This and That 1/15/25.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


Pretty boy on a nice sunny mountain day.

We are getting more and mores settled in.  Got the truck serviced in Durango and while we were at it got our DL changed over.  The only official acts left are getting the Boss’s 4Runner licensed here and then the boat.  The boat will wait until sometime in April when it is ice out and time for a resident fishing license.  We are becoming more Colorado every week.

One thing about being surrounded on 3 sides with high mountain passes the driving can be interesting.  When we went over Wolf Creek and crossed the divide it had snow the night before and the road was sketchy early.  But residents around here drive safely and with 4-wheel drive and good sense it is no big deal.  We are prepared for the weather and have enough stuff in the truck to spend the night or get out of most situations.  Common sense goes a long way in the mountains.

The sheep were in small bunches and hard to find today.

Basically small bands of ewes.  Not a big ram in sight.

We went on a game drive the other day and it was as slow as ever.  This no snow issue is hurting the wildlife viewing as there is no particular reason for them to come down to their usual winter levels.  But that may be about to change as it is going to drop like a rock with highs in the teens for a couple of days then some snow.  So, we will be looking forward to the elk making an appearance next week.  Plus, snow is critical to both outdoor business and water issues in Colorado.  We are treating everyday as an adventure and an opportunity.


Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


It was so exciting to see that the state and feds got together and bought a square mile of land adjacent to Teton National Park to save it from developers.  It is so amazing there and that they were able to save it and add it to the park is wonderful.  There were some pinheads online complaining that they paid too much, well so freakin’ what.  It will be preserved for all time instead of condos for rich folks.  The land last forever, money is gone in an instant.

To go along with that I am worried the administration is going to push to develop or sell some of our public lands.  My question to you:  Do you honestly think when that if done it will be in your interest or favor?  Be real, it will only benefit the rich which is slated to take over our country.  (And how did we end up with President Not Elected Muskrat?  I do not get it; you think he gives a f’ about you?  Keep drinking the Kool-Aid.)


I got this from my brother the other day.  It brings back memories of bygone days.

This is my grampa and his big draft horses and the sleigh from 1953.

53′ was the year I was born, and I remember the horses so well.  In the winter after milking the cows by hand he would harness them up and head to the cheese factory a couple of miles away.  They would take the milk and then would pump the left-over “whey” back into the milk cans which he fed to the hogs.  They made the cheese and butter for the family.

He would harness them with bells on and it was so exciting to a kid to ride the sleigh in the snow.  I remember the horses as being giants to a little guy and watching their breath in the cold weather still sticks in my mind like the days it happened.  Hard to believe what has come of our lives.  Times were tougher but sure a lot simpler.  And yes, the Sears catalog was in the outhouse, it was quite the day when they finally got indoor plumbing, especially in the winter.  He raised his family on 80 acres doing it all by hand for many years.  There was a period before the first horse died that the tractor spent all its time in the shed.  Glad I was there.


We have both lived in multiple states and have been so happy with our experiences dealing with official folks.  From registering vehicles, getting a DL, and registering assorted stuff Colorado is the bomb.  The folks at the DL office were so nice and treated us like people.  I had just renewed my DL in Texas and here was my experience:  She was rude, perfunctory, and just plain an angry bitch who needs to find another job because she forgot who she works for.  People like her are the very people that makes all of us miserable and unhappy when we deal with something that should be a breeze.  So, thanks Colorado, you have exceeded all my expectations.


So life goes on and the Boss has turned out to be one well-adjusted retiree, took to it in a minute.  Looking back on our life we were able to spend untold hours in an ambulance in high stress situations without killing each other and that continues.  I love being here with her, it always left me feeling guilty being here without her, but those days are over.  As far as my entertainment besides animal chasing it is time to start tying some flies and making lures.  Fishing is coming and I cannot wait.  I appreciate you all continuing to read this, thanks.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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Falcon Question and a BIg Buck 1/8/25.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


In the last post we finally got some snow, and with that the first real big boy of the year.  While there are plenty of acceptable bucks in the neighborhood it seems to take a real winter turn to bring them off the mountains.  So when I looked out the door today there he was.  Sorry the pic is fuzzy, but it was shot through double pane glass and a good snow.

A little fuzzy but you get the point.  This guy is a bruiser!

