Coleto Creek 10/20/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


Talk about a sob story I have one.  I get up at 5:30 on Saturday morning to go fishing and felt a little bit woozy.  15 minutes later I am praying to the porcelain god and dizzy as heck.  The rest of the weekend dizzy on the couch with a jaw ache to boot.  Monday morning eating breakfast the lymph nodes in my neck swelled up in a minute, man I was getting tired of all that.

But I had things to do, including head to the bank and get them to explain why they ok’d a $110 debit transaction on our card that was used in California.  Definitely no satisfaction in that department but the money is being returned.  I reminded them they had declined me at several gas stations, once when buying my grandkids Christmas, and even the tackle store down the street.  And when we spoke with the fraud folks Saturday the record on Nancy’s phone was totally different from what they said when we could see with our own eyes that they sent us.  All I can say is man I miss Bank of America.  At least I am feeling better today so it will be another go at Coleto first thing.


86/73.  Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 86F. Winds SE at 15 to 25 mph. Higher wind gusts possible.  (Of course after days of light winds here we go.)


Today     94.78 msl     9 days ago   94.86 msl.


Major     2:47pm to 4:47pm.   Minor   3:17pm to 4:17pm.     (As you all know I have kept track of times fairly consistently for a decade and I checked this twice.  First time I have ever seen the minor in the major.  Interesting.)

The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


It was flat ugly.  I got to the ramp at 7:30 and you can easily see the lake is continuing to fall.  The color on the main body is clearing, and it slowly gets increasingly off color as you go up lake.  The wind was already blowing some, but that was about to change and not for the better.

The most exciting thing this morning and is also how hard up I was before I quit.

There is a late shad spawn which has had an affect at least the couple times I have been out in the last 2 weeks.  Starting on the same old point with a buzzbait, only 2 jumped on but the wind was blowing right on the point where shad were flipping when I  caught the big one last trip.  After that I just place hopped and kept track, 8 total most exactly 13″.  2 on buzzbait and 6 pitching plastics to wood.  The wind could not have come out of a worse direction if it tried and continued to increase until it was a solid 20+ and just a real hassle.

So at noon I decided to call it a day and on the way in stopped at the discharge.  I rarely fish there but the wind was blowing right in on it and they were running quite a bit of water.  I let the wind blow me against the bouys and ended up catching probably 25 white and black bass.  The Honeydew Knockin Tail and Rapala crankbait got bit constantly and besides 1 white bass not a good one in the whole bunch.  All I have to say about that is that the numbers and size of the fish bodes well for the future.  And there is always tomorrow and there will be a tomorrow on the water somewhere.


Remember When I Said They Can Not Be Trusted – Here You Go.

SpaceX and Boring Co. to dump wastewater in Central Texas (

SpaceX proposal aims to dump treated wastewater into the bay (

Get real folks, you trust Musk?  140,000 gallons a day into the Colorado River!  200,000 gallons a day into South Bay!  This is nuts.  Simple on South Bay – 200,000 gallons a day of fresh water into South Bay – what lunatic thinks that much fresh water daily will not change the bay?   Here we go again.  “A preliminary review by TCEQ did not find that plans for wastewater would affect water quality.”  Bullshit!  Whether TPWD, TCEQ, or a host of other Texas governmental agencies they are not to be trusted any more than Elon Musk.  The relationship of state agencies in Texas with the rich is just plain wrong.  There is no freakin’ scenario that dumping that much effluent into any river or bay will not have lasting changes.  And are you deluded enough to believe it will all be properly treated and no accidents will occur, much less the simple adding this quantity of water will not have a lasting environmental affect?  There are no words.


Fun Boat Buying

I have basically decided to not buy a Colorado boat until spring unless the perfect boat pops up.  But as usual I check boats for sale daily and still love some of the sales pitches.

At least this guy is honest.

No titles for anything.

Wow have been looking for that motor.

Ran when parked 10+ yrs ago.  As is where is. You haul.  Fiberglass outboard.


Lost title, bad engine, could be used as a water trough.


interior needs replaced, don’t know if engine is good.

Just needs one of them there thingy’s.

Runs fine but will not run full speed, my mechanic said it needs a new flywheel.

You do mean free don’t you?

Great deal! Needs a lot of work it’s been sitting open outside for over 5 years.  Also haven’t started the motor for over 5 years.

Multi Use Boat.

parked for about 5 years but was good then. It is just storing camping gear now.

There is no end to some really silly ads.  Of course these are the lower end but many of the higher end boats do not have nearly enough information.  But no matter, I just get a kick out of these and wonder how many really end up getting sold for real money.  And remember if it says project run away as fast as possible and rare means nothing.


If it had not blown so hard the pitching to any visible wood gets you bit.  Fall is always tough and today was surely that.  When I texted the Boss I was home she texted back everyone is grumpy today, and so were the fish.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


Everybody is a Tough Guy………..

The crap is hitting the fan, and in my extensive experience with plea bargains (That would be hundreds.) it comes as no surprise.  Sidney ( of “Release the Kracken” evidence only living in my imagination.)  Powell who is either a freakin’ nut case or a flat out liar, and definitely a pile of dog doo on the profession got a great misdemeanor deal.  And Chesboro, who I know nothing about but some say was a good attorney, pled to 1 felony, neither got any jail time.  Both are required to testify in “trials”, which I would guess means in Trump’s trials.  They will be on probation and required to turn over relevant material.  If that is the case he is in real trouble and it will only get worse.  Before I could even publish this another attorney has pled guilty, Jenna Ellis.  She was bawling and directly implicated Rudy saying they directly lied to the Georgia legislature.  Trust me, it is going to get even uglier.  (And to the dude who said he would not read me for getting on Rudy’s case please send some of your retirement to him, he is going to need it when he gets to the pokey.  And by the way – told you so.)

The day always comes when any defendant has to make a decision, you can give them information and opinion but in the end they decided to take a deal or not.  In this case three white, rich, and experienced fancy attorneys took the plea deal because they were toast, end of story.  And once the plea parade begins it will only cascade.  These folks are “soft” and ending up in a Georgia prison, which is right there with having your eyes gouged out with a hot poker, left the rats nothing else to do but abandon the sinking ship.  So, talk tough all you want but in the end it is put up or shut up.  Or maybe just squeal.


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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