Today was not what I expected. 12/29/2021.



They just keep eating the chartreuse squarebill.

I had high expectations this morning on dropping the boat in as it was barely breaking daylight.  First up was the bank that produced some good fish on spinnerbait, which did not produce a bite.  No real big shocker, so I started point and cove hopping working my way up lakc.  They just did not want the spinnerbait.  In fact, before the day was out only 1 bite on spinnerbait, and it missed it by a mile.

On a couple of banks that were calmer I tossed the Bang O Lure which produced 2 small bass and one big boil.   But whether main lake or cove, I just could not get the right bite.  I was struggling to NOT throw the chartreuse square bill and was determined to catch them the way I wanted.  Which did not happen.

Another Kentucky/Spotted Bass.  A crankbait bass.

The reason I took such a close up of the Kentucky is in case you fish Coleto and have never caught one.  The lateral line is the dead giveaway, but there is one more tell-tale sign.  Rub your finger on their tongue, it is like sandpaper.  They can be hard to distinguish at times from largemouth.  But what a development.  They are showing up regularly up lake, which right now makes a certain amount of sense.   They are a great winter fish and often the best fishing for them is early/early spring.  It will be interesting to watch as they inhabit more of the lake, and expect them to start showing up on rock ledges.

The fall back position when they would not bite first thing.

After fishing a bunch of places, including the best bank I have had up lake with only a couple of smalls I made a couple of passes for the white bass and caught 4 or 5.  The weather is coming on Sunday, and it will be in the 50’s for a couple of days so that should get them going.

And of course, the day is not complete until another catfish smacks the square bill.

After some of that I gave in and started throwing the crankbait.  And as it has been they were eating it.   The biggest bass above and this catfish both came on rocky channel banks paralleling the crankbait so it just bumped bottom, and they both whacked it.  They are really on it, and it has worked up lake and down, windy or calm, they just like that thing.  And one word on the lure retriever with the chain, it is worth every penny.  I hung the crankbait up 4 times today and managed to get it out each time.  That thing works.

I did not throw the Bang O Lure on too many places, but I kept after the spinnerbait, just knew there was going to be another run.  It just did not happen but times they are a changing and either we get some cool weather or we might head straight to pre-spwan,  But at least I am catching fish.  It has been worse.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


                     Comment or do not complain if you do not like the result!                                  (From the TPWD website.)

AUSTIN- The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) is seeking public input on the proposed rules changing bag and size limits for spotted seatrout on the middle and lower Texas coast. The proposed rules would reduce the spotted seatrout bag limit to 3 fish and restrict the allowable size to 17-23 inches for two years. The goal of this rule is to leave more spawning fish in the water for two spawning seasons in order to help the populations recover quickly from the 2021 winter storm. These regulation changes would only affect Matagorda Bay, San Antonio Bay, Aransas Bay, Corpus Christi Bay, and the Upper and Lower Laguna Madre systems.

The public is encouraged to provide comment on the proposed regulation changes. Opportunities to provide comments for or against these proposals include:

  • Public hearings: TPWD Coastal Fisheries staff will be hosting several public hearings on the coast to receive input from stakeholders and constituents concerning the proposed regulation changes.
    • Tuesday, Jan. 11  from 6 p.m.- 8 p.m. at the Natural Resources Center (Room 1003), Corpus Christi, TX 78412
    • Tuesday, Jan. 11  from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. at the Port Isabel Event and Cultural Center, 309 Railroad Street, Port Isabel, TX 78578
    • Wednesday, Jan. 12 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. at the Aquarium at Rockport Harbor Education Center, 706 Navigation Circle, Rockport, TX 78382
    • Thursday, Jan.13 from 6 p.m. -8 p.m. at the USDA Bauer Building, 186 Henry Barber Way, Port Lavaca, TX 77979
  • Online: Official public comments of the changes can be provided on the TPWD public comment page until Jan. 26.
  • Phone or Email: The Coastal Fisheries Division at 512-389-8575 or
  • Zoom Webinar: TPWD Coastal Fisheries staff will present proposed fishing regulation changes and answer questions in an online webinar on Jan. 10 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. The webinar will also be posted on the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s YouTube channel and Facebook page.

I really do not care, so in my case it is whatever.  And if pressed would be all for it.  If the resource could handle it who would not be in favor of more and bigger trout.  It worked when we went from 10 – 5 and I have no doubt a reduced catch and increased size limit can only help the trout fishing.   It will be interersting where the guides come down on this.  The CPR guys should be all for it, the meat guides not so much.  No matter what side of the fence you come down on make your voice heard, or just take whatever comes.


No promises or guesses on what or where is next.  I need to make a run to a real camera store, and the Boss wants to eat some oysters, so looks like Houston is next on the list.  And with the big weekend coming Saturday I will be glued to the TV watching my Hogs play mighty Penn State.  So enjoy your holiday, do not drink and get behind the wheel, it is amateur night.  I intend to get the year in review up this weekend.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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The Lake 12/28/21.


No better bite than a good one smashing a high-speed buzzing spinnerbait!


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


It turned out to be an interesting day.  The lake remains fairly stable and the color is good from one end to the other.  The  lowest temp I saw was 70, but if we get the weather that we are supposed to get that will change.

