All Good in the Mountains 7/17/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

The view on my morning drive from 10,000 feet.  

Saturday I made the big drive over the mountains and down the roughest road we have tried yet.  Hoping to see some animals but they are few and far between right now.  The woods are crawling with 4wheelers, one of the big reasons folks come here in the summer, not to mention campers who truly want to get away from crowds.  But animals or not I never get tired of riding in the mountains, and here there are plenty of places to try.  So while it was not successful in the photography side of things it was still a great way to spend the morning.

This morning I was up and gone at daylight to do a little fishing.  Right off the bat I caught 2 on the fly rod with streamers, then could not buy a bite on the buggy whip, but I still have lots to learn and it will only get better as I do.

Second cast with a streamer. Ended up catching 2 on steamer and then they just shut down.

So went to the old standby, minnow baits and caught 3 smalls like the one below.  Pinching the barbs down really helps the fish, and sure makes it easier to get them out of the net.  But I have even quit doing that as it is easy to slide them to the bank and just flip them off and let them head on their way.  But when the sun was full up the bite stopped.

Then 3 on the minnow bait and then could not buy a bite.

Lous slinging it. 

When I was headed to the truck I spent some time speaking with Lou, who is over here with his family from the Durango areas.  A long-time confirmed fly fisherman, we chatted and I wanted to watch him fish to see what I could learn.  At least 3 guide boats came by, there is lots of traffic, and then other folks showed up to fish the same area.  Lou did catch one on streamer which is his favorite way to fly fish, the guide boats did not have a bite.  Lou said he stopped at one of the tackle stores that has multiple guides and the owner said it had been tough.  Apparently with this hot weather the hatches have gone crazy and he felt like it was simply the fact that their bellies are full.

So not sure what the issues are, have not been here long enough, but one thing was clear, get out early before the sun is up.  Not problem as I am still on Texas time so getting up early is no big deal with the one hour time change.  But when you are a beginner like I am no big deal, just keep on chunkin.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.



Well there is now 2 new cases of chronic wasting disease in dead white tails at breeding facilities in Texas.  I have been harping on this for a while and here it comes again.  When, not if, it spreads in the wild population it could/will be devastating.  But remember:  Follow the money.  Not sure why TPWD does not do an all-out ban on captive breeding, oh wait, sure I do.


When I rag on TPWD it is not ever, nor intended to be directed at our wardens.  Without them it would be a bigger free for all than it already is on the water and woods.  They had a busy July 4th so here is the link to what happened.  Way to go guys and gals, you keep us safe and never forget that responsible hunters and fishermen appreciate everything you do.

News Release: July 12, 2023: Texas Game Wardens Conclude Busy July 4th Weekend of Statewide Enforcement – TPWD


And speaking of deer as I made my breakfast looking out my back window down the main game trail came 5 mule deer bucks in velvet.  The wildlife is one of the big reasons we moved here and how we got lucky enough to have the house sitting on a major game trail I do not know.  But hey, sometimes it is better to be lucky than good.

When I left this morning to do some fishing it was Monday, trash day.  I learned my lesson a while ago, do not put it out until morning.  There are a few houses here that are rentals, and they took their garbage out last night.  Oops.  Smokey obviously knows when it is trash day and definitely got a belly full last night.  Just love really living in the great outdoors.


I forgot to mention that besides the little switch issue on the boat it was also time for the annual checkup.  I have owned this boat for 13 years and have never neglected the annual service.  Bob told me that he has a few crab fishermen who have over 5000 hours on their engines, and they are still running.  The Opti now has 1168 hours and compression is still good and looks like it is good for another 100.  And here is an interesting bit of information on your hour meter.  My meter on the dash says it has over 1300 hours but with the computer-controlled engines the actual hours are on the computer.  Not sure why that is but whatever, take care of your engine and it will take care of you.


Steve with a lake trout.

My brother-in-law has really got the fishing bug the last couple of years.  He just went on a big kayak trip to the Boundry Waters.  Apparently they paddle their rear end off and the fishing was so-so.  But remember folks it is in the doing and not always about the catching.  So congrats on your first lake trout.


Hoping to turn in my building permits today and call the garage a wrap.  Still have plenty to do on the property until I get it like I want it.  But that is the fun, it is a labor of love.

So that will do it for today from the Rockies.  After a responsible thing or two today it will be up early and gone at daylight in the morning. Really looking forward to the Boss getting here in a couple of weeks, I almost (Almost sort of!) feel guilty loving life out here this much and can’t wait till she gets here. So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Home 7/14/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


After a little frustration in Texas things finally got straightened out and I took off.  The boat was acting up so the day I came back went to the lake and it was doing the same thing so to the shop it went.  Then it became a hot humid 100 for the rest of the time I was in Texas.  I got the boat back the day before I left so no boat the whole time.  Nothing more than a small switch that told the motor I was idling when running, at least it was not expensive.  So the boat is fine and I am here.  Oh well.

But how hot is it in Texas?  Once I hit west Texas it jumped to 103 and stayed that way all the way to my stop at a motel in the lovely town of Dumas.  Checked in, went to the room and got organized, then out to the truck to find some food.  Tuned it on and the temp gauge read 116 in the sun.  That is freakin hot.  Suffice to say it is absolutely beautiful here at the base of the Rockies with windows open and a nice breeze.

