They Can Never Be Trusted. 9/22/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors



Summitville is at the top of my favorite drive and is over 10,000 feet.  In the late 1800’s gold was discovered on a tributary that flows into Alamosa.  It amazes me that the old miners came this high up, where there is up to 30 foot of snow and dug into the mountain.  Over the years there were several boom and busts as the area was mined.  The last period lasted until the 1990’s when a Canadian company used cyanide to extract the gold, which of course polluted the water and land.  After taking what they could they declared bankruptcy and left.  It was declared a Super Fund site and to this point we have spent over $250,000,000 to clean it up.  Do not get me wrong as you read the rest of this, I am no over the top tree hugger.  I love gas in my vehicles, and I have no ill will to mining and drilling.  But I do have a real problem with this.

This what we get in what should be pristine wilderness for $250,000,000 and counting.

What is left of Summitville.  At one time hotels, bars, lumber companies and a couple of houses of ill repute. 

What chaps my ass with all forms of mining and drilling is that we are always left with the mess in spite of the fact that the folks who made the mess took the money and ran.  It is a fact we will always be mining and drilling until something crazy is found, it runs our world.  But to allow folks to come in and make the mess and then have no responsibility is nuts.  Of course, it is not the way with all sites, but there are over 1,300 in the US, and that is a low estimate.  But no matter taxpayers are left footing the bill.

At one time there was as many as 300 miners in the bunkhouse.

Day in and day out trucks go back and forth cleaning the mess.

I guess my point is this, they have proven they cannot be trusted.  Time has come to require some type of bond/insurance to protect us, and personal liability to anyone in ownership for as long as it takes.  No CEO of an oil or mining company should make 6 – 8 figures then walk away without any personal liability.  Seeing this confirms my opposition to drilling in Alaska.  This will be the result unless there is some serious responsibility on behalf of any company and those that made the $$$.  Make it simple – a big clean up and then a decade of insurance and personal liability after the operation closes and you are good to go.  Simple.  Remember your mom does not work here!

The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Blast From the Past

Funny how we remember things from our past, some are just constructs and others are clear as glass.  And this I remember as clearly as if I was standing there.

The dam on the Skunk River.  Jumped off the old bridge in the background, which was freakin’ nuts and caught a world of fish.

It would be hard to tell you how many hours, days and nights my friends and I spent fishing there.  It was 5 miles or so from my house and my parents took us or I road my bike and walked it a time or two.  For many years we basically fished for cats and carp.  Then my buddy Max and I were there when a “big kid” was throwing a cast net for bait shad when he pulled up a crappie.  So we went to wading and ended catching crappies, bass, white bass and even the rare northern pike.  The problem?  Max’s dad was a big fisherman as were his friends, and for a while you had to take a number.  Thanks for the picture Clyde, it brought back so many good times.  Especially the time you nosedived off the top of the power plant.  Good times had by all and nobody died, somehow!


Score Sheet – I wondered how they scored them.

“Gandolph” with his monster.  The head weighed 29lbs.

For those of you who do not know how they score sheep, (Me included.) and many other animals here is Randy’s official score on his giant ram.  Amazing he kept after it for much of his adult life and when he finally draws he shoots one for the book.  And it was good to have him stop in a couple of days.  Funny how life works out.  Randy should have moved west decades ago as much time as he has spent hunting here, and until I visited Yellowstone the first time who would have thought I would end up in the Rockies.  And one last comment, man was it good eating!


The Boss will finally be here tomorrow so time to do a little house cleaning.  While the house is currently a man cave time to get my act together.  She has worked a killer stretch and will now have a couple of weeks off.  Cody Wyoming a day or two then 4 in Yellowstone.  After that back to Texas until the first of the year.  Stay tuned for our travels the next couple of weeks, it will be fun.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines.


And speaking of paying for shit we should not have to; the House of Representatives are taking a 3-day weekend with a government shut down looming in a little over a week.  I just do not get it.  If the shutdown happens, they should not get paid a freakin’ dime until it is settled.  Bet it would happen in no time flat.  It is so time for term limits.


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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