in Costa Rica, or fresh off the bottom offshore in Peru we have been lucky enough to sample some of the best.  But one thing is clear, nowhere does it get any better than Texas fresh off the boat seafood.  The oysters are whoopers, the shrimp big and firm, and the visual delight of the platters are up there with the best in the world.


Got the truck serviced and tomorrow it is wax day.  It will be a fairly quick trip to Colorado next week and will be back before the end of the month.  And if life works out it will be lots of winter fishing before we head out.  Next week it is back to the eye guy to try to get this nonsense straightened out.  Not sure when I will be back on the water but there is some animals and mountains in full fall and the pictures will be coming.  Plus a little fly fishing now that the pressure is done.  Fishing as many places as I have there is one constant, catch the fish there, when they want to be caught, make use of those perfect times, and never give up.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


Off Topic

Why I love Being a Retired Attorney – You are an Idiot!

Trust me after doing hundreds of felony sentencings I have heard it all.  Some folks just cannot resist opening their mouth and inserting both feet, particularly the incredibly stupid.  Tina Peters the Colorado dimwit who was convicted of election tampering with county voting equipment and election records in the pursuit of the great election fraud lie is the poster child for clueless.  Just try acting contrite, it works.  And before you get your panties in a wad this is not about her politics but about her choices.

After the jury convicted her, she proceeded to do the following at sentencing: “In 40 minutes of remarks to the judge, Peters defended her actions, maintained her innocence, disputed the conduct of the trial.”.  First, do not defend your actions at sentencing, too late, that is what the trial was for and the jury found your actions to be felonies.  Second, once a jury finds you guilty you are then not innocent unless it is overturned on appeal.  Last, never dispute how the trial was conducted, which means you are basically telling the judge he is a shithead, which never has a great outcome.  Then she administered the coup de grace of stupidity – she had the gall to ask for leniency with no jail time on her conviction for 4 felonies and 3 lessors after trashing the whole process.  Of course, then she started crying.  So now she is doing 9 years as the judge did not even give her a turn in date as she was immediately taken into custody.  Hope she likes the penitentiary.  There is no fixing stupid and, in her case, she will have plenty of time to think about it.



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