Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


May be an image of text

We must never forget the folks who lost their lives the day Islamic terrorists flew into the World Trade Center.  It was not Methodists or Catholics and at the time our government refused to call them what they were, Islamic terrorists.  When we look at the world and many of the serious issues Islam is so often the root factor.  Hamas is a perfect example of murderous scum who need to be wiped from the face of the earth.  The hardline Islamists must be monitored and if needed a dose of Seal Team 6 should be applied whenever appropriate.  Killing in the name of “your” God is sick no matter who does it.  But if you murder folks you need to reap the whirlwind and there should be no quarter.




73/91.  Cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy in the afternoon.  10% chance of rain. Winds N at 10 to 15 mph.  (The wind did not quite make the grade.)

Lake Level

Today 96.79 msl.  Monday 96.87msl.  (A slow steady decline.)

Bite Times

Major 6:26 am to 8:26 am.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


I was up and gone before daylight.  Conditions were the same as Monday only the wind was not near as strong and it was high pressure following the weather associated with the hurricane passing.  The water temps remained in the low 80’s and the color is perfect.  Today I decided to try some different places first thing and at least there was a bite happening because after around 9:00 it got ugly slow.

The sun had not peaked out yet when starting on the first bank.  It is not the type of place most bass fishermen would consider but there were a few there.  And when I say shallow here is a screen shot of where I was fishing.  And note that I could not reach the bank on a big cast so shallow hardly describes it.

Shallow enough for you?  Took this pic right after fish #2.

I said it was dark.

It was the white willow leaf tandem that did the early damage.  6 jumped on in the first hour and from there it was slim pickings.  It was interesting to see several turn off right beside the boat.  Guess it was just too shallow for them to commit and maybe I would have caught a little bigger fish if I was a little farther out but hard to change when catching 6 the first hour.

These were the only ones worth a hoot on the first bank.  

Now I might have shot myself in the foot by over thinking it this morning.  The plan was a couple of places I have not fished in a while then head to the place that was so good on Monday.  After the first place I headed that way and the first issue, the wind was not on it like Monday.  This time of year especially no wind no fish, pretty simple.  And not a bite on that spot.

From that point on it was hunt and peck and I ended up eking out 2 more smalls on spinnerbait, 2 on the watermelon trick worm out of my magic tree, and two on a blue swim jig.  I forgot that I took several crawdad looking swim jigs to Colorado which turned out to be an issue.  The first 2 caught on the blue/blue swim jig were small, and then a good one tried to jerk the rod out of my hands.  She was on a bunch of wood and before I could get control it was headfirst in the wood just deep enough I could not reach it.  It would pull really hard and I would pull back trying to get her out. Since it was on 30lb Power Pro with a 15 leader it was a tussle.  Even tried the let it go slack and see if it would swim out but that was not happening. The leader finally broke at the knot, and I lost my only dark swim jig.  They were definitely not interested in a white swim jig after I tried it on.

Though small I did want to show you another Kentucky.  This one was on the main lake and you might expect to see more the next few years if the grass does not come back.

Kentucky’s prefer rock structure, and the lake has plenty available.  The one above was a little one, but they have been showing up the last 4 years, so at some point we should see some better ones.  In highland reservoirs they really show up early spring (When the lakes water temp gets to 45 to 50 degrees.) and are suckers for a jerk bait.  While I won’t be around put that in your memory bank for pre-spawn next spring.  Love to catch those once they turn into 3lb footballs.

And notice the big blade on the spinnerbait.  I tried it late just to make a bigger wake and see if I could get a reaction bite, but this is the only one not on the willow leaf.  So at 1:00 I called it a day.  If I were guessing and I am, they bit good Monday on the approaching weather and might have really had at it yesterday.  But who knows.  One thing about fall is it seems when it is good it is very good, but at times it sure can be tough.  But heck, I was fishing so no complaints.  Beats a job any day.


We are watching Jim Cantore doing his usual hurricane stuff and we are laughing.  All I can see is a Saturday Night skit – He is impaled by a 2″x4″ with blood spurting everywhere as he keeps on reporting.  It looked like it would not be much but it rapidly turned into Cat 2, you just never know.  Morgan City is ground zero and I always wanted to stop there when traveling, looks like a cool LA town.

And speaking of that we stopped at Trader Joe’s in Houston yesterday and it was busy as all get out.  (Every time I drive through Houston it reminds me how much I hate big cities.) Of course, then it dawned on us folks were getting prepared, which even though it did not amount to anything at least folks were taking precautions.  It is always worrisome if it does not really hit folks will become complacent.  And now that it has come ashore, we shall see who was ready and who wasn’t.

Tomorrow will be do responsible stuff then back at it Friday.  The forecast is not all that hot but it just might be a swim jig bite so I will be sure to stop and buy a couple.  Fishing is truly BOAT, but hey at least it keeps me out of strip clubs!  Lol.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


I hope folks watched the debate.  Not sure it changed any minds but there was one great moment where I am glad I did not have a mouth full of brew as I would have spit it all over myself; “They’re eating the cats and dogs.”  That nonsense has been going around for decades.  The oriental restaurants used to hear the stuff all the time.  The only question if they are doing that;  Is baked or fired better?  What a crazy election we have.


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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