Arkansas Recap 3/24/2022.



One of the things that makes fishing what it is, the highs and lows.  One day perfect weather, the next it is crap.  Sometimes you cannot keep them off, other times you cannot buy a bite.  And that would perfectly describe my trip.

The weather went like this, ugly cold and wind howling out of the north for the first day and a half, then and absolutely beautiful day followed by another cold front blowing through.  And the fishing was just as unpredictable.

One of the 4 crappies we managed to catch.  They were flat pigs.

The main purpose/objective of the trip besides hanging with my buddy Clyde was to fish the Knockin Tails for stripers, and man was that a success.  Of the hundreds and hundreds I have caught in my life on a variety of lures but the way they hit the 5″ Pearl was on another level.  And the big one, who literally crushed it, smashed it, and headed for the hills was the highlight of the trip.  And the interesting, and important point, I caught 7 stripers on the same plastic and only retired it because I could.

Ask yourself –  when was the last time I caught 7 really big fish, as in 50lbs plus on one plastic?  Trust me it does not happen all that much.

I did catch 2 walleyes, we added 3 big crappie, and probably caught around 20 bass in spite of the blow on Saturday.  Sunday morning we found them schooling and laid the serious smack down on the hybrids, stripers, and bass.  They were smoking the A Rig with Pearl Knockin Tails and several on the Honeydew color which is now my favorite.  And listen closely, Clyde was throwing regular plastic without a rattle and of course I was throwing the A Rig with Knockin Tails.  It was not even a contest.  As I have repeatedly said about Knockin Tails, what is the downside of a rattle, absolutely nothing.  The upside, it catches fish.  When I got that comment recently saying I only fished them because I get them my response: that is so stupid it did not deserve a response.  If that fool thinks I am going to spend thousands in fishing and travel, much less the rest of my life, fishing something for that reason he is an idiot.  I may love fishing no matter what, but I do want  to catch them, kind of the point.  But I digress.

We did have one interesting happening.  A bass boat idled towards us and it was the game warden.  He asked if we kept anything and we showed him my big crappie which impressed him.  As he was chatting they came up chasing shad behind us and he said throw which Clyde did and caught one.  He caught a smallmouth, Kentucky, and a largemouth.  Then I caught a nice walleye.  By the way both walleye I caught were on the 4″ Knockin Tail.  He never asked for another thing, guess we looked all kinds of legal.

Then after catching them great 2 nights, the last night when conditions were perfect Clyde caught one small striper and I did not have a bite.  You just never know.  But then something happened that I have never had happen, and it made me sad.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


The White River

I began fishing the White and North Fork rivers in the mid 70’s.  Guiding, fishing with friends, it was just part of my fishing life, as it was for Clyde and Bob.  So when our buddy Bob said he would be happy to take us in his boat for the day I was thrilled.  Bob is a life long resident and has been fishing it for over 60 years so no newbies on this boat.  We decided to fish Monday so the crowd would be reduced.  The plan was to put in near the damn and fish down.  A front was coming that day, and it did. But that was not the issue, it is something I have been seeing all over the country in the last few years, the outdoors is getting more and more crowded.  But I was stunned by what we saw that day.

Clyde with a nice Brown.  Our buddy Bob.  A couple of old pork rinds.

We were only interested in throwing lures and stuck with it.  With the weather going to crap and 4 generators running we put in and the boat parade began, boat after guide boat.  At any moment there were 20 boats in view.  Many now using jets it was a loud, POC on a holiday experience.  As we floated down not  catching anything we stopped at Gaston’s so Clyde could buy some white jigs.  The dock man told us that this was nothing.  He said it has gotten busier and busier, and in the hole in that area there might be 30 – 50 boats!

Of course as soon as we backed off I had a big brown smoke the new Glass Minnow Knockin Tail and I promptly broke the 4lb line setting the hook.  Little did I know that would be the last bite I would have until we quit at 2:30.  Clyde did catch 2 browns and Bob stuck out.  I have never, let me repeat NEVER not caught fish on the White, and I mean limit out.  If course we were not fishing live, or scented type baits, only lures, but they were just not having it.

The pressure reminded me of Boca Grande tarpon fishing, boats drifting and running everywhere.  But the thing that was most distressing to me, was guides constantly cutting us off.  We would start a drift in a logical place and when the guide boats would end theirs they could come back up and stop in front of us.  It was the worst I have ever seen anywhere, and I have seen some bad stuff.  So like POC with folks just cutting you off, it was just as crowded.  But in this case it was guides and they were flat disrespectful of not only us but everyone.  I have had fun on the water but this was not it.

Around 2:00 the wind was blowing us back up river and the temp dropped like a rock and it started misting so we called it a day.  One thing about getting old is we often refer to the “Good Old Days” and this is what made me sad.  That the fish did not bite was unusual but that is not what made me so sad.  It is not the great float through the Ozark Mountains it was.  It was a full on boat race with folks stacked on top of each other.  And when the dock guy tells us you ain’t seen nothing yet as it will be a lot busier to come.   So I will dwell in my memories of a wild and beautiful river that was, and move on to those that are left.  (It was definitely as my old buddy Carmine said about POC:  There are so many guides they need badges so they do not guide each other.)

Overall the trip was a good time and it had been while since I spent any time with Clyde.  He is having some significant health issues and we wore his ass out.  It is part of his determination to fish more.  As we all will confront the fragile nature of our life it will not be the things we owned, it will be the memories we make because in the end that is the size of it.  It reminds all of us to put things in perspective.  It is in the doing, so get out there and do it!


The Best Wife in the World – No Freakin’ Kidding

You all know that the Boss is my world, I am thankful every day for just how lucky I am.  33 years have gone by like a blink of an eye and she continues to surprise me.  But this time just takes the cake.  I ordered a hand full of A Rigs on Amazon, which for me was a big deal as I never shop on line.  While I was exploring reels one caught my eye.  So I put a couple in the cart on her on account, just so I would not forget which one it was and not have to do the research again in case I decided to buy some.  While I am fishing she calls me and confirms I want them and went ahead and ordered them.  What wife does that?


The Rod Box

One of the big issues over the years traveling is rod security.  Whether in the boat or truck I have always been worried about a smash and grab at some random motel.  And I carry lots of rods in case I need a specific application, you never know.  So to settle those travel concerns a couple of years ago I tried to get this box and the appropriate cross bars but during the pandemic it was not available.  Now I have it and I could not be happier.

It holds 8 fully rigged rod and reels up to 8′ or up to 16 with reels removed.  And depending on placement can hold tackle in the bottom.  It will really be useful when heading out west with fly rods and conventional, or to Florida where I need the works.  I added some additional security, now it is as secure as I can get it.  At least they won’t break into the truck and I don’t have to listen to them rattling the whole trip.  Should have done it years ago.


