Morning Drive 8/22/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

Tuesday morning on the road to the Rio Grande Reservoir.  

After hanging out yesterday waiting for assorted folks to do a thing or two this morning it was up and gone way before daylight.  I was hoping to see some sheep and a moose and one of those things happened.  There is certain geography moose like and they are often actually in it and hard to see, but not this morning.  Coming around a corner there she was, and as they say, what a moose.

The biggest thing in these woods.

She was in a creek bottom right where you would expect.  Quite a way off she cooperated just enough for me to get a couple of pictures.  This is with the 600mm fully extended as she was way out there.


This is when she decided she had enough of me.

The sheep were not out either on the way up or back.  The traffic is heavy right now and there are folks in the woods.  By 9:00 add the 4 wheelers and the window for seeing critters closes but that is going to reduce drastically in the next couple of weeks.  In the end you just have to get up and get out.  Like all things the more I search the luckier I get, similar to fishing.

This girl just kept on feeding but kept on eyeballing me.  Love these close ups.

I saw several mule deer this morning and 2 nice bucks cross the road in front of me but by the time I got there could not find them in the woods.  Love how they look in velvet.  Not having my wingman reduces the chances of seeing them and getting a good shor.  But that is what chasing wild animals is all about.  When it happens, it makes it all worth it.

And one of the smallest in the woods.  Prairie dogs are just cool.

We are finally getting rain and it was off and on this morning.  It did not hold the fishermen or 4 wheelers down but even when busy it is not “crowded” by my standards.  And if you want to get away from that you can, a topo map and a willingness to explore is all you need.  And a long lens sure does help.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Just wondering for a friend.  Why when you are selling a boat do you take a picture of the motor with the cowling off?  I know it can show the buyer there is no oil or water, but while it looks like a motor to me it does not say much else.  Impress me with the maintenance records.

This comment comes after I have literally looked at thousands of boats.  If I have learned one thing about myself since I have been here, I am a boat guy.  Add multiple lakes right down the road and it is starting to drive me nuts.  But with only a little less than 2 months before I head back to Texas I will wait unless the perfect boat comes up.  My standards are high but there will be a boat in this driveway by next spring’s thaw.


Reader Comments

Hope this help the chubs.

Funny you sent me this.  Interesting reading on removing the smallmouth best they can from an area on the Colorado river.  If they want to save the chubs it better work or the smallies will eat every last one of them.  The reason your comment struck me is I was just thinking about documenting all the fish I have caught over the years and the chub is one baseline fish for me.  My grandparents had a creek on their farm, and we used to catch them, and grandma would fry them up on the cast iron stove.  They are actually really good to eat.  Thanks, brought back a great memory.

You are living the Best Life

All I have to say is you are freakin’ correct, guilty as charged.  A little bit of luck combined with a little planning has led us here.  Not to be too dramatic but the clock is ticking on this old man like it does for each and every one of us.  You have to keep moving mentally and physically.  It is good for your health, even better for the soul.

Tenkara is a great option. Headed to Montana next month for a week of Big Horn river drift boat fishing…

That is going to be epic and we will be looking forward to your report and a picture or two.  And looks like the Tenkara for small streams will be waiting for next year to join the fray.  (Tenkara is a rod only fly fishing method generally for small streams and close quarters.) The small creek fishing is slowly declining as the water levels go down, but I intend to explore some others.  As usual thanks for your help and good luck in Montana.


Tomorrow it will be off to Durango to take care of some truck maintenance prior to heading to Yellowstone.  We plan on visiting several places we have not visited on the way prior to 4 days in the park.  Then it will be back here to get the house in order before heading back to Texas.  That will be a little bittersweet but looking forward to some salt when I get back.  I think it is time for a fish fry so keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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