The Boss is Back 7/16/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

I am so appreciative of the time I have been able to spend out here the last 2 years, lucky does not describe it.  But with that comes a bigger appreciation for the Boss finishing out the year before she retires for good.  So when she comes it is what does she want to do.  I can do it anytime, so we started out with our favorite activity, a drive looking for animals and a hike, and today was perfect.

Though we have driven much of the high roads there are still plenty to go so today we tried a different off one of our favorites.  As we wound higher up we came to a cool meadow with a creek running through it.  The plan was to walk the bottom for a ways and then walk a cow path back even higher in the woods.

10,600 feet and off we go.

As we walked the bottom watching the creek, did not see any trout but there had to be a few small ones as there were undercut banks that were deeper than they looked.  But that is for another day.  Today we just wanted to be outside, maybe find a shed and just enjoy where we were.  We did spook a fawn out of the high grass and it bounded off in the woods.

And the short cut back through the woods.

A stunning day with my best friend.  Working on her acclimation, above 10,000 is a little thin.

We hiked just a mile but it took 1 hour and 45 minutes.  Unlike our workouts we do not hurry but take the time to look at everything, you never know what you might see or find.  But our favorite part of our time on the mountain, until we headed back at noon, we did not see a soul and it was wonderfully quiet.  No cell phones, no traffic, you can just unplug and appreciate where you are.

In spite of the fact they are about 20′ from me if I just don’t move they won’t see me. All ears. 

Then we headed further up and finally turned around at well over 11,000 feet, which is approaching the tree line.  There is still plenty of road to go, a little map study and we will adventure even farther up.  Some of the roads here go to nowhere but as most were primarily logging roads they just keep on going.  But the forest service have closed much of the logging in some areas, and they have started blocking off some of the older roads.  The woods are fragile and it will take years and years for some to revert back.  But until then the ones gated and closed to motor vehicles make for a great hike.

This guy gave us a 30 second look before he blew out.  Stunning how pretty their coats are after finally shedding the ragged winter stuff.

It is green in the high mountains and the flowers are in bloom.   Plenty of opportunities for artsy fartsy shots if that is your thing.

After our morning out we cannot even get back to our driveway without another buck in velvet.  They sure are cool looking.

Monday we headed to Big Meadow so Nancy could get out her yak and do a walk around the lake while I caught a few trout for supper.  We had never walked the trail completely around the lake so she tracked her hike and it was 3 miles of beautiful country.  She saw the resident eagle and I had an osprey dive bomb a trout and fly right in front of me.

The water temp on area lakes is rising and Big Meadow was 66 degrees.  On her hike she crossed the feeder creek and it was full of trout which obviously followed the cool rain we are getting every evening.  The only downside is the hail the last few nights.  No big deal as it is small but it sure is amazing how often it happens.  Maybe something to do with the temp dropping 25 degrees once it starts raining.  But I will trade the Texas weather for this all day long.

And one last word on the lake.  The lake is small and only takes a few minutes to go from the ramp to the back end.  It is so popular with kayakers, and there were at least 15 on the lake while we were there.  So to the asshole with a bass boat and Texas numbers who put it on plane and ran a total of 2 minutes wide open making a huge wake are you that privileged or just a horse’s butt?  Believe me everyone on the lake was so impressed, NOT.


Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


The Turkeys are Back

Glad to have them back in our yard.  

These are the only 2 who have cruised by the house the last couple of days, but the rest are on the way.  Getting to spend time with the wildlife and after a couple of winters the pattern is starting to emerge.  But where the bucks and turkeys went I do not have a clue but having them back is the bright spot in my day.  And with the Boss here for a bit we will be out there chasing them all.  As a side note we are getting rain and thunderstorms with a little hail basically every afternoon.  Yesterday in answer to a big thunder boomer a turkey gobbled on the mountain.  Boy it is so cool living here.


Today we are taking care of a little banking and other chores as the serious planning for the move gets in gear.  It is start to really sink in and the end is coming.  We will be coming back at the end of the month to start the house selling job.  Not really sure what it is worth or what we need to do for prep but meeting with the real estate dude soon to start the process.  The boat will follow us home so I can fish Coleto some this fall before calling it a day in Texas.  One more back and forth trip to bring a few things and then the final move.  As the house out here is furnished, I am not moving squat.  If I had my way the house would cost another grand if they don’t take the furniture.  But all that is for anothe day, tomorrow we head to Williams Creek for some fishing and kayaking.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


Alec Baldwin 

The judge in his case dismissed it with prejudice during trial which means it is over and cannot be retried.  In a blatant move by the prosecutor and police they intentionally concealed evidence plain and simple.  The prosecutor in her arrogant all-seeing all-knowing testimony said she and the police just decided it had no value.  Well lady it is not your job to withhold anything from a defendant, EVER.  In no world do you get to make that determination.  Are you so self-impressed with your judgement, or was this your first day, or are you nothing more than a piece of slime who does anything to win?  This behavior happens in court all over this country and it has to stop.  How many other cases has she substituted her biased personal opinion for the law?  You got exactly what you deserved.  She should be fired and reprimanded by the BAR at a minimum.



The website continues to be spammed regularly.  It is coming from China, what a shocker.  If you ever get anything from China don’t open it, don’t even breath on it.  You cannot trust any email from China any farther than you can throw a Nigerian.  So really how bad has it become?  There have been 761 blocked log-in attempts by maggots messing with the blog.  So, if occasionally comments do not go thru that is the reason why.


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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