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Category Archives: Saltwater
Redfish on Spinnerbait – a fun day.
I woke up this morning to nice leisurely 25 mph wind out of the southeast. Since plans were made it was off to Keller Bay. It was one of those days when just calling it a day, and crawling back more »
Port O’Connor – slow day with a nice finish on the trout.
I got to fish a day with one of my readers, Todd Martin out of Austin. He was a good guy who has just really got back into fishing after a few years of not getting to go much. It more »
Posted in Fish Catching Travel, Fishing Reports, Saltwater, Trout
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Facebook, Strike King, and other stuff.
It has been another long week without getting in the boat. I took my wife out for a few days on her birthday, and a great time was had by all. Now my parents are here visiting from Arkansas. They more »
The South Africa Trip – and a little offshore fishing, maybe even a tuna or two.
I am heading to South Africa in July on a mission to help a school system with 22 schools that teaches young children. We are going to provide backpacks with supplies, paint buildings, and whatever else these schools need. My wife more »
Port O’Connor Texas Trout on Plastics
After not being able to fish for a week, I was ready to get after it. And so were the trout. I got to Froggie’s about 10:30 as there was a really heavy fog this morning. When I headed out more »
Posted in Fish Catching Travel, Fishing Reports, Gulf Coast, Saltwater, Texas, Trout
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Winter trout fishing with corkies on the Texas coast
What an interesting day it was. I started out wading and throwing plastics, and it was good. Nothing big, just lots of them. I am still throwing that Texas Tackle Factory paddle tail in the purple with a chartreuse tail, more »