Ok weather, that is enough of that. 9/24/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

This house prep thing is getting to be a real pain in the ass.  We have done all we can do to get it ready for the sale, and it has been work.  Past of the problem is there was plenty to do outside and by noon it has been flat hot.  But the time has come to call it a day, it is what it is.  Wednesday they are coming to take pictures and it will be on the net with a sign in the yard.  Trying to guess when it might sell in relation to when we plan on leaving is pure voodoo.

One benefit is cleaning out stuff and going through 40 years of life, and we have way too much stuff.  I always like to leave stuff at the curb for free when I can.  We had a couple of plastic chairs and 4 from the old patio set that needed to go so I set them on the curb.  Sprayed off the deck and by time I walked back in the house they were being loaded up and gone.  Same with the beach chair we put out later in the day.  And it will be one interesting garage sale.  The real benefit of all this is when it is move time we will be so prepared.  So, with the week spent being totally responsible time for some fishing.


73/93.  Partly cloudy in the morning. Increasing clouds with periods of showers later in the day. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%.

Lake Level

Today 96.51 msl.     Last Monday 96.68 msl.  (The slow steady decline continues.)

Bite Times

Major 5:07 am to 7:07 pm.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


The best of times – The worst of times.

I hate to bitch about the weather, but I am going to.  As you can see it was flat calm at daylight, unfortunately it stayed that way all morning until I finally called no mas.  It was just plain to hot and sticky and without a bit of wind or cloud cover it was tough.  How tough was it?  When I got back to the ramp at noon there was only one other truck left.  There are crappie fishermen every morning, but they are all long gone with this heat.  But they are a bunch of old guys like me.

The best of 7 on the watermelon trick worm.

The conditions at the lake have not really changed much but the slow drop in water level is really starting to show, and I think having a profound effect on the bite.  The water is clear down lake with a little color up, and the temp still hovers around 90 degrees.   When you add the dropping water level the shallow bite is almost nonexistent.  And the few that are shallow are tight to wood cover.  How tight?  Pitch your plastic right in it and hang on, which is fun.

The only swim jig fish.  The lake is full of this size, but when it is this tough you better be happy with these.

I wish I had some great words of insight for you, but deep fishing is not really my thing.  But on Coleto right now and until the weather begins to really change that is where you need to be.  What little I have fished deeper has produced but it seems I just cannot catch the bigger ones no matter what I do.  But one thing about getting old and having been there and done that, I do what I like.  It is back to the Dahlberg quote:  “First I just wanted to catch a fish, then I wanted to catch a bunch of fish, then I wanted to catch a big fish, (Now in the twilight of my own career.) I just want to catch them the way I like to.”  


I really have been disappointed with the weather.  I had hoped to have some better fishing the last couple of months before my trip back to Colorado.  With no real weather change on the horizon things are not really looking up for the next couple of weeks until I head back.  So my hopes rest on November and December when I will be making the Coleto last stand.  And if I am lucky maybe someone will take me saltwater fishing a time or two before I hit the road.  But of course, that will not stop me and I will be out there fishing until the bitter end.  Coleto has been good to me and I have so lost count of the number of big fish that the lake has produced but it has been in the hundreds.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


Is Someone Trying to Contact Me?

You have to give the Israel’s credit for the pager thing.  Hezbollah has been sending thousands of rockets in Israel for decades and they got a little dose of their own medicine.  What next here at home?  Demonstrations in favor of Hezbollah?  They are terrorist scum, end of story and they deserve no quarter.  Funny how the ambassador of Iran was also carrying one of the pagers.  Keep up the good work Israel, you have a right to defend yourself.  Then today they set off the walkie talkies.  Anyone who had them or the pagers was a terrorist, and I am sure the ones carried in their pockets left a mark.  One thing about the Israelis, when they decide to kill you, get your affairs in order because you are toast.  Good work.


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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