Coleto Creek 7/28-29/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

I am really looking forward to fishing the lake the next couple of days.  Some time off after 17 years of fishing it constantly is a good thing.  Now do not think I am going in without a clue, that is what looking back at this month on the blog can do.  And a special thanks to a friend who gave me some good ideas and places to start.  He is one of the best fishermen in the area both fresh and salt and is no one trick pony.  He is a credit to our sport.  Thanks.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.




78/92.  Sunshine along with some cloudy intervals. Winds SSE at 10 to 20 mph.

Lake Level

On 5/13/24.  97.38 msl.  Today 97.80 msl.

Bite Times

Major 6:30 am to 8:30 am.   Minor 2:04 pm to 3:04 pm.

It was almost dead calm when dropping the boat in this morning.  The water has a little tinge to it and the temp was 86 – 87 everywhere I fished. The plant arm is a little clearer than up lake but both areas are fine.  There was hardly anyone out, and the majority of those were crappie fishing.  When I quit at noon there were 3 other trailers at the ramp.

Would not want to start my day without throwing the buzzbait.

It was a little melancholy as I headed up lake at daylight.  Coleto has been a big part of my life the last few years and it really is coming to an end.  But the wind was down and it was a nice morning so I headed to the last place I caught a bunch and they were still there.  To bad I did not get the job done.  But it wasn’t all me but I did not help matters.

On that one bank only one made it to the boat but 5 took a run at the buzzbait, I lost a good one on a swim jig when I re-fished it, and I missed one on the squarebill.  They were tight to the grass on a deeper bank and while the catching was tough they better look out in the morning.  The Bang O Lure will be tied on along with a white swim jig and the results have a chance to improve.

But the real story is other than one who hit a spinnerbait on a windy bank, and he hit when I let if fall, I missed one other pitching.  But the plan was to hit a bunch of my “good places” which I did by fishing fast.  Whether a deep main lake timber point or a long channel bank I kept the variety up hoping to get a real clue.  I wanted to cover as much water and get some idea of what might work and other than that one bank, I am still clueless.

And this one came trying to troll up supper for the Boss.

The Boss is wanting a fish fry so I hit 4 places where I can usually boat a few whites along with a blue cat or two.  Today no such luck but 4 bass jumped on.  They were on a small flat sandy point in about 10 foot of water.  Other than those guys most stuff was in the 15 – 20 foot range but no bites though plenty of shad schools but the fish were sure not on them.  But it is the doldrums of summer, and I am not surprised by the results but will definitely improve on those numbers tomorrow.  Funny but when the Boss requests fish I feel pressure, which is silly but hey, time to get it done.

When returning to the mountains you can feel the altitude and it takes just a little to get used to it.  But the weather is so fine you just end up not noticing it.  Now the Texas weathr is another story.  When I quit today it was 92 in the truck and the humidity was God knows what.  This heat is a whole other animal.





78/92.  A few passing clouds, otherwise generally sunny. Winds SSE at 10 to 20 mph.  (Repeat of yesterday.)

Lake Level

Today 97.70 msl   Monday 97.80 msl.

Bite Times

Major 8:19 am to 10:19 am.

The plan was simple, be at that particular bank at daylight and feed them the Bang O Lure and it worked like a charm.  The hook up ratio was considerably higher, and the size was a definite improvement.  The bank was out of the wind and shaded until the sun came up.

A good start to the morning.  This was a 15″ toad.

They were on the edge of the grass and wanted it just jerked under easy and then just erratic back to the boat.  6 or 7 came over the side and about that many took a run at it.  They were eating it under the water and I missed a couple by setting the hook on the boil before I felt them.  I did make a second quick pass with a the buzzbait and did not have a bite.

This one smoked it!

I also tried throwing the swim jig up in the grass and reeling it over and out but not a bite.  Basically what is going on is a shad spawn and it is over once the sun hits the water.  A few were flipping here and there and the 2 I kept for the Boss both had a threadfin in them.  Both were pretty good size and a shallow running Rapala in the #7 should be just right.  The only thing I have not done on that bank, which I am saving for later is pitch plastics in the grass after the sun comes out.  As it is a little deeper bank who knows that just might be the re-fish bait.

The last keeper of the morning.  If you are wondering about the quality of the pictures just add the 90%+ humidity with dead calm and you get this wet stuff.