The wading is about to get right, and the small creeks should be perfect.

Because the yard was sorely in need of mowing, I decided to get up at daylight and make a quick run to the river.  The water level has come way down and it is going to be good.  I took a couple of pictures with the little camera, but the lens fogged up as it was in my pocket and it was a nice 50 degrees outside.  Suffice to say caught a couple of good ones and a couple of smalls on hand tied jigs and minnow baits.  But trying to be responsible I quit around 8:00 and headed to the house to take care of things.  On the way in I saw these sticking out and turned out it was a couple of mice muley bucks in full velvet, amazing how much they have grown in the month I was gone.


Looks like horns to me.

This guy has potential.  Nice mass and a couple of brow tines will add to the total.  And yes, I see you.

I love them outlined like this.  Maybe someday I will figure out how to make it a better shot when it is backlit like this.

It is exciting to be back, and I look forward to chasing wildlife and living the good life.  So I am organizing the pack that stays in the truck at all times with everything needed to hit the woods, catch fish and take photos.  Can’t wait to see a full velvet elk.  And already excited about Yellowstone and Teton at the first of October.  The elk should be in full rut and the wolves await.  Looking like one great fall in the west.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


I got this comment from my buddy Rusty who has been a loyal reader and now a friend.

Happy Birthday and welcome to the 70’s Club!
After both knees replaced, shoulder replacement and ruptured gall bladder removed, I feel like the bionic man at 72. You are exactly right, in all the occupations we have had and traveled the world, fishing has always been the core passion. I also have a wonderful wife who not only supported me fishing but encouraged me to fish( she’s not a bad fly fisherwoman herself). How blessed we are!! Happy Birthday mi amigo.

PS: we can start a GoFund Me page if needed 😎

Thanks so much.  The key to life is keep moving one way or another.  And while he was at it he sent me this picture.

They got to be loving all that green grass.

I have heard that you can get a good idea how recruitment went with whitetails based on the number of twins you see.  Not sure if that is true but it sure is cool to see.  Have not seen an muley babies yet but they should start showing up in the neighborhood soon.  Thanks for the picture and hope to have some good fly fishing pics soon.


Things are busy here in south Colorado.  Campers, 4wheelers, fishermen, bikers, hikers they are all here.  There is a logger competition here this weekend and multiple festivals in many of the surrounding communities.  I on the other hand will be sitting on my breezeway with a good book, maybe a little happy hour, and start to organize the garage.  Then after the weekend it will be some serious fly fishing.  And many thanks to all who wished me a happy birthday.  My favorite was from Lacy.

Happy birthday to you.
Keep chunkin.

Ok I will!  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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70y/o Today and Still Kicking 7/10/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

Just click on the Video Magazine (page 50-51) below and see my PB snook.  What a trip.

The Angler Video Magazine

Just thumb through the pages until you find the Knockin Tail ad.  Click on play and see 2 things.

1.  The reason I am a confirmed Knockin Tail guy.

2.  Why I have towed a boat multiple times to the Everglades, along with plenty of other destinations.  And a big thanks to my buddy Michael and My Coast Outdoors for making a great bait and taking me along for the ride.  Both on the trip but also for letting me tag along as his company has grown.  (There is more stuff coming but I would have to kill you to tell you.  One tip I can give, there has been a surge in sales of the 5″.)

I have learned over the years that anyone can stay at home and catch those same old fish, only the brave (Or crazy.) man up and take a run at it.  Has it always worked out, of course not.  But the first time a tarpon smashes a topwater at boatside, a big muskie eats with a foot of line out, or a native cutthroat smokes a dry, it spurs me on.  From Lake of the Woods, the Everglades, Falcon, Fork, Bull Shoals, Francis Case, The Boundry Waters, the Snake, the Yellowstone, and the Deschutes Rivers and on and on. Not to mention the Great Barrier Reef, Belize, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, and who knows where else, it has been a labor of love.  And I can never thank the Boss enough, she is the love of my life.  She has let me pursue my dream and I can never put in words what that has meant. Plus, any wife that tells you to just go fishing is the bomb.

At 70 years old we all spend time looking back on our life, it comes with the territory.  Attorney, paramedic, guide, I have lived a blessed life.  But one thing that has remained constant, and what defines me, is the fishing.  I am a fisherman, end of story.  So I happily celebrate this one, 70 and still kicking.  And in the next couple of days it is back to Colorado and some serious fly fishing.  The casting will continue until the day I die, and that is not coming anytime soon!


While perusing Facebook I came across a post in favor of keeping the 17″, 3 fish limit.  It sure would be nice if folks would get behind keeping it in place at least for another year, or permanently.  So watch for the net survey report when TPWD releases it.  If memory serves me I think the net surveys are generally spring but who knows.  It will be telling.  At this point in my 50 year hard core fishing habit better fish beat numbers by a mile.  At times catching trout reminded me of catching crappie, plenty of them but often to many smalls.  But I have never claimed to be a good trout fisherman.


I got this comment from Jim on the trout picture added to the last post.

