Happy 4th of July 7/3/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


The River

It is Sunday morning, it has been drizzling off and on so decided to just head to the river and see if I could catch a few between the showers.  I did end up getting wet but no big deal as I managed a few.  The river is dropping fast and will be getting just right for old folks like me to start wading.  But until then there is always my “honey hole” and it did not disappoint, except for one small thing.  I did not bring the fly rods.

Love living right by the river.  5 minute drive to Brown Trout.

When I got there a major hatch was on and they were rising all over the river.  My knowledge of entomology is seriously lacking, but they were small white winged things with a long body and they were being eaten all over the river.  Normally I carry 2 fly rods and 2 spinning rods in the truck but was working on leaders this morning so did not put the fly stuff back in the truck.  It had no serious effect on the fishing as I still managed t0 catch 4 browns.

Boy do they smack that thing.

I talked to a guy and his wife who were floating and he said they had an epic day, all on the dry.  There were lots of rafts and drift boats today, mostly guided and it was interesting to watch the customers from rank rookies to seasoned pros.  One boat really surprised me as he had his customers fishing with an indicator, so it was not a dry fly, probably.  One boat was throwing a big dry that was a reddish color so it must have been one of those days we have on the water, throw it and they will eat.  And it was good to see the guides having a good year after last year’s short season.

No 2 are the same.

My history fishing the White and North Fork rivers serves me well.  (Interesting side note: When I wrote the weekly fishing column in the local newspaper, I got a call from what we now call a Karen.  She just gave me hell for not knowing it is Norfork Lake and the North Fork river.  So I let her rant and then stopped her in her tracks when I said the editors changed it and you are talking to the wrong guy.  But it was fun to hear her try to backtrack.) I do not have a countdown in the box right now, my mistake but the water level is just right for it.  While wading is still tough and to be able to throw it a mile would definitely put browns in the net, and I would have caught a few more with one.  I was throwing a floater which is better when the water is further down.  And once the ones in the “hole” get wise time for the jig.

But the bigger ones often cannot refuse the jig. 

Fishing the jig is not even close to using the Rapala.  Basically you want it bouncing along the bottom.  Often in this fast water you do not feel a bite.  As it is hopping along the bottom you just raise the rod and let it roll. It can be tough to tell between a rock and a trout but once you get the feel it is not that tough.  I tie my own and olive is the preferred color with black with a streak of chartreuse or green a close second.   But no matter the bait catching them in fast current on 4lb line is just plain fun.

*************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


A comment from a long time reader.

Sounds like you are getting it figured out. Still read all your posts just been real busy and haven’t commented in a while. Just turned 72, not supposed to be working this much, but hey, got to make hay while the sun is shining, right? I foresee dark clouds in the near future. Going to Costa Rica for a short Vacation in a couple weeks. I’ll let you know how we do.

I will be 71 in 10 days, so I feel your pain.  I am getting a little better at the lakes and it won’t be long before a real one jumps on.  And good luck in Costa Rica, one of my favorite fishing memories happened there.  One of only 2 days in my fishing life I said No Mas and put the road down.  300 pounds of mahi mahi in 5 minutes will do that to you.  Thanks for reading.


Beaver Lake

I forgot the camera this morning (Tuesday) so no pictures of my day at the lake.  I have a couple of friends who do not fish and so the goal was to catch my limit so they could have some fish.  He is actually a chef so they will get the full monte when I take them to them on Thursday.

The trout in the lake and their reactions is still a big learning curve.  Today I maybe caught 20 give or take but what prompts them to bite is still a mystery.  I have noticed that when it gets dead calm you can see them rising and feeding and from now on will take the fly rod.  Once that activity starts, I actually see them cruising around on top while I am trolling.  But there are some similarities with all fish.  They seem to concentrate around underwater points and humps, or cuts with access to shallow areas with grass.  And one interesting fact, I have not had the trolling motor in the water yet.  It has been fun trolling and learning but next trip will start exploring casting by spin and fly.  I saw online folks actually throwing the swim jig for big browns and that is on the menu and I know the jerk bait works so still plenty to learn.