You estimate the spread on this big boy.  He did not have tons of mass but as far as I am concerned this is a real one, at least in my experience the last few years.  There are plenty of small fry out and about so it will just be a wait and see on more this size.  Plenty of snow brings them out as winter looks like it has finally come to South Fork.

A Roman nose old warrior.  This is the size you do not want to hit with your truck.

Hopefully this new snow will bring the elk down to their big winter range north of Creede.  I don’t know if you saw the story about the elk that had to be brought down by ropes near Lake City where we were the other day but what a story.  That area is the home of the ice climbing festival on February 1st which we plan to attend.

Photos: Elk rescued from ice wall with help from Colorado climbers


It is so amazing what happens here in the afternoons.  Today it was 10 degrees first thing but when we went for our walk the sun was shining bright and it was flat warm.  By time I got back a coat was not necessary as it was warm.  Love that here.  And here are a few of the residents hanging out in the warm sun.

Hard to hide with that rack.

The does are just plain girly.

I see this guy all around.  Not sure happened to his antlers but it sure is funny looking.

Having them around sure makes the daily walk better.  They are fairly tame and as long as you do not make any fast moves will tolerate you.  But like today where there was a dozen or so bedded down when momma got up everyone scattered.  Then you get to see the mule deer hop.


Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


This interesting question from Bob on Falcon Lake.

I am heading to Falcon Lake for the first time this February. Planning to launch at the state park. Any tips you can give an old man who only found his love of bass fishing ten years ago.

First and most important:  Falcon Lake Tackle – bass fishing tackle, marine supplies

There is no better resource than them, online or in person.  In fact, if you get there the day before you plan on fishing be sure to stop in the shop.  It is a no-nonsense no BS shop, they give it to you straight and don’t sugar coat it or sell you some bullshit that is not right for the time you are there.  And lots to be learned on the website so look it over.

And the fact you are going in February is prime time for big fish.  And one piece of advice I give everyone on a first-time travel to fish on a new lake, stay in your lane.  For me on Falcon it was always slow rolling a big Colorado bladed spinner bait which I am good at.  It was always about the big thump for me.  When you miss one and a big spinnerbait comes back smashed flat there is no doubt who did that.  I was willing to maybe not catch as many but that is not why I go there, it is all about catching your personal best.  Don’t try to learn some new technique, unless they are jumping in the boat on a blue green whatchamacallit, so apply what you do to what you learn from research and on the water.

Get a real map right now and study it.  Watch your locator constantly as there have been many brush piles added to the lake.  Be freakin’ careful and stay in the channel no matter where you go when running.  There are motor eating hardwoods that have stood the test of time and will end you trip in a minute.  There is no shame in idling to the bank, the shame comes when you knock a hole in the boat. The wind can be an issue so use good judgment; it gets ugly fast.  Tackle up just a hair on line weight but don’t get carried away with new stuff, yours will work fine.  If you find a net remember the spot and call TPWD.  And my final piece of advice, have a great time.  She can be a harsh mistress, my last trip very few, or she can be a goddess, my first trip was 3 PB in 24 hours.  Good luck and we cannot wait for your pics and report!


I was not intending to post today but we are waiting for it to warm up a hair before we hit the road to chase some critters.  Then I got Bob’s question and could not help myself.  New fishing adventures in new places makes my blood run.  Hope all is good with you, we are loving life.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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This and That 1/6/25.



Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

We are 10 degrees this morning, but it is beautiful outside.  Looks like we might get the first real snow fall since we have been here.  On the home front we are still getting things organized and looks like our DL resident license is next which we will get in Durango.  One thing about South Fork nothing is real close so you take advantage of all you can while there.  Will get some service on the 4Runner and pick up groceries.

That is no real problem but dealing with the government on address changes etc is a freakin’ nightmare.  Our government makes it beyond hard to do the simplest things.  So while I am not in favor of President “Not Elected” Muskrat’s (A certified freakazoid lunatic.) proposals to do away with many departments it is time to get them more responsive to the taxpayers.  For the Boss to remain on hold twice, once for over an hour, then over 2hours attempting to get her SSI only to get cut off is nonsense.  Guess they were all on coffee break laughing as they watched folks give up.


We got a little snow for the first time since we got here.  Looks like maybe 5″ today before it is all over.  For some reason the turkeys decided that sitting in the trees outside our window is the place to be.