Killer size Trout

Yes it was.  I will never forget that particular moment.  I boated 3 on 4 casts from 27 – 30 inches from a spot the size of a bucket.  Unfortunately, there was a problem, they were literally eating it and it was way down in their throat.  When combined with the 95 degrees that day I did not cast at them again.  It was definitely tough on them and I just could not cast back into the same place as much as I was dying to.  Sometimes we have to remember they are fish, and we have a responsibility to treat them with respect, in spite of the fact some might end up in the fry pan, and there was no way any of those were headed to the cooler.  SO, SIGN THIS PETITION!   The fishing will only get better.

Sponsor Maintain Speckled Trout Limit at 3 per Daily Bag, Sized between 17 to 23 Inches (


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Well forgot about this one, it only comes up every 3 years, but here comes the $500 bill to keep this going.  I am going to have to seriously think about that one.  Great to post along not thinking about money, but like all things it costs money and it has gone up little by little over the years.  Doing this has never been about money until time to pay the bill.  Not sure how I feel about the continued cost of the blog and time to keep it up.  Stay tuned.


I will be heading out in 2 days.  Waters are receding in the rivers and creeks, time to get out the fly rod and go to thrashing.  Plus there is still some work to be done on the garage and I am looking forward to getting that one out of the way.

I sure will not miss this hot weather.  It seemed the world was conspiring against me; I get back and it goes to a 100 and stays there to this day.  Plus, the whole time I do not have a boat, which only made it worse.  Add several other things that have kept me here way past the original plan so it will be great to be headed back to the mountains.  But one thing will definitely happen, I am going to fish like an animal when I get back.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


Off Topic Rant

This is what he thinks of the common man.  What a horse’s ass.

“I don’t really buy into the rich need to pay their fair share,” Pence told a crowd in comments that were recorded.

All I have to say is what a knucklehead.   We all might suspect that this is true of entitled rich folks living off the taxpayer (He just bought a $1.9 million house.) at least Pence is honest enough to say that “we” should pay our share, and his.  What is this country coming to?  I will keep saying it -TERM LIMITS.  And speaking of that not only in years but none of this start off running for dog catcher, then clerk, the state rep, and on and on building up the pension and forgetting where they came from.  Until voters take a stand it will not change.


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4th of July 7/1/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

Have A Great 4th of July

I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend.  And like most of them, time for me to make the usual plea:  Be careful out there.  The roads will be crowded, the rivers and lakes jammed with folks, and with that comes the TPWD and the police.  So if you are headed out on the water take just a second to check out the boat and trailer.  Running lights, license plates and sticker current, tie downs in good shape, tires got some tread on them, air in the spare, all easy to check and will keep you from either a ticket or maybe worse, sitting beside the road in 100 degrees waiting for help.  And then the boat, batteries charged, plenty of oil, life jackets, fire extinguisher and anything else you can think of.  So much easier dealing with it at the house before you take off.

Then at the ramp get ready in the lot so when you hit the ramp you can just back up and drop the boat in and pull out of the way.  Try to be considerate on land and the water.  Assume the other guy is clueless, just because he can afford a fancy boat has no relationship to operator experience or level of intoxication.  (And if I have to remind you to not drink and operate a boat or drive you must live under a rock.) There was a significant increase on TPWD checks on the water last holiday, and I would expect no less this time.  In the end it comes down to “be nice”, be the bigger guy, when it is busy just because you are in the right does not mean some knucklehead won’t run over you in a heartbeat.  Stay safe this weekend,


How Hot Is It?

Texas is past hot, way past.  It has been my good fortune to be here when it started, without a boat.  (Sarcasm.)  Meanwhile my buddy Chago was at his cabin in Colorado, and it snowed a little the other day.  And looking at the weather at the house it is running a nice 40 in the morning and mid 70’s during the day.  Over the last few years my tolerance for the heat has seriously decreased, I just don’t like it.  It goes back to the rule: when it is cold just put more clothes on, but when it is blazing like it is right now there is not much left to take off.  Being a fisherman, the weather has been a big part of my life.  Every place has its own downside, and this heat wave it right up there with bad anywhere.


This is what they look like and I hope to get up close and personal with a few soon.


Thanks All

Winfred, Darryl, Jim, SA Joe, Richard and others I so appreciate your kind comments.  It has been my pleasure to write and it humbles me when I get the kind of feedback that you have been kind enough to share.  It is embarrassing on a certain level and would be self-serving to share them so I will keep your comments to myself.  But all of you, never think I do not take your comments and shares to heart.  Trust me I would have given up a long time ago if not for you.

And speaking of that I appreciate your patience as I take some time out to actually be responsible.  Plus, not having my boat obviously keeps me off the water but it is looking like it might be done right after the 4th.   At least a part is on the way so there is hope.  My current plan is to return to Colorado sometime in the middle of July so I hope to do some serious fishing before I return.  The only thing good about the boat in the shop I have been very responsible.  Of course, the temperature has kept me from working outside all day, but getting stuff done that had been needing it is part of why I came back.  So, thanks for sticking with me, it will be back to “work” next week.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Have a safe holiday and if you do the fireworks thing, please use caution. for yourself and the land.  It is getting drier by the day and a big fire is the last thing we need.  so be sure to check and see if your county has a burn ban.  I plan on keep on geting things done and a big slab of ribs is in my future.  And maybe the next time you hear from me it will be fishing report.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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All Righty Then…….. 6/19/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


I met Michael and Ethan at Froggies and we dropped the boat in at 6:30.  It was not real busy so we headed out with high hopes, at least I did.  Michael has struggled up coast the last trip or two and I was hoping to put them on some fish, but nooooooo.  One of my slowest days ever.



