Coleto Test Drive 10/10/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

After trying to get a ton of stuff done the last 2 days, and there was a “do or else” list, I managed to wash the boat and get ready to hit the lake in the morning for a quick simple test run.  Now I will fish some of course but the real reason is to make sure the boat starts and runs.  I got it back from the shop the day before I headed out so had no chance to run it.  And with the salt on the menu before I head back to Colorado to get the truck licensed just want to be sure all is good before heading to the bay.  Nothing like driving to POC and then having boat troubles.

Water Level

Today   94.85   Pool    98.28  (I could not figure out when I was there last but it has been a while, but looks like it was 96.30 msl.  We shall see.)

The lake was clearly down, as low as it has been in a while.  I have to give GBRA a little credit for at least resurfacing some of the road in the park as it was a mess.  After I complained about the increased price of the annual because it affected the elderly and vets, their response was it was needed for improvements, and by golly they did a little, years later.  So I stopped in and gave them the $250 for the annual and off I went.

Fortunately, the boat ran just fine.  It may have 1,370 hours on the engine, but it has been maintained at a minimum annually so no surprise.  Plenty of little things need some easy work, but it runs like the day it was new.  I intend to use it some before it is up for sale, which is coming soon.  Someone will get a good deal as it will be sold simply to get the small boat needed for the Colorado lakes.  Though I fished about an hour or two at most, the rest of the time was making long runs at assorted RPM to be sure no hiccups with the service.

All out of the same mold.

The water temp was 80 degrees or so over most of the lake.  Since I was test driving I got to see the color and take the water temp over most of the lake.  The main arm way up had plenty of color, the area near the dam then up the plant arm is relatively clear.  The weather was cloudy with just a few showers and there was almost now wind.  Sure wish I could have stayed longer.  2 or 3 came on spinnerbait, with 5 or 6 on buzzbait.  The only other things I threw, jerkbait was no bites, and swim jig which produced a couple of bites but no hookups.

If I had to say what might be the start of a pattern, it would be points, deeper banks, and wood.  That was the pattern for the small fish for sure.  I believe that next trip concentration on pitching plastics to deeper wood should be productive, at least for bites.  It is probably a deeper pattern with the lake down and on the fall.  Classic bass reaction to fall and falling water.  There were plenty of shad flipping here and there so those areas would deserve a little attention.  Wish I could have fished a little longer but still plenty to do to catch up but unless the world collapses it will be POC at daylight in the morning.

The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Have I ever said I love Vermont?  A knucklehead who shot a deer with a crossbow at night from his car was convicted of multiple offenses.  Big fine, 3-year loss of privileges, restitution, surrender of the crossbow, and confiscation of his car!  He fled the scene which I am sure went into taking his car but game violators are thieves, they steal from the rest of us.  If you want to deter stupid behavior in our poachers, make it costly to violate.  (Though the behavior in our parks concerning bears, elk, bison, along with anything else that idiot’s approach might deserve the exact opposite treatment.  Let people do whatever they want and natural selection will take over as the animals get a crack at folks.)  In this case it could not have happened to a better candidate.


Trout Regs

On your comment “My only real comment is why TPWD is doing this AFTER they returned to the previous limit. It would seem that why not keep it at the 3 fish- 17″ limit and let the public air their opinions?” As a former TPW wildlife guy, it’s complicated. Please go to my friend Shane Bonnot’s article on the CCA website explaining the Emergency Rule on Spotted Seatrout at:
To read an excellent explanation of the complex rulemaking situation. Kind’a makes lawyering look simple?!

Hope Rusty, Larry, Chef Mike, Brent and I see you on Creek as soon as you make it down! Glad you are safe!

Thanks for the comment and I enjoyed the read.  Guess in my case it is just a real serious case of distrust concerning TPWD.  Starting with the giving of the ShareLunker fry to a really rich guy who charges $3k a weekend to fish, (Then signing that incredibly stupid agreement that they could have them back.) then the failure to hold anyone accountable for the big fish kill when the bridge over the Velano was built.  And now the refusal to ban (At least put on hold for the moment until we know more.) deer breeding in spite of the rising number of CWD which according to them is spreading all make me wary of some of the choices.  Maybe I should give them more of a break at times, but it is what it is.  In this case the reason for the move in trout regulation is easy to understand due to Texas regulations.  It is actually easy lawyering.  Thanks for the information which sets the record straight.

