Never Forget 9/11/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

Never Forget the Murders

It was over 20 years ago when radical Islamic Terrorists killed over 3,000 people in the World Trade Center.  We went to ground zero 2 months after it happened, and it was still burning and there were family members walking around in a daze holding their loved one’s pictures.  I will never forget the smell, and the people.  We must stay vigilant and give no quarter to anyone who threatens our country.  So never forget what happened and who did it.  And thanks to the folks in the service standing in the breach.  God Bless America.


Friday Morning Drive

As I headed out way before sunrise my expectations for seeing wildlife were low, and I was not “disappointed.”  This drive always produces and while I did see a few does and one buck in full run as he crossed the road, there was not much out and about.  But the reason was simple enough, it is bow season in an over-the-counter license area.  The woods were full of camps and the traffic in the middle of nowhere was heavy.

One of the few mule deer this morning but not surprising.  (At least the only one I photographed that was in focus.) 

At first there were few folks around but by 7:00 or so it was on.  Though there were still folks in camp there were a bunch of trucks parked by the road where they were walking in.  There were plenty of out of state plates, and the sound of ATV’s were echoing through the hills.  So any deer in their right mind, especially the big bucks were not moving around.  Just guessing but the big buck running across the road was probably pushed by hunters.

Marmots love rocky places to make their home.

I always wondered if marmots were good to eat so did the usual, Goggle.  There were more comments saying they were good to eat than folks that did not like them.  Apparently, they are hard to skin, like squirrels can be, but other than that they are basically cooked like any wild game.  And they have historically been a food source dating back hundreds of years.  Not sure if I will try them at some point but you never know.  Speaking of getting out of your comfort zone.

Maybe if I stay real still they won’t see me.  They do kind of look like a squirrel, only an obese one. 

It was a cool 34 degrees on the mountain this morning.  Fall is coming fast, this morning before I hit the road I made sure that the furnace was ready to go, I already ran the fireplace.  So happy it cranked right up and started warming the house.  Better to know now in case there is an issue instead of finding out when I wake up and there is snow on the ground.  And speaking of that there is a little snow forecast in the high mountains this weekend, a cold front on the way, so just have to see what that brings.

More turkey making an appearance and these were on a dead run.

And when I took a break from writing this looked out the back window and here came more turkeys.  It happened to be 3 again but definitely not the same as the other day.  So the gathering of the turkeys has begun, and it won’t be long before they overrun the neighborhood.

So glad we took the fence out, before this winter is over there will be some great shots.

The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


I got this comment from a reader and after thinking about it I love it.

Every time I read your blog, I’m reminded of the beauty that exists outside of my comfort zone. Thank you…

While that is not the original reason for the blog it actually is a part of it.  I always say get up and get out.  Believe me at times I am outside my own comfort zone but in the end that makes it what it is.  It is in the doing, and as the Boss often says; “We all have a tendency to stay rooted in our warm and fuzzy spot.”   If you would have told me years ago we would be walking across a ramshackle bridge in the jungle between Costa Rica and Panama, that I would balloon across Cappadocia in Turkey, or that I would snowshoe at 10,000 feet in the middle of winter in the Rockies I would not have believed it.  So folks – Go do something out of your comfort zone you just might like it.  Thanks for the comment.


It has been very normal around here and I have kept busy, retirement is supposed to be a time to rest but there is always something to do.  Now the weather has really improved with highs in the high 60’s and rain off and on.  And I must say that I have heard more thunder in the time we have been here than I heard the last 15 years in Texas.  And as insane the lightning that accompanies the rain it is no surprise wild fires are started that way.  And there was even a few inches of snow on Pikes Peak and other areas above 13,000 feet.

Tomorrow I hope to get in some fishing weather dependent, nice thing about it being right down the road.  And while I was cleaning up a minute ago a couple of turkeys strolled by.  And looking forward to the Boss getting here in less than 2 weeks.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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