It Is Official. 10/1/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


It Is Getting Real

You have not heard much out of me for a while, we have been working and the sign is the result.  We have spent our time getting the house in better shape.  With the Colorado construction and the fixing here my construction days are coming to an end.  I have had enough of projects and am “projected” out.  Funny how many little things we all let go, until we don’t and selling the house is one of those times.

We had to vacate this morning for the first lookers.  It will remain to be seen when we finally get an offer, you never know.  When we bought this place it had been on the market for 5 or 6 months.  But when we bought the house in Colorado our agent did not even know it had just gone back on the market the day before.  After buying and selling a few in our life it happens when it does and there is no way to even make an educated guess.  But there is one thing carved in stone, we are out of here at the end of December.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


This Is What Is at Stake!

The guy in Montana who imported Marco Polo sheep DNA to clone super sheep has been sentenced to 6 months in federal prison for 2 felonies.  He will pay $24,ooo in fines and restitution and spend 3 years on probation.

The Lacey Act is a law that bans the trafficking of illegally taken wildlife, fish, or plants.

Ok TPWD the ball is in your court.  Not sure exactly what but some of the sheep/DNA/parts (Who knows.) were allegedly transferred to Texas buyers.  So read the statute above, seems in my limited knowledge it just might apply to buyers anywhere in the US.  They obviously knew what they were buying.  But whether or not, I have no delusion that TPWD will actually take any action.  They are apparently willing to endanger the native whitetail herd by letting commercial deer breeders continue to operate in spite of the ongoing spread of CWD.  Who knows, with the incubation period of CWD it may already be too late.  The thought of inaction leading to the input of a foreign gene into the native Bighorn population is unthinkable.  Many of you know how I feel about the Bighorn, just so majestic.’

My favorite animal to chase and photograph.  One of the great game animals in America.

The state has been shooting Aoudads in state and national parks for several years now. (Out of the mouths of 2 different TPWD employees to my ear.) They are threatening the native Bighorn over habitat, now just what we need is hybrid genes infecting the population which would be irreversible.  The state and private interests have invested millions in bringing back the Texas Bighorn and it would be incompetent and sad to endanger that investment.  And do not tell me we are not fore warned by the Aoudad.

Many states are tackling assorted invasive species and have come to the realization that importing exotics has just has not worked.  Much of the importation has stopped and many are being eradicated, unfortunately some not all that successfully.  Often the initial motives were pure or based on little science, but we are beyond that at this point in time.  The answer is simple, quit allowing the importation of any exotics.  Hunt down any of those “super sheep” brought to Texas and destroy them.  Nobody has to go to jail just get them out of here before it is too late.  When it is all said and done the money interests run the show so I have little faith this will have a good outcome.  Man, I hope I am wrong.  I would love to take everything above back and admit I was wrong.


I only have one comment after the hurricane which was a monster.  In one area alone 5 people died after not heeding the mandatory evacuation order.  The sheriff said they called but they could not get to them, and they died.  I know at times things get over estimated and consequently folks don’t leave next time, but that is no excuse. First if you are unable to leave, and I mean physically, we should do everything to help them.  But many are the folks who know better than the experts, (Kind of like how during the pandemic everyone became a doctor/scientist who knew better.) and consequently they end up dead.  Well to bad so sad, if you are one of those that didn’t leave and could have then call for rescue you should pay every dollar it costs if they come.  No sympathy on my part.  When they use words like epic and monster take them at their word or drown like a rat.  The guy in the kayak in his living room who said we did not think it was going to be that bad is a perfect example.  All you had to do was watch and listen and know this was going to be ugly, but since you did not heed the warning, tough luck.  I just feel bad for those you leave behind.


Hate to see things coming unglued in the middle east.  Iran is asking for it and just might get their wish.  After decades the time has come to stop the missiles being sent into Israel from all sides.  Things just may be coming to a head, which while not a good thing has been coming for a while.  Not sure what the answer is but the radicals cannot be allowed to continue to bomb Israel.  What makes it truly ironic, there is not a Muslim country in the world that wants any part of the Palestinians yet they use them as justification.  Crazy.


Going to take a little break now.  One thing about getting older it is hard to keep up the pace, plus not wanting too anyway.  Not sure when I will get back on the water but it looks like in the week to come the weather is going to begin to ease some.  Since Colorado is calling later next week I will be fishing a day or two before heading out.

This is what I am headed back for, our happy place.  Fall in full swing and the rut will be on.  A hike we will make again next year.

So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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