The good stuff, on the way in around 1:30 for some reason I decided to fish one more place.  With the wind blowing about 10 mph, I headed into the back of the cove and let the wind blow me out.  There was barely a ripple on the bank but when I buzzed the spinnerbait right below the surface they literally blasted it.  They are the first bass I have caught on spinnerbait in months.  But there were baitfish dimpling so it was a no brainer.  Since the early 70’s I have loved buzzing a spinnerbait and now will be out first thing and hard at it tomorrow!

One more place and my whole day and attitude turned around.

The early part of the day was like it has been.  One here and there, mostly small, with crankbait being the bait of choice as the wind was blowing harder first thing.  Once it bumped a stump, I quit cranking, then turned the handle and this catfish just whacked it.  Cool bite.

Nothing like a catfish hitting a crankbait, they smack it.  Another Kentucky/Spot.

Of course, I made a couple of passes in my white bass area, in fact went way up the creek and while I did not have a bite there, 4 did jump on back in the old area.  They are close and maybe this big front will kick them in high gear.  And interestingly enough 2 Kentucky/Spotted bass hit the crankbait while trolling for whites.  Since they have been up river wonder if they are escapees from the lake above us.  Whatever, they are now part of the lake.  Can’t wait until they get big.

The best of 4 white bass.

The whites I did catch came on the chartreuse square bill which is the same one that has been catching everything else.  It runs about 6 on the troll and the fish that did hit all came a little farther down from where they like to spawn, trolling the river channel.  I devoted about a 1 hour and a 1/2 but will probably blow it off tomorrow, unless it is for an “arm break” after buzzing the spinnerbait until it feels like my arm will fall off.

Today the ones I caught were halfway back in a cove, on the shallower side with bait so there should be several places like it.  Will be interesting to see if they are biting it first thing.  If they are it could be one of those days.


I am still staying off Facebook, and the internet in general.  There will be a return to the fray at some point as spring fishing begins in earnest but for now I am enjoying the break.  Lots of folks out today but never did talk to anyone so not sure how they did.  I am happy with my results and can’t wait for tomorrow.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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The Aransas Wildlife Refuge 12/26/21.


Aransas Wildlife Refuge

We always make a couple of trips to the Refuge every winter hoping to see a Whooping Crane.  As usual we spotted a couple, who then made their escape before we could get into position.   We saw a pair and the single below.  What a big ass bird.  A perfect example of what we can do when we decide to conserve wildlife.  As we are big fans of the outdoors we are also big supporters of protecting both the animals and the land.

The amount of folks enjoying the parks and wilderness we are so fortunate to have in this country is placing increased stress on both the land and the animals.  How in the world the last administration could cut back on funding and even propose selling it I will never understand?  They are not making any more land and we need to preserve as much as we can.

When you bore down into most of the opposition to public lands is ranchers who think they have some God given right to use it for profit, same with the mining companies.  Sorry but they cannot be trusted, plus the land belongs to every single one of us.  Of course, we need oil and gas, beef, and a host of other products from the land, but it must be done responsibly.  Strong enforcement and bonds to secure that proper practices are followed and the land is returned to a clean and un-polluted state should help.   (It chaps my rear end when a company goes bankrupt after paying the executives big bucks and bonuses then leave the taxpayer with the bill for the cleanup.  There are 53 EPA Superfund sites in Texas alone.  It is all good until it is your well that is polluted.)  And any claim we the users are not paying our fair share how about some facts.

  • More than 140 million Americans made outdoor recreation a priority in their daily lives, proving it with their wallets by putting $646 billion of their hard-earned dollars right back into the economy. Even better, this spending directly results in highly sought-after jobs for 6.1 million Americans.

The wolves, bears and deer were here first and when we diminish their value we lose as a world and as a people.  We are all tied to the animals through some long-lost primal genetic connection.  It seems folks are starting to re-connect with that feeling and we need to prepare for the onslaught of folks that are coming.   Here is today’s enjoyment of being in the outdoors on public land and seeing just what we could find.

He was a long way out there.  At least we saw a couple this morning.

Tough at 500+ yards to get a great pic with a handheld long lens.  Taking the tripod next trip.

Taking a nap with one eye open.

You tell me how wide this dinosaur is, he is a real gator.

Just a medium sized eating machine.   Have always had a soft spot for them, though the feeling is not mutual, I am sure!

Maybe this is why that gator is so fat.  Plenty of deer in the park.

TXDOT assistant road crew in charge of clean up.

Hanging with my bro.

I’ll watch this way, you watch that way.  Maybe we will get lucky and someone will fall over dead.

We hiked, we saw deer, gators, hogs, and plenty of birds.  We were not watching TV or on the couch.  The more time we spend looking the more respect we have for the animals no matter what or where they are.


And here are a few random comments from all 3 of my readers!

Thanks for all you do. As they say “someone has to do it, and it may as well be me!”

Merry Christmas.


Keep fishing and reporting. I read all your posts and enjoy every one. Merry Christmas!


Thanks, I really appreciate your all reading my blog.  As I have said for a while if it was not for you regulars I would have long given up.  So on we go.  And last, and most important from my buddy Clyde.

Merry Christmas buddy

I have fished with him since high school.  We sacked them up in Arkansas for decades, put the hurt on them from Lake of the Woods to Belize, and he actually turned into a pretty good popping cork fisherman down in this part of the world.  He has a tough row to hoe right now and everyone who knows him is wishing him the best.  So Merry Christmas to you buddy, and the offer is open down here any day.