I give the trip an A.  It was slow, and it was great.  And anytime I can catch fish that size is a success.  One thing the Twin Lakes area of Arkansas is known for is the fishing, and rightly so.  Next spring it will be back again, love catching those big stripers.  In fact next spring will stay at a resort on the lake where I can keep the boat in the water and be fishing in minutes.  I know I have missed some stuff about this trip but suffice to say it was worth the drive.

Tomorrow it is off to the Houston Fishing Show to work the Knockin Tail booth.  Working with Michael as his company has grown has been fun for me.  (Basically I am nothing more than a lurker!)  And when he came up with the Knockin Tail I knew in a minute it was a winner.  He was worked his rear end off, put his money where his mouth is, and it is paying off with one of the hottest lure lines in the country.  It is never just the product but is the folks behind the product.  He and his family are so deserving of their success.

There is one more freshwater thing I want to do next week, fish Travis a day for whites before the spring bite is over and visit my buddy Dave.  Then  it is time to head back to the Gulf.  There are two specific things I want to work on.  First, slow rolling the 5″ for real trout.  There is no doubt it triggers bigger fish, I just saw it, and it should have the same effect on big trout.  (The reports are already coming in on that exact thing.)  Second, I picked up some smaller A Rigs and I can not wait to fish them on trout positioned in deeper water.   One of the side benefits to fishing with Michael is getting to try new things, it keeps my interest up.   So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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A Knockin Tail Beat Down. 3/20/2022.




Norfork Lake – Day 1

I got here late afternoon and Clyde was not that far behind me.  The weather sucked, unless you like a NW wind at 25mph with temps dropping into the low 30’s, but we decided to at least give it a short go.  Just another fun early spring day in Arkansas.  There was almost nowhere to fish, as fishing in high winds at night is not really my idea of fun.  But I had a theory and was dying to try it out.

After catching hundreds and hundreds of stripers at night over the years I was sure that slow rolling the 5″ Pearl Knockin Tail would catch them, and it did.

This one smacked the snot out of it.

It was almost dark when we first got out.  Clyde caught a couple of bass on jerk bait, and in spite of the wind I threw the Honeydew Knockin Tail on a jig head and boated a 19″ walleye which ended up in the live well for supper.  It really was windy so we headed to one of the few places it was remotely fishable and started getting bites.

Hard won fish considering the conditions,

He was throwing the little deeper diving jerk bait and I stayed with the 5″ slow rolled on a 1/8th swim bait hook.  What happens, though not so much last night, is the shad come to the bank and the stripers come with them.  Both of us had a couple of small bites until Clyde boated the first one.  I had several tic it without hooking up, and then the first one smacked it and in the boat it came.

I ended up catching the 2 above and losing a little better one.  We tried to get at the banks where he has been catching bigger fish but it was just to ugly, so we called it an evening.  Today we will be fishing walleyes and crappie, and of course if a bass or two jumps on great.  Looking forward to a good day.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


I am not going to try to tell you all about Saturday and this morning, will do that when I get back but last night was insane.  I can tell you and tell you about the Knockin Tail but it was a thing of beauty.  There has never a been a bait I was more confident in for catching stripers at night than the 5″ Pearl Knockin Tail slow rolled after dark.  Without going in to much, will do that later here you go, big photo dump.  We are having fun now.

The picture sucks but this one was a bruiser we had to chase.

I can not describe how hard they slammed the 5″ Pearl Knockin Tail.

This is the same fish, it was a stud!  hardest bit I have ever had on a striper.  And then he ripped off a mile of line and the chase was on.

Most were this size.  I can not tell you how hard they smacked that 5″ Pearl Knockin Tail.

One of those nights I could do no wrong.  Moon rise and feakin’ hang on!

Once I got the speed down it was like hooking into the back bumper of a jeep.  No words.   What a way to finish a slow day.

Then this morning we hit the lake about 8 and as we cruised up a creek we saw the gulls, and my good fortune continued on the Knockin Tails.  Hybrids, a small stiper, bass, they were all eating the Alabama Rig with the Pearl 4″ Knockin Tails.  And picked up a nice bass and one of the hybrids on the Honeydew Knockin Tail.  Again they were slamming it.

Getting ready to smack em!

A small one!  Man I love my Knockin Tails!

A good hybrid on the Honeydew. 

My only jerkbait bass.

But I just can’t stop throwing the Alabama Rig.

The first crappie on the new 3 1/2″ Glass Minnow Knockin Tail.

Not near as many white bass as expected, but the stripers are taking up the slack.

To make a long story short Saturday was a continuance of the cold front from Friday evening.  Basically, the wind blew over 20 out of the north until this morning.  It was impossible to get out of it anywhere, and it was cold.  But at dark last night it laid down and as the moon rose it was why I come here if I can.  At times you might wonder why I get a little bored trout fishing, this is why.  I am spoiled, stripers at night are a thing of beauty.

We are in for a little break, and then back out tonight.  I am getting excited just thinking about it.  So it is back at it.  Tomorrow it will be off to the White River to fish to give the big brown trout a go.  The Knockin Tail beatdown will continue as we throw the new 3 1/2″, it should be interesting. So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Coleto Creek 3/15/2022.




55/79.  Pleasant with plenty of sunshine; breezy in the afternoon with no chance of rain.  Wind NNW 13 – 32 mph.

Lake Level

Today   97.32 msl.    Yesterday  97.35 msl.   

Bite Times

Major   11:45 am to 1:45 pm.   Minor  4:16 pm to 5:16 pm.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


I was on the water at daylight and 2 things have changed.  The water temp was up over 2 degrees in most places, in the 62 range and the wind was out of the north completely opposite of yesterday.  But with an air temp of 54 it was not to bad.  So that plan was to fish the 5″ Pearl Knockin Tail until the sun came out, then change up.

Smoked the Pearl Knockin Tail 5″ off of wood.

One pattern that is starting to be consistent is the fish are moving to the wood in spawning coves.  The Knockin Tail put 1 in the boat in the fist cove and 3 in the next.  It is important to crank it right over/on the wood, and the better ones that hit it smoke it.  Today only 1 good/big bite.  I did not pitch the wood in those coves but that is probably the ticket for the time being.  So out came some different stuff.

Plenty of this size.

One thing that I was sure would work was the Pearl Controlled Descent Jerk Shad over and around cover, but no such luck.  I fished it in one place where I have been catching them, and then a completely different place where they should be and not a swirl, much less a bite.  The water is fairly clear and there is no reason they are not up so time for slow cranking the 4″ Honeydew Knockin Tail.  The wind was blowing and it was tough in some places but ok in others.

A mouthful.   

