Just Another Day in Paradise 9/13/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


Morning Drive

I never get tired of the scenery.  

It has been a little rainy the last few days, mostly coming in the early afternoon.  So with that in mind it was up early and I headed to Pool Table Road for ride first.  Of course, there were hunters in the woods but at least this area is a trophy draw area so there was a good chance that the traffic would be down some.

Pool Table holds a special place in my Colorado experience, it is where I found the first bunch of sheep and saw what will probably remain the biggest Bighorn ram I have seen yet.  Along with that I was also lucky enough to see a real mule deer fight, it was amazing.  Today nothing like that happened.  But it was no surprise, not only are there hunters and campers but it is a local favorite of the ATV crowd.  But it is a beautiful drive as it heads way up in the mountains.  Large areas up top have been clear cut, there are huge bluffs, and for those who don’t mind getting their teeth ratttled out of their head you can always take one of the roughest roads anywhere.  I have made that part of the drive a couple of times but today I just wanted to enjoy the morning.  As soon as the sun was way up time to go see how the water level was in my favorite little creek, then drive a couple of more miles and catch supper.

They were not particularly interested in the small creek this morning.

I was a little surprised to see that the water in the creek was up.  It was plenty clear and looked great.  To make a long story short only one small one followed my dry fly but turned off the minute he saw me.  Other than that, for some reason not only did I not see another brook trout, not one took a pass at it.  But as I learn and have a tough time it has its upside, fishing these small creeks takes place in some of the most beautiful places on earth so no complaints.  Then finishing off the morning’s plan, go get supper.

One great thing about this area, there is always the fallback spot.  Supper!

Today it was Beaver Lake which is not that far from the house, and right down the road from where I was fly fishing.  It still brings back memories of my youth, sitting on the bank, line out on the bottom waiting for a bite.  In those early days it was catfish and bass or bluegills anywhere I could get on my bike or my folks would take me.

As I have said before if I need supper the stockers are there for the taking.  When I initially started fishing these lakes  my plan, fish near the ramp.  Makes sense, when they stock they back the truck up and off they go, a little trick I learned on the White River.  In the past I found a grass bed close to the ramp on Beaver and it is easy pickings.  Just fish salmon eggs on 4lb line and as long as you are close to the fish a limit is not that hard to catch.  It took all of a half hour and their next stop, the grill.  And my timing was perfect as it is thundering as I write this.

The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Speaking of the old Days.

This may be my favorite part of Colorado.

I just love this little stove.  When I was really young my grandparents in Northern Illinois had a big propane stove in the living room, which warmed about half of the house.  The rest was by Grandma’s wood stove which she fired up after Gramps went to get the cows in the back pasture to milk them, by hand no less.  I always loved to stand right in front of it so that it warmed my clothes, and 60 years later I am doing it again.

It is getting cooler here fast, there has been snow on the big mountains, and nothing beats cranking it on in the mornings.  It easily heats the living room nice and toasty in nothing flat.  There is nothing like direct “real” heat, it feels so good on these old bones.


The road goes on forever and the party never ends.

I am so privileged to live here.  Go about any direction and there is all the great outdoors a person could ever need.  With only a few weeks to go before we take off out west and then I return to Texas time to make the most of it.  Next I think I will drive north and look for sheep and moose.  And there is a lake I want to stop and fish so it will be off early in the morning.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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