A tree full.  About as clumsy as a bull in a china shop.

Fuzzy guy right center actually nosedived.  


The Usual Morning March

I have talked about the turkeys running wild around here but was interested in whether I have exaggerated the numbers.  The answer to that would be a resounding no.  I saw the big bunch headed up alongside the house to the backyard so as they appeared I started counting.  And when it hit 80 freakin’ turkeys, I quit counting, and they were still coming.  And they were all hens, the big boys are hanging out with each other right now.

About 25′ out the kitchen windows.

We were so lucky to get this house, but if we had known it was on the main game trail out of the forest we might have sold it all on the spot just to live here.  And right before writing this there were 5 mule deer and one crazy horned buck in the front yard.  It is like a living zoo.


We are going through tons of pictures and a few hit the spot.  Way before the blog I took hundreds of pictures and it was time to sort through them.  But the fishing sure has been the reason for the season.  These are random in no order as they came out of the pile and tweaked my interest or memories.

Amistad – Reminded me of the travels.

A big one on the Bang O Lure on Amistad.

For many years I trailered to lakes that were hot.  Falcon, Amistad, Fork, and tons of other places in Canada, South Dakota, Arkansas and Missouri, and it was lots of fun figuring it out.  Getting maps and studying them prior to going and if lucky maybe a fishing report to guide you.  In the early days and I am talking in the 70’s when bass fishing took off it was a put on your big boy pants and drive there.  If lucky there was a small resort with docks, but it did not matter, it was new and the fish were biting.  And a short while later Florida was added to the travels, then the rest of the world.  Always an adventure and when “it” happened it was all worth it.

Those were the days.


This would never happen today.  It was a time of liberal limits and keep and eat, way before catch and release.  Most of these weighed 3 – 4lbs with some bigger.  The white bass that year were epic and a 25 fish limit often topped 80 lbs.  Fishing has changed so much since then, but I have to admit I was there, and it was awesome.  Fish were food plain and simple.  Now some bass fishermen have the holier than thou attitude that because I put them back, I am better than you.  That is nonsense, there needs to be selective harvest depending on the resource.  Just because folks like to eat them and are doing it legally does not make you special, it makes you a pompous rear end whose opinion is not based in science but “the my boat is bigger than yours syndrome”.


Never did tell me how this happened.

Going through pictures I forgot about this.  Early 70’s coming around the corner north of Red Bank on lake Norfork and here he was.  If you notice he saved the cooler.  Not sure how this happened.  But I towed him around the corner back to the ramp and not even a thanks.  Maybe field sobriety tests might have been appropriate but again it was a different time.   During this period I lived at the dock and helped out along with guiding and really fished a lot, as in almost daily.  The boat revolution was on, baits were changing, reels and rods went from heavy and slow to fast and light.  Coot time to be all up in it.

Interestingly enough over the decades I towed many folks back to the ramp.  Fresh and salt it happened every few years.  There was only one time in over 50 years I had to be towed and that was when I picked up my new Carolina Skiff in Florida.  Made it about a quarter mile from the dock and it died.  Ended up the mental giants who rigged it put the bulb on the fuel line backwards. If you think about it that record is amazing, shit just breaks.

And speaking of towing one of my most disappointing memories on a tow job was out of POC.  It was fairly busy and as I headed in there was an old boat with 3 folks paddling with boards.  People in the high dollar boats were blowing by them.  Watched as one guy in a Majek turned his head away and pretended not to see them.  Come on bro, that isn’t right.  When I stopped, they had paddled all the way from the island and no one offered to help!  So I hooked them up and to the ramp we went.  Over the years I hate to say it but probably the most disrespectful boaters reside in Texas.  Do better folks.


With some fresh snow we will be heading out in a little bit to explore.  Not a car by the house this morning as the neighborhood is really quiet as the holidays have ended.  But glad the snow is falling and it should help the skiing on the mountain.  So no plan, no duties so out the door we go.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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Happy New Year 1/4/25.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

We are finally settled in and get stuff just the way we like it.  Then I got a butt kicking cold which knocked me down a few days, at least there was plenty of fo0tball to watch.  Finally this morning time for us to make our favorite drive, and boy was that a good choice.

