ICAST Orlando – 2022



The man = Bil Dance.  The man the myth the legend.

Where to start?  How about right here! I had barely got in the door and there he was.  What a way to start the show.  What makes this sighting so special is over 30 years ago I saw him wading Lake Seminole on his show.  He was smashing huge bas on the Bang O Lure, which led to my lifetime fishing love of the Bang O Lure.  From this point on in the show it was a fishing extravaganza.  I knew the show would be a bucket list trip for me and it exceeded that.  Until you walk around the show for a couple of days and barely scratch the surface it is hard to really describe how huge it was.  It was a who’s who of the fishing industry and all I have to say is good thing you could not sell at the show, or I would be in big trouble with the Boss.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


The whole gang working the booth.

First thing my thanks to Michael and his family for letting me tag along.  Besides Michaels design and innovation abilities he has a great family.  (He is percolating another cool idea but if I told you he would have to kill ME!)  His wife Jocelle and the boys are good folks and I appreciate spending time with them.  A show like this is a big undertaking and the old takes a village applies.

Big Water Adventures Mark Davis dropped by the booth.  He has used the Knockin Tails twice on this show.

The show is literally crawling with those folks I watch on the weekend fishing shows.  So cool to have Mark stop by.  As personable and nice a guy as you will find, it is a tribute to the Knockin Tail’s ability to catch fish.  And speaking of famous people here is a list of those I saw.  I did not bother any of them, the crowd was doing plenty of that, but here is who I remember.  Ike, KVD, Ish, Randy Howell, S. Browning, S. Feider, S Reece, and on and on.  It was just something.

This is for you Rusty.  Once cool vice to go along with some great fly tying material.  Check them out.

Here is one of the coolest things I saw at the show.  Jeff, the owner was a very personable guy and has a line of really interesting jigs (He gave me a couple which will get a workout.) and a line of fly-tying material along with some other stuff.   His stuff is ethically sourced, and the jigs do not have any lead or tungsten, cool product.  But his vice which will be coming out soon, it is in production, has a couple of great features not found on other vices.  I cannot do his product line justice but trust me if you are a hard-core tier, it is the bomb and was a hit with buyers.  He also has a line of cool revolutionary material that can greatly simplify tying jigs and flies.  There is no way I can do his products line justice so stop by his site and take a look, great stuff.

Zoe Angling Group | Ethically Sourced Innovative Fishing Goods (zag.fish)

When it is all said and done there was something for everyone who loves to fish for anything, anywhere, anytime.  Hope I get another chance to attend, it is a fisherman’s dream.  Suffice to say if you use it, heard of it, or want to put your hands on it you can do it at ICAST.

It was so different from other shows I have attended.  Only retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers and media, are allowed in and it was so different from selling to the general public.  We spoke with folks from all around the country, Italy, France, Canada, Mexico, and Puerto Rico to name a few.  And speaking of Puerto Rico, what are the odds.  We all say it is a small world and my experience proved it.

A gentleman and his family stopped by to see the product and speak about using/selling it in Puerto Rico.  When I noticed his badge my comment:  I told him that one of my greatest memories of all time was catching my first marlin off the coast of PR with Captain Pepe on the Mikara Hunter.  His response, he is a friend of mine and I captain his boat at times!  What are the odds?  Pepe has sold the boat the first mate who was a kid when I fished with them and he is now a marine surveyor.  It really is a small world.

Tom Roland of Saltwater Experience stopped by the booth on day 2.


I have almost no internet or phone as I am staying in the actual glades in a swamp.  The first couple of days the fishing was slow, today was a home run.

My personal best snook!  My last bite this morning. What a fish.

My first one landed this morning on the 5″ Halloween Knockin Tail.  What a thump!  My first bite I jumped a nice tarpon.  The Glades is a wonderful place.

Love those big headed monsters!

So just to let you all know I have not dissapeared from the face of the earth.  No internet and no phone to speak of.  Suffice to say today made the whole trip and every mile worth it.  I will be catching up at some point but suffice to say a couple of more days to fish and I can only hope it is anywhere near today.  So take the bull by the horns and make your adventure happen.  And thanks to Michael, we have had a great time!  So keep stopping in and thanks for ready my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Sad Day 7/19/2022.



As I get ready to head a couple of hours to Orlando and ICAST this morning I am getting excited to see all the new stuff along with many of the top anglers in the country.  And talking up the Knockin Tail to distributors and stores will be fun, easy to sell something you believe in.  I will post in a few days after attending the show.  A real fishing extravaganza.


A Sad Day

I have known Max for almost 50 years, fished against him many times.  He was an accomplished tournament fisherman and all-around good guy.  How in the world this happened we will probably never know, but something happened.  He knew Lake Norfork like the back of his hand day or night after fishing it for well over 50 years, and this one is hard to grasp.  When I lived at the boat dock I watched as they built that big bridge in my front yard 40 years ago, we were all familiar with it from day 1.  There is a lesson in this for all of us, it can happen at any time, anywhere, to any of us.  My condolences to his family.


And on that note Ronnie Deardorf, the owner of Midland Marine where I bought my first Champion boat in Mtn. Home has also passed.  The year John Storey gave our bass club a boat to the winner Ronnie beat me out in the last of our 12 tournaments.  I led most of the year, but he sacked 32lbs 8 ounces on the last tournament to overtake me and win.  That was a massive string in those days.  He was a great fisherman, a big hunter and also one of the old guard in Mtn. Home.  One of the hazards of getting old is watching your contemporary’s pass.  Best wishes to his family.

While reminiscing with Clyde over the loss of these 2 I realized how many we have lost from the old bunch.  The year I fished the Federation Club Championship there were 6 of us, I am the only one left.  It reinforces my opinion that you only get on run at life.  So make it happen, do it before it is too late, there is no time like the present.  Life blows right by us and is gone before we know it.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


It is either guaranteed for life or not!

Oh Bass Pro, how far you have fallen.  There is a guy who has filed a class action lawsuit against Bass Pro over socks.  The ones he bought were labeled: “Redhead Lifetime Guarantee All- Purpose Wool Socks” and were sold with the lifetime guarantee.  He returned several pairs and then they finally start replacing them with a pair that looks almost exactly the same only they are only guaranteed for 60 days.

That reminds me of my experience with Bass Pro, remember I have been shopping at the original store since the early 70’s.  I get a flyer, Ambassador 5500c for sale and in big words, guaranteed for life!  So, I buy 2 and for about 10 years they honor it by repairing them when they need it.  Then I get a note when they shipped one back:  It now has no original parts on it so no more warranty.  Sneaky way to weasel out on their promise.  Looks like they are still at it.  They really are not a fishing store anymore, basically they are a fancy department store.  If I did not have a card that gave me store credit, I can honestly say I would rarely shop there.


And I want to thank Pat for his long comment.  I especially like the part about catching bass in a pond, the way I started.  Once you get to the big water things do change.  Fishing is now a whole new game just in the last 10 years.  And as far as your son, the boy can catch them, and he just might have a future with a rod in his hand but to get there these days is tough, but he has the skills he just needs more time on the water.  The old saying:  The more I fish the luckier I get.  And good luck with the crappies, guiding it was always jigs for me to.  Nothing like feeling the thump!  So good to hear from you, I appreciate it.


I got this interesting comment from Steve.

I love your mini-rants. I can just see you pounding the keyboard, backspacing through ill advised phraseology, an occasional re-think. Passionate advocacy is a good thing. After all, if you don’t mind, then it doesn’t matter.

Oh, and the fishing too! Thanks to you I now know what a clown knife fish is. Catch a monster, take pictures, and tell us about it.

