Beating the Storms 8/25/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


Now that is a spike!  And it is all good when the light is right.

Fishing was on tap, but I made an executive decision to make my favorite loop drive for 2 reasons.  First, we have some potentially serious rain coming today and animals historically tend to be on the move.  The second storm, archery for elk and mule deer opens on the 2cnd and the area I was driving will be full of hunters soon.  Part of that is over the counter tags so lots of out of state hunters come.

In fact, besides the regular folks camping the hunters are already here with more coming.  There were lots of camps with trailers and noone there, just staking out their turf.  As I headed back down the moutntains met 4 or 5 campers headed up.  So glad I made the drive this morning.  Stuff will be quite a bit harder to see with all the hunters out and about.

It was one stunning morning in the Rockies.  Being in the clouds is still a wonder to a kid who grew up in a corn field.

The drive is rough at times and before it is over you hit the tree line.  It takes about 4 hours but since most of it is under 20mph watching the woods it is part of it.  Funny. heading up until I get to about 9,500 I don’t see all the many deer but from then on you have a good chance of seeing plenty, and today was one of those days.

Saw at least 4 mommas with babies, one had twins.

They were really on the move today and I saw as many fawns as I have all year.  But it won’t be long until they are on their own when the rut gets in full swing.  And funny how momma will give me a little time for photos, the fawns are still just a little suspicious.

There she is in close up.  The spots are going away and they are growing up.

She gave me the old foot stomp warning, her baby had already hit the road.

Amazing how many families I saw today.  But that won’t last long.

I had hoped to see some elk as last trip I saw a cow.  But they are still way up there, and deep in the woods.  There is still a world of areas I have not drove yet and as my experience grows I should see more during the summer.  But with the rut right around the corner not to mention the first snows they will be a little more accessible.  And with some of our local areas being designated as trophy areas with limited draws there is still a chance to see a few before heading back to Texas.

It seems the 10,000 foot range is about right for the grouse.

Bet they are good to eat but how you would hunt them in these mountains I will never know.

The coming rain had them on the move.

Could not get him in good light.  Might have been an immature bald but hard to tell.

One thing that has surprised me is how few raptors I see.  And those that I do, usually bald eagles and ospreys, are generally around water.  This guy took off out of the grass and dropped whatever he had.  The picture could have been better but it just added to a busy morning for wildlife.

This guy had huge front beams, but stuff happens.  Took this as he was on a dead run.

So as you can see it was a doe kind of morning.  I saw maybe 4 bucks and the last one I saw was the one above.  The reason I am showing you this is another example of how photographing wild animals is not easy.

I saw this buck from a half mile away.  Bedded down on a hillside on the edge of the woods he stuck out like a sore thumb.  A real beautiful buck.  The light was perfect and it was going to be the shot of the day.  Picked up the camera and nothing, the battery was dead.  I brought a spare battery just in case (If you have it “just in case” no excuse not to change it before leaving the house.)  and by time I got it in he was on a dead run.  This guy was a real hoss but sometimes it just does not work out.  But like everything I saw today it is a privilege and a pleasure to have them share their home with me.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


I am a mess sometimes with techn0logy.  Pete the builder stopped by and called me 4 times from the road in front of the house.  Not a one rang on my phone right next to me.  Guess maybe that is why I have got no calls this week.  In fact, I was blaming the gas company for not showing up last week, but they told the Boss they did call, so maybe they did.  Pete said put it on airplane mode for 5 minutes then take it off.  Then he called and it went through so who knows.  But at least I am back in action.  Apparently, both me and my phone are dinosaurs.


Tomorrow will be up early and headed to a lake I have only fished once.  The goal will be a fish fry but the one time I fished it the only one I caught was not a recent stocker.  And it will be early as it is getting close to the last of the summer weekend folks as kids are back in school and the hunters are just arriving.  Then it will be heading to Durango to pick up insulation for the garage.  I am kind of “project” weary and that is actually the last one to finish off getting the house like I want it.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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Morning Drive 8/22/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

Tuesday morning on the road to the Rio Grande Reservoir.  

After hanging out yesterday waiting for assorted folks to do a thing or two this morning it was up and gone way before daylight.  I was hoping to see some sheep and a moose and one of those things happened.  There is certain geography moose like and they are often actually in it and hard to see, but not this morning.  Coming around a corner there she was, and as they say, what a moose.

The biggest thing in these woods.

She was in a creek bottom right where you would expect.  Quite a way off she cooperated just enough for me to get a couple of pictures.  This is with the 600mm fully extended as she was way out there.


This is when she decided she had enough of me.

The sheep were not out either on the way up or back.  The traffic is heavy right now and there are folks in the woods.  By 9:00 add the 4 wheelers and the window for seeing critters closes but that is going to reduce drastically in the next couple of weeks.  In the end you just have to get up and get out.  Like all things the more I search the luckier I get, similar to fishing.

This girl just kept on feeding but kept on eyeballing me.  Love these close ups.

I saw several mule deer this morning and 2 nice bucks cross the road in front of me but by the time I got there could not find them in the woods.  Love how they look in velvet.  Not having my wingman reduces the chances of seeing them and getting a good shor.  But that is what chasing wild animals is all about.  When it happens, it makes it all worth it.

And one of the smallest in the woods.  Prairie dogs are just cool.

We are finally getting rain and it was off and on this morning.  It did not hold the fishermen or 4 wheelers down but even when busy it is not “crowded” by my standards.  And if you want to get away from that you can, a topo map and a willingness to explore is all you need.  And a long lens sure does help.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Just wondering for a friend.  Why when you are selling a boat do you take a picture of the motor with the cowling off?  I know it can show the buyer there is no oil or water, but while it looks like a motor to me it does not say much else.  Impress me with the maintenance records.

This comment comes after I have literally looked at thousands of boats.  If I have learned one thing about myself since I have been here, I am a boat guy.  Add multiple lakes right down the road and it is starting to drive me nuts.  But with only a little less than 2 months before I head back to Texas I will wait unless the perfect boat comes up.  My standards are high but there will be a boat in this driveway by next spring’s thaw.


Reader Comments

Hope this help the chubs.

Funny you sent me this.  Interesting reading on removing the smallmouth best they can from an area on the Colorado river.  If they want to save the chubs it better work or the smallies will eat every last one of them.  The reason your comment struck me is I was just thinking about documenting all the fish I have caught over the years and the chub is one baseline fish for me.  My grandparents had a creek on their farm, and we used to catch them, and grandma would fry them up on the cast iron stove.  They are actually really good to eat.  Thanks, brought back a great memory.

You are living the Best Life

All I have to say is you are freakin’ correct, guilty as charged.  A little bit of luck combined with a little planning has led us here.  Not to be too dramatic but the clock is ticking on this old man like it does for each and every one of us.  You have to keep moving mentally and physically.  It is good for your health, even better for the soul.