Hope you all had a good Christmas, and no one ended up in jail.  Tomorrow it will be back to the lake after reviewing the forecast for the week.  It is going to be hot, as in the 80’s, and for the first 3 days and the wind is supposed to blow, up to 36mph the next couple of days.  So lake first, then the bay later in the week when it settles down some.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Merry Christmas 12/25/21.


Another year is in the books.  I hope you and yours have a great holiday no matter how or where you celebrate.  For the first time in many years the Boss and I will be home together on Christmas Day.  And it will be the first time in a long time I will not be fishing.  While I would much rather be home with her today, I will miss the solitude that comes with fishing on Christmas Day.  So often I literally had it all to myself.  So have a great day, you never know how many more there will be.

And special Merry Christmas to Rusty, Faye, Tim, Michael, Joe, Clyde, and all the rest of you.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Friday Fishing Report

I went fishing, caught some bass about like it has been, and had another weird bite.  Lake conditions remain stable, and the chartreuse crankbait was the bait of choice, especially with the high wind.

The best I could manage our of a good dozen.

The wind was going to blow, and it did, which should have made the crankbait bite better than it was.  Around 1:00 I was thinking of calling it a day.  The small fish were on the chew but I knew a big bite was coming, it was too perfect.  So I headed to one more point with the wind pounding on it when one thumped the snot out of it, and the fight was on.  I just knew a big bite was possible…………….

That is a freak of a tilapia!

The occasional catch of tilapia on crankbait happens on Coleto.  They tend to be on the bigger side, but this one takes the cake.   Not sure what it weighed but this was a monster.  Talk about disappointed, I was sure it was the “big one.”  But it was fitting end to the day.

The bass bite is definitely changing but we need some winter or let’s just skip all that and get right to spring.  The white bass are not on their old stomping grounds, ((Yet?) but I am not sure if I missed it, they have gone way further up, or it has not happened yet.  So the fish are just as confused as I am, but at least there is a bite.  Even slow like it was I still managed to boat several.  It all comes down to what is coming with our weather.


SA Joe sent along a couple of comments.

What is the recipe for the brine and carp.

Have always wanted to try myself.

Hear smoked carp was delicious. And so is the backstrap of Gar

Funny you should ask after my smoking fiasco.  I have sm0ked tons of white bass and stripers but for some reason this time the carp came out bad, it just did not taste right.  Too bad.  As far as my recipe it is simple.  A cup of salt in cold water covering the fish.  I usually sit it in the fridge for at least 4 hours or overnight.  Not sure what the issue was this time but the last time I did redfish it was great.  And on another subject.

Had to answer your rant about the 160k. Entitlement is what i call it…

Do not get me started, pay your debts.  Good to hear from you.

And from Randy.

Randy here from CentralTexas..Long time reader of your blog and thought it was about time I told ya about how much I enjoy your posts,especially POC.Been fishing POC for a while and have found that Big Bayou holds enough fish to keep a guy busy.Love fishing up and down between the shacks,catching trout,reds,and flounder.No need to go anywhere else!If you ever see a white NauticStar with black TTop stop and say hello!Thanks again for all you do!

Great to hear from a first timer, lets me know you are out there.  And you practice the same thing I do at times, go to Big Bayou and just fish it all.  Obviously, you have a good idea where I smacked them the other day.  So many days I have limited on reds and trout and spent about $1 on gas and at times have even less traffic than the better “known’ spots.  So thanks for commenting and if I see you will definitely stop and say hey.


The future of Coleto Creek.

These are the contraptions holding the native aquatic plants that will hopefully grow and prosper, bringing one of the best bass lakes in Texas back to its former glory.  Not sure how long that will take but I will monitor them to see how fast they grow.  And there is one cove up lake that has hyacinth growing in it, so there is hope.  I do not take back all the things I have said about TPWD but props on this, hope it works.


Panama is right around the corner.  I still have not decided on whether it will be peacock bass in their famous lake, or some offshore trolling.  No matter what we are fishing for something.

That will do it for today.  I so want to tell you how much I appreciate those of you who have kept reading this through thick and thin.  This is post #1489 over the last 11 years and that is a lot of posting!  So it will be #1500 soon, from there we shall see.  But I will keep fishing as long as you keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Merry Christmas  All!

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Interesting Day 12/22/21.


It was wispy clouds with an air temp of 48 when I dropped in at the lake.  The water temp was down from 73 or so to 63 degrees.  The wind was almost nonexistent until about 10:00 when it started blowing out of the south at 10 or so.  But first I want to show you this picture and we will go from there.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


This is a Kentucky or Spotted bass.

In the past I might have caught a small one, but very rarely, then today one jumped on the crankbait.  What makes it interesting is conservatively I have caught literally thousands of them in the 25 years I was in north Arkansas.  My favorite bass when they start getting over 3lbs, and boy do they love a jerk bait.  So really a big surprise because I can guarantee in all the bass caught at the lake this is my first real one.  It will be interesting to see how well they adapt to the lake.  Guess I will do some research and see when they put them in there.

Literally last cast with a crappie jig and 4lb line.

