Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Turkey Day

We got a pretty good snow at the house and the neighbor lady sent me this yesterday.  We have lots and lots of turkeys and they winter behind the house.  Every morning they come down to get their breakfast.  Now it is illegal to feed them, but a couple of the neighbors have seed that mysteriously falls on the ground near their homes and the turkeys have a daily route.  We enjoy watching them all the way until full on summer when they disappear for a couple of months before they reappear in September.  As the clock winds down we are so ready to go.


First thanks to family and friends who alerted me I was in the business of selling Chinese clothes for women.  There is plenty of things I might have tried to sell over the years but trash from China is not one.  And to those of you who did not see it you did not miss anything

Apparently I was able to defeat yesterday’s scammers without a ton of trouble.  It just amazes me how many attempts there has been to hack my blog as I don’t have all that many readers.  Over the years as I have slacked off the numbers have gone down but that is not the point, I do it for the love of writing and sharing.  But they are persistent.  It takes a little bit of work to crack the blog and once they did yesterday, they shared the password with others, thanks to you all I caught it before more damage was done.

How persistent have they been?  There have been over 1,100 attempts to hack into the blog.  And the spam has become a real hassle for me as it comes by the hundreds, most of it porn attempts but there is plenty of other stuff.  (Funny how I never had that much spam to deal with until my host started attempting to sell me a spam blocker addition.) Though hard to tell where it actually originated but since it was Chinese knockoff crap you can draw your own conclusion.

So sorry for the language yesterday but it just makes no sense why anyone would want to hack this blog.  Hard to believe of all the sites in the world this one would be a target for any reason.  While most of you know my political leanings I will admit Trump is right about one thing, China is not our friend.  They constantly attempt to infiltrate our government and steal our trade secrets, besides dumping crap products on our economy.  They cannot be trusted as far as you could throw them.  While I am sure tariffs is not the right way to punish them it is time to acknowledge they are our enemy because they are.  (As a side note Sam Walton is rolling over in his grave as Wal Mart is in bed with them bigtime.  I am sure you have noticed the quality of much of the stuff is just plain crap.  As it has led to so many small businesses in America going under they should be ashamed of themselves.  In fact, we had a friend who started a business and went to China to seal the deal.  They opened a factory and sold their product to Wal Mart.  And of course, what came next?  Wal Mart just cut them out of the loop after all their work like slime would do.)

So enough of that, hope they leave me alone for a while, but I am not hopeful.  With the big change coming in our life I am still mulling over giving it up.  That will probably not happen as long as I can type and get outdoors.

The Boss is working today and I am going to have a stay-at-home quiet day.  Football, a good book, and maybe a little sorting in the tackle room for the tons of stuff that needs to go.  I hope everyone has a great day and things will be returning to normal around here next time I post.  Thanks to all.


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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