Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors
Thought for the day.
“The new political gospel: public office is private graft.”
Mark Twain.
The Boss on our walk in the neighborhood. The Rio Grande and mountains for miles.
As we reflect on our first full month here we could not have made a better decision. It is a completely different lifestyle. Small town, everybody knows most everybody, there is plenty to do even in the winter, and Colorado is much more to our liking socially and politically. And this is our view no matter where you look, the wildlife continues to make our day with their constant antics and there is so much more to explore.
Part of the settling in has been a hassle. ATT sucks, dealing with SSI and all that entails is ridiculous, and getting everything transferred has been work. As the government and many companies have decided we do not need to speak with a real person it has been a job. How folks who are not computer literate, or without help as they get old is so wrong. While I am totally against this nonsense of completely doing away with many federal departments some of them need to be reined in. Many government employees have lost their way and forgot who they work for. (I will say that all the local and state departments we have personally dealt with here have been a pleasure. It is more laid back and unlike Texas they are nice and happy to help. It is a different experience all the way around.) But the hurdles have been jumped, and we are settled in and enjoying every minute of our new life.
The Big Boys were out and about.
Without major snow on the ground it has been different than last year. The bucks are in the last stage of the rut but they are still trying. It is so interesting getting to watch them have at it. We have some respectable bucks in the neighborhood and while not tame by any means they are willing to let you walk right by them as long as you don’t make any sudden moves.
But then so much for living in harmony.
And then right down the road these guys were not playing nice either. Thought the rut was over.
Yesterday something scared the does and about 30 or so came running through the yard. And the long beard turkeys are making a lot of noise for winter. Turkeys are not nice to each other and their antics are hilarious. With the forest right behind the house it will be time to start exploring my hunting options. As the rules are somewhat complicated fortunately there is a wildlife department close so the resources are there to figure it all out. Who knows, i just might get back to hunting. And I am counting the days until the boat comes out of storage and the fishing begins.
The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.
For all your wading needs.
My buddy Clyde who while dealing with some serious medical issues the last few years has not let it stop him. Unfortunately, it has caught up with him again and he is facing treatment that none of us wouldn’t wish on our worst enemy. But he is one of the most resilient positive people around and will come through it with flying colors. He is planning on visiting in June and I cannot wait to share all that the area has to offer. Good luck buddy, we are pulling for you.
The administration has instituted a hiring freeze for the National Park Service. That includes the seasonal employees many who were already slated to be hired. There is a slimy dirty method to this insane madness: Cause huge disruptions in the parks this summer so that either they can start selling off the land or shift the jobs to “private” (Read their rich friends.) contractors. This is headed to an intentional massive land grab. Keep your f’n hands off our public lands. Trust me there is more to come on this front as they figure out more ways to steal our lands.
Congrats to the Kansas City Chiefs. All the whining and complaining about them is all for naught. They got it done without any alleged “help” from the refs. To all you fans who are bitching about them how about this really simple way to handle it: How about your team score more points than they do? They are just plain good, end of story. Should be a good Super Bowl as the Eagles are all that.
It is going to be a wondeful week around here and it looks like we might finally get some snow later. So we continue on loving life. So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.
Good Luck and Tight Lines