Headed Back 7/22/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


Our Favorite Drive

On basically the last free day of our time here we took an afternoon drive to one of our spots we see moose.  Of course, being a Sunday afternoon there were folks everywhere in the woods as vacation time is full on in the Rockies.  But it was a beautiful day, and we are just so lucky to be able to drive out of the driveway and be in some awesome country and we never take it for granted.  We did see a mule deer or two and one big ass marmot but with the traffic you cannot expect to see much.  But it won’t be long, folks will be gone and it will be on.  Can’t wait for sheep time, my favorite.

Nothing Special.

Normally this buck is nothing special, but we like seeing them all no matter the size.  As we came around a curve on one of our favorite roads he was bedded down in the mouth of a cave.  The sun was shining right on his face and his antlers were amazing looking and his background was black at the cave mouth.  When I saw him, I did not see about 5 people on the side of the road watching him.  By time we are able to turn around he got up and walked down the ridge.  And then he did something really cool; guess he got tired of us looking at him, he walked in a patch of heavy cover and bedded down.  We could not see him at all but as deer are want to do at times, he just disappeared.



As we spent more and more time in the woods we realized we needed some quality optics and we got them a few years ago.  We bought high dollar Vortex binoculars and the only way to describe how awesome they are is what a friend of mine said when he used them:  I thought I had some good binoculars.  They are clear as a bell and have really improved our ability to see way too far away.  So much better than the nice pair of Nikons we still have and the quality is noticeable.

But the real punch line, we have had a little trouble with the rubber eye pieces coming off, seems the covers are a little too tight and pull the eyepiece off without us knowing it.  The first time it happened they put 2 in the mail in nothing flat.  As we have now lost both I emailed them yesterday and here is their response; Here is your work order and prepaid postage and we should get them back to you in a week.  As most of you know warranty issues can be a real hassle, but Vortex puts their money where their mouth is, no muss, no fuss and no questions.  So, if you ever consider some quality optics I cannot recommend them any higher.

No BS – They mean it.

  • UNLIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY  (Damaged or defective it does not matter.  Tell me another company that does that.)


WEIRD (Now not so weird!)

From the Boss on her walk this morning.  They are back.

Last week we had nice bucks cruising the backyard and plenty in the neighborhood along with the return of the turkeys, then a big change.  A few days ago the deer, which there are dozens, just up and left, and the turkey seem to have left to.  Not sure what the reason is but who knows, maybe it is time for the “gathering of the clans” up on the mountain.  One thing is obvious as it rains daily there is tons of stuff to eat up there so who knows.  But whatever the reason can’t wait to return and see them back.  Watching out the windows is often the highlight of my day as you just never know what you will see.

We love watching them grow.  Keep walking and don’t stop and they just might not spook.

And today they are back.  Not sure where everyone went but the Boss saw a bunch on her walk this morning.  Though we have to head back I will be back in time for the head banging rut, which is entertaining.  Not sure where the does are but that won’t be long either.

This one helped me get the trash can this morning.  Can’t wait for the rut and some serious head banging.



Sorry but the spamming continues.  It has not gone away so my advice is hold any comments until I let you know it has ceased.  What a hassle it has turned into.


Of course, I am not all that happy about having to return to Texas, but this house selling thing needs to get organized.  The thing I will really miss this time of year is the river is way down and it is wading time.  It has been so interesting to watch the river and I would be knee deep in it if I was not in Texas.  Of course, the boat will be following me home.  It just will not stop doing that for some reason.  The plan will be to make a return trip around October first with a small U Haul.  That will be the size of it, whatever is left will be sold.  I am not moving squat.  I have joked with the real estate guy the acceptance price on my end goes up $1,000 if they don’t take the stuff.  But while I am back there will be some fishing so keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


A Few Random Thoughts

As a Honda passed us on a really rough mountain road I wondered if they really give a crap about their vehicle.  We see it every day.  No matter your make or model DO NOT drive it like the stupid commercials.  They are not made for that kind of abuse, and they love it when you drive it like you stole it.  And the new KIA commercial is a perfect example, act like that and it will be headed to the junk yard in nothing flat.  Plus what are you going to do when you are out of cell service and another car never shows?


I could not help but shake my head when the CEO of CrowdStrike said we fixed it and it is now all good.  Ok clueless rich dude, please go to your nearest airport and face all the folks sleeping on the floor and tell them that you fixed it, and they should be thankful.  If this is not a wakeup call for what is to come, I do not know what is.  The older I get the more I realize that we need to rein in corporations, or at least make our elected reps wear patches like fishermen and NASCAR drivers letting us know who they are beholden to. Repubtard or Dumbocrat, they are bought and paid for.  Time for term limits on ALL elected officials from Pres to your local politician at the clerks office or a county commissioner.  The abuse is wide spread and the service is terrible.


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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