Have a Great Holiday 8/31/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

Sometimes you just want to sit by the water and put a few in the box.

Folks are rolling in for the holiday weekend.  A nickel for each camper and a dime for each ATV and I would be loaded.  Rod tubes, bikes, kayaks, if you can use it outdoors it is on trailers, top of the car, and anywhere else they can hang it.  The folks who come here love the outdoors like we do and even busy there is plenty of space for all.  It is so not the ramp at Froggie’s on a holiday weekend.  So hope you all have a great weekend just be careful, safe, and courteous, it will go a long way.

Not only good fishing but a nice hike if you are so inclined.  There will be a boat in the drive next year.

The plan today, head to Big Meadow and catch some trout for supper.  Though it was a little breezy on “my spot” it made no difference.  The lake is dropping fast, as are the small streams around here, and today lots of grass was floating on the spot, which is the lakes outflow.  With a great point, good current. and plenty of grass beds, it has not failed me yet.

Headed to the grill.  As this tv wrestler says:  “Sorry about your damn luck.”

Since the wind was blowing grass on the spot I decided to forgo lures and get right to the task at hand.  The lakes around here are stocked regularly and if I am wanting supper that is where I head.  The river is another story, it is all catch and release, which is my choice.

My go to method for stocker rainbows is easy.  (I did catch a zillion in Arkansas on the White using it.)  4lb test, a 1/8th ounce slip sinker pegged with a split shot about a foot above a #6 salmon egg hook.  Sometimes they prefer one egg, other times 2.  And leave the hook point exposed.  The spot does not require a long cast, just drop it on the edge of the point where the current is, and you are in business.  Today I played “dirty.”

Trout are not big on just grabbing it and eating, which leads to their downfall.  Just keep the line tight and you will feel the peck.  Let them peck it a time or two unless they take off with it, and then drop your rod tip and let the line go slack.  One they can’t feel you, and two it lets them swallow it.  And you will know when they take off with it.  Occasionally it stays real slack so lift slowly and see what you feel.  They are usually on there.

But there is this caveat:  This is strictly for catching stockers, and keeping all you catch.  They are often hooked real deep, which is the point.  I would never do that on any fish other than stockers and NEVER on any you are not going to keep.  It does not matter if they are hooked deep, they end up just as dead.  The limit on most lakes is 4 which is all the Boss and I eat.  Today I kept 3 for super slow grilling, makes my mouth water thinking about it.


Hope you saw that amazing moon.

A bad moon on the rise!

It was one amazing moon.


I just had to blow up a couple of pictures from the buck craziness of the other day.  Since I was glued to the camera, I wanted to be sure some of them were as big as they looked.  I am just learning about mule deer but they sure looked big to me.  And guess what?  They are!

From one of my regular readers:  “all I can say is awesome.”

You got that right!  This was one big deer.  A really tall rack, I suspect he is a really good one as far as bucks go.  It will be interesting to see how they look when the velvet comes off.  After looking at the others the one below stuck out as a gnarly looking buck among nice bucks.

Wish I could have got him in the sun.  Not only gnarly but plenty of mass!

There are always plenty of deer in the neighborhood, but these were exceptional.  It will be interesting as the rut starts to watch the sparing and there will be plenty.  I love our back yard and keep a camera and binoculars on the kitchen counter, you never know.


After finally getting the propane situation resolved Tuesday my next job, insulate the garage.  That is not nearly as simple as it sounds.  Looks like I will have to rent a trailer and then drive 90 miles to pick it up.  Like many things here it takes a little patience and some getting used to.  So this morning I made a quick trip to the Rio Grande and managed to catch a couple before I make the plan.  I can tell you I am about “projected” out.

A nice brown trout from my honey hole right down the road.  

I was also interested in checking out the water level in the Rio Grande, and boy is it low.  In the approximately 5 years I have been fishing here I have never seen it this low.   There are almost no guides drift fishing, and it looks like that season is already over.  A late start and an early finish, it has not been a banner year for outfitters by any measure.

A little guy on a Rooster Tail.

I started with my hand tied 1/8th ounce olive jig, which is fairly consistent for the browns.  After catching the one in the net the biggest one I have had on yet in the river bit and the fight was on.  Unfortunately, he jumped off, he was jumping crazy.  But losing them comes with the territory as I pinch the barbs down as I release all of them on the river.  It makes it so much easier on the fish that you are going to release.  Next it will be off to one of the lakes to catch some supper.

The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


For several years now I have been writing about captive deer and the reality of the spread of CWD in our wild population from deer breeding facilities.  My concern was TWPD was not taking it seriously enough early on and now it appears it is really spreading.  It is complicated but it has always been about money no matter what TPWD says. It was easy to see this day coming and it will only get worse.  If you really care about the issue read this article and make up your own mind.  Plus read the comments, TPWD needs to read them to get a feel for what folks really think about the practice and their response to it.  In my opinion, it is time to shut down captive breeding as other states have done, it is malpractice to not do so immediately.  Either your job is to protect wildlife or to protect rich breeders.

Texas Rancher Wages War Against Deer Euthanasia As Disease Spreads (yahoo.com)


Things are about to get rolling around here.  My buddy Randy will stop for a few days as soon as he kills his Bighorn Sheep.  It will be good to see him, and I cannot wait to hear the story.  A Bighorn is a lifetime bucket list for many hunters, and he has paid his dues.  Then in 3 weeks the Boss will be here, and it will be off to Yellowstone and the Tetons, with a few stops on the way.  Between those 2 I need to get off my ass and get to insulating.  As soon as we are back from Yellowstone I will be headed back with the Boss for a couple of months in Texas until the first of the year, if I can take it that long.  But until that all happens I will keep after the woods and water.  So, keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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