Some clouds in the morning will give way to mainly sunny skies for the afternoon. Near record high temperatures. High 101F. Winds S at 10 to 20 mph.


High   1:06 pm  0.66.

Solunar Times

Major  1:48 to 3:48 pm.   Minor   6:58 am.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


After my trip with Brent last week I was fairly sure we could put some in the boat in my go to spots in Big Bayou but that could not have been any “wronger” if I tried.  We could not buy a bite where, while we did not spank them by any means Thursday they were nice trout.

The water was already up and seemed to be barely coming up until around noon.  So we decided to head to the island and do some wading.  The water temp was 88.6 degrees and was slowly starting to cloud up.  I finally caught these 2 when I went to a 1/32 lead head with a 3.25 Baby Trout Knockin  Tail.  But that was the size of my bites on the first wade, and I think they might have had one bite.

Before it was over I was glad to have this one.

This came in front of a big drain, but other than that not sure they even had a bite.  So next up was a drain near South Pass.  And it was even slower.

A little black drum, they are good fighters.  And other than the 2 above it was one other small trout and one hard head.  It was tough.

That is where the real trouble started.  It had been blowing some but it slowly started to increase.  Michael lost a small trout and I ended my morning with a small, and I mean small, hard head.  At this point it was starting to blow.  Nothing like a 25′ Outlaw with a 300hp for getting around, but on the way in even that boat got spray, happens when it blows from the side.

We stopped back at the deep bank on the way in, but it was too hard to fish, even with spot lock on the trolling motor.  So finally at 2:30 we called No Mas and headed to the ramp.  Clearly a case of me not being on the bay for 6 months now, and it is the dead of summer already this year.

I did not fish well by any means.  The old saying the more I fish the luckier I get is right on point today, I basically knew squat and our results proved the point.  And now with no boat I cannot get out there and square things up, I sure hope I get it back soon before I head out to Colorado.  But as usual I enjoyed fishing with Michael, the results were terrible, but we had our usual good time.  Maybe next trip.


We have always liked to hit the sales at Roy’s in Corpus so when they had a Father’s Day sale this weekend, we headed that way.  There usually some Simms stuff and we have outfitted much of our wading stuff there.  I ended up buying another rod, like I need another one, and just a few jig heads.  There was some line in a sale bin and I thought it might be in the wrong place so I had the checkout lady scan it.  It was not on sale so I said no thanks and did not take it.  Forward to this morning.

There was a Facebook post about the sale and I liked it and shared it.  I did make one comment, be sure to check your receipt as they have made many mistakes on the sale stuff I bought over the years.  So this morning I check my receipt and who would have thunk it:  They charged me for the line she scanned.  Perfect. I did not even take my own advice.  It was no big deal as it was a little crazy in there like it gets for some of their sales. I called them and they fixed it no problem.  I appreciate the customer service; it was fast and fair.  But you would think by now I would know better thanks to my prior experience.


As I slowly make my way through tons of fishing stuff I got a chance to help my brother-in-law who is headed on a kayak trip to the Boundry Waters.  (A bucket list trip I made 3 times in the long ago past.)  He has really getting into fishing so I was happy to make him a care package and information list for each bait, what and how to use it.  Since he will be around tons of pike some custom leaders for spinners, jerk baits, spoons, and crankbaits.  Add a few soft plastics and he will be good to go.  The most important item is the custom leaders.  Nothing like finding the perfect bait and have them eat it off 5 minutes after you get there.  So good luck Steve, buy some cheap jaw spreaders, a net and a pair of pliers, you will need them.  They are one toothy critter.


Thanks all for the kind comments on my POC report.  Not sure how the next trip will go, I really learned very little the other day.  The tide looks almost the same only later in the morning but no real big change in the weather.  But Michael and his son are going to take me fishing Monday morning so by time you read this you will already have read the report above.  But I am grateful to be back on the water and figure a little something out.


And I got this question from Shawn.

Where is twin lake located in Arkansas

There is no twin lake, the area around Mtn, Home with Bull Shoals on the west side and Norfork Lake on the east side is the Twin Lakes area of which Mountain Home is the biggest town.  Great fishing, good swimming, the water is clear and the lakes are deep.  Add the White River, the North Fork River, much less the Buffalo and Crooked Creek and there is a lifetime of fishing.  Great place to visit and if you ever wanted to add a big striper to your bucket list Norfork is the place.  Thanks for the question and if you want to know more just drop me a line.


This post, #1650, is another milestone. Amazing how it has gone over the years and while my focus is slowly changing guess I will keep sharing with you all as long as someone is reading it.  The boat issue is a pain in the rear end and I am not happy about not being able to hit the bay and lake.  But there are things to do around the house, everything I get done right now is one less thing next year when we put the house on the market.  So as soon as the boat is done it will be back on the water.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Keep the 17″ length limit! 6/15/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

Looks like I will be boatless for the time being.  This is one of those times when I miss having 2 boats, but oh well, stuff happens.  But it was needing the annual, so it had to go in sometime and as usual hope for the best prepare for the worst.  The joys of boat ownership.