The fish had to be there, and guess what?  6 in the first cove, then a few more here and there.  I did lose one big fish because I did not set the hook as he swam with it.  Using a 1/8th jig head and slow reeling the Honeydew in the coves got me bit, though they were all small they sure were willing, and I missed a couple that might have been crappie.  I started doing that about 11:00 when the sun was up so did not get a lot of time as I had something to do.  This is definitely a way to catch some, they sure are not interested in the bigger stuff.

On getting back to the ramp Eric from Houston was sitting there.  I have known him a while and he is a good deep-water fisherman who does some guiding and serious ledge fishing.  He has been at it a couple of days and is catching them both shallow and deep.  Not sure what is going on right now, he wondered if some have spawned and gone back out.  Guess I will have to wait for that answer until after I get back.

And last I wondered when the turkeys were going to start doing their thing, and this morning was it.  There were 3 going at once across a cove, and it is one of the coolest things you can hear in the outdoors.  On that note I declare spring is finally here.


New Day on the Coast  –  From TPWD

AUSTIN – The Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPW) Commission approved proposed rule changes to bag and size limits for spotted seatrout on the middle and lower Texas coast during the January 2022 meeting.  The new rules take effect on March 16 in Matagorda Bay, San Antonio Bay, Aransas Bay, Corpus Christi Bay, and the Upper and Lower Laguna Madre Bay systems.

From March 16 to August 31, 2023, the spotted seatrout bag and size limits south of FM 457 will be:

  • Three fish per day per angler
  • A minimum size of 17 inches and a maximum size limit of 23 inches
  • No fish over the maximum length may be retained.

I like it and if it works it could be a serious dink fest the next year and a half.  We pay TPWD to make these decisions, and they are responsible for the results.  A perfect example of an issue that the legislature needs to stay out of.  No matter what this is going to save a ton of trout.


AUSTIN – Texas Game Wardens are currently accepting applications for summer internships across the state. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department encourages college students of all backgrounds and fields of study to apply for these 12 available openings.  What a great way to spend the summer.


Next up will be some night fishing in the Ozarks.  A little single spin fishin and if you love the thump of a smallmouth it does not get any better than that.  Plus some of the best smallmouth are caught that way, and even if I have been gone for quite a while I know exactly where we are going to fish.  Add a little topwater fishing for stripers, and I intend to slow roll the Peal 5′ Knockin Tail at night on a swimbait hook and see how they like that.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines, 

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Fishing but Little Catching 3/14/2022.


Not a guess what tomorrow will bring on the lake.  Plus now that we set the clocks ahead it will be interesting to see what time I get to the lake, I hope at daylight.  I have a few days to fish this week, then off on a fishing trip.  It will be hard at it and may even hit the bay as Wednesday, the wind looks like it might take a little rest, before it gets right back at it.  Since the wind helps the lake, as long as it does not blow 30 and run me off the bass better look out.


54/80.  Cloudy in the morning, then intervals of clouds and sunshine in the afternoon with a 22% chance of rain.  Wind S 10-32 mph.

Lake Level

Today   97.35 msl.    2 days ago   97.37 msl.

Bite Times

Major   10:55 am to 12:55 pm.   Minor  4:16 pm to 5:16 pm.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Well now that was just dandy.  First place, catch 4 and miss a couple.  I will not bore you with any pics, not worth showing.  And then, from 8:00 to 1:30 I had 3 more bites and caught 2 of them, and they were even smaller.  For the life of me I do not have a clue what is going on at the lake right now.

To say I fished some great places with great baits would not be an exaggeration.  Even fished one of my catch a big bass cove, which for years I have referred to as Jurrasic Park.  There is enough water and it has produced some great fish over the years, today not a bite.  Fishing recent places and old, different types of banks I just could not get it going.  The first ones came on the 5″ Pearly Knocking Tail on a swimbait hook, 1 on crankbait and 1 on spinnerbait.  But for some reason as soon as the sun it out they give it a rest.

Today it was dead calm at daylight, and blowing 15 mph when I left.  Neither seemed to play a role today, when the wind came up they did not bite, at least sure not where I was.  The water temp is still in the low 60’s and not sure what is the problem with that.  And it seems the farther up I go the slower it gets.

So call me stumped, clueless, old, whatever, successful fisherman is not one of them today.  Of course that is not going to stop me, the boat is still hooked up, and I will bang my head against that same wall tomorrow but with some different tactics.


My Old Stomping Grounds – It Is On!

My buddy Clyde has been wearing them out on Norfork where I spent much of my early adult life.  Guiding, a little tournament fishing, and just generally being a fishing bum for 25 years it was a great time in my life.  We sure caught some fish.  And it is fishing as good now as it was then, actually better in some cases.  Now that there is also a consistent walleye fishery another element to the catch has been added.

Clyde with a real one!  Plenty of this size around, a great striper fishery.

He reports it is on, which on Norfork means the works.  Crappie, bass, walleye, stripers, hybrids, take your pick.  With the water temp 50 degrees and rising it is perfect for some of the best fishing of the year.  Jerk bait, grub, A RIg, then spinnerbait as the temp rises, they all have a place.

And pound for pound big hybrids are tough as anything that swims.

My last trip 2 years ago we put the hurt on them and I was using a topwater Rapala minnow in the sexy shad color.  It is hard to describe how just insane it is fishing stripers at night on top.  Reeling your topwater along slowly making a light wake when it happens, sounds like someone threw a concrete block in the lake when they hit.  Then it takes off like you are hooked a jeep.  And you never know for sure whether it is a hybrid or a striper, or something else.

This is the color I caught them on last time, only on top.

By slow reeling this medium diver it actually adds additional fish species to the stringer that the topwater generally does not.  Many a big walleye or bass has been caught this way, and when you feel the thump time to see what’s up.  It really is an exciting way to fish.  Unless you have something against catching 20lb fish!

Fresh eats!  This before dark then on to the big boys!

And if you are so inclined do some bass fishing, work over some brush piles for crappies, or chase big white bass, supper is a cast away.  Norfork produces some really big whites, over 4lbs is not that uncommon.  Want to top off your catch, how about some hard fighting smallmouth?

It you want to do it all the White and North Fork Rivers have some of the best trout fishing in the world.  Big rainbows to 20lbs and Browns to 35 have been caught.  Tell me another place where you can do all of that in the same day.

So what brought this on?  Guess I am loading up and heading that way in a few days.  No matter your what or where, when it is time to go it is time to go.  Can’t wait to see what happens.


Congrats to the Aggies for literally beating the snot out of my Razorbacks in the semi-finals of the SEC tournament.  They are as scrappy as they come and are going to be a tough out for whoever plays them once the NCAA tournament starts.  So good luck today against Tennesse.  (And I just wonder about those fans, of course there were some, who during the 8 game losing streak were calling the coaches head.)  Since I wrote this the Aggies got a good screwing.  Their play in the tournament should have got them an NCAA bid.  Plenty of teams that did would get creamed by the Aggies.


