Sheep 12/3/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

Sheep Madness

When I say the rut is on I am not kidding.  I watched the Bighorns for over an hour this morning and still get just as excited as the first time I saw some.  It finally made it above freezing today though the wind is blowing over 40mph.  But since they were down the other day it was a sure thing to head up and see them, and they did not disappoint.

This guy spent his time harassing the ewes.

He did not jump the fence to get away from me, he had other things on his mind.  Amazing how high a fence they can jump.

There was a big bunch on the highway licking up whatever they put on the road when I cam around the cornet..  When I slowed down to start taking pictures I saw the real action high up on a bluff.  They were all a little animated as the rut is in full swing.  These were taking as far out as the 600mm will reach.  And as I have done since day 1 starting the blog the only manipulation I ever do is to crop some, but to me they will always be a memory of what I saw and not some work of art that any 10 y/o with an I phone can do.

Meanwhile this guy thought he found a girlfriend.

Not sure she was all that happy with his bedside manner.

This little guy thought he was tough and stuck his nose in it but found out otherwise.

It is so awesome to get this close.

Magnificent creatures.

The only thing that could be better is if they were on public land.  Then I could park the truck, get out the tripod and wait them out but there is just nowhere to do that.  But not complaining, when you have been mesmerized by them like I am since I was little it is still a pleasure and honor just to be lucky enough to spend time watching them.  The pictures are just a bonus.


Meanwhile the mule deer.

This is my first attempt at downloading video off the good camera.  I still have a lot to learn but will get plenty of practice with the rut being in full swing.  This is going on all day in our yard.  So please excuse the buffering, I will get better at it in the future.  Hint: replay it after the first view.

This guy was peeking in the bedroom window.  That is 2 feet from the house.

This is going on all day in the yard.  I have seen some great confrontations and cool chases.  It has been a morning thing but is now in full swing all day.

Then the Big Boy comes and runs everybody off.

It has become a game looking out either the front or the back windows because you never know.  And when I came home today there was a nice buck and doe in the yard.  It seems right now that the mule deer have split from all does or bucks and seem to be in little bunches some with a buck.  And the poor girls are not getting a moment of rest.


Snowshoeing by the river.

It warmed up to 30 today, which at this elevation is “warm.”  When it is sunny like this it makes for a nice day.  And this is a really early cold front.  So I took advantage of it and headed to the river for a hike.  Though I wore the snowshoes it is not quit that deep right now. But with the forecast for 10 more in a couple of days that will change.  (None has come since.)

Here is the rule:  Keep movin’, keep livin’, quit moving, start dying.  Just get off the couch and do something.

Hiking along the ridge that parallels the river there were plenty of tracks, tons of mule deer, rabbits, and what might have been coyotes.  There was not quite as much snow there as at the house, but it was a beautiful day and a great hike.

*************wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


My buddy Rusty is putting the hurt on them on Fayette County.  No surprise.

A toad.  That is the kind of solid that Fayette is famous for.

When Rusty speaks you need to listen if you fish Fayette.  Hint: a bunch on swim jig.  If you can’t figure it out from there I got nothing for you.  And there have been some other good reports.  Thanks as usual for your reports.

And speaking of good reports my buddy Aaron is in town and absolutely smashing the redfish.  While a really accomplished fisherman both fresh and salt he has been doing some learning.  He had not fished a corky in the past and I was telling him how Colton instructed me on using braid and a heavy fluro leader.  Aaron has learned his lesson as he had redfish take 3 corkies away in the same day, I told you he was on them.  And nothing like a $40 lesson to get the point across.


Winter is in full swing and while it has been cold it is beautiful out.  The critters are out and about making wildlife viewing amazing.  And with the cooler weather comes ice on the lake and as soon as I get back here in early February it will be ice fishing with my buddy Joe.  I did a lot of that as a kid and am looking forward to some good trout through the ice.  And next year I hope to make it up to the Gunnison area for some ice fishing on Mesa which has some huge lake trout.

Watching the Texans as I finish this and notice folks without coats. not quite the situation here.  The weather is what you make of it and time to put this to bed and take a walk.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines  



Noone can dispute that George Santos is nothing more than a bottom feeding lying scumbag.  I was watching the argument to keep or expel him but had to stop after a completely insane man blathered on.  A representative from Louisiana had the gall to say he should not be expelled because we have always kept these findings by the ethics committee secret and do not release them.  And that we hide them and let folks off the hook who spent campaign money on vacations, cosmetic surgery and every kind of sexual escapade you can think of (His words.) and none of them have been expelled.  There you have it, just what I have been saying, they all protect their own and withhold findings from the American public who pay their salary.  What a self-serving jerk wad.  Nothing but a POS hypocrite.   We are so getting screwed by both sides of the aisle.


And then the House actually did something that smells of integrity.  Santo was expelled and rightly so.  Just maybe our senior leadership realizes that most folks in this country do not trust them or think they are doing a good job.  Just maybe there might be a small return to leadership and maybe even some ethics.  Now maybe they will quiet the extremes on both parties and get back to what we pay them for, working for us.  Currently they are flat ripping us off but just maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  (No I am not smoking crack!  I just love this country and hope for the best.)


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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