Time to chase some animals, and we rolled forward 10 feet in the driveway and the day was on.

These 2 had at it.

The fight was on.

The guy on the right finally banished the contender.

It has been a little different as there is not much snow down here at 8,400 feet and the days have been around 40 degrees give or take.  We are seeing mule deer and Rocky Mountain Bighorns rutting and chasing and the turkeys are doing their usual thing.  The fight this morning was a good one and we never get tired of seeing them.  (I have video of some of the fight on the camera but just can’t get it off.  Hopefully later.) But there was more to come.

We see lots of coyotes.  Hard to get them to cooperate.

Amazing this pic is as good as it is.  Taken with the 600mm fully extended as far as it would reach.  That camera will make a photographer out of anyone.  As I have said in the past this is not Yellowstone where a tourist and a truck are part of their scenery.  There are true wild animals, and you have to take what you get.  That is also why I don’t doctor them; they are what they are.

We headed north of Creede and ended up in Lake City.  On the way we saw a small bunchof immature rams but until we headed up to search for moose did we score big time on the sheep.  In the mountains you just never know when and where it will happen.  But when it does not only do you get some cool pics, you also get to truly watch them.

He ended up having a few friends with him.

Not giants but respectable rams.  They are getting their winter coat and putting on weight.

The front coming in had them on the move.

Like this, just weird.  Brain teaser at first.

And last was this bunch that had the big boy in the middle running herd.

With the weather being what it is the elk are hard to find.  It has not driven them way down to their winter haunts but they will be coming.  And not a moose in sight.  This was our first real lets find some animals so there is more to come.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


One thing I will be adding to the list probably next year is a little ice fishing.

Being a Saturday the ice fishermen were hard at it on the couple of local lakes you can still get at.

Lake City is a cool little town about 75 miles north of South Fork after going past Creede.  It is fairly isolated due to the road to get there but is a fly fishing, snowmobiling, and atv mecca.  Add Lake San Cristobal and you have a cool mountain getaway.  First you cross the Continental Divide at 10,000 feet and then the big pass at 12,000.  There is snow up top now but not the usual amount.  Snow in the mountains is important for the valley farmers much less the fish.  After you top the pass Lake City is at the bottom of the valley on a winding highway.  Today there was no snow cover on the road like other times we have visited in the winter.  When it has some cover let me just say the ride is “interesting’.   We will be headed back up there for the Ice Climbing shindig in February.

We are enjoying the mountains, and the Boss is finally figuring out for real, you don’t have to go to work.  Texas is in our rear-view mirror and this is our new life.  Next week it is driver licenses and then we will be real Coloradans.  And thanks to all the well wishes you have sent along, we appreciate each and every one.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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Home 12/28/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

The Omen

Herd on the run.  You take the pics where and when you can and the Boss got this out of the car window.

While not a big believer in omens and signs things happen for a reason.  As we finally got close to town it happened.  A big herd of elk ran alongside us as we got close to town.  It was a sign that all was right with our decision, we made it.

It was a hell of a last couple of weeks.  Packing, closing on the house, tying up all lose ends and finally waving goodbye to Texas we headed out.  The Boss wanted to make it to Colorado and stay at our favorite dive motel so we would hit the big pass in the morning and get to our house in the daylight.  And not only did we see the big herd, another sign greeted us.


It has been warm with little snow in South Fork, so far.  We have to cross 2 major passes to get here and both were snow free and clear sailing.  As we pulled in the driveway it started to snow.  It would be hard to actually convey how it felt to us.  After a lifetime of work, we actually got it done.  Our house in the mountains and time to spend together and enjoy the fruits of our labor.  (And I cannot explain how it felt to hit the bank the next day and pay it off!)

So we are getting things squared away.  2 4Runners and a boat packed to the gills with stuff, we are still organizing.  The boat is headed to storage until ice out, the garage is getting organized, the Boss has the office set up and things are coming together.  We even managed to get out for a quick happy hour and see a few friends.  We are looking forward to being a part of South Fork.

After a couple of days of being responsible we headed out for a quick check on the wildlife.

TheBighorn Sheep are in rut and the big boy was chasing.  Man I love Bighorns.

We love this time of year as the sheep and elk come down from the high mountains and we have a pretty good idea where to find them.  Today they did not disappoint.   We saw 3 bunches of sheep and a few elk.