Where I finished up there is a big brush pile so I threw at a few casts with a crappie jig before I quit.  And on the last cast this carp made the line jump, then put up a titanic struggle on a light rod.  But what makes this one special, it is currently in the brine and will be on the smoker tomorrow.  We ate some years ago in Iowa and it was delicious.  Can’t wait to see how it turns out.

Back-to-back casts.

After a slow period without the wind, it was 4 or 5 smalls, I waited for the wind and started cranking.  The Chartreuse square bill is still getting bit.  (I actually found this one hanging off a bush on Falcon.)  It was exactly 11, smaller than the ones above.  It is kind of interesting where I caught them, on shallow, flatter banks.  A medium speed is best and while they were not smacking it, 2 slack lined me, once they bit they were on.  Did that until quitting at 1:30.

The shallow Shad Rap always catches them this time of year. 

Of course, I spent a good hour checking on the white bass with little success.  The one that did jump on was a big one for Coleto, too bad that was it.  Several bass joined the party like they do on a trolled crankbait, but they were all small.  I have not decided what to think about the white bass run, in the past it is in full swing right now, so will keep checking on them every time I hit the lake.  Probably need to head farther up with the water level where it is.  And will keep track of the Nueces to see when that run starts, really good fishing when they are up.

So today was great.  Caught a Kentucky, have a nice carp in the brine for Christmas weekend, and ended up catching 20 the hard way.  I really am looking forward to how the rest of the “winter”, if you can call it that, goes.  My early guess is an early pre-spawn.  What would help is a nice warm day with some drizzle all day.  Those are the days some of the biggest ones in the lake jumped on, so time will tell.

It sure was fun yesterday and next week will head back to the bay.  Yesterday was actually using some new stuff from My Coast Outdoors and boy did they did work.  There are several things on the horizon which will only add to the line, but if I told you I would have to kill me.  It really is fun to get to work on new stuff, especially the Knockin Tail, it works, end of story.

Not sure when I will fish again, but there is one difference this year, the Boss will be home Christmas day.  I have fished that day for almost every Christmas for years as the Boss worked it so folks could be off with their kids.  If it works out will fish Friday.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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That Was Fun. 12/21/21.


It has been a while since I fished POC.  So I was up early and headed out from Froggie’s at daylight.  The water color was poor near the ramp and the temp was 63 degrees.  That turned out to be important as I made a big mistake, which only cost time, but it was avoidable.

The wind was under 10mph but blowing straight out of the north right on the island. But I headed across the bay anyway and the water temp got colder and colder until and it was 58 degrees.  Ooops!  Made the same mistake last year and actually fished, this time I just turned around and headed to Barroom.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Funny thing happened when I got there, made 2 wades and not a bite.  And I mean zip.  The tide was not moving but at least the water was warmer.  I think it was a little to early for those places, they needed a little more sun on them to make those fish move up.  Time to boat fish my old standby deep banks and it was bite on, and I mean they were getting after it.

A solid 19″.  The Honeydew Knockin Tail laid the smack down on them.

They were on a deep bank with almost 5′ of water.  The tide started running and they were on the secondary drop around 3′ and wanted it right on the bottom. I started with the Honeydew Knockin Tail and ended up catching most of them on it, but did catch on the Purple Demon and the Pink Ice.  They just kept biting and biting.

These poor fellows are guests of honor at the next fish fry.

The wanted it hopped up and falling back to the bottom.  Many of them did not “bite”, they were just there when you picked up, or it just did not fall.  One of those bites where you would miss one, but just keep working it and you might get another.

An easy limit which filled the Boss’s order.  If you notice you cannot see the bait, but it is there, they were eating it.

It has been a while since I had a bite like this.  No way to guess how many but they bit for at least 2 hours until I quit, but they sure didn’t stop while I was there.  The tide was moving pretty good, and the perfect cast had it falling with the tide.  And as the bite got better and better the small ones got going, which finally ran me off.  It was a great morning once I found them, and as usual they so remind me of crappie, find them and you can catch them.

One last word:  If you are not fishing the Honeydew Knockin Tail you are missing out.  Just saying!


Tomorrow will be off to the lake.  The white bass should have made the move, at least that is one thing that can be confirmed in 15 minutes.  But it sure is time, and at the rate we are going this winter we may not have much “winter”.  It will be back to the high 70’s this week, crazy.  Now the weather dude said Christmas Day could be an all time high!  But I will be fishing no matter the weather, you take what you get in that department.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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They Do Have Tails 12/19/2021.


Absolutely inhaled the chartreuse squarebill!

After not fishing a couple of weeks I was back on the lake at daylight Friday.  The water color has really cleared, the temp is still in the low 70’s and the wind was starting to blow some.  With it partly cloudy my hopes were high, so I headed to the place I have been whacking them.  And guess what?  They do have trails and they swam away.  Not a bite.  I have always thought it was interesing when they disappear like that, but never really surprised.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


From then on until I quit at 1:00 it was a hunt and peck day.  Never more than a couple in a place, and about half the places I have caught them did not produce a fish, and couple of different places produced one or two.

And they are still eating the Honeydew Knockin Tail.

The jerk bait and A Rig did not produce a bite which surprised me some.  Of course the Honeydew Knockin Tail on a 3/16th jig head continued to catch them.  Since I fished several different baits I do believe that if I stayed with the Honeydew all morning it would consistently put fish in the boat.  And did I say points?

Until the wind started it was fairly consistent on the Honeydew.

