So Lucky 11/7/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

It Is Never To Late  –  Do Not Let it Immobilize You.

After multiple Doctors, tests, it looks like I have skated by again.  We (The Boss) have worked our ass off to get to what we thought was the finish line.  Beautiful house in one of the great places on this earth, basically debt free, new boat, good health, it was all perfect for her to retire at the end of December.  It was all laid out clear as a bell, then potential disaster.  It is hard to tell you how awful not being able to open your eyes, much less drive and live your life is until it is taken away from you.  The timing could not have been worse with the move planned for the end of December.  A lifetime of work and planning seemed down the drain, plans in jeopardy, so unfair and so depressing.  But as we have always done, we put on our big boy pants and got to work.

Starting with Dr. Mccoullough of South Texas Eye Center in Victoria we began step one, figuring out what might be happening to me.  And let me say he is one of the most caring and wonderful men I have ever dealt with in the medical community.  He called it (More on that later) and boy was he right.  Next was finding a neurologist, which you would think was an easy task, not so.  90 days, 120 days, 6 months, they all said, though the ones in Victoria were not interested in helping me at all.  This is where the Boss took charge.  She worked the phones and found Dr. Rohit Kuruvilla in Houston who agreed to see me in a week.  (It is so depressing that if not for him and the Boss I would have been disabled for many months until someone would actually see me.  That is the best we can do in America?  Shame.)  Dr. Mccoullough actually took it upon himself to call Dr. Kuruvilla personally before my appointment and fill him in on his findings.  So with hope and fear we kept our appointment.

Basically the eye droop can be several things from ocular myasthenia gravis (Only affecting the muscles to the eye lid.) to MS and other places in between including a brain tumor.   The best and most treatable option was MG.  So the plan, first an MRI, and again the Boss stepped up.  She was able to get the MRI scheduled in Victoria so our friend could read it and save us a trip back to Houston.  While there we had fancy blood work that had to be sent off which would be telling.  So other than my head is empty, happens after quitting the practice of law, only old man changes we all experience so good results on the MRI.  Then today it happened, the lab work is back, and it is MG, which Dr.Mccoullough called early on.  There is medication for that I will start today and it will work quickly and we will get our life back.  I am so thankful to the physicians who helped me, and to the Boss who kept the process moving at a pace I could never have accomplished myself, much less has driven me for weeks now.  So in a matter of days I will be back to normal, at least as normal as I can be, and our life is back on overdrive.

Sorry for the long post but here is the reason for the title.  On many things it is never to late, back to law school for me in my late 30’s, the Boss to PA school in her 40’s there are so many things in our lives that we can change.  Start that business, make a move, go back to school it is all good, but I have learned another life lesson.  All the planning in the world does not mean there are no bumps in the road.  We were so looking forward to spending time exploring and traveling and enjoying our mountain home, but it could have all been gone in the blink of an eye.  You can work all you want, chase the almighty dollar, just one more day of this or that, but never forget the end game.  If this had gone another way I would be giving it all back for one more day with the Boss doing our thing.  In a couple of hours I start the medication and next week out comes the little Lund and I am going to beat some fish senseless.  I am one lucky guy.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Not exactly sure when I will fish next week but the Doc said the medication would start working right away with results in days so I will try not to jump the gun.  This has been one of the longest periods in my life without a fishing rod in my hands and looks like I am back in business.  I won’t even bitch about the $17 ramp fee until we leave.  Never fail to appreciate what you have.  And to my lovely wife you are the bomb, and I am so thankful that you like me in spite of me being me.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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