Though we did not see a real big boy it was enough to wet our whistle.  Sunday will be a serious search as we settle in.

There were plenty of ewes and yearlings about.

One of the good things about our animal route is there is one of the really big elk wintering areas close.  When we got there the elk were not there.  As the weather has been so nice and there is little snow cover below 10,000 the have not come down in mass yet.  But we got lucky and on a hillside we found a pretty good bunch.

These were on a hillside way the heck out there.

All cows there was not a bull in sight.  An old timer here told me the rule for the big boys:  Until the snow gets deep enough their “&^%$” are in the snow they will stay up.  So the pursuit begins, and with snow in the forecast there are so many days to come.  Chasing animals, hiking, snowshoeing and everything else that comes with living here.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Not much else to say other than we are 2 happy folks.  And I am so happy for the Boss.  She has worked her rear end off for decades and finally her time has come.  No long shifts, sick folks, schedules, her life is about to change and you can see it in her face.  And right away she is on the travel hunt, and looks like New Zaland just might be in our future.  So thanks to all the folks in Texas but we are out of there.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.  There is so much more to come!

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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Lost an Old Friend 12/16/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

Though we are getting close to hitting the road and have plenty of stuff to do the Boss has to hit San Antonio to get her truck service so I will take the morning for a quick trip to the lake.  We had to be out of the house for 3 days while they smoked the termites so as soon as she gets back in the afternoon we have a ton of places to go and things to do.  But at least for a few hours I can fish.


65/83.  Sunshine and clouds mixed. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph.

Lake Levels

10 days ago.   94.92 msl.   Today 95.97 msl.

Activity Times

Minor  8:12 AM-9:12 AM.   Major 12:49 PM-2:49 PM

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Before we get to the fishing one of my favorite rods in 50 years of fishing exploded on a hook set when I was pitching this morning.  It was not a big fish, but it snapped like nothing.  But folks this is not a complaint.

Temple Fork SWC 707-1 7′ Heavy.

This rod has been from Canada to Belize to the Glades.  It has caught stripers, big bass, snook, tarpon, muskie and who knows what else over the last 15 (Guess) years.  I have repaired eyes with everything from black tape to sewing thread.  It had a rough life, banging around in the boat over thousands of miles.  It has taken all the abuse I could give it.  And through it all it kept putting them in the boat.  When I say I lost an old friend I am not kidding.  It was my favorite rod over the last 50 years and has put hundreds and hundreds of fish in the boat.  Gonna miss her


Coleto Creek

It was perfect this morning, it just took a while to cloud up some and for the wind to blow.  The water is dropping fast, the color is still good, and the water temp was 67 or so over most of the lake.  It was not fast by any means, but for a short morning trip it was great.  Not sure if it was my last one on Coleto but it was fun.

The Chartruese square bill put a couple in the boat.

As it has been wood with some deeper water was the ticket.  I managed to catch on all my old favorites today.  Swim jig, spinnerbait, square bill, and pitching.  I even trolled just a little bit up lake and managed 2 small white bass.  It will take a little more cold weather and as soon as there is a couple day front they will be there.

A square bill catfish for the Boss’s fish fry tonight.

Pitching the beaver style bait, but should have seen the one right after this that jumped off when tangled in wood.

I should have had another pretty good fish today.  She was all wrapped up in a pile of wood next to a stump.  We did the pull thing, let it go slack, when she came up and jumped on the other side of the trash off she came.  Hate it when that happens but still appreciate the bite.

One of 4 on spinnerbait, she blasted it.

As soon as we got a little breeze out came the spinnerbait.  Again they all came off wood.  It was nice to finish the morning with a spinnerbait bite.  No matter where or what I catch it is still my favorite way to catch them.  I had to quit early as we are up to our rear in alligators with the move but if this was the last day before we head to Colorado it sure was fun.


The move takes precedance so time to be responsible.  Still have things to pack, a few big itens to sell and then the garage sale.  It looks like closing will be Monday a week from now and then off we go.  That realization hit me as I headed up lake, it has been fun and man did a bunch of big bass come over the side.  Now it will be trout, lake trout, pike, walleye and whatever else I can rustle up in Colorado.  And a big thanks to all of you for the last 15 years the blog has been up.  Your readership and comments keep me going, and to those of you who I got to fish with I love sharing our sport.  The blog will continue as there is plenty of fishing adventures to come.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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A Great Day. 12/9/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

My buddy Rusty and a good day on the water.