The best one for the morning, and 3 or 4 others, came on the chartreuse squarebill.  And they came off a little different place than I have been catching them, a flat bank covered in stumps, set off the main creek channel.  A slow steady retrieve was best and today none of them smoked it.  Really a early spring crankbait pattern, but without the cool water temps.

So now winter is rearing it’s ugly head, or welcome, depending on how you look at it.  That will bring cooling water temps, with night temps in the low 40’s with a dop into the high 30’s, it should cool the water quite a bit.  One thing that will happen is the white bass should head up lake like madmen, and I will be happy to whip on the for a week.  But first up is the bay.  So will give them another day to calm down, and Tuesday it will be off to the bay.  It will be one of those go ahead and pack some stuff and if the fishing is good stay the night and go it again.  Plus have some new stuff from Michael at My Coast Outdoors that needs fishing.  Unfortunately, I cannot tell you what it is yet or I would have to kill me.


I did want to share a couple of comments on our trip to Moab.

I just read your email about your trip to Canyonlands and I’m really envious. I really enjoyed the writ up and the photos. We were out there many years ago camping in a pop up trailer, but no 4×4 so there’s a lot we didn’t see. I’m wondering where you stayed while you were there since you didn’t mention camping. My wife says that if I’ll plan the trip, she will go. I always enjoy reading your stuff.

First the main roads in the parks and on the forest drive are all paved.  But once you get off they are rough, it is all rocks.  But there are plenty of folks in cars, and you can see most of the stuff we took pictures of with out a 4×4.

We stayed at a small condo/apartment right in Moab, Su Casa Inn Suite, which is on Travelocity.  It is not cheap,  (Since I just go where and when I am told I have no clue how much it was.) but it is 3 blocks from the stores and eats.  Good private parking, hot tub if you are so inclined, and well appointed.  We have stayed from high dollar to rat infested and this is absolutely one of my favorites.  The only negative the internet was a little sketchy at times but that is not uncommon for places like Su Casa.  It was perfect for our needs.

But there are tons of motels, many well under a $100 a night as it is still not prime time.  And one thing about going this time of year, it was not crowded.  The food was reasonable and Victoria should be so lucky to have so many good options.  And this from Don.

Its probably too cold already, but…if you are in Utah in a warmer time you should go to Fish Lake. Its a small lake up in the mountains that is fed by snow melt. Its like a throwback to the 1950’s. you can rent aluminum boats with like a 10hp ob. Depending on time of year you will catch lake trout. It is a beautiful area. First time I heard the name “Fish Lake” I thought someone was pulling a joke on me. The lake itself is crystal clear so light line is of course very important.  Don.

We did not see Fish Lake in our travels but we did visit one outside Moab and it was down an easy 4 foot.   None of the others we saw had any more ice than just a thin coating on the bank.  It has just not been that cold and they are in somewhat of a drought and needing rain and snow.  The day after we left the bottom dropped out and they are having some winter now.  So thanks for the comments and I really appreciate you reading the  blog.


Off Topic Rant

What the f’ is wrong with people.  You go to college to get a degree and hopefully have a better life.  There are several paths to get this done, work your ass off and borrow little to nothing, or you take it all and don’t work, drive a nice car, go skiing in winter, and the beach on spring break.  So with these as your options on the spectrum many just borrow it all and justify it so they can “live.”  Well after going to law school with a bunch of kids who borrowed money like it was a cash machine while I worked basically full time, and my wife worked more than that while driving 120 miles to do it, I have no sympathy and am flatly against the wiping out of student loans.  This drive to go to “that” university, the one with big costs, in the end means little other than you can be some kind of snob.  It does not have jack squat to do if you are good at your final work life.

So what brought on today’s rant?  Well here it is in all its glory:

A senior Democratic staffer who graduated from law school with $160,000 in student-loan debt said he struggled during his first few years on Capitol Hill because of his monthly payments.

“My income wasn’t enough to pay student loans and have a social life,”

SOCIAL LIFE!  How can you be that clueless and self-entitled?  Where is it written we loan you 160K and then we are responsible for eating the debt so you can have a social life?  You went to law school, are an attorney, but do not understand what a “loan” is?  The Boss and I both went through undergrad and then 3-year graduate programs by working our ass off and borrowed very little, so sorry if I have no sympathy.  But in the long run if they do this bit of insanity at least give us a tax credit for the struggle we had paying what little we borrowed back to you the taxpayers.  Thanks for the loan folks, it was my pleasure and duty to pay it back.  Guess Dire Straits was prophetic about where our culture is headed:  “Money for nothing and your kicks for free.”


I must admit that this little break is doing me good.  Other than sharing the Moab pics on Facebook I have not been on it for over a month, and it sure has been nice.  While I miss a few of my friends the amount of stupidity and nonsense I can do without.  Of course, I will be re-joining full time as our spring fishing starts.  And part of that is not being a slave to the blog, as you can see this is posted days after I went.  Who knows what the future will be here at  It has been a good run, but it seems over my lifetime I have a little over a 10-year attention span.  Of course, that does not pertain to the fishing, that is a lifetime.  It might be time to write that book so many have encouraged me to do.  (Thats what all the cool kids do.)