And this comment from Rick.

Not sure what part of Travis you like to fish, but I live less than 5 minutes from the boat ramp in Jonestown and have a spare bedroom that you are more than welcome to stay in with a free meal to boot. Maybe be even a cold beverage or 2. (And no political conversation, I promise?

Appreciate the offer but the plan has changed.  (See above.)  After Arkansas not sure what is next.  There are some really big fish being caught on Falcon and it might be next on the list.  Timing is everything so will see how it plays out this spring.  And the price of gas could play a role the rest of the spring.


Watching boats for sale there are several out there that are low hours but years old.  There was a time when I considered anything over 300 hours on a boat motor to be a lot.  But as my Merc hovers around 1500 hours, it is living proof what doing the maintenance can do.  I know it seems expensive at times, and it is, but it sure is cheaper in the long run than changing engines.  As gas rises, we shall see where that goes, trading engines “just cause” may not be the best plan.  When looking at buying a used boat if it has 300 hours plus just ask for the maintenance record.  Unless an Etech it should have been seen 3 times, annually at the minimum.  And it is the only way to determine what the hours truly are unless the owner has x ray vision.  As boat prices somehow have started to top $100k used may be the way most folks buy one, so do your research, and if no documentation or mechanic you can speak to, move on.


I was due for a tough day, just have to sit back and think about it.  Plastics and slower may be the ticket, just have to wait and see.  But it will be up and gone in the morning, if nothing else work on my tan.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Huh? Where did the bite go? 3/10/2022.


The one on the right was a 50-gallon barrel with legs!


40/61.  Plenty of sunshine with no chance of rain.  Wind N 10 – 20.

Lake Level

Today   97.37msl.     Yesterday   97.40 msl.

Bite Times

Major 6:30 am to 8:30 am.  Minor   11:42 am to 12:42 am.

***************wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


I Just Do Not Get It

First cast on the 5″ Pearl Knockin Tail on the swim bait hook.

The wind was blowing out of the north right on the ramp.  The water temp was stable from low to mid 60’s and the color is clear to milky depending on where you were.  First up it was back to where the good ones jumped on yesterday.  My first cast with the Knockin Tail swimbait got smoked.  Ok, things are looking up, Not!  For the next couple of hours I must have picked the right stuff in the wrong order.  The wind kept up, not bad but still out of the north.  No matter how I tried they would not eat the swimbait.  I was hoping for a good day but it was just one of those days that was tougher than it looked.

A Blue Catfish smoked the Rock Crawler.

Then I basically started to spin out.  From the Knockin Tail, the Bang O Lure, the swim jig, and finally a crankbait I threw it all.  I fished some of my favorite coves I was saving, a couple require a little work to get in and have been historically killer right now.  It just felt like I was zigging when I should have been zagging.

Best of 5 on crankbait.

When I got up lake the wind was slowly starting to die so time to give the crankbait a go.  I pulled out the Rock Crawler which is basically a Wiggle Wart that is popular on the rocky highland lakes of Arkansas.  I fished it parallel to the bank grinding the bill off.  The first bite smoked it, which took me about 30 seconds to figure out was a catfish.  It basically ate the crankbait.

4 bass jumped on but only one was worth the pic above.   It was definitely a case of too little too late, should have been doing that a lot earlier but for some reason I refused to believe the next cove was not going to have them.  Then the wind died, dead flat and it got hot.  From that point on it was over, at least for me.

Looking back on today I did the right stuff in the right place, but it was not happening.  There are a couple things I maybe should have done, pitch plastics to wood and tangles, or thrown the pink trick worm.  But whatever it was a little disappointing when a couple of the places that I saved did not even produce a bite.  Of course, when I put it on the trailer it began to cloud up and now the wind as blowing as the front gets here.  Probably a case of quitting to early as it looks great out there.


Was going to fish Travis at least on Monday but due to Spring Break, you know that thing the kids do, the places I have stayed there are booked so that will wait a week.  Thinking about a trip to the river for white bass, and definitely the gulf, time for some redfish action.  Of course, with the time change this weekend it will be a little tougher to get up.  Then the Houston Fishing Show where I will be hanging at the booth with Michael selling some Knockin Tails and talking fishing.  Whatever ailed the lake today should be a thing of the past next week so plenty of fishing to come.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Interesting 3/9/2022


After taking a little time off from the blog it is time to put the daily conditions back on.  Not only is it important information, but any fisherman should at least have a clue before we go.  Warming or cooling, water on the rise or fall, and where the bite times might fit in with all this.  And of course, it is also totally irrelevant if you do not care, to each his own.  But anything that might help me put a fish in the boat is good to me.  So, from now on they will be included.


38/67.  Warmer with periods of clouds and sun with a 22% chance of rain.  Wind NNE  8 – 17 mph.   (Have just about had enough of this north wind period.  Plus, it will soon be complaining about our spring SE winds.  Typical fisherman.)

Lake Level

Today    97.40 msl.

Bite Times

Major 5:41 am to 7:41 am.  Minor   10:59 am to 11:59 am.

***************wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


It was colder than snot when dropping the boat in at 8:00.  How cold was it?  When the Boss went to the library this morning it sleet/snowed on her.  Crazy Texas weather.  The wind was blowing a good 15mph out of the north right on the ramp but the rest of the conditions were interesting considering it was a cold last few days.  The water temp at the ramp was 60 degrees and I found some in the 64 – 65 range.  Though I have not checked the level for a while it definitely came up just a hair.  And the clarity here and there was clear to dingy.

With the wind blowing like it was first up was a big cove with a sharp channel.  Today the plan was to fish the 5″ Pearl Knockin Tail on a swim bait hook, and once I saw the temp it was time to commit to it for a good bit.  And it worked out ok.

To bad the pic sucks.  This was a big fish and she crushed it!  It was just a touch cool this morning.

So now to a little pattern education.  They slowly get off the A Rig as the water both creeps up and warms up as they head to the spawning grounds.  The fish on Coleto are ready to spawn.  Now.  So as they move shallow the swim bait in the coves slow rolled begins.  With the 1/16 swimbait hook it let me swim it along at a slow steady pace, the tail on the Pearly just wobbling.  I prefer the VMC Drop Dead, the weight is a little further back and it acts like a keel.  Generally just a nice steady retrieve, no jerking or hopping, just swim it along.   And the 6 bites I had before they quit were all a big thump, a thing of beauty.  It can be slow fishing but when they commit you miss very few.  And of course can swim it through cover which helps.

The good one and another one that just flat smoked it.

All were in coves, which is where this set up shines.  They migrate in the channel to the back end and start looking for a place to spawn.  So find a bank that is flat but has a drop into the channel.  Today they were all in 8 foot of water in the coves and most hit it off the bank.  I tried to run it on a steady retrieve where it was just out of sight.