You called that right on the head.  Ranting is actually harder than doing the fishing part.  Making sure you are accurate with the facts, not defaming someone, and just generally keeping it on point without belaboring the matter.  And you are correct on one other thing, when I do it is something I am passionate about.  I never want to start a fight or just rag on something but at times I just cannot help myself.  Guess that is a function of getting old and cranky!  And as far as the Clown knife fish, I have done the reading and research, just have to see how it goes but it is something different.  Stay tuned.


It has been a while since I made a major tow with the boat, and it went well.  But I would like to congratulate the state of Louisiana for having some really crappy roads.  While I have not driven in every state it is amazing just how bad they are.  It really opens your eyes to how tough it is on both vehicles and boat trailers.  It was always struggle to trailer on Hwy 90 when going to Grand Isle, and now I10 is not any better.  Man, their roads suck.


Good Luck and Tight Lines


Liberal, sort of, when it serves them!

And my last off topic rant – Austin. Whether it was Fayetteville, Boulder, Iowa City or a host of other cool places it seems to follow the same script.  At first folks come for the music, the scene and the lifestyle, then it happens, they grow up.  Now those first folks want those “other” folks out, or at least out of sight.  Rents get high, housing prices off the chart, the real estate industry engaged in full scale gentrification, it always seems to run the same course.  Those first folks are happy how it is going for them but want those other folks out of their sight.  NIMBY and hypocrisy in action.  The industry speaks of the need for housing and help for the poor, as long as it is not anywhere near my downtown or upscale area.  Plenty of lip service, so don’t give me the old I give a damn.


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This and That 7/14/2022.


One of my favorite part of any trip is the prep.  As I get things under control, and the list is not small, my excitement rises at the thought of this trip.  First will be Orlando and ICAST.  It will be a who’s who of the fishing industry with the latest and greatest fishing gear so obviously that is a bucket list trip for any fisherman.  Nothing like spending a couple of days with Michael talking fishing and spreading a little Knockin Tail knowledge to dealers and stores.  It has put plenty of fish in the boat for me both fresh and salt, so it is easy to talk it up.

Then off to the Everglades. (Right this minute it is 13 degrees cooler than here and has been all week.) Of course, I am fishing the Glades but while there plan to fish Lake Ida a couple of times for both peacocks and a species that has always interested me the Clown Knifefish.  So even with a couple of days of that I will still have 3 or 4 in the Glades including a day with Michael and a guide who he has fished with several times.  (As a side note he is the current IGFA all tackle snook world record holder.)

Clown Knifefish | Complete Guide to How to catch Clown Knife Fish (bassonline.com)

The Clown Knifefish is one weird and beautiful fish and a fitting addition to the “I caught one of those” list.  The lake is about an hour and half away from where I am staying so no big deal.  So, the trip is shaping up nicely and I cannot wait to get on the road Sunday.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


I am a big maintenance guy whether boat or truck, and again it paid off.  Part of getting ready for a long tow is the truck goes in for oil change, alignment, and overall inspection, along with a rotation and balance on the tires.  They came out and said come take a look at this and there it was, one of the back brakes was messed up.  It would not have lasted much longer if at all and there is no way it would have lasted through a 3000 mile trip with the boat.  So if getting a brake job could be considered a jackpot I look at it this way:  Way better than broke down alongside the interstate in Bum Fudge Georgia in the middle of the night.


I must have clicked a like on some fishing website post and then got a request to like his page.  Before I like anything I always go there and see what is up, same with friend requests.  In this case he is touting the plastics he will be showing at ICAST.  Which brings up the following point – He obviously does not know shit about me, nor has he looked at my page.  It seems if he had a clue he might not have asked, at least to a committed direct competitor.  Just like the local fishing company/resort that has never once liked anything I have posted but wants me to join their page.  Don’t think so.  It works both ways and much of these requests are nothing more than number driven.  Gee I am hurt, I thought they wanted us to be “friends”.


While it is too much to copy and paste if you want to see what our Game Wardens faced over the last holiday weekend click here, interesting reading.

News Release: July 12, 2022: Texas Game Wardens Wrap up Another Busy July Fourth Weekend of Statewide Enforcement – TPWD


Just think only $15k and it does not run.

Needs work on drives , otherwise great boat , has 4.3 v-6’s …. Drives are corroded have parts for one , still need the other


Amazingly enough he has the titles.

Boat is sold as is. Front has some sort of repair not the best looking at all. Boat floats but is ugly

Front deck is missing over bow, 2 batteries (both dead from sitting I’m sure)

Trailer has older tires and not sure if lights work still been sitting

! Thermostat leaks I already ordered part it’s on back order a week less than 5 minute swap.

I always enjoy this one.  No big deal right?

The boat has no title, (one can probably be obtained, You’ll have to talk to the people at Texas Parks & Wildlife to go about it)

My advice: Run!  (Project boat = Piece of crap I cannot fix.)

This is a project boat. Motor in poor condition, has not been run in several years. Transom is bad. Steering is frozen. Floor needs to be replaced.

Really solid boat.  (Really!)

Needs carpet redone & seats redone or new seats to be really nice. Great dual axel trailer with pretty good tires.
Motor needs a part from what I’ve been told.

And this so he gets top dollar.

Needs some leaves and stuff cleaned out of it.
Just didn’t have time to clean it out.

At least the $75 price is fair.

No title been sitting on the ground for a few years.

In other words it is a POS.

Motor is good, needs a little work. Will need new tires for the trailer. All parts work, but needs a little TLC or use for parts! No title.

Might take a while to get anywhere.

Motor needs some work as it starts from cold but doesn’t restart well from a hot engine. Let it cool down 15 mins and all is good.

And last an honest realistic seller.

FREE ,FREE ,FREE –May be good for paddling around in a pond!!!

Of course, I find the worst of the worst when showing you these.  One thing that has happened is there are some good older boats for sale, but at a price I am pretty sure you could have bought them for when new.  Plus, there are still a good number of almost new high dollar boats available.  If I was looking, I sure would not get in a big hurry.  Let the economy settle down and then we might get back to a little more realistic boat prices.

There is a little good news on the boating front as gas in our area dropped to $3.99 a gallon.  Where we go from here remains to be seen but as it continues on its downward trend the cost of my trip goes down.


I hate to rag on TPWD but occasionally they deserve it and on the next 2 issues they deserve tons of criticism.  First, there is a deer breeder who the state is engaged with who has multiple documented cases of chronic wasting disease and he is fighting them on whether his whole herd should be put down.  My question to TPWD on this very issue:  Who do you represent?  Rich deer breeders get some kind of pass?  The resident whitetail herd is facing increased exposure to CWD from these farms and TWPD comes off as weak and beholden to commercial interests.  Not what you are chartered for or what we pay you for.

And second, mountain lions.  Texas is one of the only western states that does not have some kind of plan or protection for these amazing creatures. Mountain lions are also listed as a “Species of Greatest Conservation Need,” ranking them between “imperiled” and “vulnerable.”   Time for the state to act.  The unregulated killing of these animals is just stupid and against all science.  Unless that state acts it comes off as either another kowtow to commercial interests or just plain lazy.  Either way it sure is not the interests of the lions.  Come on TPWD, how about joining enlightened and intelligent states who have a plan.  Or is it just business as usual.


So time to finish up preparations.  Raining right now, thank God, so will finish getting tackle ready, leaving the truck detail until tomorrow.  Then it is off on another adventure.  Folks have occasionally told me I am living the dream, and that would be 100% correct.  But you know what, you have to make your dream!  We save our money, we rarely eat out, go to movies, buy stupid stuff, and drive 12-year-old cars and boats.  It comes down to how bad do you want it?  There is one truth about this life:  We only get one run at it, and it is up to you what you make of it.  We may die broke, the perfect plan, but we die without regret for what we wish we had done.  So, seize the day.  I will keep you updated on the trip.  Keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


A great philosopher once said:  “People who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.”