But it has helped me get some stuff done that is needing it.  Work on the garage and house, tire rotation and alignment check, haircut, new bathroom fittings, the list goes on and on.  But a lot of it got knocked off the last 2 days and the plan is to get all of it done before I get the boat back and then it will be fishing until I drop, or decided to head back to Colorado.  (But if the fishing is as good as today no hurry, get it while it is hot.)

Tomorrow it will be POC with one of my Facebook friends, Brent, who I have not yet met.  The tides and prime period look good for tomorrow and it will be great to get back on the bay.  And I am really looking forward to coughing up the good spots, my old milk run.  Before I am out of here for good in 17 months, I fully intend to share those “spots” fresh and salt that I have told you all about, and will be happy to pass on to those who would like to have them.  (Thinking about drawing a Coleto map.)  It will be up early and gone in time to launch at daylight and hopefully put a few fish in the boat.



A mix of clouds and sun. Hot. High 96F. Winds SSE at 15 to 25 mph.


High   10:18 am  0.66.   Low    11:13 pm   -0.66.  (It was up when we started and did not go down.)

Solunar Times

Major  10:21 to 12:21.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Since we went to 17″ on the coast I have been saying wait until we see what happens next year.  Well next year is here and the average size is way up.  I have seen this over the years as they increased the length on bass and lowered limits several times in the last 45 years.  And it has happened on the coast a couple times since I have been in Texas.  There is almost always a rebound in size within a year or two, and from this morning’s results it is working big time.

Of course, the guides whine, they always do.  We are doomed, no need, along with other complaints but in the end it works out.  All you have to do is look at the number of registered guides much less the wanna be’s and it has not hurt the business at all and sure helps the fish.  And more and more we are seeing catch and release on the coast.  So my vote is to keep it 17″ and 3 and let’s catch big trout, never a bad thing.  Now having said that here is our 6:30 – 11:30 results.

The Knockin Tails Doing the Work

Brent with the first keeper on the 4″ Mansfield Magic Knockin Tail.

This trip was as much for Brent as it was for me.  And it was nice to be the passenger and not the driver.  Part of the morning was to show him my old go to spots as he is just learning and lay down some tracks.  As I wind down this part of my life the plan is to share what little I know with anyone who wants to know.

The only disappointment this morning was we started on my favorite topwater spot and they were just not having it.  The tide was high and coming in and that area is better on the fall.  From there we just hunted and pecked, and while it was slow, when we caught one it was a good one.


A solid 20″ and the 4″ Purple Demon Knockin Tail which has become my go to.

I showed him how to get around in Big Bayou and then went up to the Oil Cut.  Learn some red right returning kind of stuff, areas to watch out for, just whatever crossed my mind to make it a little easier to learn.  As a side note we saw plenty of black drum swimming around and did catch another small.  That is also where I caught a short trout.  I had hoped we might have picked up a redfish there but the tide was up and they were off in the pools and pockets.

Brent with the morning flounder on the 5″ Halloween Knockin Tail.  He caught several fish on it.

There were several air boats running around and once I left POC and I saw the trailer for some redfish tour which starts tomorrow.  So those guys were in those far back bays looking for reds.  And if the tide stays the same there will definitely be access to those places, at least until later in the afternoon, plenty of time to get as limit.

I think we might have caught 2 small trout today, the rest were boxers like this one but I had my 2 for supper so a few got lucky this morning.

The swimming by black drum of which we saw several in the Oil Cut, so Brent did the drop the Knockin Tail in their face and he followed it down and ate.

Brent’s last of the morning was 20″ on the board before back in he went.   This picture does not do this fish justice.

My last an 18″ with the Purple Demon Knockin Tail way down in his mouth.

It was hot, a tough kind of hot, and Brent called it a day at 11:30.  I had hoped the tide would really start dropping before we quit, it was going to be a good one but if you are too hot it is time to quit.  The Boss says folks are coming to the ER so be careful, it can go from bad to horrible in nothing flat.  Remember fishing is supposed to be fun and heat stroke is not on the fun list.

I enjoyed fishing with Brent today.  And here is my wrap it up comment:  I WANT MY BOAT BACK!!!!  If today was any indication it is good, maybe real good.  If today’s size was common some serious wading would be in the works and a trip to the Upper Laguna would already be booked.  Time to catch em!


It will be hard but I will wait until Monday to call the mechanic and see where we are or might be.  Great to be back on the salt and I sure hope I can get back out there soon.  Looks like there are plenty of trout pushing 20″ and there are about 10 spots I want to fish.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Home. Then Dang It! 6/9/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

We got back Thursday and so this morning it was off to the lake early.  It really was not a fishing expedition; it was a boat diagnosis run and unfortunately it did what it did the last time I fished.  So instead of calling I just took it straight from the lake to Bob to see what the deal is.  What it did was funny, but not funny ha ha.

