Monday Morning 7/31/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


One great full moon.  Too bad it was cloudy the last few nights, could have gotten one better than this by a long shot.

Success comes one day at a time.

One day and one step at a time.  For my 3rd run at small stream trout I significantly downsized fly and leader size and lo and behold they liked it.  Location was no big deal, like all trout it is clear where they are positioned big river or small.  Guess catching a few gazillion on the White Rive taught me something.

Ahhh ….Success.

Heading back to the same creek I fished 2 days ago it was a couple more bites than last time.  The big difference is I managed to catch 2.

Downsizing sure made a difference on these small stream Brook trout.

While these are little guys that is not the point.  (I could go to the river right down the street for bigger fish.)  There are obviously bigger fish in some of the creeks and by the time it freezes up I will know a lot more than I do now about fishing them.  It is so cool to see them come out of water that could not possibly have a fish in it.  On the creek I have been fishing casting distance is irrelevant, accuracy is paramount.

Again, I made a couple of mistakes setting the hook, it really is more of a lifting as opposed to most other hook setting.  Plus, when using 2lb test it does not take much to break them off, which so far I have managed not to do.  After a little over an hour a big cloud formed and it started to rain, which is not a problem for me.  But…..big thunder and lightning started and if there is one place I do not want to be it is in the water waving around a long rod.  Obviously, a good time to call it a day.  Like I said when we bought here the ability to leave the house and in nothing flat be fishing some great water was part of the plan.  And I have started to tie my own flies, they may be ugly but as long as the fish eat them, I am all about it.  So, the adventure continues.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


The boys were gone from the neighborhood for a while but are backWill be a pleasure to watch them mature and get out of velvet.  And with the number here it should be an interesting rut this fall.


Monday Morning

Having spent plenty of time working on the house and yard was looking forward to this morning.  A little job here, then one there, the list goes on.  But just like in Texas do stuff that needs doing on the weekends, fish on weekdays.  So, this morning first up was a couple of hours on the river then went to the creek for a while.  It was not fast either place, but I did catch 6 so not too bad.

A nice brown trout on a red wooly bugger.

Starting with the fly above I caught one and missed another.  The river is dropping fast and the bite remains a little tough, though they are catchable and will be time to do some serious wading.  The plan was to wade the creek and just bank fish the river.

3 Jumped on the minnow bait.

After a slow bite on the fly decided to toss the minnow bait and ended up catching 3.  And let me put in a word for the fish.  Minnow baits will catch the browns, but it is important to pinch the barbs down on the trebles.  Not only it is totally easier on the fish, but it also sure helps taking them off and reduces the possibility of getting a hook in you that you cannot get out.  So since they were willing time to change flies and find something they like better.  Oops, pretty hard to tie on a different fly when I left the 2 boxes on the bench at the house.

But that really was no big deal as the house is on the way to the creek.  Loaded up, stopped by the house and got the flies and off to the small creek.  It is so amazing how much water is here, a quick trip between the 2 is no big deal.   One word on pictures, when I got to the creek and caught a small the camera battery died.  Dang it because an hour later a really nice one for that small a creek jumped on.  Oh well, it was a good one.  The bite was a little slower than it was but the creek is also dropping and clear as a bell.

But it was still a dry fly bite, to bad just like last time here comes the thunder and lightning with a little rain so I called it a morning.   Each time I learn something.  Though I have caught them on the long rod there is still a long way to go and it is going to be fun.  I was mad that the camera was dead as I wanted to give you a cool shot of the creek, but no big deal, depending on the weather will be back there soon.  And speaking of weather I have had the windows open full time since I have been here and today with the clouds it is perfect.  Just thought I would throw that out there for you folks burning up in Texas.


This from Winfred a long time reader.

still enjoying your posts. I was in Durango a couple of weeks ago and it seemed the river flow was still high. There was still a lot of snow up high. We used to hunt around Plitero before we got to old. Have you fished the lakes there? Since I know the area you live in, I really enjoy your blogs.

With my limited experience and speaking with other fishermen and the owner of one of the local fly shops it is an interesting year.  The water on this side of the divide was really high going into July, way too high on the river for an old man like me to wade.  Now it is dropping fast, it looks like the “season” for the float trips will be really short this year.  Add the high-water temps they are now fishing half day trips and quitting by early afternoon.  That could change if we get some real rain but that has been really spotty.  We have not been to the Plitero area but will get out the topo map and find it and the lakes.  It is going to be a year of exploration, so many places so little time.  And I so appreciate you sticking with me all these years.  Thanks for commenting.

And speaking of reading the blog my host just used my “old” debit card for annual payment like I have done for years, but it was declined.  I had to get a new one when some maggot tried to hijack my card a few months ago.  Now it is 2 weeks to either pay up or call it a day.  This decision is hard and will be made before the last day.


The Boss will be here in 2 days and it will be more like vacation.  We will be hitting the woods and water hard, burning the candle at both ends before she heads back next week.  And since there has been some serious progress around here, I will be interested in what she thinks.  But she did say no more until she gets here, somebody has to watch me.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines



The new Superintendent of the Houston schools has done the unthinkable – He has ordered the closing of 28 libraries in 28 schools and is eliminating the librarian positions.  And even worse he is turning those into detention centers.   Going to put chains on the floor so you can chain them up?  Why not just go ahead and make them into cells?  Maybe re-education centers in what HE believes is right? What’s next, book burnings?  Maybe banning books simply because HE does not like them?  Reading is the key to knowledge and learning; guess he wants those children to stay ignorant.  Great plan pinhead, you are a sorry excuse for an educator.  Nothing, and I mean nothing good will come of this.  Why such a big rant, we are library lovers and reading is a big part of our life.  I just do not get it.


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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