No matter the party every time you hear of one of our “employees” who we the taxpayer pay, elected or appointed including Senators, that refuse to answer a legal subpoena or provide work product just remember this:  “People who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.”  Look at what has happened with the Uvalde shooting.  Think everyone involved have been truthful or open about what really happened?  (Gov. Abbott told you they lied to his face.) You are hearing lots of stuff right now on many fronts, but the point, until you say it under oath when given the chance the question still remains: What do you have to hide?  And if you hear “absolute immunity” they made that one up. How our employees have become so self-centered, with the belief that they are untouchable is beyond me.

From the mouth of President Trump.  (Who took the 5th 97 times in a sworn recorded deposition.)

“The mob takes the Fifth Amendment, if you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”

(And before you get your panties in a wad I represented hundreds of felons and have a pretty good idea on how taking the 5th works so save your breath.)

My point on this rant, once you decided to work for us you should be transparent and realize who pays you and who owns your work product.  If you do not like it go to work in the private sector like the rest of us.  Oh yea, pay and benefits not the same as the rest of us.  Who do these folks think they are?


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Coleto Creek 2 7/6/2022.


What is not to like about this?  One great morning!

The only real difference from yesterday’s report is the water temp was 87 at the ramp, up a couple of degrees over most of the lake.  There are still some areas with a little color but as a whole the lake is clear and fishing well.  And the punch line, looks like the big worm is the ticket.  I may have caught on spinnerbait, 3 kinds of worms, and a couple of smalls right off the bat on buzzbait, but the big worm got it done.


76/98.  Partly sunny, hot and humid; breezy this afternoon; caution advised if outside for extended periods of time with a 25% chance of rain.   Wind   SSE  12 – 30mph.

Lake Level

Today   95.75 msl.   Yesterday   95.77 msl.

Bite Times

Major   7:02 am to 9:02 am.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Use a big worm, catch a big fish.

Just dinking and dunking around, hitting a few different spots while alternating baits and I was getting bit.  Around 8:30 the Boss called on her way to work, and the bite was on.  It was a rocky point and the fish were right on the bank.  Most hit it before it hit bottom, and while most were on the small side the one above also came over the side along with 5 or 6 more.  It sure seems like if you want to increase your hook up percentage you had to let them eat it.  I prefer not to do that, keeps the stomach hooking down, but today setting the hook to early resulted in them getting your worm.  So I let them swim with it just a little before setting the hook.

Spinnerbait will still catch a few.  But looks like worm is about to take over.

The morning was very similar to yesterday.  The fish were near wood of some sort, and I caught several making multiple casts to the same structure.  That also resulted in catching a couple off one good-looking spot.  So there are still fish shallow.  The spinnerbait bite is still on, but they are basically all on the small side so my best advice – throw that big worm.

Along with a great sunrise stuff was on the move.  Saw a bunch of deer, a coyote, and a big flock of turkeys.  I could hear them in a big pasture and as I fished by they were not too concerned.  And the gators were out in full force.  As it is so often when stuff is moving around the fish are biting.  As my old buddy Jimmy Wakenight used to say:  If the cows are laying down on the way to the lake it will be slow.  And today was the exact opposite of that.  It was one of those great days to be on the water, at least until noon.  It is ugly out there right now but get out early and get it done.


And from our Texas Game Wardens.

Over the 2022 4th of July Weekend and as part of Operation Dry Water, Texas Game Wardens:
1.) Patrolled 10,202 hours
2.) Contacted 12,537 vessels
3.) Administered 332 standard field sobriety tests
4.) Issued 1,976 warnings
5.) Issued 1,560 citations
6.) Filed 49 Boating While Intoxicated charges
Statewide, there were 38 reportable boating accidents, 1 boating related fatality and 10 drownings.
Our thoughts and prayers are with those who lost a loved one over the holiday weekend.

Were you stupid enough to drink and boat this weekend?  Every holiday weekend I remind folks, don’t do it.  Not only do you put our life in danger it is definitely amateur hour when the Wardens are out in force.  So, stop it, it is not worth it.  And like it tends to be tickets still top 10% of all boats stopped, which is still to high.  When will folks learn?


And speaking of game wardens I met our local warden at the ramp.  He has been in Victoria over a year and should be getting another partner in the next month or so.  He is a good guy, and we are lucky to have him.  (He reported things were not out of control at POC this weekend, maybe folks are finally getting it.)  And as a side note:  The crappie are biting and they are around 15′ deep and bunched up.  Just saying.


The joys of boat ownership, it knows no bounds.  When I dropped the boat in there was a truck on the ramp with a guy in a beautiful Ranger.  Brand spanking amazing, it had all the bells and whistles.  Only one problem, it would not start.  His comment to me:  $90 k and the (*&^^ won’t (*&#6 start.  His problem was way above my pay grade.  But it reminds me of cars, all the “stuff” is great, but when it won’t work it is not all that great.  I felt sorry for him, what a drag.


It would be self-serving to post all of your follow up comments to my last post but suffice to say I hear you.  Your comments were humbling.  And I saved a couple for the information you included so thanks for that, but I will keep these particular comments to myself.  But it means I will keep plugging along.


Not sure what or where is next but I am feeling it right now, heat be damned.  But hey, I am heading to the Everglades so I should not be complaining.  And I am really getting excited about Florida, lots of boxes can get checked on this trip.  So, keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Coleto Creek 7/5/2022.


Not being on the lake for over a month I had no pre-conceived notions as to how it might look or what I might find.  Since we had some rain lately, the lake was falling when I last fished it would be a learning experience, and it was.  When I got to the ramp at daylight, a little late thanks to hitting snooze, there were several bass boats putting in and I ran into my buddy Eric.  He is from the Houston area and spends quite a bit of time camping and fishing the lake.  A real deep-water specialist he reports he is finding them in a little different area but is catching them.  He had been up lake and let me know it was not to off color (My first question.) so off I went.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.



77/98.  Partly sunny, hot and humid, becoming breezy in the afternoon; caution advised if outside for extended periods of time (We hit 107 heat index today.) with a 2% chance of rain.   Wind   SSE  12 – 29mph.

Lake Level

Today   95.77 msl.    June 30th   95.85 msl.

Bite Times

Major   6:19 am to 8:19 am.

The water temp was 85 at the ramp and the same way up lake.  There is definitely some color, quite a bit more up lake, but it is fishable.  Just to be sure buzzbait was not working of course I caught a small on my second cast.  Hit a couple of quick spots with it and did not have another bite though a good one followed it to the boat but did not eat.

Next up was plastics on wood and swim jig down the banks.  One small on the swim jig and 6 or 7 on watermelon red stick worm, and they were small.  I pitched some shallow cover on a deep channel bank and did not have any great success to keep me up lake, so time to head back down.  One last comment on up lake, I could have caught several more smalls as 3 different bunches came up chasing shad.  When they did, they busted over a pretty good area but were not interested in the buzzbait, should have tied on a Pearl Knockin Tail but I let them pass.  If you are fishing the lake, be sure to keep an eye out and a minnow imitationTe tied on just in case.

Wind, stumps, and spinnerbait.

On the way down lake I stopped at one of my favorite deep points and started throwing a Texas rigged 9″ ribbon style worm and immediately got bit.  I missed another but at this point I was going big or going home.  While I was there the wind came up which on Coleto means get out the spinnerbait.

Mouthful of big worm.  The best 2 of 8 on plastics.

