Back to Batching It. 8/13/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


After a great 9 days with the Boss here it is back to just me.  We had some fun, did some hiking and exploring, topping it off with a couple of touristy things.  I did not fish the whole time, not because she would have had a problem with it, but it is “vacation” for her.  The original plan was to take her back but with our Yellowstone and meandering about the west trip coming in 6 weeks decided to stay here and fish.  Plus have to be around as the tree guys are coming Monday.  As soon as they are done I am giving the house a rest and having some fun.  The house and garage have been a lot of work, but I just about have things the way I want them, I hope.

After the west swing I will be returning to Texas for a couple of months of fishing until the first of the year.  Time to hit the river and creek for the good fall fishing, use the Mako just a little more, then she is up for sale.  As a side note I have had that boat longer than any other I have owned.  Funny it got the most work of any and is still stroking along today.  I will always be a Mercury man.


On the fishing front the river is way down and the creeks are about to follow.  Since I needed some cash for the tree guys after the bank decided to head down to the river for a quick look, and it looks great to me.  The wading will be a lot easier this fall which is fine of this old man.  There were a few folks fishing and I drove down to my honey hole and just could not resist.  The spinning rods were in the truck, just have not put the fly rods back in, so it was a Rapala and a black jig.  One quick word on the Rapala, been fishing it since the mid 70’s on the White and one thing stands out, brown trout like brown trout colored Rapalas.

A solid brown trout from my honey hole.  Nothing like a quick trip right near the house, love it here.

As my fishing on the Rio Grande is simply for entertainment all lures have the barbs pinched down.  It is a lot easier on the fish when they have a mouthful of trebles.  Not only do many of them jump off once they hit the net the lure often falls out.  And the net above helps keep it from becoming a big mess.

One of the advantages of our location is 2 lakes with plenty of stockers for eating.  The other day when the Boss wanted a fish fry it basically took me 15 minutes to catch a limit on Power Bait.  And I learned something that day.  There was an old guy fly fishing against the wind which was a feat within itself as it was blowing.  He used a roll cast and was fishing dry flies.  Walking by him got to see one hit the fly on top, and then while I fished he kept catching them.  I have not yet fly fished a lake yet so that is on the list.

Another of the 6 or so in an hour. 

It is going to be a fun few weeks with fishing the only plan.  There are lots of hoppers and bugs about and saw several get smoked while lure fishing today.  After a super trip on dry’s on the Snake River I got spoiled.  J I love watching them eat so that will be the fly of choice until they tell me otherwise.  A lot to learn on the technical end of things but a pleasure doing it.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Just Comments

Enjoying your outdoor adventures, from here in the drouth stricken Goliad county.

Feel your pain as it is dry as a bone here.  The only good thing it is 50 in the morning and 75 in the afternoon.  Hope the heat breaks for you all soon.  The Boss says it has been ugly.

A catalytic converter can ignite dry grass under certain conditions.  Glad your catching , those pics are great keep them coming

And speaking of dry a word of caution when it is this bad.  And yes the pictures will keep on coming.  Thanks.

Keep on writing and posting pictures. I’m at an age where I can’t go and enjoy the mountains any more, so I’ll enjoy it through your posts. Thanks.

It is my honor and pleasure to keep writing and posting to let you at least have a little taste.  And as I get older I realize time to get up and get out.  There just might not be “tomorrow” so will keep at it.

Loved your Bud Light comments. I wrote on facebook that while I do not like Bud Light, I may just start drinking it because of all the negative uproar, especially raising stink because Peyton Manning was seen drinking a Bud Light. Stupid

My thoughts exactly.  Not sure why anyone gives a hoot about other folks sexuality.  In fact if you spend time on that you might have issues.  Thanks.

Beautiful brookies! When you get your 6’ 1- 2wt the fun really begins. I am an avid reader all my life, can’t imagine the thinking ( or lack of) of closing libraries Anywhere!
I will send you a link for ordering your new rod.
Tight lines and keep your sweater close by😂

Sweater time is on the way in the Rockies, and sure loving this cooler weather.  And I am still mulling over the 1/2 weight.  In our travels the last couple of weeks have stopped in multiple fly shops and have had several guides recomment the Tenkara method.  I brought up that a Euro type long rod might work in the creeks and everyone said try the Tenkara.  So hope will get my hands on one to see how it feels but watching come videos it has promise.  I so appreciate your help since I started this journey.  And will see you on the creek soon.

Thanks all.  New policy” from now on will continue to share comments but will withhold the names.  So, keep them coming I appreciate everyone, including the ones I hate.


It is going to be one great fall all the way around.  You can never know how life will work out, you just do what you can and maybe it works out for the best.  In our case hard work and effort, especially on the Boss’s part now and the last few years, has led us here and we could not be happier.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


Off Topic

As you all know by now, I tend to be on the liberal side of independent.  But the introduction of a law in the California legislature that retail establishment employees are not going to be allowed to stop retail theft is flat insane.  One thing I learned representing hundreds of felons is this may be the worst idea in the history of criminal law.  As far as I am concerned if you rob me, or my home, or in this case my store you deserve exactly what you get.  How we have gotten to the point where you are not going to be allowed to defend yourself and what is yours, I do not know.  The Supreme Court in one of the worst rulings for citizens ruled that the police do NOT have a duty to protect you.  Ok, if that is case then we all have a responsibility to defend ourselves from criminals.  And don’t give me that nonsense that it is only shoplifting, if you are ok with this law then you are ok with them coming on your property and stealing your stuff.


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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