I admit it was just another preconceived judgment on my part and I appreciate the chance to learn.  But as far as I am concerned as long as TPWD remains in bed with the rich their credibility at times will remain questionable.   So, to the rest of you please read the article above and make up your own mind.  But just a reminder ……….here is an abbreviated history of some the commissioners.

  • Oil business
  • Railroad
  • Oil business
  • Labor relations/Oil business history
  • Industry/automotive
  • Oil business
  • Oil business
  • Capital
  • Unsure reading the bio
  • Unsure
  • Diverse business

First off this is basically a perk as they are appointed by the governor.  (If you want to really delve into it a cross reference with campaign donations might be enlightening.  Though what Texas does as far as appointments is generally how it goes in other states.)  Second not a “regular” person on the board though I do note last time I looked it was even more dominated with oil interests.  Do you honestly think any of them have trouble with a place to fish or hunt?   Really?  Think you can knock on their door and get permission to hunt or fish?  Sure.  Man I would love to be proven wrong.

But in their defense, I am sure they are all fine folks who would be fun at a barbeque.  Nor do I question their motives.  But we all come to the table with our own experiences, friends and notions.  So until I see Bubba from Podunk Texas on the commission, along with a few that have wildlife biology degrees I will remain skeptical.


Good to be back in Texas.  Random shootings and stabbings here in Victoria continue right along.  You don’t notice the constant violence until you are not here for 5 months and then on return it is in the local news every night.  WTF is wrong with people?


I am very happy that the boat seems to be ready to go.  Still a little to do on it but to the bay I go.  There are bass, walleye and pike amongst other fish in Colorado so just like here bass will remain on my plate whenever I feel the need.  But there is no bay and I want to catch a “few” trout and reds before finally leaving.  There are great bites in the fishing world and a big trout blowing up on a topwater is one of them, along with a big tailing red thumping a spinnerbait.  Time to get it while the getting is good.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines



When the Boss got her new 4Runner she immediately bought fancy rims.  Consequently, we have a set of 4 brand new 17″ rims off a 4Runner. If you are interested the first $200 takes the whole set of 4.  Hollar if interested.


Off Topic Rant – And it is a rant!

(Do not read this if no matter what it says it will offend your sensibilities.)

Allahu Akbar – Same tune, same result.

I hope we do not get embroiled in the Israel/Hamas hassle, not our fight.  Those folks have been killing each other for all time and both have legitimate and ugly complaints.  But when Hamas drug that young woman out of Israel and into the West Bank and then paraded her around in her bloody underwear and spit on the body they rose to a new low.  In one small town of 400 only 140 people were left alive.  Going house to house gunning down families, children, grandparents, indiscriminate murder.  So Hamas, you say you enjoy the moral high ground then why this?  Then the complete pieces of shit who paraded that young girl then used her debit card.  Her debit card?  Sick.  Nothing but thieving rapist murderers.  Freedom fighters do not gun down 250 kids doing nothing more than dancing, only monsters do that.  Paraphrasing Curt Russel in Tombstone:  You tell them Israel is coming and hell is coming with them.  Israel is justified in wiping you off the face of the earth.

And a special note to the Palestinian scum who spit on the body of that poor girl.  I hope they find out who you are, cut out your tongue then let you loose in the sex offender wing of the Israel prison where they hold the rest of the animals.  Hope you suffer a lifetime like her family will.  There is no justification.

And now they have discovered over 30 murdered children, some with their heads cut off.  These piece of shit thugs are not brave enough to attack soldiers, now the time for negotiations is over, the time for total destruction is here.   And we need a clear warning if you harm another hair on an American citizen hostages Seal Team 6 will hunt you down no matter where you are and double tap you and anyone with you.  This is insane.


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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