I did not specifically head to a bank with stumps but like it was a month ago stumps weith wind was where they were.  It took a perfect cast then buzzed, get it close and get bit.  Ended up catching a couple of nice fish who smoked it and had another good one boil it near the boat.  For the rest of the morning, I kept varying tossing the works and managed to get bit all the way until I quit at noon.  One of the worm fish came out of a brush pile I have been meaning to fish, where I should have caught another one or two.  But they like that big worm which is not surprising this time of year.

So not exactly sure what the “pattern” is, but it is interesting to note that the better fish were caught later in the morning.  It may have more to do with fishing the spinnerbait in the wind and the big worm sure deserves more work.  It was good enough that the plan is up and gone first thing in the morning.  Considering it is July over a dozen before noon is good fishing in my book.


I picked the boat up from the shop and it ran like a top.  The compression is still amazing considering the hours and the water pressure was good enough it did not need a pump replacement.  With Florida looming in a little over 3 weeks I wanted the boat in tip top condition, and it should be good to go.  You can never tell when something will fail but routine maintenance can keep that kind of thing to a dull roar.  Next is an oil change and once over on the truck and it will be as ready as it can be for the long trip.  It has been while since I towed that far but I am starting to get excited.


The future of the blog was on my mind quite a bit while traveling.  It seems a little stale and dated at this point, at least the travel keeps it fresh.  Of course, while I am in the throes of mulling over whether to keep going something happens.  Isn’t that the way life is?  I am fishing when I hear a boat motoring along and then it stops.  When I turn around, I do not recognize the gentleman, but he says:  “I enjoy reading your blog.”   and off he goes.  When that happens, I am always a little taken aback and always humbled.  Positive feedback is the re-enforcement that has kept me after it.  The complaints seem to linger longer in my mind, but they are miniscule compared to the number of positive comments I have gotten over the years.  My sincere thanks to all of you, guess I will soldier on a while longer.


Last I have a birthday coming next week, it will be number 69!  Who would have thunk it?  You never think you will be that old and thank God I do not feel my age.  (Usually!)  So while it gets harder to get up in the morning it will be up and gone first thing.  See if I can translate anything I learned today into more fish.  Keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Great Bear Lodge 7/3/2022.


On the last part of our trip we had an interesting time.  When you travel extensively things happen, some in your control, some not.  In this case much was out of our control and it sure could have gone better.

From Anchorage we flew back to Vancouver BC to catch a plane to Port Hardy on Vancouver Island.  That was where we would catch our seaplane to Great Bear Lodge on the mainland.  Kind of a convoluted way to have to get there but it was the way it was so off we went.  We met at the seaplane dock mid afternoon.  It was cloudy and rainy, the norm for that part of the country, it is a rain forest.  After some negotiation between pilot and base 4 of us loaded up and took off.  The pilot stayed along the coast and at times we dropped as low as 80 feet to get under the fog but were able to make it.  It was our first seaplane ride but we could not see much, that would change on our trip back.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


The Boss was co-pilot both in and out.  A highlight of our trip.

Our accommodations, stunning.

First up let me comment on the accomodations.  There were first class all the way.  The food was great, the view stunning, the folks were nice, it was as good as advertized.  But here is where it gets a little tough for me to hold my tongue.  It is not Great Food Lodge, Great Beds Lodge, Great Folks Lodge, it is Great Bear Lodge and they did not really deliver.  It does not help we have been with some of the best and worst guides in our animal chasing, and this trip did not meet our expectations.  We came for the bears, end of story.

A common day in the northern rain forest.

They provided plenty of good clothes for the weather, and with it varying from above to clear and warm, we needed it.  Basically we went out 2 or 3 times a day for 3 days and when it was all said and done we saw one grizzly and her cub, it got a little boring.

A Sitka Blacktail buck.  This is actually a good one.

We saw a few good deer, some harbor seals, ducks, eagles and a few other, but here is the grizzly and her baby.

We spent way to much time watching this mom and cub.  In fact the folks we were with the last day and a half said something to the guide about spending more time looking for other bears.  We learned from her they had not seen another bear in weeks.

Momma was packing on the pounds after a long winter hibernation.

And Junior spent time admiring his foot.

We cruised the estuary in aluminum boats looking for bears with no luck.  But as long as you are striking out it could not happen in a more beautiful place.

I do need to comment on the guides and the situation.  They had been closed for 2 years due to the covid and the guides were new.  Now I admit the comparison might be somewhat unfair, but they were not bear guides by any means.  It seemed the one mailed it in everyday by looking a little then back to mom and her cub.  Later I found out that this was a bear that was born in that area and was “used” to the boats.  In our travels that would be referred to as habituated, and this bear was.  I did not come this far to watch a pet bear, end of story.

We spent at least 3 hours morning and evening in a 17′ aluminum boat cruising he estuary.  One of the guides told me she had been running a boat just 2 months, the other when I questioned her on why she was not using the kill switch said if she fell out she could catch the boat.  Of course, that is complete nonsense.   At times she stood on the bench seat and drove it with a handle extension, it was an accident waiting to happen.  Nothing like falling in 40 degree water and watching your boat circle with your customers in it who may not have a clue.  Really dangerous.

She was the same one that told me there was only garter snakes in BC, which was so wrong and just plain made up.  They actually have a cool rattlesnake and several other snakes including a boa.  If you do not know the answer do not make it up, which she clearly did.  I cannot tell you how unimpressed I was with that particular guide.  While our guides had degrees, they were far from bear experts and definitely not experienced guides, which was a disappointment.  But again, we are spoiled and have traveled the outdoors with some of the best, so our baseline is high.  Give them a few years of experience and then they should be bear guides.  I know there are no guarantees, a life outdoors will teach you that, but it was not what we expected.

Our chariot arrives!

But I will say this, the plane ride back to Port Hardy was the highlight of my trip.  What an absolutely stunning way to travel and we got to see real wilderness.  As the world “shrinks” it is good to know that the “woods” still exist.  It was also good to see how responsible logging is being done.  Commercial interests and wildlife can co-exist.  Selective harvest and clearing can be a real benefit to the wildlife, but their needs have to come first to sustain true wilderness.  As I have continually ragged on our government’s short sighted, corporate bowing, attempt to sell off some of the US’s public lands, freakin stop it!

This is it from the plane.  I really tried this tip to put down the camera and just “see” it for what it is.  One of the coolest places yet.

This has been tough to write.  It is so hard to grade a place when the purpose of going there is not achieved.  But the staff/folks were flat wonderful and in that department no complaints.  Great place, nice folks, good food, all of that was fine, but could have been achieved in plenty of places.  Hell, I saw twice as many bears in the first hour on the Kenai as I did at Great Bear Lodge.  Chasing wildlife has become our favorite pastime and when it comes down to it Great Bear Lodge did not meet expectations by a good bit.  So for a grade I give it a C and would not recommend it for bears unless you go late in the salmon run and view from their stands.  But if you want a cool trip to a great place it meets the bill.

We flew back to Port Hardy on Vancouver Island for a couple of days before heading home.  Getting to some isolated places requires some changes to accommodate airline schedules.  To get this trip done we ended up getting on 10 planes!  With the current state of affairs with the airlines that we made all those planes with only a couple of delays.  That we did not miss or get cancelled is in and of itself an accomplishment.  LAX was an insane freak show, about all of California I need, and when we got to Austin it was a complete mess with weather.  But overall, it was amazing we made it without disruption.


I have left out a ton, but time to put it to bed.  As I type this the Boss is already doing her research on the next big trip, New Zealand.  She will spend months reading and researching.  We are just waiting to see how New Zealand entry plays out as they were as tough as any country on the covid.  But I know one thing when she said maybe some heli fishing on the trip she is setting the bar high!

