From Parts Unkown. 11/16/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


81/45.  Sunny skies.  Winds E at 10 to 15 mph. (A basic carbon copy of Monday and Wednesday, except the wind did not blow even a little.  How about cooling off?  Not a chance.)

Lake Level

Wednesday 95.31.  Today 95.27 msl.

Activity Times

Major 11:01 am to 1:01 pm.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


While still sick of the weather pattern I decided to go ahead and fish Friday morning.  The lake conditions are still the same, though the slow decline continues.  The water temp was down to 72 at daylight and it was a little brisk on the morning ride.  But again, it was dead calm, and I mean flat with not a breath of wind.

My day started off with a bang when a big one smashed the buzzbait on the first point I fished.  When going for a picture, oops, left the SD card in the computer so no picture.  Of course the minute I dropped him back in the lake my old brain went you have your phone.  But us oldsters are still learning to adapt to the new days so at least I got a couple of pics later.

One of 4 off a short stretch.

The buzzbait only produced one more halfhearted bite so time for the swim jig.  But the fishing was tough and it was a while before the next one.  My magic tree was empty, the deep brush that has had them was empty, so it was trolling motor down and just cover the miles.

One short flurry on the swim jig.

The surprise, the bite came on a flat mud bank in about 3′ of water.  They were pounding the swim jig and 5 jumped on and I missed a couple.  The best I can figure is it was a calm bank with the sun shining right on it.  Maybe the little cool evening slowed them down and there was some crawdads or shad warming on the sunny bank.  So that should have been a clue, right?  Nope.

For the next 2 hours not a bite.  In fact it was so slow finally headed back down to see if there were a few white bass feeling like cooperating.  Then the big surprise, in a couple of hours only one really small bass jumped on trolling shad crankbaits.  At that point the relator let us know the offer was accepted so I called it a day.  It might have been one of the overall slowest days in a long time.  But this weather pattern is not the best and obviously I do not have them cornered.  But I will keep after it until the trucks are loaded and we hit the road.  The memories made on Coleto will always be treasured and during the heyday I put untold big bass in the boat.  Just maybe there will be one more for the road.


I love getting pictures and reports from readers and here is a perfect example of some good ones.  This band of oldsters has been putting the hurt on them and wanted to let you see.  But as my practice has been you send them and I don’t tell.  But suffice to say they had a good day.

That is a real one!

Did you say flounder?

As a side note my buddy had some trolling motor troubles, so he took it to Tejas Boat Works a Victoria company that is a certified Minn Kota service center and he had nothing but good things to say about them.  I will get by there and meet them and fill you in after I do.

The tug is the drug.

Last week my buddy had trolling motor troubles so he dropped it off for repair.  What makes that story interesting is he had a backup trolling motor which many of us do so he put that on the boat and fishing he went.  It looks like the same switch that failed on his other one locked in reverse, so they spent the day going backwards which he reported was “interesting”.  But that is the way with us who fish, we get it done one way or the other.  Hopefully I am progressing enough to join folks one day soon.   Good job and thanks for the pics it got my blood flowing this morning.


And to you all who have sent additional well wishes thanks they are so appreciated.  I decided not to post them as it would seem self-serving but suffice to say they are humbling.  I am getting a little better but still not perfecct.  But I am thankful things are looking up.  Still a ways to go but there is light at the end of the tunnel.


And I am happy to report we have one more thing off our plate. we accepted an offer on the house.  Now the usual inspection and assorted things to be done by the buyer and if all goes well we will close on December 18th, which is perfect.  Close, then the Boss works her last day and we are finally out of here.  So holding our breath it all works out as planned.


Monday looks a little sketchy with some rain in the forecast with high winds as the front blows through.  But the plan is to be on the water early looking for the big bite.  So keep on stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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