Rusty has been a loyal reader and off and on collaborator and after all these years of communicating back and forth we finally ended up in the boat together.  Along with sharing information we often met on the water fishing the same area.  So I was glad when he invited me to fish with him .  Knowing I am out of the salt business he was kind enough to take me today and best I can say – We had a big time.


54/81.  Some clouds in the morning will give way to mainly sunny skies for the afternoon. Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph.


High 3:41 am 0.5.   Low 10:29 am  0.1.

Activity Times

Major 8:00 to 10:00 am.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


We have several things in common and had a good day chatting and catching fish.  Rusty is my kind of fisherman; he is a multi-species guy.  From trout to bass to tarpon to salmon to name a few he has caught them all.  As he is widely traveled pursing fish his entire life we had much in common.  Plus he is an accomplished fly fisherman and fly tier who has shared his knowledge with me as I begin my fly-fishing journey.  Interestingly enough he has friends in our area of Colorado and visits often so we will not lose touch.

I sure will miss these guys, they stretch your string.  Redfish cannot resist a Knockin Tail.

As far as the fishing went it was consistent most of the day.  The trout bit here and there with a couple of good stretches.  While no real big ones came over the side there was no real lull in the bite.  It tended to be a couple 3 or 4 here or there.  Of course, it was Knockin Tails that did the damage.  Since this was maybe my last time on the salt I opened my last Salt Marsh corky style bait and caught several on that.


We caught around 25 trout, while most were small, I have 3 – 17″ in the smoker as I write this.

The redfish were slow but I managed to catch the one above to send me off to Colorado with the memory of just how hard they pull.  Looking back on it should have thrown a topwater some but hard to change when they are biting.  Several fell for Michael’s new bait but if I release that he would have to kill me.  Suffice to say when it is fully ready for production it will catch fish.  He is also working on other stuff coming to a store near you sometime next year.

It was a fun day and when 2 hardcore fishermen get together there is always plenty to talk about.  There is nothing wrong with being a one trick pony, but the fishing world is so vast and so amazing that those that explore it just become better fishermen.  Try to expand your fishing world if you can, the results are worth the effort.  And thanks Rusty, what a great day to be 2 old guys slinging lures.


Today the appraiser comes and if all is good it looks like we could potentially close with perfect timing.  It has been a little bit of a struggle, but it is coming together and maybe just maybe things will go well and we will hit the road with no left-over Texas business.  The Boss has a couple of work parties with her coworkers and will be wrapping up her 40-year career in medicine in exactly 10 days and off to our mountain town we go.

We will be gone a couple of days while they kill some termites and then I hope to fish the salt maybe one more time and the lake one more time.  Then the serious packing begins.  So keep stopping in as I finish up my Texas fishing adventure.  There is so much more to come, it will just be different.  But as I said above different in the fishing game is the spice of life.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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Last Call? 12/6/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

This was one big fish.  

I admit to being completely stressed out with the house sale.  No reason at this point with things moving along, it is just me.  We are so done here and it sure would be nice to hit the road in 16 days with that taken care of.  But at least today I had a free day and the weather looked perfect.  One thing that is a constant on Coleto when the weather is like this it is big fish day, and it sure was.


59/55.  Cloudy skies.  Winds NE at 10 to 15 mph.  (Right on the button.)

Lake Levels

Today  94.92 msl.   10 days ago  95.10 msl.  (Clearly dropping and the ramp just might get interesting soon.)

Activity Times

Minor  11:13 am to 12:13pm.    (Only time I was out there.)

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Open wide.  That is a big square bill.

On getting to the lake the wind was blowing right along but the color is clear down lake and a little off color up lake.  The water temp was 67 at the ramp on quitting and 61 way up lake.  The plan of course was swim jig and spinner bait, and I stuck with it until I finally removed head from rear end and made a change.  Not a bite on a spinner bait and 5 on swim jig including one pretty good one that broke my line.  Being the prefect big fish day out came the square bill.  Nice to get it right once in a while.

5 minutes later.  And this was no small fry.