Both days it did the same thing, after running all over it finally went to full on beeping when I accelerated above 4500 rpm.  I could slow down and it would stop.  Funny how it did it the same both days, after running like a top all morning.  Today I decided to troll some and see what would happen, which was no problem as it trolled fine.

A nice blue cat headed to the fry pan.

I caught a nice catfish and lost another, and added 4 or 5 bass in about a half hour.  Normally I would have kept on going but decided to take off and see if it did it again, which it did.  As soon as I got above 4000 rpm it started beeping and as soon as I backed off it ran fine.  It was peeing just fine and sounded normal.  Usually I have a guess but this time not a clue.  So it will be wait and see, hopefully an easy fix and back in my hands so I have a boat this month.

5 or 6 like this was the size of it.

As far as the lake goes all I can say is wow!!  The water was to the top of the pier at the ramp and was 86 degrees and off color over most of it.  Plus there was not a cloud in the sky or a ripple on the water, it was dead calm and hot.  Since I knew it was going to be a short morning I stuck with the “good” spots but all I could catch were smalls.

I threw the book at them; frog, buzzbait, spinnerbait. swim jig, spoon and Knockin Tail, and all I could catch was on the 5″ watermelon red stick worm.  There is tons of green stuff in the water and maybe I just did not stop at the right place.  But there will be a time and place where you can catch some nice ones shallow, especially if cloudy with the wind blowing, it will just take covering lots of water until you find them.  Those that did bite were on wood, which tells me not much this time of year.

At least I got to fish a little, and put a nice cat in the bag for the Boss.  Wish I could have worked them over but it did not work out.  Now it will be a waiting game until I hear from the mechanic, not having a boat is a pain in the butt but there is plenty to do around here so guess I will be responsible.  And to top it off I can’t find my phone.


It was a gobble fest.

4 Toms with only 3 hens so the strut was on.  Of course I did not have the good camera today, it was still cool to see.  There was just not enough girls to go around.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


And the beat goes on in Canada.

A real nice pike.

And who does not like a muskie, one of the great bucket list fish.

Clyde and the boys are having a great trip to Canada.  It has been a literal beatdown, especially on smallmouth, but when fishing Lake of the Woods and Crow Lake you never know what is next.  They are catching from 50 – 100 easy a day on the works.

They always stay at Muskie Bay and if you have never made that bucket list trip to Canada Muskie Bay is the place to go.  Whether you man up and tow your boat, or fly in to International Falls and let them handle it all you cannot go wrong.  They are great folks that will help you all they can.  And if you want to muskie fish hire them, cut your learning curve and see what all the fuss is about.  Nothing like seeing a fish as long as your leg smoke it at the boat.  So check them out, maybe you will catch the fish of a lifetime.  I can not recommend them any higher.


I am keeping an open mind on the next presidential election, so I listened to Mike Pence’s announcement.  There will be no way I would vote for him under any circumstances after he said the following:  “I will open up our public lands to energy exploration.”  Sorry but that is a no go for me.  Every public land in this country needs to be preserved for our children, they are not making any more.


On our way back we stayed in Fort Worth and when we hit the road the next morning I was reminded I was back in Texas;  it was hotter than most days at our house in Colorado and I could feel the humidity on my skin.  And today it is just plain hot.  So the jobs I have back here will be done early everyday, there is a list.  But fishing is coming so keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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One Great Week 6/5/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


Monday Morning Score

Sometimes things just work out.  We were not going on the daylight ride but at 5:00 am the Boss woke me up and said I changed my mind, lets go.  So we took off planning on taking a ride through mountains from Del Norte back through the mountians to Beaver Lake and when we got way up the road was closed.  Rats so change of plans.  The Boss found another road north that we had not taken in the past and it happened.

A huge black bear!

This was be far the biggest I have ever seen.

It was late in the morning, past when you usually see lots of wildlife.  Then we came around the corner following a high mountain valley and small stream there she was, a really big, beautiful cinnamon bear.  She was booking up the hill at full speed, we got to watch quite a way before it hit the woods.  Not sure how the Boss was able to get these but sometimes it happens just so.  Really a good example of just how fast one can run, trust me you are not that fast.  And of all the ones we have seen in the past she was way bigger by a mile.  Now it could have been a big boar or a female with cubs in the den, but either way she was not having it, we consider ourselves so lucky to have the honor and pleasure to experience it.

We love chasing stuff and this is the reason we get up and get gone.  Seeing a bear is a random occurrence and you can go your whole life without seeing one unless Yellowstone of Alaska.  So 3things had to happen just right, change of plans, closed road, and then the perfect pick on a new road.  All I have to say is I love Colorado.


Trying to describe our Sunday morning ride would not do it justice.  This morning the Boss and I were out of the truck looking at a bone pile in the woods and when I got back in she recorded a stretch of the morning drive.  It was almost 10 miles of this, and the video is from one of the better parts, it was gnarly but awesome.  Here is a quick shot.

We are up and gone at daylight, by far the best animal viewing time.  The morning drive was at an easy 10,000 plus and we managed to see 9 elk.  One thing we have noticed is the farther into the back country the wilder the animals.  The elk were really skittish and wanted nothing to do with us or the truck, or there might have been a picture.  And the one big bunch of mule deer were saw were the same, not having us being there.  But it was a lovely day and after the drive we headed to Big Meadow to catch some lunch.