And the real joy, I have now fished 10x on a 6-gallon tank, which covers hours and hours of trolling.  Heading to the lake I forgot I probably needed to fill up, but turned out I fished another 7 hours on the tank. The choice to keep it to a 25 hp 4 stroke has paid off in another way, the 2 lakes close are no wake lakes so extra hp would just be a waste.  And when it can it pushes the boat just fine.  A far cry from my Champ which did 70mph+ for no good reason.  Boys and their toys.  It has been pleasant to not have that $30 gas bill I used to have every time filling up.


We are so fortunate to have a real stud of a fire department here in our small town.  They are top of the line in mountain rescue and firefighting.  We have the usual amount of folks stuck in the woods, hurt or wrecked and they respond all over the Rockies when needed.  They also go all over the country fighting big fires and it is reassuring to have them here, they are the real deal.  As old first responders we support all the folks who are out there keeping us safe.  Today will be heading to the fire house for the big catfish fry fund raiser and get a chance to tell them thanks.


Please have a safe and happy 4th.  Be careful with fireworks and spend the day being happy we live in the USA.  All the nonsense going on right now should never distract us from appreciating what we have.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


(You have been warned! Don’t read the following if you will get your butt hurt panties in a wad.  At this point in my life I do not have to remain silent.  You don’t like it feel free to move on.)

Random Observations That Might Piss You Off  – Some of it pissed me off too. 

Here is the best comment I heard following the debate.  And I paraphrased them to include what folks were to kind to say out load.

“Being the lying scum he is at least Trump was coherently lying.  And confused infirm Old Man Biden was incoherently telling the truth.”  God help us if this is the best we have to offer.  At this point neither one of them has any business leading the greatest country on earth.


And what about those of us in the middle who want both the Squad and the Freedom Caucus gone? Both extremes have led us here and it is time for a big change.  Neither represent most of the folks in this country, we are not that extreme.  Until both ends are gone, we will stay divided right down the middle and nothing will get done.  (A perfect example:  Oklahoma mandating bibles in the classroom.  The pin head who ordered this will be slapped down in court with this clearly unconstitutional ignorant rule costing the state of Oklahoma untold $$$ to defend a loser.  Or the squad falling over backwards to defend Bowman who pulled a fire alarm to delay a vote and lied about it until he was caught.  What a childish stunt.  Seems both sides justify liars, a liar is a liar no matter the side.  This is both ends of the spectrum I am talking about.)  Time for corporate money to be banned from elections, term limits for every elected official in this country, and no stock trading by members of Congress, the Judiciary, and the executive branch.  We are being taken to the cleaners.  How about both sides trying a little compromise?


Starting a war and losing does not make you a victim.  

Israel needs to finish pounding Hamas into dust.  They should not quit until every last one and their supporters are 6 feet under.  Hamas are animals (Unless you are ok with the Hamas scum who said he raped one of the hostages, then his dad did and then they murdered her.) and they deserve nothing less.  Hamas could have given the hostages back a long time ago and this would have had a different outcome and saved untold Palestinian lives.  Them dictating to Israel at this point is nonsense.  F’ them.


As I write this I am watching a WNBA game and I just do not get it.  The place is packed as it has never been.  More money, more new fans, excitement the league has never seen.  And for some reason because Clark is responsible that is a bad thing?

Angel Reese is a narcissistic bag of crap, end of story as evidenced by her inane and hateful comments.  And the comments of the has-been Sheryl Swoopes are indicative it is about race and jealousy, nothing more.  Never seen so many angry folks over the best thing to happen to the league in a long time/ever.  And don’t give me that nonsense if Clark were black they would be saying the same thing.  Bullshit.  By the way it was a great game, I just might watch again, and did last night.


And the last rant for today.

This is my daughter Carrie and grandkids Ben and Mia at the gay pride celebration at the White House last week.  I love them dearly and support their choices unconditionally.  So if you have a problem with Gay rights to bad, they are wonderful human beings.  Love you guys!


To the Rudy apologist who went ballistic when I started to detail what has come to pass years ago, told you so.  He is a freakin lunatic and now his situation is even worse.  He has been indicted in another state for his proven election denial, he is being sued by a woman who he allegedly abused when she worked with him, he is totally and completely bankrupt and is in trouble with the court for not complying with the rules, and now his license to practice law has finally been suspended.  So, to the gentleman who went off the rails please cash in your 401k and send him the money, he needs it.  He is a stain on the profession and good riddance dumb ass.


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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