Strutting their stuff.
While spring is nowhere near here in Colorado the turkeys are in full strut. Their breeding colors come on so fast. It seems like one week they are a drab bird and as you can see they are in their glory. This show is everyday right outside our window.
Texas Game Wardens Bust Illegal Deer Operations Across the State
I am no Nostradamus but those of you who read this know I have been complaining about captive deer breeding facilities in Texas for years. Now (Finally?) TPWD wardens have made major arrests for some serious violations. The list is to long but here is the link, please read it.
And shocker of all shockers, sarcasm added for free, it seems the investigation was triggered by the Chronic Wasting Disease investigation. Now do not get me wrong this is not a complaint about wardens, I am a big supporter and am thrilled what they have done. My problem is the state letting deer breeding continue once the initial case of CWD was found. It should have been shut down that moment over the whole state. Either it is “Wildlife Department” or for the monied interests. The proof is in the pudding we are talking at least 1200 charges and multiple arrests. And I am really waiting for the release of all names and charges or is there some reason they don’t do release it. This is the time for complete and open disclosure. There is a reason they thought they could act like this and it makes no sense for TPWD to cover for them by not releasing all the names.
When I read the director say these folks were operating with impunity whose fault is that? Whose back was turned? Anybody on the commission do a little deer hunting? He claims hunting is a $9 billion industry in Texas but was willing to risk letting CWD overtake the herd. Me think you speak with forked tongue. Here we are, CWD is in the herd in places, and folks broke the law with impunity further endangering the herd. But the state decided to let the practice continue for years even with CWD in the herd and folks operating like the wild west. Sorry buddy, this is on you. Who else let them operate with impunity?
Just for fun I looked up the definition: Impunity is the ability to act with exemption from punishments, losses, or other negative consequences. So in other words you let this happen. Thank God for the wardens who do not have an agenda other than protecting our wildlife.
It Begins
Sorry but the very thing I have constantly harped on is getting more real by the day. Cutting National Park staff along with public lands folks is the precursor to the takeover. Think it is not going to happen? Yesterday the administration removed almost every environmental rule that protects our National Forests. Indiscriminate logging is coming as they open up the parks for exploitation by commercial interests. And do not kid yourself this is a blatant effort to take our public lands owned by you and me and first desecrate them then use it as the justification to sell to the highest bidder. Often called mission creep, it is happening incrementally and, in the end, the most important and valuable resource in this country will be divvied up between the rich and the folks who sat back and let it happen will be wondering just what happened. Sad.
IOWA – Are you that stupid and mean?
If I see one more Iowa farmer on the news whining about trump and “their” checks being stopped I will throw up. As a group you voted for him in spite of the fact he screwed you last time then we the taxpayers were left footing the muli-billion-dollar bill to prop you up. One group on the news all said they voted for him. Well, the only logical conclusion is you are stupid or were too dumb to know a con man was going to scam you, again. Fool you once shame on him, fool you twice shame on you. He told you this was coming and you went blindly to the box and screwed yourself. But not a farmer in the group took responsibility for the results. So in the end we will probably have to bail you out again. And if that does not happen, too bad, but quit whining, you did this.
Transgender and nonbinary Iowans will no longer be shielded by state law from discrimination in housing, employment, education and more after Gov. Kim Reynolds signed a law Friday removing gender identity as a protected class in the Iowa Civil Rights Act.
And speaking of Iowa you should be so proud of taking away protections that all people should enjoy from children who are trans. Real Christion of you, real tough beating up on children. Good to know children will be put in their place and open to outright discrimination and harassment. Hope you went and kicked them out of church while you were at it. What did my trans granddaughter do to you? I love you Ben but stay out of Iowa, they wish you harm. Fucking hypocrites.
Putin is a murderous animal and never in my wildest dreams would we be siding with him. Maga loves conspiracy theories so here is one for you to consider. The day Trump won the election Russian state tv put up the soft-core nudie porn pictures of Melania for all to see. You know the nudie soft core lesbian stuff. So think about it, why would they do that? Probably as a warning to Trump that they have the “famous” tape and he better knuckle under. Why else would this have happened? A normal husband would be pissed. The fix is in. I support Ukraine over a bone spur draft dodger. And Trump saying you don’t have the cards made me sick. They are not playing cards they are fighting for their life after a scum bag dictator invaded them after breaking over 20 accords. This is turning into bizzarro world. And according to Eric Trump: “We have all the funding we need out of Russia.”
The big ads on the site will not return in deference to their business and political views. They did not ask but it is the right thing to do now. For the time being this is my blog and I will say what I want. All I hear from folks now is my 1st Amendment right, which they really do not have a clue. But if you believe that then you should support my right so speak my mind. At this point in my life I am entitled to speak my mind. If you do not like it please move on. America is built on freedom to speak your mind. But the blog will be back to “normal” as things settle down. And with the weather about to turn fishing is coming and I cannot wait. So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.
Good Luck and Tight Lines