Big Meadow 

It was tough and for over an hour it was only one small brookie.  Then I figured it out and caught my 4 fish limit in 10 minutes and I can positively tell you they tasted great fresh out of the lake and in the pan.  (I meant to show the old, cooked fish plate, but we got in a hurry and were chowing down before I thought about it.)  And speaking of fishing – the water on the creeks and rivers is starting what looks like a slow fall, but most of it is still hauling and still off color.  But it won’t be long, and I should hit it just right for the rest of summer and fall when I get back in July.


Randon Thoughts – or $$$$$ Talks


One thing I have been writing about the last year is chronic wasting disease.  It has been found in several captive deer breeding facilities across Texas and now it has been found in a free-range whitetail.  Big freakin’ surprise, it does not take a biology degree to see that coming.  Instead of stopping all captive breeding in the state and any transfer of deer from those facilities for any reason, the threat continues.  Now that it is documented in a free-range deer it does not bode well for the state’s deer herd.  Keep yourself informed.  Follow the $$$$.

Colorado Wading

Colorado is one of the few states where property owners own to the middle of the river.  Without getting to deep into the legal weeds the Supreme Court of the state has a case before it trying to decide what the law is.  It stems from a guy who to make a point waded into the river and of course a self-entitled property owner raised hell, called the cops and now the issue is before the court – Who owns the river?  The question is based on what the rivers were prior to and then becoming a state.  Hopefully the court will rule high water mark and open up all the rivers for wading.  But as with the above comment – follow the $$$$.

Boundry Dispute

A lot of the property lines in the west are actually squared off.  So, some guys figured out that they could be on public land and basically jump the corner to a landlocked public land without setting foot on the private land.  Of course the problem, see above, is the land/corner in dispute is owned by a really rich guy who blocks any access to the landlocked public land, on which he sells high dollar hunts.  It will be wait and see on all three of these issues before the courts but don’t bet on you and me.  Sorry I am getting that cynical in my old age but follow the $$$.  (Be real, you actually believe the common guy will win on these issues?)

The Award goes to Texas

As my search for the perfect 16ft aluminum v hull with a 15 – 25hp tiller steer motor for lakes out here continues, Texas is a dubious winner/loser.  While all states have different licensing requirements Texas requires titles on most boats, motors, and trailers.  As I search Texas, Colorado, New Mexico and Oklahoma it is stunning how many Texas boats for sale are missing one or all titles.  Just how is that possible?  And that nonsense just go to TPWD and get some is not true.  So while I have seen a couple I am willing to drive and check out, without all 3 titles just not interested in messing with that.  But no matter the state if there is no trailer title run away.


This is the 1647th time I have written.  The time sure has flown by.  From full on blog building, to waffling like I tend to do about whether to continue, it is still a labor of love so onward for the time being.  The photo work I have been doing in Colorado is a real motivator and here is a perfect example.

What a majestic animal!

Easy to get up and get out when this is possible.  (And our bear encounter this morning confirms that!)  Bighorns have always amazed me since I saw the first one on a hunting show when I was a kid.  Now I am here and it is just so cool to be able to realistically get close to them, or at least close enough for a long lens.


Tomorrow is out last day here and it will be back to Texas.  I am looking forward to some bay fishing and a trip or two to the lake.  But the last week with the Boss has been a memorable one.  Moose, rams, deer, and now a bear, it is what we paid the money for.  I intend to never forget to look up and take it all in.  Now back to the coast for a change of pace and some fishing.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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The Boss is Here. 6/1/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


I have been consumed with finishing the garage and it is on its last step, the final inspection of the electric.  Just when I thought it was over the last thing confused the crap out of me, the motion lights on the front of the garage would not work.  But with electric to the lights, along with everything else working, made no sense.  Turned out the sensor on BOTH lights are bad and once that was disconnected, they worked like a charm..  (China, what do you expect.)

I am picking the Boss up today at the airport and can’t wait to show her the work.  The garage was her mandatory and after tons of hurdles, it is ready for her inspection and I can finally get back to the Colorado lifestyle.  It has been a real job but time to put it to bed and have some real fun this week.  The area is full of festivals and activities and she has half the week already planned out.  And of course it will include fresh trout in the pan out of a high mountain lake I plan on taking her to.  Then back to Texas and another kind of trout beatdown.


As we love to do we were out before daylight cracked for our morning drive.  The plan was to head up to the Rio Grand Reservior and see what we could see and suffice to say it was a home run.  And you all know I love me some Bighorns and they did not dissapoint.  The difference was we encontered 2 groups of rams, which had been missing in action the last month.  So without further ado here you go.

Our first spot of the morning which led to the big bunch of rams.

If that does not get your outdoor juices flowing not sure what will.  What a hoss!




Just a bunch of big boys eating breakfast.

Another big boy.

The Rio Grand Reservior at 10,000 ft on a cool Colorado morning.  And notice the snow pack, still plenty of snow in the high mountains.

Just cute.

And then we scored as I spotted a moose in the brush.  A little guy, he was by himself but moose are just plain cool.