Looking forward to the bay this week, give the white bass time to get their butts up lake.  I will be taking it easy for a while longer, but the fishing will continue.  Amistad or Falcon are on the horizon as is a return trip to Colorado for some early season fishing on the New Mexico border.  But first up is Panama in a few weeks and just trying to decide between catching a peacock or going offshore.  Tough life.  And I appreciate you all hanging with me.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Moab 12/15/2021.


Another great trip.  Arches, Canyonland, Dead Horse Canyon, the Phosphate Road, and the Las Sal Loop, we made them all.  There is plenty to see out there and it kept us busy all day every day.  What makes it different from many of the western parks we have visited is there is not near the wildlife, it is one tough landscape.  There were mule deer, very little small stuff, eagles, and of course things we did not see like lions and the Desert Bighorn.

I love sheep and though we did not see any I learned a lot about the Desert Bighorn.  They are unlike the Rocky Mountain, which is known to roam, while the Desert is a stay at home kind of sheep, and with the absolute massive amount of canyons and bluffs  it would have been sheer luck to see them.  But it has further peaked my interest in sheep and I have already started reading.  Next up will be Big Bend and the state park where there are sheep.

As far as the week I can honestly say Arches did not impress me all that much, lots of rocks, and there are arches here and there outside of the park.  Canyonland on the other hand is so amazing these pictures just do not do it justice.  We did take a side trip to Grand Junction Colorado and drove the Colorado National Monument drive, which was amazing.  And as a result of that last bit of “research” we have finally committed to retiring in the Pagosa Springs area, for sure within the next couple of years.  We love it there, end of story and finally made a plan.

So here are the pictures, at least half of them in some generic order.  My camera skills can never do any of that justice but you get the idea.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Desert bighorns may bring you to places where they live, they may or may not show themselves to you.  This does not matter.  What matters is this: Look.

                                                                                               Ellen Meloy – Eating Stone.

When I read this, it struck me to my core.  That may sound like an exaggeration, but in my case, it is so true.  It really is in the doing, so get out there and do something, it will be good for your soul.  Trust me, we have a genetic connection to the outdoors and the animals that inhabit it and I hope we never lose it.  I have always felt the same about the fishing, so much is done in beautiful places, same with sheep.

The Old Man Face.

Arches has come really cool formations beside the Arches.

Most of these were taken off hand from long range.  Did not take the tripod due to weight issues, will not make that mistake again.

The Boss.  It was cool this trip, and while we did not get snowed on it snowed in the mountains.

There are a couple of the nation’s most extreme 4×4 roads in the Canyonlands.  We have 4wheeled a good bit in the past but this was just not happening.  If we ever return we will hire one of the services who make these drives.  But with parks and BLM land there is enough driving for a month.

Sorry these do not due the park justice, but it was crazy big.

I want to take a second to talk about OUR public lands.  The last administration wanted to sell a bunch of it off, which is absolutely nuts, and definitely the idea of someone with soft hands who goes to the bathroom on a golden toilet.  The parks and the wilderness all over this country have all had a banner couple of years.  Everyone from the restaurants to the park folks have told us how busy it has been.  We have made multiple parks this year and the story is the same.  And that brings me to my points.

First, we own it for God’s sake!  Be it hiking, running, 4wheeling, hunting, fishing, and everything else folks love to do in the outdoors, is open to all of us.  Texas, where 98% of all land is privately owned, unless you are rich or connected none of it is open to the average guy.  The west has plenty of land open if you will take the time and effort to seek it out.

We need to figure out a way to be sure everyone, from runners to crazy people on OHVs have a fair crack at it.  At this point in time commercial interests should take a back seat.  When you see the damage done in some areas in the past they cannot be trusted.  Selling monument or BLM  land is so freakin stupid I can’t even wrap my head around it.  They are not making any more land, but they sure are making more folks who use it.  (As a side note why we go this time of year, keeps the traffic down.  And one more comment, why drive like a mad man through a park?  Kind of defeats the point.)  Folks using the outdoors is a good thing.  We love all the young folks we see out there, especially this trip.  And they tried to say the $$$ would be used on the debt, sure……..but I digress.

The Needles area.  These were a long way down.

We were having a little trouble initially finding the mule deer but once we did we saw a bunch.  Happy food for lions.

It is hard to describe how big it is, but it goes on and on.  And if you like camping and 4wheeling knock yourself out, there are plenty of places to do it.

A Golden Eagle and a Bald.  We saw several but they just would not cooperate and get close.  Dang things have wings you know.

 Not horn one this trip.  Hunting season has that affect on bucks.

The road along the river.  Endless and open to all.

The ancient ones.  You know, the people that were perfectly happy to be run off and place on reservations.  Hey, we only took the good stuff.

And what would prompt folks to deface these is beyond ignorant.  These are irreplaceable and we do not need to know you were here a..hole.  Time has come to start treating the outdoors as the treasure it is.  Leave nothing, take nothing, there are folks coming after us and we have a duty to preserve it for generations to come.

There are lots, you just have to take the time to look.

Dinasaur tracks.  All the above is what makes the area so awesome. The area  captures moments in time that are literally millions of years old.  If you are not moved by this, play a video game and sit on the couch, easier than getting it done.

It is called Wall Street for obvious reasons.

There are multiple ascents in this area.  The routes have pitons in place and there are companies who will help you if you are not experienced.  The Boss and I took and got a high building rescue certification, but that was basically down.  And if you really have a case of it stop by and do this.