Tenkara is a great option. Headed to Montana next month for a week of Big Horn river drift boat fishing…

That is going to be epic and we will be looking forward to your report and a picture or two.  And looks like the Tenkara for small streams will be waiting for next year to join the fray.  (Tenkara is a rod only fly fishing method generally for small streams and close quarters.) The small creek fishing is slowly declining as the water levels go down, but I intend to explore some others.  As usual thanks for your help and good luck in Montana.


Tomorrow it will be off to Durango to take care of some truck maintenance prior to heading to Yellowstone.  We plan on visiting several places we have not visited on the way prior to 4 days in the park.  Then it will be back here to get the house in order before heading back to Texas.  That will be a little bittersweet but looking forward to some salt when I get back.  I think it is time for a fish fry so keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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The Great Outdoors. 8/18/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


I stopped the truck and took this as I headed way up Friday morning.  Just a reminder to look around and appreciate where you are.

Woke up way to early this morning which here is a good thing.  Time for a ride.  Today it was all the way to the top.  On a prior ride we saw a ton of big mule deer bucks, today not near so many.  I am sure one reason is the shear number of folks in the woods.  I even saw 3 folks who were camping after riding their bikes – over 20 miles straight up.

This feeds a small creek in a big meadow, looks cool at daylight.

I did not see near the deer as usual but these 2 made my morning.

Mom was not to worried but Junior was gone in a second.

And finally a cow elk made an appearance.  The elk are still in the high woods and at the moment they have no reason to start down.  I have told you in the past that it is not easy to get wildlife to cooperate, and this cow elk is a perfect example.

That is the south end of a north going elk.

But picture aside it was good to see one.  She was almost to the tree line and really not having me there.  It makes it a ton easier having the Boss along, we can get pictures faster.  This morning I spent too much time looking at her before picking up the camera.  It is great to get a cool picture but in the end just seeing them works for me.  Elk are cool creatures and I look forward to Yellowstone and then fall when they make their move.  While I did not see to many bucks this guy stuck out like a sore thumb.

He was bedded down on a sunny hillside and in no hurry to move.

They look so cool in velvet.

One nice thing about this route after a couple of hours (It is 6o mile rough gravel trip in the mountains.) it runs alongside the stream where I caught fish on Tuesday, so I stopped and gave it a go.  One thing that is a real learning process is water levels.  Even though we have had rain the last 3 days the water in this creek was way down since Tuesday.  I had 2 bites but missed them both, and they were really small.   Clearly that may be it for that high up this year.

What made it interesting was the creek I fished on Thursday was up and moving, definitely affected by the rain.  These are maybe 10 miles apart as the crow flies and completely different.  But that is part of the learning process.  Next up is the river, it will have to be early as there are lots of folks enjoying the outdoors, it is the weekend.  But one of the great things about living here, there is plenty of room.


Monday did some work outside and got the trees trimmed, a stump removed along with a pile of logs left by the prior owner.  I had hoped to fish but around noon it clouded up and finally rained just a little.  Not enough to raise any water levels but at least it was something.  But the lightning that accompanied it was ferocious, which is always interesting.  So this morning I headed up in the mountains and had a great morning.


Heading out at 10,000 feet on a beautiful morning.

I headed up to a big meadow that the Boss and I hiked a couple of weeks ago that had a small high mountain stream running through it.  We saw small brookies heading out when they saw us, so I knew they were there.  With the bugs and multiple hatches going on I stuck with the dry fly and managed to stick a couple.

A crystal-clear high mountain stream.  Hard to believe there are trout in these waters.

It sure was nice to have the hip boots I scored at the garage sale as opposed to waders.  No need for them, and since I was in and out of brush and rough country if they get a hole in them it is not $500 Simms.  Right off the bat I missed a couple, it is still a large learning curve fishing water like this.  One false move and you easily spook them, you can see them fleeing the holes so it requires a little stealth and precision casting.

Lots of flying and hatching bugs have them on the dry bite.

It is just so awesome to be fishing in such a wonderful place.  Of course, keep the bear spray on and make plenty of noise as there are lots of critters near the streams.  Walking through heavy brush has its moments but it is all part of it.  And since we found a moose shed, it is good moose country, a little caution is a good thing as the moose are just as dangerous as bears.  But it is part of living the good life here and makes my learning curve an adventure.

That is a little better.  Went 2 for 7, still learning.

I fished quite a was this morning, weaving in and out of the creek and as I have the last few trips to this type of small stream, I learned a lot.  First of course is fish up stream and be as quiet as possible, and definitely keep the shadow to a minimum.  Second, there are fish in water you would never guess.  The obvious places, shoots, undercut banks, little pools are no brainers, but a couple of the bites came from almost no water.

Fish are fish and I do know how to find them, but the real issue is my mechanical skills.  They are small fish on tiny flies, and I seem to commit 2 errors.  It is hard to change my hook setting habit, a real hook set is not the way, it seems an easy lift is all you need.  And apparently I am not keeping my line direct enough from the rod to fly on the drift.  Luckily both of these are easy fixes, just takes more experience.  But some of the bites are barely detectable even though they are on top, but again that all comes with experience.  Tomorrow it is the Rio Grande and brown trout.  If life is good it will be 4 different places the next 4 days, it does not get any better than that.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Wednesday was a wash out.  I spent the day waiting on the internet folks and the gas company.  Nothing ended up being resolved but at least the internet folks will be here Monday as it is beyond sketchy.  I do not know squat about routers but the one in the house is older than my truck and they told me it had been here 13 years.  The gas folks; Who knows?


After talking to the Boss 0n her way to work time to head to the water.  The wind was blowing like it is want to do here so I made a little change of plans and headed to one of the creeks that was protected.  I figured a couple of hours there and then to the river, good plan that did not work out.

The water in the creek had definitely come up after that little bit of rain the last few afternoons.  The one I fished the other days should actually be perfect and I will be there in the morning.  (And it was exactly the opposite of what I thought it would be this morning.)

The creek was humping right along.

Sticking with the dry, not real sure how to fish these little creeks any other way, it was 4 or 5 bites and only one to the net.  I lost my good fly when setting the hook and missing, the fly ended 10 foot up in a tree.

This guy made the trip.

The creek was moving right along, and it was another learning experience.  A really big one for the creek tracked below it but did not eat, but it confirms there are a few nice ones there.  The other bites were halfhearted at best.  But it is still somewhat a mechanical issue with my hook setting, let alone keeping the drift correct for a natural presentation and for setting the hook.  Around 11:00 I called it quits and headed to the Rio Grande as the wind had laid down.