With the water falling like it is the places that have had a few for me, did.  But nothing to write home about and while I have a few pics they clearly do not make the blog today.  It was just to perfect so around noon it was the 6 Sense chartreuse square bill.  Then the right move, a channel bank with some deeper brush.  And then 2 bites within 5 minutes, and it was these 2.  Note the first one I had my cloves on but they got wet so did not have  them on when I caught the second one.

I was using 5 to 1 reel cranking at a moderate speed.  Neither one of them jumped it, it was just heavy.  The first one inhaled it and even though she tried to jump she was going nowhere.  The second was lip hooked and did the same wallowing thing but I managed to get her in the net without hooking the crankbait.  Sometimes it is good to be lucky.  It has been a while since I boated 2 real big fish in one day, but it happened, and I am thrilled.

Both came on deep laydowns on a bank where you would expect them to be with the water falling.  And by the same token early pre-spawn is right around the corner so big fish time is on.  I can not over emphasize how today was perfect.  Looking back on the last dozen plus years through high water and low, December and January with bad weather is prime time for big bass on Coleto and today was living proof.


It looks like I have taken back control of the blog.  But one thing that has changed is it I can turn the comments back on.  If you are one of the folks who leaves the occasional comment, please just leave a hello so I can check it all out.  Some of you might have been put in a spam file so need to make sure you did not get blocked accidentally.  Plus always love hearing from all of you.  I have not been ignoring you, things were just out of joint.  A computer guru I am not.   Thanks.


So why is it last call?  Hopefully I will get a couple more days on the lake but with a couple of salt trips with friends coming it is going to be close.  Today was the kind of day I live for and the weather did what it was supposed to.  So there is more fishing to come but the moving stuff will be keeping me busy.  But keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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Random Thoughts 12/4/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


Michael with a real one on the 5″ Pearl KTL.  Use a big bait, catch a big fish!

This is the time of year for really big trout and Michael the owner and designer of Knockin Tail Lures getting it done.  This is a big trout anywhere anytime and caught on his own lure.  KTL’s catch all kinds of fish, all over the country in all conditions.  I cannot wait for next spring when I feed them to big lake trout.  And I have to admit I will miss fishing the salt and working with them.  I so appreciate the chance to work on his stuff.  It has been a good run, it is just going to be different, but there will never be a time the KTL is not in my arsenal, they catch fish end of st0ry.


58/66.  Cloudy with occasional light rain…mainly in the morning.  Winds ENE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 80%.  (Current radar gone by noon.)


Low 12:49 PM -0.1  High  5:29 PM (Fairly flat today.)

Activity Times

Major 1:33 pm to 3:33 pm.  (Always harder to judge related to tide times and where you are.)

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


One thing I am really sad I have not done enough is share more of my knowledge with folks.  Today Michael came over and while we just had a few hours to fish it was my pleasure to turn him on to something a little different.  I do not need to teach him or many of you how to fish, you have that down, but there is plenty of “spots” and local knowledge that I just do not want to go to waste so he was able to sneak out.

While the fishing was just ok, that was not the point.  It was this is how you fish here, this is the swing, the point, the drains, the cuts and everything else that goes along with the real knowledge that can last a lifetime.  Today was enough to introduce him to my favorite place on the bay this time of year.

The kind that came over the side on our short trip.

If I was guessing and I am we probably boated about 5 or 6 trout and one red.  For me the real fun was fishing the prototype of his new idea and the trout liked it and so did I.  Hanging with him has been a pleasure as he is full of great ideas and this one should be a hit.  With his background in manufacturing and engineering it is not surprising he comes up with great ideas.  Are they all a hit, of course not, but the Knockin Tail is well on its way to becoming a staple and the new extravaganza should be t0.  At least as soon as I tell him how to make it better!  (Like he needs my help.)

My buddy Michael.

Aside from spending a short time on the water today I just wanted to share this picture and maybe give you a little piece of advice.  Over the last 7 years or longer we have been friends and at times collaborators.  It has been my pleasure to work with him and spend time at the shows from ICAST to the Houston fishing show.  But one thing we did not do was fish together as much as we should have.  As my time here is dwindling, and 19 days is sure dwindling, we should have fished together more.  You need to remember to share the boat as often as you can with friends, you never know for whatever reason when it will come to an end.  But thanks Michael it was my pleasure, and I look forward to all those great things you are working on and what the future will hold for My Coast Outdoors.