Crazy and we love it!  The first picture is what is that on top of that rock?  Well there you go.  You only get one life so try living it.  These folks are!

Big rocks.

We found these guys way above the snow line.

Yes we see you!

A bald eagle riding the evening rising warmth.

The real beauty is at daylight and dusk.  It is amazing.

The trees have a hard life and cling to the rock for dear life.

Just really cool to look at.


Travel Notes

After doing plenty of flying the last 30 years things sure have changed.  One thing is real obvious, and get your liberal panties in a wad if you want, (Remember I am a died in the wool Democrat.) there has been a change in passengers and it has not been for the better.  Time to institute the following rule – If you cause a disturbance or get kicked of the plane it should be a lifetime ban and placement on the no-fly list. You do not like the mask rule, or do not listen to the flight attendant like the idiot who did not on a flight to Vegas and got booted before we took off, drive, shut up, or get arrested.

One thing that is progress they have finally ruled that only “real” support dogs are allowed the number of “emotional support” animals seem to have disappeared.  (Remember the nut case who needed her emotional support Peacock?)  If you need an emotional support animal you have no business on a plane if you are that fragile.  Are we supposed to endure your emotional outburt enroute?  Like the fools, above if you do not like the rule, drive.  Plus the rest of us should not be responsible for your ailment and have to listen to your freakin chahoohoo all the way to anywhere.


When we took off to the Salt Lake airport early Tuesday morning, we got about 30 miles from Moab when we got caught in traffic in the middle of nowhere.  Turned out it was a head on double fatality semi-truck wreck.  We have worked our share of horrible motor vehicle accidents, but that was as bad as it gets.  To bad.


I am sure I have forgotten plenty but suffice to say the area had plenty to do to keep us busy.  And unlike Jackson Hole, which is way overrated and overpriced, folks were great and it was not as expensive.  And with some much of OUR public lands available for camping it does not have to be expansive to make the trip.  As a country we are so lucky to have these special places, they are not for sale.

Next up is the lake a couple of days, then off to the Gulf next week.  The weather will finally cool off some with light north winds, perfect big trout weather.  POC at least and maybe north Padre is conditions are right.  And with a couple of “secret” things from Michael at My Coast Outdoors to try I am really looking forward to it.  Not sure when I will rejoin Facebook and the rest of it but will keep posting as I fish.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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The Bite Continues. 12/6/2021.


While Michael, the owner of My Coast Outdoors, is a great bait maker he is also a heck of a fisherman.  Here is a pic of the second one he caught over 5 in the last 2 days.  He reports plenty of both trout and reds the last couple of days.

Both the Knockin Tail and his original Controlled Descent Lures caught fish.  Remember this time of year to not overlook the Controlled Descent Lure, it is the perfect time for it.  With what, and exactly where, he was doing it will remain a secret for the time being.  All I can say is there are some good things coming on the horizon for My Coast Outdoors.  Nice fish!


A very interesting day.  After looking at the forecast it looked like getting out at daylight might be perfect, and once it the front was supposed to get here, which it did, it was high north winds and a 20 degree temperature drop.  Which was nuts as it was 74 degrees when I got up at 6:00.  This has been one crazy fall.   What made the front so cool today is I was way up lake and decided to head back down and fish a few main lake spots.  Cruising along here it came, cold and blowing.  It was actually following me and I would get out of it, and it was warm, then a gust would catch up and it would cool right off.  Weird.

Nothing much has changed with conditions, low 70’s, stable level, and it is clearing daily now.  First up was where I have been catching them and the bite was on. It was another one of those I am not guessing how many, but did a pass with the Honeydew Knockin Tail on a jig head, then the jerk bait, and then A Rig with a face full of Pearl Knockin Tails.

That will work.  The Alabama Rig with Knockin Tail trailers caught them today.

The numbers were definitely on the Honeydew Knockin Tail.   Hopped it off the bottom and then letting it fall, keeping contact with the bottom.  Some were just there, others smacked it pretty good.  There are definitely tons of small bass there, many under 12″, and they were a little pesky when I knew it was a good morning for better fish.  But when you are catching them never look a gift fish in the mouth, unless it is to remove a hook!

After the first pass where I caught a wad of them it was time to re-fish with the jerkbait, which also produced fish.  One did smack the crap out of it and I broke my line.  It was my Lou’s Lure custom painted bait and I was bummed.  No excuse for that.  But I did find out the old standby Smithwick Rouge also got the job done just fine.  (I have literally caught hundreds on it over the years.)  So time to re-fish with the A Rig and Knockin Tails, and that produced some better fish.

And nothing like another double to keep it interesting.

I really am enjoying fishing the A Rig right now.  When we had grass it was impossible to fish, now conditions are perfect.  It catches  fish big and small, and when we get some real cold weather, combined with the early pre-spawn, it might really get good.  And then good fortune struck, as I re-fished the bank there was my jerk bait floating on top.  That happens once in a blue moon and it made my morning.  Love that thing.

The Honeydew Knockin Tail catches fish.  And the jerk bait still doing its part.

It stayed good until about 10:00 and then it seemed to shut off.  I hit one main lake bank and caught 4 on jerk bait, then could not buy a bite on anything.  Before heading up lake to check on the whites I hit several other banks without so much as a pass at it.  And the white bass did not pan out either, and then here came the front so I called it a good day.  On the way in saw that the eagle is back, not sure if it is the same one but every year one or two come, and maybe this one rode the front down.  Winter is coming, at least I hope so, and no better sign than seeing the eagle and all the Osprey around.