Unfortunately, I misjudged the weather.  After literally no rain it has come like clockwork the last 3 days, and it is thundering right now.  As soon as I started a wade the thunder started, and it began to drizzle.  I never had a bite what little I fished the river, but not surprising as I was trying a new place I had not fished.  But no big deal as it is close to the house and there is always tomorrow, and there will be fishing tomorrow.


Bighorn Sheep 

You all know I love Bighorns.  But I am a piker compared to my buddy Randy and I could not be any more excited for him.  A lifelong hard-core hunter he has hunted the west for almost 30 years.  As part of that he has entered the Bighorn Sheep draw with 26 years of points and it finally happened, he drew in SE Wyoming.  He has hunted with these folks so long that he is now hunting with the son.  He managed to draw the only tag in the area and things are looking good.  Even better after the hunt he is going to come down here to visit.  So good luck buddy, the hunt of lifetime starts in 2 weeks.  Can’t wait to eat a little backstrap!


Things are good here.  Always something to do on the house, creeks and rivers galore, and weather to die for.  Need to get to civilization next week for tire rotation and oil change before heading to Yellowstone.  Other than that no plan except get outdoors and do something.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines



The water crisis is becoming critical out West much less in other areas of the country, including South Texas.  So, the Boss and I have made a commitment – no watering of the lawns.  When it comes down to it watering the yard is simply a waste of what is becoming a precious resource.  Unless we start really looking at the situation realistically it will only get worse.  But one thing is for sure, quit building golf courses in the desert.  What a waste.


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Back to Batching It. 8/13/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


After a great 9 days with the Boss here it is back to just me.  We had some fun, did some hiking and exploring, topping it off with a couple of touristy things.  I did not fish the whole time, not because she would have had a problem with it, but it is “vacation” for her.  The original plan was to take her back but with our Yellowstone and meandering about the west trip coming in 6 weeks decided to stay here and fish.  Plus have to be around as the tree guys are coming Monday.  As soon as they are done I am giving the house a rest and having some fun.  The house and garage have been a lot of work, but I just about have things the way I want them, I hope.

After the west swing I will be returning to Texas for a couple of months of fishing until the first of the year.  Time to hit the river and creek for the good fall fishing, use the Mako just a little more, then she is up for sale.  As a side note I have had that boat longer than any other I have owned.  Funny it got the most work of any and is still stroking along today.  I will always be a Mercury man.


On the fishing front the river is way down and the creeks are about to follow.  Since I needed some cash for the tree guys after the bank decided to head down to the river for a quick look, and it looks great to me.  The wading will be a lot easier this fall which is fine of this old man.  There were a few folks fishing and I drove down to my honey hole and just could not resist.  The spinning rods were in the truck, just have not put the fly rods back in, so it was a Rapala and a black jig.  One quick word on the Rapala, been fishing it since the mid 70’s on the White and one thing stands out, brown trout like brown trout colored Rapalas.

A solid brown trout from my honey hole.  Nothing like a quick trip right near the house, love it here.

As my fishing on the Rio Grande is simply for entertainment all lures have the barbs pinched down.  It is a lot easier on the fish when they have a mouthful of trebles.  Not only do many of them jump off once they hit the net the lure often falls out.  And the net above helps keep it from becoming a big mess.

One of the advantages of our location is 2 lakes with plenty of stockers for eating.  The other day when the Boss wanted a fish fry it basically took me 15 minutes to catch a limit on Power Bait.  And I learned something that day.  There was an old guy fly fishing against the wind which was a feat within itself as it was blowing.  He used a roll cast and was fishing dry flies.  Walking by him got to see one hit the fly on top, and then while I fished he kept catching them.  I have not yet fly fished a lake yet so that is on the list.

Another of the 6 or so in an hour. 

It is going to be a fun few weeks with fishing the only plan.  There are lots of hoppers and bugs about and saw several get smoked while lure fishing today.  After a super trip on dry’s on the Snake River I got spoiled.  J I love watching them eat so that will be the fly of choice until they tell me otherwise.  A lot to learn on the technical end of things but a pleasure doing it.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Just Comments

Enjoying your outdoor adventures, from here in the drouth stricken Goliad county.

Feel your pain as it is dry as a bone here.  The only good thing it is 50 in the morning and 75 in the afternoon.  Hope the heat breaks for you all soon.  The Boss says it has been ugly.

A catalytic converter can ignite dry grass under certain conditions.  Glad your catching , those pics are great keep them coming

And speaking of dry a word of caution when it is this bad.  And yes the pictures will keep on coming.  Thanks.

Keep on writing and posting pictures. I’m at an age where I can’t go and enjoy the mountains any more, so I’ll enjoy it through your posts. Thanks.

It is my honor and pleasure to keep writing and posting to let you at least have a little taste.  And as I get older I realize time to get up and get out.  There just might not be “tomorrow” so will keep at it.

Loved your Bud Light comments. I wrote on facebook that while I do not like Bud Light, I may just start drinking it because of all the negative uproar, especially raising stink because Peyton Manning was seen drinking a Bud Light. Stupid

My thoughts exactly.  Not sure why anyone gives a hoot about other folks sexuality.  In fact if you spend time on that you might have issues.  Thanks.

Beautiful brookies! When you get your 6’ 1- 2wt the fun really begins. I am an avid reader all my life, can’t imagine the thinking ( or lack of) of closing libraries Anywhere!
I will send you a link for ordering your new rod.
Tight lines and keep your sweater close by😂

Sweater time is on the way in the Rockies, and sure loving this cooler weather.  And I am still mulling over the 1/2 weight.  In our travels the last couple of weeks have stopped in multiple fly shops and have had several guides recomment the Tenkara method.  I brought up that a Euro type long rod might work in the creeks and everyone said try the Tenkara.  So hope will get my hands on one to see how it feels but watching come videos it has promise.  I so appreciate your help since I started this journey.  And will see you on the creek soon.

Thanks all.  New policy” from now on will continue to share comments but will withhold the names.  So, keep them coming I appreciate everyone, including the ones I hate.


It is going to be one great fall all the way around.  You can never know how life will work out, you just do what you can and maybe it works out for the best.  In our case hard work and effort, especially on the Boss’s part now and the last few years, has led us here and we could not be happier.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


Off Topic

As you all know by now, I tend to be on the liberal side of independent.  But the introduction of a law in the California legislature that retail establishment employees are not going to be allowed to stop retail theft is flat insane.  One thing I learned representing hundreds of felons is this may be the worst idea in the history of criminal law.  As far as I am concerned if you rob me, or my home, or in this case my store you deserve exactly what you get.  How we have gotten to the point where you are not going to be allowed to defend yourself and what is yours, I do not know.  The Supreme Court in one of the worst rulings for citizens ruled that the police do NOT have a duty to protect you.  Ok, if that is case then we all have a responsibility to defend ourselves from criminals.  And don’t give me that nonsense that it is only shoplifting, if you are ok with this law then you are ok with them coming on your property and stealing your stuff.