Moose are not exactly rare, they are just quite a bit more solitary than other animals so it is a treat to see one.  We just feel privileged to live here and be able to see all that Colorado has to offer.  The morning was a big success and we will continue to keep it up in our quest for the perfect picture.


A Knockin Tail Smallie

That is a world class Hog!

Clyde and my brother are up to their usual high jinks in Canada.  He sent this along as it was the biggest of the approximately 150 fish they caught today.  Jerkbait, spinnerbait, you name it they used it and the 3.25 Glass Minnow Knockin Tail produced the monster of the day.  Staying at Muskie Bay Resort on their annual trip it looks like their timing could not be any better.  When you travel that far you never know but Lake of the Woods never seems to disappoint. If you have never visited it is a true bucket list trip on world class water.  Can’t wait to see more pics.


Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we enjoy chasing them.  I will get some mule deer pics up soon as the bucks are just starting to spout their horns.  It will be interesting to watch the local herd in our block to see as the big boy horns start to show.  The next week will be burning the candle at both ends with the Boss before heading back to Texas.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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Never Forget 5/26/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


Thanks – Never Forget

As we all prepare for whatever activity the weekend holds never forget.  Often young kids are sent out to defend our freedom and come back grown men and women, or they make the ultimate sacrifice.  That sacrifice had kept us free and continues to do so.  So a big thanks to those men and women for keeping us safe, and to the families of those that made the ultimate sacrifice you have our respect, and we honor your loss.


This is Beaver Creek that you can normally just walk across.

The rivers and creeks are swollen and muddy.  The runoff has really increased this week with warmer temps.  There is still plenty of snow in the high passes and combined with the little bit of rain we have gotten the runoff is in full swing.  But one of the things I really appreciate about this area is there is multiple lakes that are thawed and getting a few for the table is no big deal.  And of course the ulterior motive:  Old age is coming and the ability to hop in the truck and catch a few without a ton of effort will be nice in years to come.

Supper!  It took 30 minutes to get it done, if that!

These are stockers, which are specifically for folks to catch and eat.  So just after daylight I headed to Beaver Lake and it took all of a half hour to catch my limit.  I have found a nice grass bed in about 10′ of water and it usually holds them.  For entertainment the Super Duper spoon put 2 on the stringer (The 3.25 Knockin Tail is about to get a serious workout.) and then salmon eggs to fill out the limit and it was back to the house.  As I write this I can smell them sizzling in the pan!


And speaking of fishing the boat search goes on.  The LTS will head to the shop when I get back next month for a full work up and then it just might be on the market soon.  (Somebody is going to get a great deal.)  The perfect boat out here is small, light, with a small motor.  The lakes are not big compared to most I have fished in my life, not even a real need to get on plane.  Plus with many on gravel roads aluminum is preferred and the lighter the better.  While fly fishing is going to come to the forefront shortly fishing out of the boat will always be part of the plan.  Not even sure I would know how to act without one.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


After getting approval on my electrical rough in on the garage it is the next to the last step to be finally finished.  Since I got up early, I decided to head up north to check out a lake or two and maybe see a little wildlife.

Stopped to check out the Rio Grand at the Collier Wildlife area and it is running high and off color.  Not much for fishing but a great float.

I will never get tired of the view.

A great morning.

Butts always give them away.

For some reason there was not much moving this morning.  Found these girls on the way home.

After not seeing much that morning a big red coyote crossed the road in front of me on the way home.  No time to grab the camera but it is the second cool looking coyote this week.  I stopped at a new lake for me and met a nice guy and we whacked a few trout.  I did not take any pictures but trust me the fishing was good.  The trout were fat and sassy and I will be heading back there to break out the fly rod.  So much water so little time, but the bank fishing access is everywhere and it will take the rest of my life to cover it all.  And with many of the high roads opening new water and high mountains are waiting.


Today I finish the final phase of the electric in the garage.  It has been a long road, and a big learning experience.   Once that is done today the last thing is finding someone to add some gutters.  In the final analysis I am proud of the work we did under less than ideal conditions.  From blizzards, frozen ground, delays due to getting what we needed, we had it all.  But final inspection will be next week and then I can get back to enjoying our mountain home.  It has been stressful, it seemed the check writing was never going to end.  But from the reaction of all the neighborhood folks it is a job well done.  (As a side note the folks who are “summer folks” are arriving and our neighbors, all Texans, are great.  Some things are just supposed to be, and our house is one of those things and we could not be happier.  And to tell the truth I might be Texan in the legal sense but ask me where I live – the answer is Colorado.)

The Boss will be arriving next week, so I am very excited for her to see the final result.  She had a list of requirements, and we met each and every one of them.  The final result, it looks like it was built with the original house.  (How good does it look?  Pete our contactor has gotten 4 or 5 jobs just from folks in the neighborhood stopping by to check out the progress and introduce themselves.  It is a tight neighborhood who have made us feel welcome.) We will then spend the week in the outdoors before heading back to Texas.  Plenty of stuff to catch up on in Texas, and there are some fish calling my name on both bay and lake.

Last, please be careful this weekend.  Boat check out?  Saftey equipment all there?  A designated driver on both land and water?  And be nice, no reason to ruin your weekend.  I will be heading up to a high lake or two to catch a few fish and chase animals.  The dream continues so keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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