Not sure when I will be back on the water but it should be Tuesday.  Let folks get back to work after the long holiday weekend.  I am starting to think about the Florida trip, which starts in less than 3 weeks.  Picked up the boat at the shop and it is all good to go.  The motor is now in its 12 year and still going strong.  Maintenance is the key to glory and this motor would have long been on the scrap heap without it.  Things break and shit happens, but reducing the chances is worth every penny.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Flossing the Kenai 6/29/2022.


Alaska – A bucket list trip.

Kenai Riverside Lodge.  Home sweet home.  Waders, boots, and cooler with munchies ready to go on arrival.  A real full-service resort.

First off props to the staff at Kenai Riverside Lodge.  (Other than one screw up, to be detailed later it was top notch.)  The food was fantastic, thanks Lloyd, great breakfasts, you could cook anywhere.  I called Dylan the camp counselor, he kept the place organized and people moving, and was helpful with anything.  And Leah (sp?) was bartender extraordinary and like most folks who worked there, educated and a pleasure to deal with.  Dave and Rob were great guides who put us on plenty of fish along with being good guys to spend the day with.  As I fished 4 days that week it was my pleasure to watch them handle folks who might not have been the most experienced with a friendly patience.  The fishing was a pleasure.

The menu.  Every day was primo!

One of the things we love in our travels, and admittedly are jealous of, are these dang “kids”.  Educated, degreed, and just plain smart they are living life on their terms.  Willing to drive to Alaska, work in Antartica or Timbuktu, they are living the dream.  From driver to bartender  many were degreed in the outdoors and it sure showed.  We run into these “kinds” of kids in the best places, and love how they are not only smart, but willing to take chances.  Trust me their life experiences will keep them warm 40 years from now.  As I always say it is in the doing and they are doing it big time.

Kenai River Lodge is part of a 3 lodge adventure, which some folks do over a week.  It is not all about the fishing and they offer hikes and other trips at all 3 lodges.  We stayed a week due to the fishing but if you want a full Alaska experience they can provide it but book early and direct.  And do not use a travel agency because it caused our snafu which neither the agency or resort made right.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.



So we meet our first day guide Rob the evening before at supper and he said we would be flossing.  What the sam hell is flossing?  Maybe a special fly?  Well sort of.  The sockeye run was just beginning, we were there 3 days after the opener where the folks struggled, but not us, it got better every day.  So what is flossing?  And the other bit of information, waders and boots on for breakfast at 4:00 and out the door by 4:15.  What?  But then the brain kicks in, that is 7:00 our time so no big deal.  Of course it was to beat the traffic and it did exactly that.

The sockeye are filter feeders who feed by opening and closing their mouth.  So, you have a fly rod, 10 foot of line out with a white fly attracter and a sinker to get the fly down.  The fly really might attract the occasional sockeye but the punch line, the fly literally slides along the bottom as your line slides in their mouth.  When you hook them, it is in the mouth or near it, otherwise they must be released.  It is nothing more than a roll cast, pull it easy, then set the hook when it gets below you.  The fish are literally right in front of you and when you hook up, they tear it up.  It really is a great fight and hand to hand combat.

It seemed so weird, but that is basically the only way they harvest them and there were tons of folks all doing the same thing.  It took me a little to get the hang of it but I must say it was an interesting way to fish, and the only way to get them.  Would I do that again?  No to many other ways to fish.  Would I go back and fish for trout and Dolly later in year after the salmon are done spawning?  You bet.  The boys said that is the time for big trout.  So I am on the list for next September when the hard core trout fisherman come.  We shall see.

Day 1 limits.

The first morning the Boss was not feeling all that well so she stayed in.  And another word on the resort, they were so concerned they checked on her, brought her food and snacks and just basically cared for her until we got back from fishing.  Whatever it was passed and she was good to go the rest of the trip.  But of course, the following happened:  As we headed out to a lower ramp there was the first cow moose of the trip along the road.  When we got to the ramp an insane beaver was running all over the parking lot for some crazy reason.  We put the boat in and as soon as we head down river there is a wolf on the opposite shore just watching us.  So cool start, but there is more.

We set up on the Greman Hole and are smacking the salmon when Dan says bear, like it is no big deal.  Here comes a momma black bear and then I see her 3 cubs climb a tree.  We just talk her off and away she goes.  Then of all things she tries a sneak attack from the side and got to within 10 feeet from our boat and the stringer.  I mean she is close.  We shoo her away, but what a start to the trip.  Of course no camera out and the Boss is not with us but the first hour has Alaska written all over it.  What you pay the money for.

Dan and his dad and our limit.

First stop!  What momma black bear was coming for.

As soon as you catch them they clip the gills and bleed them in the river which is ice cold.  So no real surprise a momma bear with 3 hungry cubs might come around.


The boys could flat clean and pack fish.

When you get back to camp everyone pitches in with fish cleaning and packing.  They have a system and are pros at it, but with that kind of practice who wouldn’t be.  I would not venture to guess how many salmon they filet in a season.  As a side note, we were just shopping this morning and fresh Alaska sockeye is $19.95 a pound.  So the 40+ pounds on the way are worth over $800 so the cost of shipping was not that bad.  And I had them save me some bellies which are headed to the smoker Sunday!

The Kenai River.

An average Sockeye Salmon.  Dave, fishing guide extraordinary and the guide boss.

You can see the guy in the background, that is all the deeper you had to get.  Simms waders and boots were hanging on the wall when you got there.  The flossing fly rods were made for the job, and the rest of the rods were quality with all tackle provided.

The Boss with her nice rainbow.

Having caught tons of rainbows in my life it was readily apparent, these are studs.  They feed on salmon eggs and dead salmon, which accounts for the flesh fly they use later in the season.  By time September comes the rainbows have been gorging and are solid from head to tail.  They practice catch and release and after have a cool run on the lower river in a small side channel the river could be hurt in a season.  We kept our share of sockeyes, but they are harvest fish and are counted at the weir, which allows them to set the limit.  Dave was telling us it might go down, or even to as many as 9 salmon, totally dependent on the count.  It is a highly regulated and managed fishery and with good reason.  While we did not go to Alaska to keep fish, there is nothing wrong with taking salmon and protecting the trout and dolly keeps it real.  What a place.

A bucket list Dolly Varden.  Which is actually a member of the Char family.

The Boss on the floss.

Nancy hiked a day with one of the staff who has been there almost 40 years and enjoyed her day as he took her to cool places.  He was a wealth of info and made allowances for her knee.  It gave her a little trouble during the week, probably due to standing in the river which had a pretty good current.  But she soldiered on without complaint.

A bigger Sockeye.

We had not seen another bear all week when on the last day we floated around a corner and there was momma, her big cub, and they were fishing.  We pulled across the river and watched what may be one of the most majestic animals in the world, and we have seen our share of cool animals.  So big and powerful it is hard to describe how cool they are.  Both were fishing and we watched as Junior splashed around and finally nose dove in and low and behold he snatched a cleaned carcass.  He has a way to go but how cool was that?  We watched as he ran back in the woods with his prize.

Momma Grizzly.  Out of focus due to the moving boat but who cares, a real animal!

Her cub, probably a second year about to receive the boot.

The salmon run got better all week and the grizzly were fishing.

Mergansers everywhere.  Weird ducks.

We saw lots of these ducks in both Alaska and B.C.  What makes them unusual is they will adopt other babies, or just baby sit.  Occasionally on the river the babies get washed down and when they come to the next momma, she adopts them.  One of the boys was telling us he had seen one with over 40 babies.  Fun to see them riding on momma’s back.