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Having Fun Now 8/9/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


When we got back from our hike I took this from 20ft away in the back yard.  A good buck with room to grow.

We are sure enjoying watching the bucks mature.  This guy was with a bigger older buck who is on the decline comparing horns.  This one on the other hand is headed to a 5×5 thanks to his eye guards.  Our backyard is one wild place, and we love it.

After spending the last couple of days doing things to the house we took the day off and made a drive north of Creede.  The house is slowly taking shape, it is a process but things are coming along.  But it is a labor of love, for the first time in my life I really feel like I belong, and I am so thankful to be here.

Tuesday – The Bachelor Loop

Creede Colorado is an old mining town that is now a tourist destination and about 20 miles from the house.  There are over a dozen old mines on a really cool drive, so we decided to give it a go and it was a great ride.  Most of the mines played out over the years but that is about to change.  The Last Chance Mine is open as an attraction, and you can tour it and do a little mining.  The Equity mine which is at the end of the line has been there for over a 100 years and is going to be re-opened for real mining soon.  The area had lots of gold and silver along with other minerals taken out over the years and looks like after their exploration it can still produce enough to make it worth it.  The drive is not full on 4wheel, but it is steep and high going through a stunning canyon.

Looking down on Creede from the mountain at the Last Chance Mine.

An old mine way the heck down there.

The same mine but taken with the 600mm from the same perch.

Need some rocks?  The Last Chance Mine has them.

It amazes me those old miners in the late 1800’s walked all the way up the canyon and then drilled into the side of the mountains.

Bachelor City.  At one-point multiple hotels, gambling dens, saloons, and stores.  Now all that is left is some metal and a fallen down house or two.  Back to the land.

The town was a real wild west town full of tough folks and plenty of outlaws.  We followed the trail, it was amazing how little of town is left.  While only a couple of fallen down log structures are left but the area was littered with old tin with few indications of what was there.  We went ahead and hiked into the aspen woods above it to the top of the mountain.  We both enjoy just wandering around, you never know what you will find.

Taking a break in an aspen grove at 10,500 feet.  Cool little hike.

She was bedded down right by the road.  I am really learning to love mule deer.

As I type this the next morning there is an old woman standing in front of me, pack, bear spray, and camera, guess I will take the hint and out we go for a little hiking and fishing.  Fresh trout for supper.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.



The Boss was wanting a fish fry so we decided to head to the Big Meadow area.  First up we went almost to the tree line for a hike.  That area had a fire a few years ago and we wanted to just wander around at almost 11,000 feet.

Parked the truck and headed to the woods for our hike.  Still a little snow on the mountains.

There was very little sign other than an occasional bone or two.

But stuff is starting to grow and the aspens are really spreading.

It looked like a bomb went off.

We had a great hike.  While I am getting accustomed to the altitude we take it slows, plenty of water and the occasional break.  We carry bear spray, a side arm, and basic things like compass, fire starter, and emergency blankets to name a few.  Though we hope we never need any of it, after working in emergency medicine and the wife still in the ER we know shit happens.  Never forget this is the woods.  I am going to add a GPS emergency satellite beacon as much time as we are spending way up and out of cell range much less with very few folks around.

After the hike I caught a limit of trout out of the lake and we had her fish fry.  One thing I really like about the fishing here: Want to be fancy break our the long rod, want supper head to the lake and catch stockers, either way fish on the line.  As far as I am concerned there is no better way to spend the day.  The Boss has 2 more full days before flying back so it will be out and gone tomorrow.


It has been so dry here in Colorado and consequently the threat of fires is rising.  At this moment there are 4 fires in the area and the biggest is way up in the mountains and the fire departments are unable to get to it.  It grew rapidly and is now drawing a serious response.  None are currently a threat to our house, and all fires are now banned when camping or picnicking.  As dry as it is and with the wind blowing in a cold front the danger is high.  Hurricane or fire, nothing to mess with and only fools ignore official warnings.


One More Run

I just renewed my website for 3 more years.  Guess I have more to say and many more pictures and adventures to share.  But the process was stupid.  It all had to do with my debit card on file with them some piece of shit tried to use so it was cancelled and a new one issued.  So I get an email that stuff is due, but being out here I do not have all the pins and numbers that are required to pay online.  I call and since I do not have this and that we have to go through an email exchange to verify I am me and take my money.  Think about the following question I asked:  I am on the phone with you and cannot pay without further action so here is my question:  Are you telling me you have random persons who call and pay other folks bills?  He said yes, lots of time.  Ok see if they will pay mine.  Bullshit, but at least it is paid and the blog goes on.  And to the few of you who said keep it going keep on reading.  Thanks.


There is what a couple of grown folks did for 2 days, and it continues.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

Posted in Fish Catching Travel | Leave a comment

A Big Buck Day! 8/5/23.

No adds today.  My keyboard has decided the cursor will no longer work with my finger so I can not copy and paste but will just write.  If I was in Texas it would be simple, put a mouse on and make sure it is just the pad on the laptop.  It has been a real hassle getting this done, and while not perfect it was a fabulous day.  So here you go.


Doing it with my best friend.

The Boss is here for a good 10 days and the first couple we had a few things going.  I had a guy help me and got the gutters on the first day she was here.  Day 2 we did the farmers market thing and then headed to Creede for the rock and mineral show at the big mine.  Finally, today we got to do our favorite, up and gone before day light and it was a slam bang success.

Big meadows at the tree line, somewhere around 11.000.  

Today the plan was head up to Summitville which was an old mining town at 11.500 feet that gets around 40 feet of snow.  Suffice to say it is way the heck up there, which is exactly what we were wanting.  It is an actual caldera formed from a volcanic explosion and still has some remnants of the old town.  It is now a Superfund Site that millions and millions are being spent to clean it up after the last company used all the chemicals to extract the gold and silver.  The drive we took was at big elevation and was approximately 50 miles and below is the reason why.

Momma grouse was not wanting to cross the road, and then we saw why.

She had a  couple of chicks that were in no big hurry.

As soon as we got above 10,000 feet it was a buck mule deer extravaganza.  It seemed the does were kind of here and there, but some of the bucks are hanging with their bro’s.  And today we hit it just right and saw some really nice bucks.  A lot of these pics are taken from a really long way out.  They may not all be perfect, but you get the point.

He as with 4 of his buddies.  One nice buck.

As far as the 600mm will reach.

This is the whole bunch and they just meandered off.

We watched these guys for a while and though they knew we were there no panic, they just moved off.  But before we even moved the truck we spotted these guys further up the tree line, and they were another story.

Even further back was these 2 guys.

There was 3 this size further away and once they are on to us they literally flew across the meadow.  