As the sun came out wanted to hit a couple of banks before it was too bright, and one jumped on at the first place and 2 at the second.  All 3 came near wood so that should tell you something.  It was probably 9:00 when it was time to do a little trolling, maybe boat a catfish and finally one did come over the side.  For 2 hours of trolling, it was only 4 bass and one small cat.  Things are really different this summer but since I have been gone it is starting to make a little sense.  So a word to the wise, you only have one chance to make a good choice for the topwater bite unless it stays really cloudy all day.

The water temp was up another degree with most of the lake 88 – 89 degrees.  The color varies depending on where you are.  I find it interesting that I have not caught a white bass.  Where I troll on the lower end it looks like the thermocline is at 20 feet.  There were some stretches where it is apparent, given the fish are all stacked up right at 20 and below.  So for the guys who fish deep 20′ looks like the magic number.


Why in the world do some trailer companies still use trailer lights that are crap.  The ones on the Lund have burned out 3 times so I finally changed them out to waterproof LEDs which should solve that problem.  Even though the new ones are waterproof what would prompt them to include electrical twist connectors?  Really stupid.  So of course, I used heat shrink connectors with plenty of silicon diode grease to keep water from getting in.  As a plumber told me one time the only place water will not go is up a frog’s ass.  And if you have owned any number of boats, you know never truer words were spoken.


It has been interesting keeping track of this area’s fishing while in Colorado.  A number of posts ask for recommendations for a guide in a certain area.  One thing that makes me laugh, in a sad way, is the number of guides.  On the coast it often means they have a big boat and a bucket of shrimp.   Carmine who had a restaurant in POC many years ago uttered what may be one of the great observations of all time; “There are so many guides now they have to wear badges to keep from guiding each other.”  (Remember this was over 20 years ago.)

When I did most of my guiding in the late 70′ into the 80’s it was just a small license fee and you were good to go.  Looking back on it they should have charged me a lot more.  Very few professions get provided an office stocked by the taxpayers for free.  I have always felt license fees were way to low across the board.  When I think about what I get for the cost of a fishing license it is the best deal in entertainment.  If it went up I would bitch and be happy to pay it if that makes any sense at all.



Wanted to fish a day or two to at least have a clue.  Sunday I will have the Boss’s schedule and should be good to go for several days next week so whatever works for you should be fine by me.  Hollar at you Sunday.


The boat goes in for a check and maintenance tomorrow and should be good to go until next summer.  If nothing out of the ordinary happens engines are good to go for hundreds if not thousands of hours.  Bob has a couple of crabbers who have over 300o hours and still running strong.  Taking care of your motor pays off.  They may get old and ugly but if taken care can last a lifetime.  Not sure yet where the closest Mercury dealer is but one of the small prices you have to pay for living in the mountains is not much else is close.  Once I got back to Victoria and saw the traffic it put it in perspective.


Facebook Today – Why we live where we do!

Attention Poderosa (Our house.) neighborhood.  Be bear aware as we have one hanging around town.  The Police Department is aware and working with wildlife to determine a course of action.

No photo description available.

This is our neighborhood and of course he shows up when we are not there.  Can’t wait to get back.  And for God sakes do not do anything, we live in the freakin’ mountains and his folks were here first.  Try not feeding him and just leave him alone unless he does something worthy of intervention.  Easy.


That will do it for today.  The Boss has a few days off coming up so not sure what my fishing schedule will be the next few days.  But the boat will only take a couple of hours so it will be back tomorrow so not stopping that way.  But part of the reason for coming back was to do assorted house selling fixes and I need to get started on those projects.  I just renewed my domain name and the blog is good to go for another year.  Where or when this will end I do not have a clue.  But keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.




First sorry for the rant the other day and the profanity but what is wrong with that jerk? It struck me so wrong as I thought about the lives she saved and those she didn’t.  The days on the unit with very little sleep, coding a baby under the Christmas tree and on and on.  She has earned respect, and this POS not only disrespected all women but speaks for the Republican party.  Nice job alienating a zillion or two women.  And by the way, alleging my wife does not have “skin in the game” is nonsense, at least as far as the hundreds of thousands she has paid in income taxes.  Plus, the school taxes she has paid over her career.  Oh yeah, and the ridiculous local property taxes assessed by the money grubbers of Victoria County.  So go back to your couch but thanks for letting your real colors shine.  He is just creepy.  Now they have just released some emails he wrote which included “I hate cops.” and something about Trump being Hitler.  And this is guy who could end up president.


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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