They were not easy to net, lots of power and cool runs with jumps.

The Boss with Dave and the first of her morning limit.

Plenty of Eagles.

A juvenile eagle.  Funny but they are bigger than the adults due to all the feathers.

There were eagles near the cleaning station.  Of course first comes the gulls, which happens anywhere you fish the salt.  The eagles would come and try to steal the gulls carcasses or whatever they were able to get.  The boys would save the eggs and then feed the trout, which caused a frenzy.  Just cool stuff after cool stuff.

The river on our float and Skilak Lake.  Words can not convey how stunning it is.

In the middle of the week we floated the river down to Skilak Lake in a raft.  There are 2 canyons with at most class 2 rapids but it was a great float and I am glad I did it.  As usual great lunch and informed info on the river and area.  The 3rd day we fished the same route and when we got to the lake another boat had motor trouble so we towed them to the ramp.  The river is highly controlled as to when motors may be used and even who can fish certain areas.  The lodge has permits for areas not all guides can fish.  And speaking of guides they are Coast Guard 6 packs and up and have taken mandatory guide school and a course on fishing the permit areas.  I am sure there is more but you get the picture, real guides with real experience.  The boats are first class customs and safe for 4 with auto inflate jackets on at all times.  A real professional operation.

My best rainbow.  Rob was a great guide.

And my best Dolly.

Slow trolling with downstream plugs caught these fish along with a few random sockeye.  It was a cool way to fish and when they hit they smoked it.  We also caught a few fly fishing with nymphs.  If at all possible I will be back next September for a week of classic fly fishing for big rainbows.  (But looking at maybe a steelhead trip during the same time, so many places so little money!)

A great last day.  These folks were from Austin and she was a fish catching fool.

As you all know I give everything from my day on the lake to these trips a grade.  Honestly this trip deserved an A but I cannot give it that, it will be a B+.  So why the downgrade?  This was booked through a travel agency, Audley, which we have used in the past.  This was our Africa trip money so we used the agency for the lodge.

According to the lodges website you can do all of these great things, including a halibut trip.  Nowhere on the website does it say to book that particular trip in advance so we did not think a thing about it.  We were going to be there a week, in fact we were the only folks there paying for a full week.  Then we find out the halibut fishing is booked for the week and we do not get to go.  Huh?  At this price we do not get the full everything that is on the site?

Then it got a little worse, we find out that the lodge sent out an email a week or more to us from Dylan and we did not get it.  Apparently it went to the travel agency.  Ok.  Then folks there on the 3 day fishing all got to halibut fish but we the only week guest did not, which does not seem fair or right.  And while later they said one of us could go, we are a team and that was not going to happen, it was never made right.  The problem, whoever booked us at Audley did not really have a clue about one of “their” resorts.  Obviously that person has no business booking fishing trips or they would have known and let us know if we did not book that part it was not going to happen.  The agent clearly did not have a clue what a bucket list trip to Alaska entails.  Plus, the resort should not send any informative email intended for us to the agency, they are not the ones going.

The resort should have fixed it somehow (2 of their staff took the trip during the week.) but the dude we talked to in the office was not to “concerned” about it.  The only time staff was not beyond helpful.  Oh well.  So the punch line – book it yourself.  It really was bad news a week before we left.  I can honestly say if it had been a month and I could have gotten my money back I would have rebooked somewhere else.  If they really care about “real” fishermen they need to rethink the whole process.  No excuses for either party.

But all that aside it was a first class operation, good food, cool cabins and great folks.  It was a good first stop on any Alaska trip.  And I can not emphasis how much fun I had fishing with Dave and Rob even though it started at 4:00 am!  So my thanks to all involved, when I pull the salmon off the grill this weekend I will fondly remember this trip.

Off we go to Victoria Island BC.

Heather, another of the “nut cases” who was a freakin hoot, took us from the lodge to Seward to catch the train.  As part of the service she stayed with us until we were good to go.  And while in Seward she took us to where they loaded folks for the halibut trip (Again the halibut.) and there at the dock in town is a moose.  Alaska is one wild place.  There we boarded the train for a 4 hour supper tide to Anchorage to catch a plane the next day.  It was a good way to see some great scenery along with a moose or two.

The train from Seward to Anchorage.  Great ride.  Be sure to book the fancy ticket so you get this view and supper.

Icebergs.  The glaciers are shrinking fast and we heard that everywhere.  But hey climate change is not real right?  Must be your extensive scientific knowledge you have that leads to that crazy conclusion.  Kind of like the Jewish Space Lazer starting fires in California.

Anchorage was cool with plenty of good eats.  We spent a full day there and made the market days, the museum, and stuffed ourselves at Humpy’s resteraunt.  Of course I got the shirt.  We picked up a few things for the grandkids and generally enjoyed our time there until it was off to Vancouver and part 2 of the trip. More on 7 or 8 planes on the next post.


Of course I have forgotten plenty but you can get a feel for how it was.  One thing that is so important on trips like this, put the camera down and appreciate where you are.  Stick your cell phone….you get the point.  Alaska is all that and more and could take a lifetime to explore.  It is one of the last great places in this country and when the last administration proposed selling a bunch of it off and drilling more of it, they were dead wrong.  It should be preserved and protected for all time, and if folks are lucky enough they can see what we did.  It is truly the last frontier.

I will try to get part 2 up in the next day or so.  And then pick up the boat from the shop and do some serious bay fishing before heading to ICAST and the Everglades.  It is going to be a busy month.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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This and That 6/6/2022.


The Bucket List 

The pile of stuff to be packed is almost done, the tickets and itinerary are set, and I am simply frozen with anticipation.  Going on trips like this always involve long term planning, and careful packing.  The first rule when heading “north”:  “You can take it off but if you do not have it you can not put it on.”  And Alaska would be the perfect example of why.  So heavy duty rain gear, clothing that can be layered  depending on the weather, and plenty of socks.  With no access to a laundry until the end of the first week a week’s worth is exactly how many clothes we are taking.  When we fly to  Port Hardy BC for the bear expedition we are limited to 30lbs each on the float plane.  Before we head out it will be laundry and we can leave any overweight at the plane company until we get back 4 days later.

The rest of the packing is different.  New SD cards for the cameras, 2 cameras with long lenses, binoculars, which about covers it.  The place we are fishing for the week provides literally everything from waders to rods and reels and even lures.  While weight is an issue on this trip there is a bag of Knockin Tails and jig heads in the pile.  The plan, catch a salmon on the KTL, adding it to the list.  And one fish I have not had the pleasure of catching is a Dolly Varden.  It is actually a trout in the  salmonoid family so it will potentially be a new species for me, much less one on the KTL. But it will not be all about the fishing.  With a full week we will raft and do some wilderness hiking and burn the candle at both ends.

Then it is off to Great Bear Lodge for some serious bear viewing with biologists.  We love  grizzlies and are really looking forward to seeing them more “in the wild” without a few thousands of “our closest friends” like Yellowstone and Teton.  And who knows, there is plenty of other critters and a wolf or even lion is possible.  With at least 8 excursions, from river viewing stations, boat, or hiking, they put you when and where you need to be based on the bears.  And something cool will happen, we have to wait and see just what that might be.  We love seeing stuff in the wild and will continue to do that kind of travel until they put me in the Old Fisherman’s Home.  As the world shrinks, and the outdoors gets increasingly crowded, we plan to keep trying to be in the right place at the right time, and this place fills the bill.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.



My buddy Clyde is in Canada on his annual fishing trip.  It has been at least 30 years since he started fishing there and he has an amazing book of knowledge on Lake of the Woods, one of the best fishing holes in the world.  And this trip is going just like it usually does.  From tough fishing to knocking them stupid Canada never fails to produce.