Finally it looks like there is going to be a little bit of biological sense in the state of Oklahoma.  They estimate that 70% of all bass in state lakes are under 14″, which is the legal limit and the result of the catch and release mind set by bass fishernen.  The state is thinking of going to the limit which may include only 1 over 16″, the rest can be small.  It is so needed  in many places in this country.

Catch and release has worked, in fact it looks like to well.  In my 50 years of chasing bass I have seen lakes come up and go down.  In the old days our limit was 10 with no length.  Of course that was stupid and liberal limits slowly changed all over the country.  But those of us who fish multiple places know that there are now fish, the fishing is better than it was decades ago.  So bass fishermen get lots of the credit for the resurgence of the bass.  But it does have a downside.

Catch and release is used to belittle people who simply want to eat a bass, even if they are following the law.  Bass fishermen need to take a breath, as long as folks are following the law they can eat bass until they puke, and it is none of your business.  At this point we need to realize this is based on science.  Oklahoma says bigger fish is not the ultimate goal of the proposed changes, it is simply to restore a balance.  But one benefit it would take some of the pressure off the bigger fish.  One thing we all know, a body of water can support so many pounds of fish per acre, and while they are all different, very few I have fished would be hurt by folks eating a few small ones which can only help the other bass.


Next time you hear from me hopefully there will be some great pictures from the Moab area.  Looks like there will be a cold front but nothing to whine about, we love the mountains and it comes with the territory. And if luck is with us, some sheep pictures.  That area has the Desert Big Horn which I have not seen and photographed yet.  So it is going to be a great week.  And next up in the fishing department is a couple of days on the salt, either POC if windy, or north Padre and the Laguna.  It is big fish time and I don’t want to miss it.  Man I love this time of year, so much good fishing, so little time.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Educating a Generation. 12/3/2021.



Lets start off with this:  I am not going to guess how many I caught today, and if I tried you would call me a liar.  But the plain truth, after boating over 25 in the first area they bit everywhere I tried all the way until the last bank, where  I caught 3 on the way in.  I spent the day educating a whole generation of fish!

Best I could manage today.  Smacked that Lou’s Lures Custom Jerk Bait.

And they bit it all, no matter what I tried, they liked it.  The only problem was the “real” ones were in short supply.  In fact, the only big one I saw came after a small one trying to take the jerk bait out of his mouth.  But it did not matter, they were on the chew, and who knows, how active the  small ones were may have had something to do with not boating a good one.  But no matter, it was a catch fest, and after how tough it was for a while it was just nice to have lots of bites.

Only smalls today on the Alabama Rig with Pearl Knockin Tail trailers.  But it sure is a fun way to catch them.

The crankbait caught them right along.  A nice steady retrieve with the occasional stop and go tripped their trigger.  Some of them really popped it.   The jerk bait is still getting the bigger bites, but was the slowest bait as far as bites went this morning.  Kind of a trade off, want to catch the snot out of them or try to boat bigger ones but have a lot less bites?  A problem I do not mind having.  And the Alabama Rig and Pearl Knockin Tail caught  a bunch, the ones above are a good representation of the size that wanted it today.

They bit all morning on the works.

As you can see from these pictures it was a small fish bite fest.  Actually it bodes so well for the future.  There are lots, and I mean tons, of fish in that small to 14″ range.  If we get our grass back there is going to be some awesome fishing in years to come.  There are plenty of fish.  We must have had one hell of a  spawn last year.

They are not there yet but the size is a major improvement.

Of course I headed up lake to check on the white bass, and while I only caught 2, the size is something I have not seen on the lake, maybe ever.  When the real migration starts, it is going to be a serious butt whipping and I am ready, bring on the cold weather.   The run should be in full force in the next month and I look forward to it every year.  While I was up lake I fished 3 grassy areas without so much as a pass on any bait until I caught a small one way up lake. It was the only slow period, the rest of the time it was consistent catching.   But while trolling for white bass I got a good idea where the shallow fish went up lake.  (As a side note, the fishing is better down lake right now.)

Once the lake started cooling a month ago the shad slowly abandoned the shallow grass and the fish followed.  And where did they go?  Into the creek channel where there are tons of schools of  shad which is obviously where the shallow fish went.  Along with the couple of nice whites I think I caught 5 or 6 bass trolling the crankbait.  You can see them around the shad schools.  All I have to say about that is come on winter.  It has real potential.

And the Honeydew Knockin Tail still putting them in the boat.

I only threw the Honeydew Knockin Tail on a couple of places and of course boated a few, including the nice one above.  They like it, end of story.

I fished from 8:30 to 2:00 and caught fish basically the whole time.  It turned out to be a little tough to decide what to fish.  Rarely do we get a day like this, toss it and they will eat it.  The first place I re-fished 3 times with different baits and they just kept on biting.  Who knows how long this will last?  I just hope I get one more chance Monday before heading out west.



The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Looking forward to some college football this weekend with multiple championships on the line.  The reason I do not bet on football is the following:  Bet the farm on Georgia.  Michigan looks tough as does Oklahoma State.  And the Cowboys won last night so looks like they are back on track.  Have a good weekend.  Keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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