Crazy Coleto 8/5/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


I have seen a thing or two on the water, but this is right up there!

Look closely.  That is just nuts!

I saw it the other day and it looked weird but did not stop, it sure looked funny.  This morning I went over to the damn on Coleto to take a look and even then it took a moment to really sink in.  It is a giant crane that was doing something and it came within a hair of going completely over down into the creek.  When you look closely it looks like the boom is keeping it from falling completely over.

Belly Up!

Sorry these are back lit but you get the point.  That thing is on it’s side with wheels up.  I  cannot even begin to fathom how they will get that fixed but I sure would like to be there when they try.  And I pity the driver, that is a nightmare but could have gone a lot worse.  There were some folks on top looking at it so maybe there is some kind of plan to get it on it’s tires.  So how long it will be there is an open question, but man what a screw up.

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For all your wading needs.



Way to freakin’ hot and dead calm, quit at 11:00.  It was miserable.

Lake Level

Today 97.65 msl.  6 days ago 97.80 msl.  (Visibly down.)

Bite Times

Minor 7:11 am to 8:11 am.

It was hot and so humid I needed the windshield wipers on the way to the lake.  When I got there it was dead calm and stayed that way all morning.  The thing that struck me was the water temp has gone from 89 to 94, which is flat hot.  And with the lake noticeably falling no wonder the fishing was tough.

There were a few left on the “good spot” but it was not the way it has been.

The water had fallen further out of the grass and there was no shad activity first thing.  These 2 are the ones who made the boat out of 3 topwater bites.  Unfortunately, a really big fish rolled all over it and did not get hooked.  I threw a plastic at it but guess she got a taste of the bait.  Too bad, this time of year missing a big one is probably it for the day, and today it was.  And it reinforces something I have seen for years, the big ones often come out of nowhere at a time you would never expect it.

They are definitely fat and sassy right now.

I actually spent the time re-fishing the whole bank with a frog and juat had one little one take a pass at it.  But it was clear that place and pattern is over.  From there I fished several deeper banks and isolated wood and points and caught 2 smalls on the watermelon stick worm.  I did miss a couple, but they were not thumping it.  If when you lifted up and felt something it was already too late.  It was getting hot so time to troll on the way in.

One of 9 in the time I trolled.

‘Unlike the other day for some reason they were really active around shad schools.  Last trip most were in the 20’ plus range, today much of the bait was suspended over 12-15 feet, and you could see the fish below them.

Not too bad considering how tough it was.

I was trolling silver and white crankbaits that run about 10 foot deep around 70′ behind the boat at 2mph.  2 doubles jumped on, when you saw them you generally got a bite.  For some reason not a white bass yet, which is interesting as this is the time I usually get them in the summer.  The blue cats seem to be few and far between so not sure what it up with them either.  After messing around with that I called it a day at 11:00.  The weather is supposed to stay this way, but I will keep fishing.  At some point I will get off my old butt and give night fishing a try.  And to go along with that maybe run a trot line and get the Boss a catfish or two.


The biggest reason I am here sweating my booty off is working on the house.  We meet with the real estate agent on Wednesday to get some advice on what we should be doing.  Of course we are working on the basis curb appeal and there are plenty of stuff inside to tidy up.  It all needs to be done so I can head back for a little in October which will be about the time we list the house.  And if all is good we will get it sold in December and hit the road.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


Another Dead Hamas POS

Congratulations to Israel for dropping a bomb on the head of a Hamas piece of shit.  I have always had great respect for Israel in how they handle threats and actions against its enemies.  They have a long memory.  According to reports he was allegedly “instrumental” in ceasefire talks.  Nonsense, it could have happened at any time so too bad so sad.  So keep it up, the world is better for it.  The US should practice a little of this at times.


Say it to my Face!

I laughed when Harris told Trump that since you are talking shit about me how about saying it to my face?   He is now backing out of the debate making up all kinds of stupid and irrelevant reasons.  Step up to the plate big boy, you are talking the talk how about walking the walk.  He is scared to debate her, end of story or otherwise it would be on.  Man, I wanted to watch that and as citizens of this country we should all want to see it.  You say she is stupid, then it should be no problem to prove it with a debate.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Hey Donny, I Wanted To Congratulate You On Your old Guy Cognitive Test. Let's Celebrate By Taking The Bar Exam.'

And I have one more suggestion how about both releasing their college transcripts.  He says she is stupid, any bets on what they would show.  And that nonsense of her not passing the BAR, the truth is she did not make it the first time like many attorneys.  The California BAR is one of the toughest in the country.  When I took it Arkansas had less than a 50% pass rate (I passed thank God.) and plenty of smart lawyers fail the first time.  It comes with the territory and trust me; he could not pass if he tried.  I will never forget the stress it causes everyone who takes it.  As I was walking down the hall scared out of my mind some woman in the restroom was puking her guts out.  Everybody the last few years is either a “Doctor or Lawyer”, just ask them.  Talk is cheap, going to medical or law school is hard.  So, Donny man up.  I mean she is “just a girl.”


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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