There were 3 big bucks watching us that we did not see.  Once they got a real bead on us there was no mule deer hopping away, these guys booked.  As we have learned over the years, the further into the back country you get the wilder the deer are.  We are happy and proud to get what we do.  When you see those photos from Yellowstone and Tetons as an example, they are taken of animals that see hundreds of cars a day, and in places like that they really don’t care about you unless you intentionally disturb them.  So while nice anyone with a good phone and a little editing can take a great picture.  Getting most of them to cooperate takes effort and luck.  But we love seeing them, a great photo is a bonus.

I will never grow tired of this.

Saw plenty of girls today.

The animals were on the move.  Why we get up and get into the mountains before daylight.

It was truly a buck kinda day.  And with them in velvet they just look cool.  The boys are all friendly right now, but that will change really soon as our mornings are cooling off just a little more each week.  Soon they will be rubbing the velvet off and then the rut will be on.  As October wears on seeing them scuffling is fairly common and a sight to see.

What else to say about this big guy.  So beautiful.

We did not see any elk, which surprised me as we were in the real woods.  But that is part of what makes it what it is, you never know.  The camera stays in the truck full time, especially with fall coming and with it the return of the turkeys and deer to the neighborhood.  As I just said about never knowing a prairie dog (Huh!) runs by the door on the breezeway.

Last was took a hike in a big valley so I could look at the creek for fishing possibilities, It is so cool to stand in a small river in the high mountains catching brook trout the size of your hands.  Come give that a go, the water is crystal clear, sometimes time inches deep and the fly is the size of a fly.  A real challenge but all you have to do is look up.  It is in the doing, the results are just a benefit.  We did get lucky and found an old moose shed.  It had been there a few years, but it just confirmed what I thought, there could be moose there.  After a lunch in the valley time to call it one successful day.  But after a stellar day we got just a little luckier.

Close to the house there was an old lady having a yard sale.  We stopped, like we need more stuff, but jackpot.  I love my treadmill, got hooked on it before Peru and since we are now at 8,500 feet the altitude adjustment has been fairly easy.  She had one and sold it to us for $30 so will have one here and in Texas before we hit the road for good next year.  And I had just said on our creek hike that hip boats would be plenty, no need to wear the Simms through the woods and rough country for a foot of water.  Nancy looks over and there is a brand-new pair of good ones in a box, my size, and she took $20.  So while we are not big sale people that was one good stop.


Saturday was farmers market and then headed to Creede for the rock and mineral show.  Lots of cool stuff in a cool little town.  Amazing what a rock polisher can do, and there was some really beautiful stuff.  We had lunch, then I hit both fly shops before heading back.  On the way ran into a nice bunch of sheep.

Saturday on the way back from the mineral show at the mine we came across momma and baby.

Love me some sheep.

I have always had a spot for Bighorn sheep, one cool animal who lives in one cool place.  Before we moved I knew there were a few sheep but as we spend more time in the mountains, we have seen quite a few not that far from the house.  This bunch are definitely getting their new coat, like the mule deer are.  As you can see in these pictures it is dry here, and we badly need rain.  The small creeks way up will not have much water in them soon, the river is dropping fast.

Not a ram in the bunch but still cool to see.

In the next few days will be in sheep country as there is a road north we plan on driving.  From there up to a high lake to catch some supper, and it happens to be where we have seen moose and plenty of sheep.


Just having too much fun.  And will be fishing the small stream behind us soon.

The Boss is ready to get out her kayak and do a little paddling while I catch supper. Get up and get out, it is good for the soul.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff,

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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Monday Morning 7/31/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


One great full moon.  Too bad it was cloudy the last few nights, could have gotten one better than this by a long shot.

Success comes one day at a time.

One day and one step at a time.  For my 3rd run at small stream trout I significantly downsized fly and leader size and lo and behold they liked it.  Location was no big deal, like all trout it is clear where they are positioned big river or small.  Guess catching a few gazillion on the White Rive taught me something.

Ahhh ….Success.

Heading back to the same creek I fished 2 days ago it was a couple more bites than last time.  The big difference is I managed to catch 2.

Downsizing sure made a difference on these small stream Brook trout.

While these are little guys that is not the point.  (I could go to the river right down the street for bigger fish.)  There are obviously bigger fish in some of the creeks and by the time it freezes up I will know a lot more than I do now about fishing them.  It is so cool to see them come out of water that could not possibly have a fish in it.  On the creek I have been fishing casting distance is irrelevant, accuracy is paramount.

Again, I made a couple of mistakes setting the hook, it really is more of a lifting as opposed to most other hook setting.  Plus, when using 2lb test it does not take much to break them off, which so far I have managed not to do.  After a little over an hour a big cloud formed and it started to rain, which is not a problem for me.  But…..big thunder and lightning started and if there is one place I do not want to be it is in the water waving around a long rod.  Obviously, a good time to call it a day.  Like I said when we bought here the ability to leave the house and in nothing flat be fishing some great water was part of the plan.  And I have started to tie my own flies, they may be ugly but as long as the fish eat them, I am all about it.  So, the adventure continues.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


The boys were gone from the neighborhood for a while but are backWill be a pleasure to watch them mature and get out of velvet.  And with the number here it should be an interesting rut this fall.


Monday Morning

Having spent plenty of time working on the house and yard was looking forward to this morning.  A little job here, then one there, the list goes on.  But just like in Texas do stuff that needs doing on the weekends, fish on weekdays.  So, this morning first up was a couple of hours on the river then went to the creek for a while.  It was not fast either place, but I did catch 6 so not too bad.

A nice brown trout on a red wooly bugger.

Starting with the fly above I caught one and missed another.  The river is dropping fast and the bite remains a little tough, though they are catchable and will be time to do some serious wading.  The plan was to wade the creek and just bank fish the river.

3 Jumped on the minnow bait.

After a slow bite on the fly decided to toss the minnow bait and ended up catching 3.  And let me put in a word for the fish.  Minnow baits will catch the browns, but it is important to pinch the barbs down on the trebles.  Not only it is totally easier on the fish, but it also sure helps taking them off and reduces the possibility of getting a hook in you that you cannot get out.  So since they were willing time to change flies and find something they like better.  Oops, pretty hard to tie on a different fly when I left the 2 boxes on the bench at the house.

But that really was no big deal as the house is on the way to the creek.  Loaded up, stopped by the house and got the flies and off to the small creek.  It is so amazing how much water is here, a quick trip between the 2 is no big deal.   One word on pictures, when I got to the creek and caught a small the camera battery died.  Dang it because an hour later a really nice one for that small a creek jumped on.  Oh well, it was a good one.  The bite was a little slower than it was but the creek is also dropping and clear as a bell.