It was a good bite while it lasted.

Then a funny thing happened on the way to a big string, they quit biting.  3 jumped on in the first cove.  Then 1 each in the next 2, then no bites, then one more.  I am not sure what to make of this.  The fish all came down lake, which surprised me.  At this point I am thinking big fish so I work my way up lake and after about 10:00 not a bite.  And these were historically great places chosen so I could add a couple of big fish but it just did not happen.  Seemed like the farther up the slower the bites, surprising since the water temp way up the Coleto arm was 63 and 64 degrees.  Just might have to add a little Bang O Lure to the mix tomorrow, and really check a couple of places for beds. The weather may hold it off some with a cold front coming, but it is on.


Attack of the killer leaches!

And this from Robin.

I too was fishing Coleto last week and found numerous leaches in the mouth of a bass. I pulled them out with needle nose pliers and smashed them. The fish did not look sick. It was on the left arm of the lake close to the grass and hit a knocking tail. I find it interesting that someone else had a similar experience.

What is going on at Coleto?  Kentucky bass, leaches, Russian Stellar’s Se Eagles, big old Arkansas crawdad, that is some crazy stuff.  Glad you dropped a note.  So one in both arms and the fish looked fine.  Just not sure what this is all about.  The only question is what has caused this?  Looking back at the last 11 years fishing it weekly I have caught my share of bass and other fish and have never seen leach one.   I appreciate you letting us know and always good to hear from someone new.  And anyone else that catches a fish with leaches let us know.  Hard to believe it is a coincidence.  That is just weird.


But I did learn a couple of things at the cleaning table.  The Boss wanted a fish fry tonight so I kept a couple of the smaller ones for the table.  I met 2 guys from Wisconsin who are here camping, and will be fishing another week.  They were telling me that a guy camping was wading with his fly rod and catching crappie shallow on the campground shoreline.  If you need any more confirmation the spawn is on not sure what it might be.


But the interesting thing I learned is they are the guys who discovered the Stellar’s Sea Eagle on Coleto last year.  The got great pictures, he showed me some on his phone and they are stunning.  It was just sitting on a tall bare tree.  TPWD and assorted bird folks came and definitely confirmed it was a Russian Stellar’s Sea Eagle, literally flew here from Russia.  They blew up a couple of pics and they are in the office.  And now it is quite possible it is the same one making a big hit it Maine.   I looked it up and it started being seen in Alaska, and is documented including in Goliad TX, and is now in Maine.  I am so jealous, that is a once in a lifetime sighting and a couple of guys camping recognized right away it was something special.  Thanks to this site for the pic – check it out,  Interesting  information.

Steller’s Sea-eagle | San Diego Zoo Animals & Plants

A couple of different guys I spoke to were saying the discharge cove has been producing tons of whites.  Maybe they will finally head up lake.  The Wisconsin guys have been catching catfish and bass.  I tried to help them on the crappie, just might try a little of that myself but it was definitely bass fishermen out today.  There was maybe a dozen trucks at the ramp, as many as I have seen on a weekday in a while.  Spring has sprung.

And one last note, one of the bass I fileted had a classic big green crawdad with orange on his back.  The first one I have ever seen.  Just a little more info to make it hard to decide what to do in the morning.  I am thinking Knockin Tail swimbait early and then some Wiggle Wart, the killer on Arkansas highland lakes.  Whenever it came out, maybe early 80’s we beat the fish sensless, and it still works up there like it did.  One killer crankbait.

It will be up and gone in the morning.  With a cold front coming tomorrow evening it just might be the pre-front bite.  It is good to be back on the water so keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


(From this point on any off topic will be listed after we are done with the fishing, which is a concession on my part to spare any of you with sensitive feelings.  As a perfect example this comment has nothing to do with politics as usual it is on the legal issues.  For those of you who wish to silence me, or you get your panties in a wad because for some reason you turned it into politics do not read this.)

It always takes the first one.  The first defendant who refused to plea in the Jan 6th cases was convicted on all 5 counts by a jury in Federal Court, in 4 hours.  Guess what, he was convicted in a jury trial by folks just like you, which I hope you all support, as it separates us from most of the world.  Unless you think the constitution is not the law of the land, which always puzzles me.  This was a slam dunk, a first-year prosecutor could have made that one.  This is the kind of man who threatens his children, scaring them enough they testify against him.  As my favorite (Love/Hate) Judge used to say to guys like this:  You like to fight, well I am sentencing you to a place where you will have to fight and see how tough you are.  Since his time will be served in the federal pen basically no parole, he will do almost day for day and it is not pretty.  Not sure what each charge carries but I think the gun charge carries 10 years and the obstruction of the proceeding carries 20, so it will get ugly at sentencing.   All I can say is good luck on appeal, there may be some issues.


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The World is a Crazy Place – and not in a good way. 3/7/2022.


When I got up this morning it was 53 degrees and gusting to 37mph.  I had every intention to fish but no thanks as the temp is supposed to drop a little more and keep blowing.  And looking at tomorrow it will be rain and cold and blowing.  One thing all fishermen experience, is the weather attempting to just ruin our day.   Oh well, good thing I can go every day the rest of the week.


Damn You for Paying Your Bill 

I really wish I went fishing instead of what I have been doing.  We are in an ongoing hassle with our local insurance agency, that through no fault of ours has now gotten paid twice for our annual house insurance.  So, plenty of smarmy lip service, condescending talk, and attempt to somehow blame me.    Nothing like blaming a good customer for paying his bill twice to make sure he is not late because of your mistake.

***************wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


The Boat Dump Has Begun

Those of you who have been reading this for a while know that I actually look at boats for sale in Texas almost daily if I do not have a rod in my hands.  And the trends is beginning to change.  The last couple of years of the pandemic prices shot up as there was to many buyers chasing to few boats.  That has started to change, and manufacturers will be ramping up production as fast as they can.  There are more quality used boats for sale in the last month than I have seen the last several years.  Prices are still a little out of line bust starting to drop just a little.  With an increased supply, and needing to take out a loan to fill them with gas, changes are coming.  So now is the time to take a breath if you are looking, it will be a buyers’ market shortly.

The biggest reason change is coming, the skyrocketing price of gas.  We saw gas right at the $4 mark in our travels and from what I have read there will be more to come.  I know just my 18′ now means a stop for truck and boat gas ends up with the pump stopping as I have reached the maximum amount, often $75.  And that is with a V6 truck and an efficient 90hp.  I can only imagine what it costs as you move up the sizes, especially in the big hp motors.  So, if you are thinking of buying take a breath, do your research, it might save you thousands.  And last, if it continues like this who will be the last one with a 400hp boat anchor?


