This and That 6/27/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


Beaver Lake

The weather looked good Monday so I was up early and on the lake.  While I was hoping to catch a Kokanee I have to admit I just stayed with the trout most of the morning.  Not keeping count it was a easy 20+ but when the bite was on it was fast and furious with a couple of doubles.  And it seems like I am starting to have a clue on the better ones.  But we shall see.

A nice rainbow.  Been caught before.

A chunk.  And to the reader who asked about how you tell stockers from real ones, this is a real one as the one above is.  All about the color.

The Brown Trout color in a Rapala will always catch a few.

*************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


My Favorite Time of Year is on the way!

It is still a shock and pleasant surprise to walk out of the house and there is a buck staring me in the face from 20 foot away, and with fall coming it is only going to get better.

As I was headed out the door these boys were in the backyard.

There were 4 together.  Their antlers have really started to grow the last couple of weeks.

I am starting to get excited about fall coming, and with-it animals on the move.  The does have kind of disappeared in the neighborhood and the bucks have shown back up.  And they are in full velvet which is about to really get good.  There are some huge ones here and I can’t to watch them grow.  In fact, saw a real hoss sitting by the neighbor’s wood pile out of the sun.

And speaking of mule deer on my drive back from Continental the creek runs along the road for several miles.  I spotted something brown way off so stopped the truck but had to get out and go around to get the binocs out of the pack.  Turned out it was a big, and I mean a big, pregnant doe.  By time I got the camera out she hit the road.  One thing is for sure there is a fawn on the way at any minute.  And time to get the stuff out so I am ready when it happens.


Beaver Wednesday

There is so much to learn about trout fishing in lakes.  When I went out today it was cloudy and stayed that way.  Normally they bite in periods which I have not quite figured out yet.  But with no sun and occasional cold wind they were not nearly as active as they have been the last few trips.

Best in the rainbow department today.

With that said fishing from 7:30 until 2:30 I still caught a bunch.  My primary plan was to continue to learn and figure out how to catch bigger trout.  They are sure in Beaver and it has brown trout which are just plain cool.

One of 4 browns

So I experimented all day with different colors and styles of baits.  Fishing both deep and shallow there just seemed to be no real rhyme or reason to where and how.  But that is part of learning new stuff.  But it was surprising they did not bite and better than they did.  Sounds funny to “complain” when I caught fish off and on all day.  So while there is much to learn there is a big trout in my future, maybe tomorrow.

Hard not to keep watching up the hill, you just never know what you will see.


I have driven by this big pond plenty of times and finally stopped to see what it was about.  Basically, it is a stocked pond so folks can catch some trout.  And catching they were.

One of the many lakes stocked for folks close to the house.

I talked to a couple who have been coming here for the summer the last 5 years.  They fish all the local lakes and were wrecking them, as the pond was just stocked yesterday.  I got out a rod and caught a few while we chatted.  Of all things they head to Mtn Home in Arkansas for the fall.  Small world.  But the point, if you come to visit there is every kind of trout fishing you could ever want, pro to rank beginner.  The state wants you to catch them and folks take advantage of it.  And with the 4th of July week coming it is busy here as the visitors roll in.


It is “hot” here by Colorado standards.  While some call it hot it is so nice to leave the windows open, in fact we do not even have any air-conditioning in our house.  It is so awesome to wake up to cool and pleasant.

As it will be busy around here the next week not sure what I will be doing but there will be some fishing no matter what.  The river is dropping and wading is coming and there are still lakes I have not got to yet.  So loving the adventure.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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