But it was still a dry fly bite, to bad just like last time here comes the thunder and lightning with a little rain so I called it a morning.   Each time I learn something.  Though I have caught them on the long rod there is still a long way to go and it is going to be fun.  I was mad that the camera was dead as I wanted to give you a cool shot of the creek, but no big deal, depending on the weather will be back there soon.  And speaking of weather I have had the windows open full time since I have been here and today with the clouds it is perfect.  Just thought I would throw that out there for you folks burning up in Texas.


This from Winfred a long time reader.

still enjoying your posts. I was in Durango a couple of weeks ago and it seemed the river flow was still high. There was still a lot of snow up high. We used to hunt around Plitero before we got to old. Have you fished the lakes there? Since I know the area you live in, I really enjoy your blogs.

With my limited experience and speaking with other fishermen and the owner of one of the local fly shops it is an interesting year.  The water on this side of the divide was really high going into July, way too high on the river for an old man like me to wade.  Now it is dropping fast, it looks like the “season” for the float trips will be really short this year.  Add the high-water temps they are now fishing half day trips and quitting by early afternoon.  That could change if we get some real rain but that has been really spotty.  We have not been to the Plitero area but will get out the topo map and find it and the lakes.  It is going to be a year of exploration, so many places so little time.  And I so appreciate you sticking with me all these years.  Thanks for commenting.

And speaking of reading the blog my host just used my “old” debit card for annual payment like I have done for years, but it was declined.  I had to get a new one when some maggot tried to hijack my card a few months ago.  Now it is 2 weeks to either pay up or call it a day.  This decision is hard and will be made before the last day.


The Boss will be here in 2 days and it will be more like vacation.  We will be hitting the woods and water hard, burning the candle at both ends before she heads back next week.  And since there has been some serious progress around here, I will be interested in what she thinks.  But she did say no more until she gets here, somebody has to watch me.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines



The new Superintendent of the Houston schools has done the unthinkable – He has ordered the closing of 28 libraries in 28 schools and is eliminating the librarian positions.  And even worse he is turning those into detention centers.   Going to put chains on the floor so you can chain them up?  Why not just go ahead and make them into cells?  Maybe re-education centers in what HE believes is right? What’s next, book burnings?  Maybe banning books simply because HE does not like them?  Reading is the key to knowledge and learning; guess he wants those children to stay ignorant.  Great plan pinhead, you are a sorry excuse for an educator.  Nothing, and I mean nothing good will come of this.  Why such a big rant, we are library lovers and reading is a big part of our life.  I just do not get it.


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Life in the Mountains 7/26/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


After getting a few things done this morning time to head to Big Meadow and catch some supper.  One of the things I so love about here is that option, just head up to one of the many lakes and put a few in the pan.  And who does not want to enjoy this view while fishing?

Big Meadow, my favorite grocery store.

The wind was blowing pretty good today, and we actually got a sprinkle or two.  Went to my go-to spot for supper which is about 15 minutes from the house.  Between it and Beaver there are plenty of stockers to catch and it is easy from the bank.  Whether lures or if you want to get right to the harvest, salmon eggs.  So, I grabbed my supper and headed back to the house.

2 stockers for the pan.  Before and……..


I must admit it sure is nice not messing with the boat.  But don’t get me wrong I am still looking for the perfect boat for these lakes.  You can tell looking at the picture above it is very representative of the size of many of the lakes.  It does not require a big boat nor a big engine, but it needs to be big enough to fish a few of the other lakes that are somewhat bigger than the close ones.  So that search continues, and I am sure I will know it when I see it.  But no hurry, still looking forward to spending a little more time with the fly rod in my hands.

But work on the house continues as I strive to make it perfect.  The gutter guys are coming in a couple of days, and just sold a fence around the house, he will be here Thursday to take it down.  It just does not fit the “decor” and there is no dog in our future.  So the projects continue, but it is not like I don’t have the time, and with the woods and water right around the corner I will be sure to get some in every day.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


The small stream exploration continues.  There is plenty of them around so I picked the one closest to the house for another go.  Beaver Creek is just right, no waders needed but it is cold.  And don’t forget your bear spray.

A really open area compared to the rest of it.

It is close casting with stuff everywhere so pinpoint casting is required.  Starting with a dry fly, not sure what it is called, 3 small ones, what most in the small high streams are, took a pass at it but did not even come close to hooking up.  I finally lost it in a tree behind me so next it was a hopper that my buddy Rusty tied.  Finally had a nice one blow up on it, but again no hook up.  I had one more halfhearted bite and called it as it clouded up and finally started raining.

Looking back on it I learned 2 things.  First it must have been an issue of the size of the flies.  These small creek brook trout are little, so little they will get.  On the way to the house stopped at Tricia’s fly shop and bought a few to copy at the tying table.  The Boss got me the works last Christmas and part of this adventure is matching the hatch whether a small high stream or the Rio.  But on the flip side I had no trouble reading the water, my bites all came exactly where I thought they would.  If I have learned nothing else most fish inhabit easily identifiable places, and these trout are no different.  So, it was more my execution than anything else and that is easily cured with experience.

While at the shop a couple of guides came in and reported what is basically slow fishing.  They were very honest with a couple of guys looking for a trip.  Monday 4 boats caught 8 fish, but the one group caught 15 today, so whether here or Texas, fishing is still fishing.  The water was high later this year with runoff and now it is warming fast.  They are basically only fishing morning trips until a little rain helps cool it some, which we are getting today.  One thing is for sure the bugs are out in the afternoon, when it warms there are hatches of little, tiny things.  A lot to learn but that is part of it.  Stay tuned I might actually catch one tomorrow.


This from Ryan.

I’ve enjoyed reading your honest and informative fishing reports for years for both Coleto and the coast. Your adventures in the mountains are also a great read, especially as my wife steers us toward San Antonio after a week of vacation around Colorado Springs and south Denver. We’ll miss the cool mornings when we get home tonight.

In a few weeks I’ll be taking my 80 year old dad to a club tournament on Coleto, I’m wondering if you could share a couple mid august pointers that could start us in the right direction.

Keep up the great posts – I’ll keep reading them.

First off, I cannot tell you how much I enjoy the cool mornings, or the evening sitting on the porch with a book and a cold one.  So nice to have the house open 24/7.  But on the blog front the thing I appreciate most is you calling my reports honest and informative.  If nothing else I strive to make them as accurate as possible, a fishing report is what it is.  At times I am one of the greatest fishermen to ever hold a rod, others I couldn’t catch a starving fish in a bucket with live minnows.  All of us who are “hard core” know that we all have our days.  In the telling I always hope someone gets one thing out of all this blather, sharing knowledge is what makes it fun for me.   Why secrecy and lies have been a part of fishing for all time is beyond me.

