This Is Not a Step! 12/13/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


Sorry for the dearth of posts but if you know what the Headline means you know where I have spent my week.  My ongoing garage project led to finally getting around to insulating to make it useable in the winter.  First time for me, and probably the last as far as insulating anything goes.

Man what an ugly job.  Hell I just might be the guy on TV whining about my mesothelioma after all that. (“You get the book and so much more”.  Like what?  A free car?) But at least I prepared with gloves, mask, suit, anything to keep the fibers off me and that part was basically successful.  With the height of the garage it was a job by myself, and I probably spent entirely to much time standing on the top step, but nothing broke including me, so job well done.  Next up will be covering the whole thing but will let that one slide for a while.  It is just nice to have it off my plate.

*************wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


We are getting snow right now and the forecast is for potentially up to 18″.  I have no opinion on that, but the skiers are getting all worked up.  When it snows like this I can always hunker down by the fire with a book then when it is over time for some hikes and snowshoeing.  The snow has been just a little later this year and the local businesses are feeling the pinch.  But this should put plenty of snow on the mountain and things will pick up.

The rut is still on, at least the bucks think so.  While I see them chasing every day the does are just not having it.  And as soon as this snow settles down it will be time for another run to see how many sheep are down, and the elk should come down to the lower valleys to get away from the deep snow.  And with-it time for some more camera work.


I got the following comment from a reader.

Back in ‘71 ,When I was 18 yrs old I took my first out of state trip to Soap Creek campground north of Blue Mesa. I need to get back there and the Taylor river.
Happy Trails

You are talking about the Gunnison area north of here.  We actually drove that area last year and it was a great drive.  And as far as hiking you could walk the rest of 5 lifetimes and never scratch the trails Colorado has to offer.  And the Taylor River is one of the stunning rivers in a beautiful forest that needs fishing.  There is a big world out there and your comment shows how being outdoors in a beautiful place makes memories that last a lifetime.   So thanks for your comment.  (And I was a senior in high school in 71′ and 18 y/o so looks like we are both doing ok.)


And this comment made my day.

This blog is a daily reminder to stay positive and keep moving forward.

I admit there are times when I should be more positive, but I try.  As I just said:  Keep movin” keep livin’, quit movin’ start dying.  It does not take a hike at 10,000 feet in a foot of snow, or running a marathon, it is a simple statement with a positive result.  Just do something.  Thanks for you comment.



TPWD was considering using eminent domain on Fairfield Lake State Park and will let it revert to private ownership.  Now I am not fully informed on all the issues but any loss of land in Texas to private ownership is a big loss.  So please do a little reading and see what you think.  But this comment is interesting.

“TPWD recognizes the importance of conserving our state’s natural resources and providing recreational opportunities for Texans,” said TPWD Executive Director David Yoskowitz, Ph.D. “However, TPWD must also responsibly manage the state’s fiscal resources in order to maximize the benefit of our parks for all Texans. The citizens of Texas have always shown strong support for expanded access to state parks, and I believe there is a promising future for outdoor recreation in our great state.”

Huh?  Not sure what that means.  We love our parks, we need more, but not this time due to money.  Ok, so are they crying poor?  Review the figures below and make your own determination.  But please do your own reading and see what you think about this choice.

Top 10 States for Number of Paid Fishing Licenses Issued

Top 10 states of paid fishing license holders

Top 10 States for Number of Paid Hunting Licenses IssuedTop 10 states of paid hunting license holders

News Release: Dec. 5, 2023: TPWD Announcement on Fairfield Lake State Park – TPWD (

Thanks to the Realtree Business Blog for the numbers above.  And thanks to SAJOE for the heads up.


And I try not to flog a dead horse, but TPWD has found a couple of new cases of CWD, in captive deer and one in a wild whitetail.  But hey no worries, I guess.


It is only a couple of weeks before I head back to Texas.  The reports I am seeing from the salt have me itching for a big trout blowing up on a topwater and maybe a bass or two.  And then when I get back here in February my buddy Joe has the snowmobiles and we will be doing some ice fishing, which brings back memories of growing up in Iowa.  And let me apologies for the disjointed post but will do better in the future.  But no matter what keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines




As a former defense attorney this nonsense of “restorative justice”, including no bail, early out if given life, and other current proposals in the criminal justice field are a danger to you and your family.  Noone does a carjack because they are hungry, or rips off a shoe store because they needed to feed their children with an Xtra Large Nike jersey, much less the spate of random attacks on folks just walking down the street.  For some reason folks think everyone can be saved, got a clue for you, that is just plain stupid.  Unless you dealt with the folks I did you do not have a clue so good luck with all that.


KARMA – Look Out What You Wish For

Sometimes things have way of working out.  As Turkey slips farther into radical Islam a minister got up on the floor of their legislature and said the following in reference to Israel: “You will not escape the wrath of Allah.” as he defended Hamas.  At that point Allah assisted him as he fell over from a heart attack and is critical condition.  Guess the wrath of your God had a different plan.


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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