After watching some of the guys fishing the Bassmaster Classic it brought back memories of what really is the “old days”.  When I started fishing a few tournaments in the mid 70’s,  (Guess I am getting old for sure.  That would be 47 years ago.)  we basically had flashers for our fish finders, then the Lowrance X15 paper graph came on the scene and the graph revolution began.  What triggered the memories was watching them catching bass on the forward-looking sonar.  Since we often fished deep in the Ozark lakes, especially in the winter, we would find the fish and then watch our spoon going up and down seeing them as they came to it.  While we could not look forward you could set to have a wider view.  After a while you began to be able to tell whites/stripers vs. bass vs crappies, based on size, positioning and seasonal location.  Let’s compare, a good flasher then maybe $100 vs. the new operation that counting graph and transducer, an easy $5000.  (If you are lucky!)  I have no real opinion on it, if it works for you good deal and I can really appreciate the application in crappie fishing.  My how things have changed.


And this very interesting comment from Bill.

Curious if you have seen leeches in a basses mouth in Coleto, today i caught several bass but one of them had what looked like small leaches in it’s mouth all over. About 10 of them. I pulled some out and mashed some others. There were gouge scars from them in the mouth flesh. Released it after i got as many off as i could. Bass still seem to be on points, talapia all in the brush.
Thanks for your posts, good info on the lake.

Let me say this really piqued my interest as I have never seen a leach on any fish out of the lake, so I emailed him back for a little more information.  I was wondering did it appear ok, skinny, hit a slow or fast bait, and where it was located.  Was it way up lake in dark water, or back in a cove, not sue what that might have meant but who knows?  And he was kind enough to email me this answer.

caught it the inside of a point heading up river before the bridge. was where tall grass was on edge of the water. about a 2.5 lb bass, healthy but inside the mouth there were tracks where the leeches had been and multiple leeches were attached to the inside of the mouth and close to the gills. caught on a fast retrieve on a shallow crankbait. no others caught showed leeches. i should have taken a pic but was more concerned both getting some off of it and getting it back in the water.  leeches were about 3/4 inch long

Sounds like it was all good as far as the condition and activity level of the fish.  So, it leaves me more puzzled as you would have thought if it was a common thing I might have seen it.  I have seen it in northern waters, including stuck to my leg wading a small stream.  So the rest of you if it has happened to you let us know.  Will be pondering this for a while.  Appreciate your comments and thanks for reading.


And one last off topic issue.  When we stopped at the Flying J outside Fort Stockton to get gas on the way home from the desert someone tried to defraud our debit card.  How do I know that?  My card would not work for some reason in the last outside pump so I had to go in and pay up front with the card which I did.  As soon as I get done pumping my bank issues a fraud alert as someone just tried to get a $1 charge through, and I responded to the text it was fraud.  I had not even left the parking lot.  I learned from my bank that this is how the scam is done.  Get your card number and send a $1 charge through and see if it goes.  If it does let the spending begin, so good thing my bank caught it.  So the pump “not working” made me come in and hand over the card to get gas and then it was tested immediately.  I let Flying J know as a courtesy in case it is happening.  Unlike my local State Farm agent they were great and glad I called.  So if this happens to you be sure to report it immediately to the last place you used it. Do not accuse, just tell them what happened and let it go where it may as long as you did not lose any money.


Whether or not I am going to be able to fish tomorrow due to the weather remains to be seen.  It will be up early and looking at the conditions.  But a high of 48 with a 90% chance of rain and north wind is not all that promising.  But from then on good to go.  For right now it is on the treadmill to walk off this messed-up world.  Keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Un-Bearable! 3/6/2022.


The Great Smokey Mountains.

Our great bear hunt was not successful, but I still give the trip a big fat A.  We really loved Ashville North Carolina, a nice city that was just big enough with a great downtown.  Plenty to keep you busy if you want to visit.  Our plan was to spend time in the city and the Great Smokey Mountain National Park.  And as part of our travels we visited the town of Sylva which is on the Fly Fishing Trail.  Who knew?

***************wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


A  young bull.

Our first day we headed to the main park area to look for bears.  We saw turkeys and whitetail that day, but I am not surprised it wasn’t much.  The main area of the park, and one of the best for seeing bears had folks, lots of folks.  The main roads are paved and the traffic was nuts for off season.  Our parks get busier and busier.  So while it was so-so on the animal viewing the woods and mountains are awesome.  Much different than the west.

It was elk madness day 2 morning.

We also visited Cherokee on the reservation, which I actually visited when I was a freshman in high school.  We did projects on the reservation and also a little tubing, which the area is famous for.  And speaking of the Mountains, it reminded me of the show Moonshiners, which I thought was made in the area, which it was.  We stopped at a little local store for drinks and learned that one of the guys came in the store.  Not a big moonshine fan, it will make you have naked babies, but we saw a few distilleries.  Whether beer or moonshine it is the latest rage in many places we visit.

The herd was on the morning chew.

The second day we chose a route that was in the real woods of the park, and saw a total of one other vehicle.  As we hit the area to search here came the elk, and more elk.  They came filtering out of the woods and we parked and they let us watch them as they fed.  But no bears.  From that point on a 20 mile plus drive over the eastern divide, and while we did not see any more animals it was one cool ride.  The only other thing on the animal front was the Boss did see an eagle.  But lets be real, pretty hard to get a bear to cooperate.  But we sure enjoyed the day.

If you are a fly fisherman this is the place.  And most important, so much of it is spring fed with no reliance on snow fall!

Plenty of stuff like this with access!  Water, water, everywhere.

The evening before we met Will at the Yacht Club, trust me it did not have anything to do with Yachts, while have an adult beverage.  He told us about an area he went to college where they are nuts for fly fishing.  After our morning drive we headed to the town of Sylva, what a great choice.

It was not just elk.  A nice whitetail buck.

He was hanging with his girlfriends.

Long beards.  These 2 guys were strutting down the road and having the occasional set to.  Feeling their spring time oats!

The biggest elk we saw, he was keeping to the cover.

A couple of smalls who thought they were tough guys.

Looking for post winter elk before they head for the hills?  Here is the spot, a misty morning high meadow.

I knew there was good fishing surrounding Ashville, but until I saw it I had no clue.  There are rivers and creeks, and I mean lots.  Trout, smallnouth, and even muskie in the French Broad which runs right through Ashville.  When we got to Sylva we stopped at the Tuckseegee Fly Shop, which is also the name of the local river and those guys were great.  The area is known as the Fly Fishing Trail and there is all the fly fishing a guy could want.

From small streams to big rivers that are perfect for a drift boat, they have it all.  But the thing that was impressive, was the shear amount of access.  The west is great, but it does not hold a candle to that area of North Carolina for true public access.  And of course there are plenty of lakes in the area, in other words perfect for multi-species anglers like yours truly.  I could go on, but you get the drift, I will be heading that way again soon, enouh said.  So check them out and you will see what I mean.