Now to August on Coleto, we can both do the exact same thing, look it up which is what I just did.  Go to the search box at the top of the blog on the right and read each August Coleto report going back for years.  It was very informative, and I realize how much I have forgotten, and a pattern does begin to emerge.   So do a little reading it might surprise you as it did me.  Can you say buzzbait early?

So here is my first take, buzzbait until the sun if full up or an hour or so with no bites.  It seems in August when you catch a couple you have a shot at a good one.  While I have not fished it in a while, I have no clue as to what the water level is considering cover and the current water temp.  Concentrate on anywhere there is cover, especially on points and do not give up on the retrieve until it is halfway back to the boat.   One thing that was apparent from the reading was if you get the big bite re-fish it with plastics, that seemed to be successful.  If there is cover of any sort give the buzzbait an early go, it has caught me plenty of big fish on the lake, even in the throes of summer.

And most of my fishing at that time of year is way up the Coleto arm and pitch either a stick worm or pit boss style plastic.  Any color is fine as long as it is watermelon red.  And concentrate on hard wood like stumps or logs on deeper banks.  And I always peg the slip sinker on the plastic to keep the hangs to a minimum.  Another simple method up lake is using a bluegill swim jig on a slow steady retrieve.   And by “up lake” I mean above the bridge and keep on going until the lake takes the big left and you are “up lake.”  Shallow fishing is my thing and it has served me well on Coleto.  So good luck and let us know how you do, hope he catches a big one.  And thanks for reading.


A few years ago, we were watching a bison kill in Yellowstone when out of the woods came a grizzly.  When he got on top of the kill, I realized just how big that bear was.  And if I leaned one thing it was stay as far away as you can to observe wildlife, it is a privilege that is in danger of being restricted in our parks due to the increased visitation by knuckleheads.  Long camera lens and good binocs can get you as close as you need to when bears, wolves, or bison, much less rutting elk are in view.  My biggest suggestion is there are a couple of companies that rent spotting scopes, a investment worth every cent.

If you happen to be in a park or anywhere else and someone is harassing, or way to close to wildlife, be sure if you film them turn around and film their license plate.  It is getting worse and worse and if it does not slow down, it could affect the way the parks operate.  When they are breaking the law or park rules it is time to hold them to account.  I could give a rat’s ass if they get eaten or trampled, in fact it would be cool to see.  I care about the wildlife and have no sympathy for ignorant “tourons”.  If you are stupid enough to get close to a dangerous animal, you deserve exactly what you get, either legally or with a well-deserved thrashing.


And speaking of bears they are sure out and about the area.  Lots of folks are posting game and Ring cam footage of bears as they meander around town.  Of course, they are looking for food.  In one of the latest the bear came on the front porch in an attempt to get at the hummingbird feeder.  We can all live with them with just a little common sense; it is not their fault as they are just looking for an easy meal.  This is their yard; we are just privileged to be living in it.


Tomorrow there is several folks coming to do several things so I will be stuck at the house most of the day.  But if things go well, it will be the end of the major projects.  While I have several other ideas the Boss has informed me no major changes until she gets here next week. somebody needs to supervise me.  She will be staying a little over a week before she flies back.  Then in just a little over a month we will be celebrating my belated birthday present, a trip to Teton and Yellowstone.  Following that in October it will be back to Texas to take advantage of the fall fishing at least until the end of the year.  It will be interesting on the blog the next few months so keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


Don’t read this if it will get your delicate panties in a wad.

And one last thing.  I forgot to mention I drank a Bud Light.  And guess what?  I did not “turn” gay or want to change my gender.  Come on folks lighten up, it is just freakin’ beer. And if you are all about the sexuality of other folks that is kinda scary.


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A Little Acclimation. 7/24/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

After spending Sunday morning working on the “finished” garage I decided to head way up above South Forks, in fact 20 miles, for a high mountain hike.  It was 86 when leaving the house but 70 degrees when I got to the old forest service road that I have seen in my travels.

It is closed to motor vehicles but open for foot and horses.  Now this road is way up in the middle of nowhere.  Being out of cell phone service preparation is the key to not screwing up.  Bear spray, pistol, walking stick, compass, fire starter, small first aid kit, water, emergency blanket, and letting the Boss know where I was hiking in case the bear gets me, or I don’t contact her when back in cell service.

Crazy beautiful.

The house is at 8,500 feet and there is a certain amount of acclimating to the altitude.  When you have lived at 600 feet it takes just a little getting used to.  But when you head up well over 10,000 you can feel the difference.  So I took it slow and hiked a mile or so out and then back.  Suffice to say I could feel it, all a part of learning to live here and enjoy all that it offers.

This tree is just cool.


Millions of trees have been killed in Colorado by the Emerald Ash Borer and I am guessing that it was the culprit in the demise of this tree.  It easily caught my eye, one of those stumps that if you look at it just right you can see all kinds of images.  Reminds me of the trees in Lord of the Rings.

A closed forest service road.  Great way to hike.

The real pleasure of a hike this high, dead silence other than the rustling of the leaves and the occasional bird.  The only wildlife besides the ever present ground squirrels, a mule deer did cross the trail way in front of me.  But there was plenty of sign of both elk and mule deer, and some bear scat on the trail.  And I am still looking forward to finding my first elk shed but it was not to be today.

A small high mountain lake.

If my exploration of these types of places continues like it looks like it is time for one of those emergency beacon GPS that allows you to keep in touch via email, and if needed to send an emergency signal to a center that monitors the satellite that it operates off.  Anything could happen no matter how careful you are and with cell service 15 miles down the mountain it will be good investment.  While I am getting “old” I do not plan to slow down, and definitely love hiking in the real outdoors.  And a hike to high mountain lake with trout is coming soon.

It really was a high mountain hike.

So no matter where you are get out there and do something.  Life is short and the world awaits.  It does not have to be a big mountain, or some exotic location, but get off the couch and do something outside of your comfort zone.  If this old man can do it so can you.  Make your own adventure, you will be better for it.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


I got this kind comment from Rick, a long-time reader.

Still read and appreciate every post you publish. You are the perfect example of “if you can dream it, you can do it”. I’m so tired of people that are always complaining about everything under the sun when all they need to do is get off their ass and make something happen. You sir are a do’er and I’m so happy you have found your paradise!

First off thanks for sticking with me.  And you are so right about folks complaining and then not doing.  I have always said it is in the doing and the Boss and I have confirmed that over and over.  She says we all have a habit of staying in our warm and fuzzy spot, easier that way.  And if you are comfortable doing that good for you.  Adventure awaits those who overcome their fears and take the plunge.  Does it always work out, of course not.  But we only get one run at this and we choose to live it.  That nonsense he who dies with the most toys wins.  A better saying:  He who dies with the least regrets wins.  As usual your comments are appreciated.