Those are some serious pike.

The beat down continues. Caught the pike buzzing spinnerbaits in 4 foot of weed choked water.  They absolutely crushed it.  Caught probably 17 “big ones” in two places.  The walleye was 28″ and added about 70 smallmouth.

Glad it is going so well.  Your years of experience pays off again.  Nothing better than big pike smashing a buzzed spinnerbait!


I said it before but it is sad to see some of the pens made to re-introduce the grass to Coleto starting to be on dry land, and it has only gotten worse.  Will try to remember to get a picture next time out.  Guess no one is in charge of making sure that is not happening and I sure hate to see some of the hard work go to waste.  In my wildest dreams the grass catches on and matures at the same time the 41,000 bass they just dumped in do.  It could be the perfect storm on Coleto in 3 – 5 years.


One of the issues traveling by plane now that has really changed is the number of flights being cancelled.  We have not even left and already our schedule has been changed since a flight was cancelled.  We do pay government employees to regulate the airlines don’t we?  Whoever those overpaid pinheads are they are sure not doing anything about airlines booking literally thousands of flights that will never go.  The airlines keep the money for months and then inform folks, sometimes hours before takeoff that they have been cancelled.  That is nonsense and needs to stop.  Either you have the staff and planes or you don’t, it is not that hard.  So our regulators sit on their ass drawing a check, pension, and medical most folks will never get yet the consumer is left holding the bag.  But hey the FAA only has 48,ooo employees “who regulate all aspects of civil travel” and they sure must be soooo busy.   You know like the old Bachman Turner Overdrive song.  And when you add the change in passenger demographics no wonder it is such a mess.


Some better numbers from the holiday weekend.  I will just quote a few from TPWD but enclose the link to check out the press release.

Between Friday and Monday, 352 game wardens conducted 10,218 safety checks on vessels, issuing 62 fewer citations than they did the year before.

Game wardens did, however, respond to 15 boating accidents and six drownings that occurred on waterbodies including the Rio Grande, Lake Sommerville, Grapevine, Blanco River, Cedar Creek Lake and Lake Buchanan.

Over the weekend, game wardens rescued capsized boaters, including at Lake Nasworthy, where they pulled 13 people from the water, and Lake Lewis, where some of the 16 rescued from choppy waters were not wearing life jackets, and instead were clinging to their overturned boat while waiting for help.

So glad the numbers were down, a tribute to boater education and folks just doing a better job.  But the deaths are still to high.  Put the life jacket on with your kill switch, your loved ones will thank you for it.

News Release: June 3, 2022: Texas Game Wardens See Reduction in Citations During Memorial Day Weekend – TPWD


No wonder they fight so hard!

Florida’s bonefish are testing positive for over-the-counter and prescription drugs.


  • Researchers sampled 93 bonefish in South Florida since 2018.
  • An average of seven prescription drugs were found per bonefish.
  • A total of 17 pharmaceutical drugs were found in a single fish.
  • Researchers also found pharmaceuticals in bonefish prey, including crabs, shrimp and finfish.

Recently announced results of a three-year study

This research is being done by the Bonefish and Tarpon Trust.  We all think we flush it and it magically disappears into the air but not so.  The only thing that can be done to slowly fix this is educate folks, do not flush medications, end of story.  But think about this while you are at it, whatever else do we “flush” that is in the fish?  An ugly thought.


Thus begins a busy couple of months for me.  A couple of weeks after we get back at the end of June I head to Florida with the boat.  First up is a couple of days at ICAST in Orlando, the industry tackle show where I will be hanging with Michael at the Knockin Tail booth.  ICAST is Christmas for a boy like me and I can not wait to see many of the folks I have followed for years.  Plus there will be plenty of cool new stuff to see which is headed to the market in the next year.

Then from there it is off to the Everglades for a week, which I am just starting to research though my lodging is taken care of.  Never hurts to know someone.  While I have made 3 trips there in the past who knows how things have changed.  Tomorrow mow grass, get the last of the stuff organized, boat to the shop for annual service, then the wait begins.  Next time you hear from me will be from Alaska.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


Off Topic Rants – Not for the faint of heart.

Louie Gohmert – US Representative from Texas, and I quote.

“if you’re a Republican, you can’t even lie to Congress or lie to an FBI agent or they’re coming after you.”

WTF?  This is one of the things wrong with this country, phony respect for law enforcement.  This God knows what he is, is saying that if you are a Republican you should be able to lie to the FBI.  For the love of God, not only is lying morally wrong, it can be/is a crime, but hey he is ok with it.  Here is the bottom line:  It is a felony to lie to the FBI whether you are a Republican or a Buddist Monk from Muskogee, the law does not discriminate.  Either you support law enforcement coming after all felons, or not, end of story.  And don’t give me the usual political nonsense that your idiotic comment was taken out of context, it is what folks say when speaking their truth without engaging the brain.  One thing you learn real quick representing indicted criminals, the same old refrain;  “But what about the other guy?”  As if that justifies their behavior. What a shining hypocritical example for our children.


A want to thank Steve for his long comment on one of my off-topic rants.  It was eloquent and well expressed and I appreciate his views.  I admit the blog is at a crossroads and where it is headed is an open question.  With my 69th birthday right around the corner it might be time for a change.  But at my age I have earned the right to state my opinion.  I agree that this may not always be the proper forum, but it is my forum, bought and paid for.  Anytime anyone wants to buy it let me know.  Thanks for your comment.  And as far as the fishing it is about to get real!

Posted in Fish Catching Travel | Leave a comment

On Break Again 6/3/2022.


(No partner ads this post.  This is my opinion and mine only.  It will be back to the fishing next post but I have a few things to say about the system.  So please for the love of God if your little sensibilities can not tolerate anything other than you own opinion please skip this one.)


As Alaska looms in a week I have been having a hard time getting going.  Visions of big rainbows, salmon, brown bears and more occupy my thoughts and even now my dreams.  I can honestly say this is the most excited about a trip I  have ever been, I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas.  But if you think about it, a big time fishing trip in Alaska is Christmas for big kids.

This morning I musing over heading to Keller Bay for a couple of hours but ended up not going.  When the Boss was on her way to work she sent me a text – “Big Texan up a dime to $4.49 a gallon.”  It just took the fight out of me.  The truck and boat both need filling and it would probably run over $150, are you kidding me?  Hard to justify a quick trip for that kind of money.  As I slowly wind down the blog the cost of fishing, along with maintaining the blog itself is starting to get “real.”   But that is a discussion for later, or sooner but there is a thing or two to do until then.

I said in my last post that of course I am going to comment on the shooting in Uvalde so here it is.  If you only come here for the fishing then go ahead and leave, I understand.  But I can not in good conscious not say something, this is f’d up.


First to the brave Border Patrol officers, thank you for sending that piece of shit straight to hell, you did us proud.  Your bravery and honor in ending the massacre is a testament to each of you as a law enforcement officer and as people.  Too bad you were not in charge when it started, they were innocent children.  We can discuss the social and personal issues until we are blue in the face but there is only one immediate response – kill shooters without mercy.


First up is the almost too stupid to even believe comment on the shooting that came out of anyone’s mouth.

God Help Us

“what about getting a department that can look at young men that’s looking at women, that’s looking at their social media? What about doing that, looking into things like that, and we can stop that that way?”

“What I like to do is see it and everything and stuff.”

Herschel Walker

The only thing that would have made it better was if he ended with “Know what I’m sayin?” This is the inane response to school shootings by a candidate for the United States Senate.  I do not know the answer to any of this but I do know this, he is freaking incompetent.  The thought that this is his “level” of critical thinking and could end up in the US Senate is frightening.  We may not all agree on anything anymore, but that statement is incomprehensible.  Oh how far we have fallen.