Tuck Fly Shop | Bryson City | Sylva | Waynesville | Fishing Guides & Gear

It is the best fly shop I have been in and had most of what a fly fisherman or tier could need.  I did restrain myself but did pick up a thing or two.

Fly Fishing Trail | Sylva | North Carolina Trout

If you fly fish take a look at this.  In all the places out west I have been this easily tops them for access and information.  We saw miles and miles of fishable water and only 2 or 3 fishermen, such a different situation from most of the more famous places I have been.  It is a dang good thing I did not take the fly rod, or she might have just left me there.  The thing I really liked about the area, there was so much different types of waters, streams, lakes and rivers to fish that no matter the conditions there were definitely fish to catch somewhere every day.  Many of the streams had both trout and smallmouth and were the kind I like, small and isolated.  And nothing like being able to fish for musky without driving to Canada.  And it is exactly the same time drive time to Durango from Victoria, and I have made that one a bunch.  Can you say road trip?

While we did not see any bears, that will come soon enough as we are headed to Alaska chasing brown bears with biologists in June, the area was a great place.  As usual the park was packed, that has become the norm in most of the places we have visited the last few years and now comes with the territory.

That is the highlights, I could not recommend the area any more highly, whether to fish, or just the great scenery and cool towns.  Whether Asheville for the big city vibe, or Sylva for a great small-town visit, plus the parks the area has it all.  The only thing left to do is load up the stuff and head on back.


Tomorrow the weather is going to deteriorate some, but I hope to be on the lake at daylight.  Looks like it will blow out of the north at times over 30mph with some rain the next few days, but it is March on the Texas coast.  Late in the week will be a day or two on Travis chasing bass and whites.  And soon I will have my hands on the 2 new sizes of Knockin Tails and it will be off to the Gulf for some wading.  Plus, there is a fishing thing or two to talk about next report.  It is about to get busy around here so keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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That was hardly worth the effort. 2/28/2022.



I am preparing this Sunday afternoon so I can be efficient with my time, in other words not let other’s incompetence mess up my fishing tomorrow.  The bank stays open late enough I can still fish much of the day and get there in time to get the last screw up fixed before we head out to the Great Smokey Mountain National Park.  Though I will be gone this week if you bass fish it should be on.  This last little front ran them off shallow water but pre-spawn to actual spawning fish will happen as the week wears on.

***************wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


I was sure right about them deserting the shallows.  The first thing I noticed was the lake is slowly dropping, guess it is time to start putting the levels and weather back in the report.  To “help” matters further the water temp dropped over the whole lake.  Most of it 4 – 8 degrees depending on where you were.  Add some ugly color here and there it was not a recipe for success, and guess I followed the recipe.

It would be embarrassing to post any of the other fish, it was slow.

The wind was light out of the north and cold.  To make a really short story shorter, it was 5 smalls on Alabama Rig and Knockin Tail, one on the Honeydew Knockin Tail on a jig head, nothing on swim jig or spinnerbait.  Since I wanted to check out the temps I fished scattered stuff from near the plant to all the way up the main arm.  Including coves, points, brush, fished a little of all of it.

It was not one of those lost the big one days, or could not stop catching the small ones, it was flat slow.  The only good bass hit the A Rig right beside the boat and did not hook up, it was nothing special.  And while I was up lake did a little checking on the white bass and caught the one above and a small bass on the chartreuse crankbait.  One thing I do not know for sure is whether they are done or not on yet.  If the weather does as it is supposed to the whites should be there, or it is over, but the bass fishing is going to be back, they are ready to spawn.

Probably the only thing I should have done was switch to the jerk bait.  I thought about it and then did not follow through, which was stupid considering the conditions.  And since I had to call it a day a little earlier than I wanted to if there was a bite it was later in the afternoon.  But that is the way it is with fishing, fish when you can and be happy you are there.  (But it will drive me nuts while I am gone, it is going to get serious good.)


I got the following response from my buddy Clyde on my comment about pros running around the boat like a chicken with their head cut off landing a fish.

I remember your brother circling the boat on Falcon on back-to-back-to- back hogs!

Definitely a case of Falcon Lake Madness.  But anytime you catch 3 in a row that weigh well over 21lbs it is a case of whatever it takes.  Glad we got in on a few of the good old days on Falcon.  It was any cast.  With the water down for several years it just ain’t what it was.  Too bad the Mexican government has shown little interest in complying with the water treaties they signed with the US.  No big surprise.  No matter what Falcon needs some water.


2 Favorite Quotes of the Day.

The Gazpacho Police  –



Wishing Michael a good show as he will be taking the Knockin Tails on the road to the Bassmaster Classic.  The rattle in the tail has obvious multiple freshwater applications.  Plus, it catches fish.

We are off again.  The Boss has a travel habit that rivals my fishing habit.  But no complaints, just happy we can still keep after it.  The only time I was in the area was as a freshman in high school when our church group went and worked on the Cherokee Reservation.  We tubed a mountain stream and saw a bear, which is about all I remember about that trip.  But the Boss has not been to the Smokeys so it will be a good trip no matter what.  And if the timing is right, we should see a bear or two and will get the pictures up if we score.  Plus, it will probably be Travis the week I get back and if I can find a couple of good weather days’ time to fish the Laguna.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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This and That 2/26/2022.


The 5″ is here!

I am so happy to let you know the 5″ Knockin Tail is here and only available on the website for the time being.  And the 3.5″ will be here is a week or two.  For you big bait lovers the 5″ will fit the bill on the salt or as a classic swim bait in freshwater.  And once the 3.5″ is released the Knockin Tail line will fill the bill for any set of conditions.  I cannot wait to get my grubby little hands on some 0f b0th.  They look absolutely killer

And while on the subject Michael will be taking the Knockin Tail on the road as he exhibits at the Bassmaster Classic next weekend in North Carolina.  It will be a chance to share what a great freshwater bait it is for multiple applications.  Largemouth, smallmouth, striper, white bass, walleye, crappie, catfish, tilapia, bream, and other stuff I have caught them all.  It gets the job done.

Additionally, I am looking forward to the Houston Fishing Show at the end of the month.  Will be working the booth a couple of days and more than selling baits, which I love to do, it is meeting folks and spending a few days talking about fishing.  Those of you who know me personally know I might be prone to do a little talking.  See you there.

***************wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


My buddy Aaron and his partner are on a good run in the Fishers of Men tournament series.  They placed second in the first tournament and then finished 7th in the second one.

What…. Are you ice fishing?
We took 7th this weekend in Fisher of Men series with a 7.08 kicker with 20.84 good for $700.
I’ll be ready for you to come up in late March on.

