All Good in the Mountains 7/17/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

The view on my morning drive from 10,000 feet.  

Saturday I made the big drive over the mountains and down the roughest road we have tried yet.  Hoping to see some animals but they are few and far between right now.  The woods are crawling with 4wheelers, one of the big reasons folks come here in the summer, not to mention campers who truly want to get away from crowds.  But animals or not I never get tired of riding in the mountains, and here there are plenty of places to try.  So while it was not successful in the photography side of things it was still a great way to spend the morning.

This morning I was up and gone at daylight to do a little fishing.  Right off the bat I caught 2 on the fly rod with streamers, then could not buy a bite on the buggy whip, but I still have lots to learn and it will only get better as I do.

Second cast with a streamer. Ended up catching 2 on steamer and then they just shut down.

So went to the old standby, minnow baits and caught 3 smalls like the one below.  Pinching the barbs down really helps the fish, and sure makes it easier to get them out of the net.  But I have even quit doing that as it is easy to slide them to the bank and just flip them off and let them head on their way.  But when the sun was full up the bite stopped.

Then 3 on the minnow bait and then could not buy a bite.

Lous slinging it. 

When I was headed to the truck I spent some time speaking with Lou, who is over here with his family from the Durango areas.  A long-time confirmed fly fisherman, we chatted and I wanted to watch him fish to see what I could learn.  At least 3 guide boats came by, there is lots of traffic, and then other folks showed up to fish the same area.  Lou did catch one on streamer which is his favorite way to fly fish, the guide boats did not have a bite.  Lou said he stopped at one of the tackle stores that has multiple guides and the owner said it had been tough.  Apparently with this hot weather the hatches have gone crazy and he felt like it was simply the fact that their bellies are full.

So not sure what the issues are, have not been here long enough, but one thing was clear, get out early before the sun is up.  Not problem as I am still on Texas time so getting up early is no big deal with the one hour time change.  But when you are a beginner like I am no big deal, just keep on chunkin.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.



Well there is now 2 new cases of chronic wasting disease in dead white tails at breeding facilities in Texas.  I have been harping on this for a while and here it comes again.  When, not if, it spreads in the wild population it could/will be devastating.  But remember:  Follow the money.  Not sure why TPWD does not do an all-out ban on captive breeding, oh wait, sure I do.


When I rag on TPWD it is not ever, nor intended to be directed at our wardens.  Without them it would be a bigger free for all than it already is on the water and woods.  They had a busy July 4th so here is the link to what happened.  Way to go guys and gals, you keep us safe and never forget that responsible hunters and fishermen appreciate everything you do.

News Release: July 12, 2023: Texas Game Wardens Conclude Busy July 4th Weekend of Statewide Enforcement – TPWD


And speaking of deer as I made my breakfast looking out my back window down the main game trail came 5 mule deer bucks in velvet.  The wildlife is one of the big reasons we moved here and how we got lucky enough to have the house sitting on a major game trail I do not know.  But hey, sometimes it is better to be lucky than good.

When I left this morning to do some fishing it was Monday, trash day.  I learned my lesson a while ago, do not put it out until morning.  There are a few houses here that are rentals, and they took their garbage out last night.  Oops.  Smokey obviously knows when it is trash day and definitely got a belly full last night.  Just love really living in the great outdoors.


I forgot to mention that besides the little switch issue on the boat it was also time for the annual checkup.  I have owned this boat for 13 years and have never neglected the annual service.  Bob told me that he has a few crab fishermen who have over 5000 hours on their engines, and they are still running.  The Opti now has 1168 hours and compression is still good and looks like it is good for another 100.  And here is an interesting bit of information on your hour meter.  My meter on the dash says it has over 1300 hours but with the computer-controlled engines the actual hours are on the computer.  Not sure why that is but whatever, take care of your engine and it will take care of you.


Steve with a lake trout.

My brother-in-law has really got the fishing bug the last couple of years.  He just went on a big kayak trip to the Boundry Waters.  Apparently they paddle their rear end off and the fishing was so-so.  But remember folks it is in the doing and not always about the catching.  So congrats on your first lake trout.


Hoping to turn in my building permits today and call the garage a wrap.  Still have plenty to do on the property until I get it like I want it.  But that is the fun, it is a labor of love.

So that will do it for today from the Rockies.  After a responsible thing or two today it will be up early and gone at daylight in the morning. Really looking forward to the Boss getting here in a couple of weeks, I almost (Almost sort of!) feel guilty loving life out here this much and can’t wait till she gets here. So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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