No Wonder 8/27/24.

Hell Getting Old – No ads this is personal.

I wish I could say that there was some big reason I have not posted/fished in a while, but it ends up being exactly that.  My vision has been acting up the last few weeks leading to me feeling sick and somewhat dizzy, reading making it even worse.  I hoped things would settle down, but it just slowly kept getting worse.  I just could not figure out why I was sick.  Being dizzy 24/7 is flat ugly.  First, we did a covid test which was negative, next up was make an appointment with the eye doc and a follow up with the regular doc if need be.

Well at least we know it is my eyes.  (Fourth cranial nerve to be exact.) Turns out I have double vision, and it is permanent.  Looks like it will be corrected with some coke bottle glasses which I am going to order as soon as I finish this.  I know it could have been worse but it ain’t all that much better.  But he seemed to be fairly confident that it would fix the problem. (If it doesn’t will just patch one and wear a contact in the good eye.  I have spent enough time on the water to be a pirate.) Until I get the new glasses it will just be a matter of living with it.  Trust me, double vision is the pits.  As an example, it has taken me twice as long to write this.  But life goes on, you either roll with the punches or put on your big boy pants and keep on living.  A least patching one eye will let me live my life until the glasses get here and I can get back to living.


Unfortunately, the punch line of all is I should probably not be driving or wobbling around in a boat so until the new glass come it will be doing a few things around the house to continue to prepare for the move.  But the fish are calling me and since the temp has finally started to fall I will be itching to get back out there.  And it is only a month until I trek back to Colorado for some fishing and photography.  The rut should be full on by then and I love watching them spar not to mention some fly fishing on the river.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines



Every election year the issue of what to do about public lands (There is no real issue, they are just fine.) comes up and it is Republicans who are again suggesting that federal public lands should be turned over to the states, or more insidiously sold to private citizens, meaning their rich friends.  I would vote against Mother Teresa if she made this proposal.  It is nothing more than a land grab by and for the rich.  And even if returned to the states they do not have the money or resources to manage them so again what will happen?  Sale to the rich.  Every citizen in the country owns a share and it is not the property of money-grubbing politicians.  Time to rein in the folks who currently lease public lands, it is not their land.  To the whole bunch – Who the f’ do you think you are?  It is our land not theirs.


Looks like there will be a debate in September.  Trump is waffling and the Democrats want to tweek the rules, all common posturing in an election year.  That will all be resolved one way or the other as it looks like it will happen.  Trump continually calls Harris stupid, so says mister “I know lots of big words”.  You better be prepared to use them.  But when it comes down to brass tacks an experienced trial lawyer who has prosecuted plenty of scum bags and argued before appellate courts will obviously have a leg up.  So, it remains to be seen if Harris is stupid, but time for Trump to put everyone else’s money where his mouth is.



They just found 6 Israail’s hostages shot to death in Gaza.  And I am willing to make the following prediction, the women held hostage will never be release alive.  How did i come to this conclusion?  One of the Palestinians’ who was captured said the following about his taking a young woman hostage:  I raped her and then my father raped her and then he murdered her.  Keep in mind he and his father are not members of Hamas.  It is pure nonsense that everyone who is not Hamas is an innocent combatant. If you think the animals who took the women hostages have not already raped and will kill them to cover it up you have another thing coming.  Hamas and supporters need to be wiped off the face of the earth.


And last but not least is what in the world is folks’ interests in other folks’ personal life?  Somehow when other folk’s choices do not align with yours it does not make your opinion right.  In fact, if you are that interested in others sex life you might be the weirdo.  America is about freedom of choice, how we have come to the point where others choices are your business is nuts.


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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