Change is in the Air. 9/6/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


I feel like Otis Redding – Sittin’ On The Dock of The Bay.    Shaw Lake is way up there.  And maybe a couple of people there, it is quiet.

I hate to bring this up to you Texans who are still boiling but things are about to change here.  There is a leaf or two on the Aspens in the yard looking suspicious.  The nights are getting cooler, and the wind has a touch of fall to it.  Then this morning I actually turned the gas fireplace on for a few minutes to warm the front room up.  Guess it is time to start closing the windows at night, maybe.  And an hour later looked out the window and lo and behold, 3 turkeys.

The first of fall.

It has been a couple of months since we saw any.

As soon as spring was sliding into summer the turkeys flat disappeared.  I assume they went on the nest and we had not seen a one for almost 4 months.  Then here came 3 toms/Jakes on their usual route.  So even the turkeys feel it and I look forward to the return of everything that walks or flies in the forest.  I cannot tell you how often I look out the back window.  There are cool birds, Aberts squirrels much less the big stuff.  One great backyard.  So time to hit the early morning woods and see what is stirring about.  Not sure as there are hunters out and about but you don’t know until you go.

The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


The last few days I did exactly what I do in Texas during the holiday weekend, stayed home and out of the fray.  Other than a trip to the store I did not leave the property but suffice to say when I was on the highway it was really busy.  After the holiday next up is what is referred to as the second wave.  An older crowd it will be intersting to see how busy it is.

So this morning I decided to head to the river and see how it looked, and maybe catch a couple.  To say I was amazed is an understatement.  The river is past low it is knee deep in most places.  There were folks fishing, the wading is not too bad, and it is sure the end of the floating season.

An average Rio Grande brown.

A dry will catch them.

My knowledge of fly fishing is still definitely in the beginner stage.  It is not easy, when combined with the water level changes and their feeding patterns it is constantly changing and it seems tough at times.  But I could care less, it is so nice to just go close, and stay as long or as short as I please.  And I still remember to just look around and remember where I am.



Unlike the browns above these Rainbows make the pan.

These are the rainbow stockers from the lake the other day.  While I do not have a smoker here yet, the grill on low for and hour and a half and they were perfect.  And just like specks, if you are going to keep them put them on ice asap.  Nothing like out of the water and on the plate.


I am patiently waiting to hear from my buddy Randy.  On his bucket list Bighorn hunt in Southern Wyoming and will be passing through when he is done.  So nothing yet, but this is no easy hunt and Randy has high standards.  Hoping for the best.

The Boss is coming in 17 days and we are both looking forward to spending some time together on our Western swing.  Then back to Texas and hopefully some fishing, and if the weather will calm down some work on the property in anticipation of sale next year.  Got to get stuff done so I can haul back here.  But the river, the creek, and the lake are all going to take the forefront.  I look forward to the creek every hear and the time is coming.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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