1700th Post! 2/25/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


Happy Birthday to the Boss

My girlfriend putting them in the net on the Thompson outside of Estes.

It has been my good fortune to marry this woman 34 years ago.  She taught me the world is out there to explore and we have done it.  Australia, Peru, Turkey, Greece, Costa Rica, Belize, Italy, Africa and the list goes on.  And the whole time she has put up with my fishing without a complaint.  So the trip continues, and I count my blessings she is in my life.  Definitely the blind hog and acorn thing.  Love you buster.  (Can’t wait until you get here in a couple of days.  We can do Colorado $hit before we head back to Texas.)


1700 Joyous Days – Memories to last a lifetime.












This is but a tiny sample of the long great trip it has been.  It has been my pleasure and honor to keep after it, and that will not change.  The fishing, the travel, the adventures are all different and will continue as long as we are able.   It is a big world out there and again my thanks to the Boss for sharing it with me as we embark on another chapter.  And my thanks to you all, it would not have happened without you.  Not sure what I did to deserve all this, but I am one lucky guy.


From the mountain above the house overlooking town and the San Luis valley.

This is the last week I will be here until heading back to Texas for a couple of months.  Every day I walk and once the snow was down just a little headed up the mountain to see what is up.  This is my view when I hike up the mountain behind the house.  After making the hike the other day, we still have a foot or 2 above the house but the game trails were amazing.  And while it was work to make it I just stood there and took it all in.  The Boss and I have explored many places and taken lots of chances in our life to get here.  There is something about the beauty and majesty of the mountains that has a calming effect.  We could have gone anywhere and we chose here.  So as we get ready to finally retire for good, we have found our happy place.  Counting the days until we are permanently here.

*************wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Bassmaster Toledo Bend

Watching the tournament every morning the last 3 days left me with ambivalent feelings.  Basically everybody was fishing with down imaging forward looking sonar.  And even on a lake as big as Toledo bend 7 of the final 10 were on top of each other in the same area.  I have watched for years and always liked seeing who could figure it out, deep or shallow, jigs, spinnerbait you never knew.  But in this case, there is no figuring it out.  Sorry but watching a bunch of guys on TV, watching TV as they all do the same thing is boring.


This comment from a long time reader makes several great points about my comments on foreign baits and in the long run on the cost of fishing.

I went to temu and got 4 glide baits or $25. Still have to test but give the Chinese brands at academy and bass pro a run for the money. Would like to buy more American but I find the soft plastic guys. A hand painted bait costs $50. To expensive for me. How about hinkle glide baits…

First let me comment on something I just ranted about, the ridiculous cost of fishing.  I honestly had never heard of Hinkle glide baits, so I looked them up, are your freaking kidding me?  $750 to $1000 for a bait is beyond stupid.  And you are so correct as Academy and Bass Pro have tons of foreign made baits on the wall.  So once you are back at it let us know how the baits work.  Guess I have been spoiled working with Michael and Knockin Tails.  Made in America by a great family it has been my pleasure to deal with them over the years. (Can’t wait to be back with the boat and use them on the trout and other stuff here.) But you made a great point, it is almost impossible to get away from foreign baits, a fact of life.

The whole sport is having issues right now, including a state record crappie with a couple of ball bearings and the “winner” of a tournament disqualified for falling a polygraph, both apparently rooted in money.  Cheating has always been in the sport, maybe folks are just getting caught more but the way I see it is if these are a small part how prevalent is it?  Sad to see things like this happening.  (Why I quit fishing partner bass tournament.)  So good to hear from you and thanks for the insightful comment and let us know how they work out.


And this is one interesting comment from a reader.

Just wanted to tell you that I’ve been following you for years. I can’t believe how much we are alike.
I’ve lived in Fayette co. all my life. Fayette Lake took most of my grandfathers farm. Just sold park store this year. Know the lake better than the guides.
Have a house in Magnolia Beach. Fished Powderhorn a lot.
Hunted and fished Colorado since 1971. Have a cabin on the Conejos River south of Platoro Reservior.(Good fishing) just south of SouthFork.
And last I drive a 4Runner.
Enjoy reading your post.
I’m 71 y.o. (retired). And would enjoy talking with you.

Small world.  It is so rewarding to hear from folks who have not commented but have been reading the blog for a long period.  There are more of you out there and it is so gratifying to hear from you.   And I kept your contact info and will hollar at some point.  Thanks for letting me know you are out there and I have already looked up Platoro thanks to you.  Can’t wait to get the Lund out here and get to work.


The Boss gets here Wednesday and will stay a week before we head back.  I am really excited to get to my other home and finish rigging the Lund.  It will be my last spring on Coleto and then finish up with the annual trip to the Chandelier Islands the first of May.  Of course there will be housework to do as we prepare to put it on the market this fall.  Then my plan is to return to Colorado the middle of May and spend most of the summer here.  There are tons of places to fish, and besides trout there are plenty of other stuff to catch, including pike, lake trout, much less the usual suspects.  So the next 6 months will be all about the fishing and just have to see how much and where I squeeze in.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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