Bill Dance

Everybody loves old Bill.  He has been a part of our fishing world for decades and who does not like Bill.  But I do have one comment on his saltwater show.  It starts out with “Anyone can do this.”  So to check out if that was true I went to the website of the guy he fishes with in Florida for trout and snook.  Those shows are amazing with some monster trout.  I thought it would be fun to fish with him next time I was in Florida.  Well sorry folks but anyone can do this, for $900 a day plus tip.  Same applies when he fishes Venice LA and catches all those big reds.  Same thing, a little out of my price range.  But we still love Ol’ Bill.


I am now officially sick of this house selling thing.  It has not been as easy as we hoped and has just turned into a big hassle.  But this to will pass.  We hoped to close before we leave in 20 days but that probably will not happen.  But in this new world it can all be finished online, so see ya.


I think I finally have a handle on the spam.  Nothing more $$$ can’t solve.  There have been 3 more attempts to hack the blog but that sems to be over so it looks like the blog will continue.  It had gotten so bad there was a real possibility that I would just give up and shut it down.  But there is still new fish to be caught, new places to see and lots of animals to chase.  You are not getting rid of me that easy.


So with all that said I hope to ge on the lake Friday and then the salt on Monday.  The clock is ticking and I hope the farewell tour continues.  Then the serious packing happens followed by the garage sale and then out we go.  Until then keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Turkey Day

We got a pretty good snow at the house and the neighbor lady sent me this yesterday.  We have lots and lots of turkeys and they winter behind the house.  Every morning they come down to get their breakfast.  Now it is illegal to feed them, but a couple of the neighbors have seed that mysteriously falls on the ground near their homes and the turkeys have a daily route.  We enjoy watching them all the way until full on summer when they disappear for a couple of months before they reappear in September.  As the clock winds down we are so ready to go.


First thanks to family and friends who alerted me I was in the business of selling Chinese clothes for women.  There is plenty of things I might have tried to sell over the years but trash from China is not one.  And to those of you who did not see it you did not miss anything

Apparently I was able to defeat yesterday’s scammers without a ton of trouble.  It just amazes me how many attempts there has been to hack my blog as I don’t have all that many readers.  Over the years as I have slacked off the numbers have gone down but that is not the point, I do it for the love of writing and sharing.  But they are persistent.  It takes a little bit of work to crack the blog and once they did yesterday, they shared the password with others, thanks to you all I caught it before more damage was done.

How persistent have they been?  There have been over 1,100 attempts to hack into the blog.  And the spam has become a real hassle for me as it comes by the hundreds, most of it porn attempts but there is plenty of other stuff.  (Funny how I never had that much spam to deal with until my host started attempting to sell me a spam blocker addition.) Though hard to tell where it actually originated but since it was Chinese knockoff crap you can draw your own conclusion.

So sorry for the language yesterday but it just makes no sense why anyone would want to hack this blog.  Hard to believe of all the sites in the world this one would be a target for any reason.  While most of you know my political leanings I will admit Trump is right about one thing, China is not our friend.  They constantly attempt to infiltrate our government and steal our trade secrets, besides dumping crap products on our economy.  They cannot be trusted as far as you could throw them.  While I am sure tariffs is not the right way to punish them it is time to acknowledge they are our enemy because they are.  (As a side note Sam Walton is rolling over in his grave as Wal Mart is in bed with them bigtime.  I am sure you have noticed the quality of much of the stuff is just plain crap.  As it has led to so many small businesses in America going under they should be ashamed of themselves.  In fact, we had a friend who started a business and went to China to seal the deal.  They opened a factory and sold their product to Wal Mart.  And of course, what came next?  Wal Mart just cut them out of the loop after all their work like slime would do.)

So enough of that, hope they leave me alone for a while, but I am not hopeful.  With the big change coming in our life I am still mulling over giving it up.  That will probably not happen as long as I can type and get outdoors.

The Boss is working today and I am going to have a stay-at-home quiet day.  Football, a good book, and maybe a little sorting in the tackle room for the tons of stuff that needs to go.  I hope everyone has a great day and things will be returning to normal around here next time I post.  Thanks to all.


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