When Governor Abbot used the term “misled”  he was talking about why he ended up telling flat out lies in the first press conference after the Uvalde mass murder.  (His words.) Think about it –  the Governor of the State of Texas was “misled’ “to his face” by law enforcement.  (Again his words not mine.)  Misled is not the correct term – it is lied to!  (There are 12 specific documented out right lies told to all of us in the first couple of days and the list is growing.)   If a law enforcement officer will lie to the governor’s face he will lie to anyone. How have we gotten to the place where a law enforcement officer lies as easily as ordering a big Mac?

There needs to be a full accounting of what happened from beginning to end by an independent agency, and to figure out who lied to whom.  The whole thing stinks to high heaven.  (The independent agency should conduct all interviews under oath and we will find out who the liars are.)  Now they have even quit talking, now wonder folks think there is a cover up.  And one last word, if you lie about anything to do with the murder and deaths of innocent babies you are the lowest life form on the face of this planet.

Sorry I get worked up but if you have seen murdered children, folks head shot off, skull scattered all over, your shoes filled with blood as you try to save a life or got to tell the family their loved one is gone, you might have some strong feelings.  I am a gun owner and believe in the 2cnd amendment but support of the 2cnd does not give anyone an excuse to lie.  It only breeds mistrust.


There are tons of reasons why this is happening but there is one thing that is fairly obvious to me in many cases, no father in the home.  I have a relative who when I mentioned that lack of father in the home in the past poo Poo’d me.  This spoiled #*%^ is a convicted felon who permanently maimed a woman in a DWI, has a child out of wedlock who lives in another state, and did not go to the big house because his family had the big bucks to keep him out, where they would have chewed him up and spit him out.  Guess his time in county jail, and continued drinking, qualifies him as an expert.  Trust me folks, if you take out all the cases I did with no father in the picture, either out of wedlock or divorced, it would have significantly reduced my case load.  Kids need a “father” in their life, end of story.


This is one of those comments that might get some folks panties in a wad, well tough shit.  Ted Cruz is bought and paid for by the NRA, unless you do not think that taking $700,000 from anyone does not make you beholden.  Sure…….  OK start whining, but wait before you implode.  From Cruz to Pelosi, from McConnel to AOC, they all need to start disclosing every time they directly comment on a political issue who has bought and paid for them.  (The all take special interest money.)  I could give a shit which party.  I have heard a great suggestion – Time for all of them to wear fishing jerseys like the bass guys do.  On it should be the patches of who they are beholden to.  So now that you know that I am not just picking on lying Ted (Trumps words not mine.) you can calm down.  We are not getting exactly what we pay for, but what a bunch of lobbyists paid for.  It is a dirty business and we continue to let all of them off the hook.  It is time for term limits.


And my last comment is on the issue of mental health being thrown around.  I did dozens of court appointed involuntary mental commitment hearings, to go along with that I represented tons of criminal defendants who were crazy as a loon, or worse.  Let me tell you the punch line.  If the system decided you need to be committed involuntarily you are headed in for a few days.  But if you are a criminal defendant no matter how crazy you are you are found responsible and off to the pen you go.  Then you stay a while and out on the street you go.  My favorite example:  One of the attorneys in our office who had a client who fled an out of state lockdown where he was on an involuntary commitment.  So basically he escaped from the looney bin, fled the state and then cured himself in time to commit another felony.  At least according to the judge he was competent.  Same with the guy I represented who kept calling me because the air conditioner was talking to him who was ruled competent.  So as soon as their sentences are over they will be out on the street doing God knows what.  So when any state tells me they are serious about mental health I can only shake my head.

Now I know some of you do not let facts get in the way but here are a couple.  Fact:  Trump cut $400 million from the mental health budget.  Fact: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott cut close to $2o million from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, which oversees mental health services. So do not give me the old it is a mental health issue.  If that is true then why in the hell do you keep cutting the budget?  Simple question which for some reason no one will answer.  All you have to do is check out about half the street corners on Austin and then come and tell me you give a shit about mental health.


As far as the rest of this discussion I have my own personal opinion on what should be done, but that is my business.  But when authorities start moving their lips the lies start flowing.  So here is my guess, nothing will happen and people will continue to get their faces blown off, and kids will keep on dying.  There is NOT one answer. The Left – gun bans, The Right – more guns.  That is not going to work no matter what side of the discussion you are on when folks take a no concession approach.  It has to be a multi-system approach.  It reminds  me of the immigration discussion in this country;  The Left – let them all stay.  The Right – deport them all.  Like either one of these things are going to happen.  This approach on both these issues is stupid and accomplishes nothing.  What these kinds of issues ignore – those of us in the middle who want anything/something done.  This country has divided itself on every issue and we are now getting what we deserve.

But to the family of those beautiful children – I am so sorry for your loss.  I am sorry the system has failed you.  You have been lied to and your questions have been pushed to the side so that both sides can spout their talking points while you and your family suffer beyond anything most folks will ever know.  It is a sad comment on where we are and I can only say that I am glad I am old, things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get better.

God Bless America and the families.

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Spinnerbait Mania 6/1/2022.


I wasn’t sure if I was going this morning, the weather forecast called for some showers which we sorely need.  When I got up and looked outside it was wet, but just lightly misting.  So off I went, and I am glad I did.


Time to fish!


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


It was one of those mornings, it lightly drizzled, then the sun came out, then back under.  The wind was down until 9:00 and then it started to blow, which was fine by me.  After yesterday the plan was spinnerbait, and other than one here and there pitching or on swim jig it was buzzing a spinnerbait in the wind.  They were fairly agressive today and it was cool to watch them materialize out of nowhere and smoke it.

Just a good average this morning.

I switched to a little smaller 1/4-ounce white spinnerbait with #2 and 3 silver Colorado blades to more match the size of the bait I was seeing flipping.  Today most were off the edge of some cover, much more on the flatter banks with grass or trash.  Running it about 2/3 speed right on the surface and today when they wanted it they ate.  I keep the trolling motor down and on and just covered the miles.

Love watching the wolf it!

It did not seem to make a real difference today, up lake or down.  It was more a matter of cover, on a little flatter places with deeper water close by.  The weather would change, but there was one constant, a nice steady breeze.  While it was blowing an easy 20mph+ they were in the wind.  And the bite was about 50/50 with some barely pulling it under, and other just annihilating it.  But no matter how they ate it was plenty of fish.

When the bite was on it was on! 

I think it was only 2 smalls on the swim jig and a couple including the second one above pitching a 4″ Power Bait Pit Boss in the California color.  Though I only threw it a minute or two they were happy to eat it.  And a little credit to Berkley on their claim that fish hold on to it longer.  Now I am not sure “how much longer” but they often eat and swim with it, which the couple did today.  Seem to give you just another second to get the hooks set.  But in spite of quick results fishing it spinnerbait is my favorite way to bass fish.

They seemed to like it making a small wake but not horribly fast.  And today it might be on the first turn of the crank or half way back so you had to keep your eyes on it.  If I were guessing the way they are posistioned right now a square bill might be a great choice it that is your thing.  But one thing is really clear right now, they are biting and with these perfect conditions might just keep after it for a little while longer.  So do whatever floats your boat, deep or shallow, the fishing has been as good this spring as it has been in a couple of years.

What is next?  Looking at the weather I just might try to slip out to the bay Friday.  But here is an interesting observation.  I have not used as much gas on 2 trips to the lake, and could go one more easy, as I did on one trip to POC.  This gas thing sucks but it is what it is and since the only option is staying home that won’t work.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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