“worst bait is a dry hook!”

It was cold and is still that way but will be out of town for another week so it will be a little before I am back at it.  Congratulations on the good run.  Looks like you guys might be on the way to the season ending championship, 20 plus with a 7 kicker will do it most days.  And as soon as you and I settle down hope to fish Sabine Lake with you later this spring.  Good luck on the rest of the tournament year.


And I got his from SA Joe.

I wanted to see if you can help out a small business owner. I was wondering about the Knockin Tail Lures but like to see before i buy. Will has them here at his shop in San Antonio. Bought a couple of packages.

By chance chatting on FB, Amber(fixes reels) mentions his place.
2023 Austin Hwy Suite 103 San Antonio, TX 78218

Happy to do it.  For those of you in the SA area stop in and check them out.  Could not tell if he stocks the Knockin Tail on his sites.  If not put in a word for them.  Whether A Rig, swim jig, or just used as a swim bait they get the job done.  So, appreciate a kind word to them for the baits.  We fishermen are all in this together and it is small business helping small business.  If you think Bass Pro really gives a crap about the little guy, I have a bridge to sell you.  Good to hear from you.


I always get amused when some pros hook a good fish and then run all over the boat to land it.  Having caught hundreds of big bass in my life I have never made laps around the boat.  It always seemed to me that is what the trolling motor is for.  Keep it pointed at the fish until boat side and then turn it the right way and land them.  Simple and a lot easier on your rods and other stuff you end up stepping on.


On the outdoor front TPWD is proposing closing certain areas to oyster harvesting.  I am torn on the issue and feel for the oyster men who make their living and feed their family by fishing.  Here is the schedule I recieved in my email from CCA.

TPWD Coastal Fisheries staff will be hosting several public hearings on the coast to receive input from stakeholders concerning the proposed regulation change. Here are the ways you can attend:


Zoom Webinar: TPWD Coastal Fisheries staff will present the proposed change and answer questions related to the proposal in an online webinar on Tuesday, March 1 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. The webinar will also be posted on the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s YouTube channel and Coastal Fisheries Facebook page.

In Person

  • Thursday, March 3 from 6:00 — 8:00 p.m. at the Wortham Auditorium (First Floor) in the Rosenberg Library, 2310 Sealy Ave, Galveston, TX 77550
  • Thursday, March 3 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at Rockport Beach Park in the Saltwater Pavilion, 210 Seabreeze Rockport, TX 78382
  • Thursday March 3 from 6: 00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Bauer Exhibit Building at 305 Henry Barber Way, Port Lavaca, TX 77979

Take action right now

Public comments are officially open and can be provided on the TPWD public comment page until 5 p.m. on March 23rd. CLICK HERE to submit your comment TODAY.

So speak your piece or don’t complain.  (Though I have to admit I think this is all lip service and the decision is made.)  Reminds me when Florida went through the “ban the nets period”.  One thing I would like to see if/when they begin this there will be a program to help the guys find new ways to make a living, instead of the state just saying tough shit,  to bad.  Unfortunately, I worry leaving them high and dry will be the end result.  Another battle for the resource, one that will be increasingly fought over in the future.

And as long as we are talking about TPWD proposed regulations for the coming year here is the website for the new releases.  There are multiple proposals on both freshwater fishing and hunting regulations.  So if any of it matters to you, click on the link and see what they have to say, and speak your piece or take whatever comes.

News Releases: – TPWD (


And on a related note, there is a fight brewing in Oregon between their game and fish and the legislature over types of broadheads and arrow knocks that can be used bow hunting.  (I am not taking sides on who is right, just the method.) This trend by state legislature passing stuff to circumvent authorities on any subject is puzzling.  Has getting elected to public office made these pinheads know-it-all experts on all subjects no matter how complicated?  Why pay the people you hire who actually went to college and got a degree, as in this example wildlife or biology.  Time for term limits.


In what is described as  the frightening spread of Chronic Wasting Disease continues in Wisconsin deer breeding facilities.  8 are now infected and both businesses and outdoor advocates are concerned, one for their livelihood, the other for the state’s deer population.  If there is even a hint CWD might infect the wild deer population it must be stopped in its tracks.  Sure hope Wisconsin, and TPWD in the state of Texas get it right but we will have to wait and see.  Always remember to follow the money.  No business should be allowed to threaten a state’s wildlife for any reason, including profit.

As far as I am concerned TPWD and every other fish and game in this country have the responsibility to control all wildlife but have a moral duty to protect our wild native species first.  And potentially sacrificing native populations for commercial interests should never happen.


I have had a crazy time correcting a bunch of stupid people.  REI where I got my crossbars for the truck could not have messed it up even more.  They sent me 5 crossbars, including and open used one to finally get 2 to fit, and they were the ones who said to order the first 2.  When they were clearly wrong, they made me pay for another 2 and would refund the money on the first ones.  Then when set #2 comes one has been opened and used and mising parts.  Confused yet?  Of course before it was all over they screwed it up.  But after weeks of trying to get their screw up corrected, they did not give us all our money back success.  How stupid is that, of course I kept a crossbar that was broken or one that did not fit my truck.  Who wouldn’t?  Finally got that straightened out.

Our local insurance agent for Allstate messed up big time.  When we changed companies, I thought it would be better but that mess is still to be resolved.  The whole issue is caused by our agent flat dropping the ball, at least that is what Allstate says.  So if they are your agent here in town beware.

Then the post office, what is there to say.  We mailed 2 checks on the 4th, one made Colorado 3 days ago, the other (The insurance check) had not made Dallas yet.  So now I have to pay to cancel the check and then phone renew.  Thanks Allstate and my local agent.

Of course there is more post office. We put a return paid government letter in the mailbox and for some reason they would not pick them up.  I just do not get them.  Guess that little red flag is something new.

And last but not least, Suddenlink, the worst ever.  Out local politicians last year made a bunch of noise, like they are want to do when they are really not doing shit, after so many consumer complaints.  Tons of complaints continue, and they have done absolutely nothing about the service. And Suddenlink for the last 3 months  (We have been customers for 13 years.) cannot do a simple auto pay, and then you get to talk to the dude in Timbuktoo (I am being as nice as I can.)  who promises to fix it the third time.  Any bets on whether they get it right?  What is wrong with the world?  What do we pay all of them for?

This was my Friday and Saturday.  Yeesh!


We love bears!

So there is my current state of affairs.  I just want to go fishing!  Hopefully that will be Monday morning, though I have to cut the day short to get to the bank on time to cancel the check so I can pay the insurance company for their screw up.  And then off to the Great Smokies for some bear chasing.  So keeps stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

Oh Yeah – Woo Pig Sooey!!! How about those Hogs whipping Kentucky bootie!

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