My buddy Rusty, an accomplished fly fisherman and tier,sent along this comment on my first venture into high mountain small stream fishing.

Get you a 6’-1wt “buggy whip” for those small creeks. There are some gorgeous small trout in there.

It does not matter where or what you fish for, we all need more stuff.  In this case it is right on point, the whole venture is a major downsize operation.  I thought my 3-wt was small but if I am going to spend the rest of my life on this path guess I will buy “one more rod.”  (Sure, just one more rod.)  As usual appreciate your comments and advice.  Nothing better than help from someone who has “been there done that.”

And a side note on “one more rod.”  As I start to downsize and transfer the stuff I intend to keep a huge pile of fishing stuff is now taking shape in my tackle room.  Amazing how much stuff I have accumulated over the years and the time has come to be realistic on what I will save and what will be sold.  In the future I will only buy “one more rod.”


You Must Be Kidding Me 

I know you may not care about my past postings on Chronic Wasting disease, but if you care about the whitetail population in Texas, or you are a big hunter please read the following posted on the TPWD website.

News Release: July 19, 2023: Chronic Wasting Disease is a Real Threat to Texas Deer – TPWD

Amazing how in this post they put the onus on landowners and hunters for the problem that may have originated in captive populations.  If this is such a serious problem, then why not one word on most cases which have come from captive deer breeding facilities.  While that may be true due to more testing, so what, it is here.  The breeders sell high dollar deer to rich landowners and high dollar high fence operations, which in the long run are not relevant to most Texas hunters.   I just do not understand whoever wrote this; completely ignoring the breeders where the problem has been repeatedly detected.   I find this to be completely self-serving and a complete failure to address the elephant in the room.  They seem to say we can solve the problem, which is nonsense.  They just had a release not a week ago on cases found in captive breeding populations, but hey, they want us to do this and that when a big part of the problem is staring them in the face.  Hypocritical.   Like I continually say, follow the money.


Today it is a quick stop at the lumber company, as I make our home a better place it is always something.  But then off to one of the local lakes to catch some stockers for supper.  Then if things work out it will be some serious fly fishing tomorrow.  Some many things to do and so little time, but it sure is fun doing it.  So keeps stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


Rant -The World Has Gone Nuts

Florida’s 2023 Social Studies curriculum will include lessons on how “slaves developed skills” that could be used for “personal benefit,” according to a copy of the state’s academic standards.

That is absolutely the worst thing I have heard in a while.  There is no such thing as “good slavery”, unless you are ok with what happened.  Bought and sold, raped, families torn apart, men hung, chains, whips and whatever else you can think of.   Slavery was an abomination that no amount of historical rewriting can justify.  Think about it for a second:  NOBODY EVER said thanks for enslaving me, selling my children and raping my wife so I could learn to pick cotton.  Under no alternative universe can an attempt to minimize what happened can slavery every be defined as a benefit.  F’n stupid.  Those who deny history are doomed to repeat it.


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Complete Successful Failure! 7/19/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


How can you have a successful failure?  First take a look at the view below, that is where I tried something new to me.  So would you call this view a success?  I call it paradise.

My fishing spot at 10,000 plus this morning.

The first stop was Beaver Lake for a few quick lure casts.  I managed a couple of stockers but with it getting later in the morning wanted to head way up to fish a little tiny stream.  On a prior trip to a lake even higher up I saw this valley with a small stream running through it and always wanted to give it a go.

Best looking parking lot in a while.

When I got there not a soul in sight when a couple of guys pulled up, and kindly asked which way I was going as they did not want to crowd me.  Very nice of them.  Informed them that I was not a danger to the fish and go ahead and just start a little above me which they did.

So lets get to the failure.  Other than catching really small chubs on my grandparent’s farm when I was little, I have never attempted such a small creek.  This creek was crystal clear, and obviously the fish were in the undercut banks as other than a few shoots there was nothing deeper than inches.

As to my flyfishing ability I am a rank amateur.  I can catch a few on the river and lakes, but this is a whole other animal.  Locally there have been fish caught on a dry fly in multiple places so I tied on a really small one on a 2lb fluro leader.  The bugs are out here, the mosquitoes were out in force along with other flying critters.  But my best efforts did not produce a bite.  I was beginning to wonder if it was not me, but that was answered by the 4 or 5 other guys fishing the valley.  So it was me, which is not surprising as this was my first go at a high tiny mountain stream.  But no hurry that will come.

I have been so fortunate in my life to have caught marlin to bass, reds to tarpon and plenty in between.  At this point in my life it really has become NOT all about the catching.  In our travels several guides reminded us to always stop and look around and not forget where you are.  Remember it is in the doing.  Well, I am living it, trust me, where I fished this morning was as cool as it gets.  Just being there was a pleasure and a privilege.  While a fish would have been nice it would have made no difference in my experience.

Before heading back to the house took a drive even higher, almost to the tree line.  Saw a couple of muleys, one hauling ass elk butt, and scenery that just wouldn’t quit.  After turning around and heading back down I started to meet trucks and 4wheelers heading into the mountains.  Whether it is the coast, a lake, or the Rockies, when it is “on” go early, quit early, and then let them have it.  And always have the camera handy you never know.

She thought I was interesting.  So pretty.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


After seeing the picture of our house in the last post got this comment from Jim.

That is a nice looking house my friend. I assume that is yours👏

You bet.  It is the house of our dreams in the perfect place for us.  The fact that it butts up to the National Forest in the back yard, with a huge game trail, makes it even better.  There are so many muleys around, and in the winter it is crazy with turkeys, that we keep a pair of binocular on the windowsill as you never know what or when you might see something.  And I am proud of how the garage addition came out.  I wanted folks that see the house to think it was built by the same folks at the same time as the house and we did that.  It was a lot of work but literally put it to rest today.  (I was surprised how much I enjoyed the work, a little out of my experienc.)  Getting time for some fun.


And speaking of the house the Boss wanted a nice mule deer skull for the house and we picked one up from a antler buyer.  He had just bought it in NM.  So she bought it and we took it to the Amish dude who does that kind of work and he cleaned it up.

A nice high symmetrical 8.

He will look cool on the wall.  (I have been instructed to not do anything involving decoration inside or out.  Probably for the best.) We also have a couple of whitetails and even a Cous deer.  Looks like those will all be fence decorations.

And for those of you on the front range Mose Mast did the work and we are really pleased, especially if you saw the condition before we took it there.  South of Alamosa, he has a shop so if you are needing some work like this hollar at him.  Nice guy.


That will do it for today.  Tomorrow afternoon doing a little concrete work with Pete who was our guy on the garage.  Not looking  for a real job but a little work never hurt anybody, and nothing like a little fishing money.  So will hit the river at daylight to get the fishing fix in, looks like a good day.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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