Home 7/14/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


After a little frustration in Texas things finally got straightened out and I took off.  The boat was acting up so the day I came back went to the lake and it was doing the same thing so to the shop it went.  Then it became a hot humid 100 for the rest of the time I was in Texas.  I got the boat back the day before I left so no boat the whole time.  Nothing more than a small switch that told the motor I was idling when running, at least it was not expensive.  So the boat is fine and I am here.  Oh well.

But how hot is it in Texas?  Once I hit west Texas it jumped to 103 and stayed that way all the way to my stop at a motel in the lovely town of Dumas.  Checked in, went to the room and got organized, then out to the truck to find some food.  Tuned it on and the temp gauge read 116 in the sun.  That is freakin hot.  Suffice to say it is absolutely beautiful here at the base of the Rockies with windows open and a nice breeze.

The wading is about to get right, and the small creeks should be perfect.

Because the yard was sorely in need of mowing, I decided to get up at daylight and make a quick run to the river.  The water level has come way down and it is going to be good.  I took a couple of pictures with the little camera, but the lens fogged up as it was in my pocket and it was a nice 50 degrees outside.  Suffice to say caught a couple of good ones and a couple of smalls on hand tied jigs and minnow baits.  But trying to be responsible I quit around 8:00 and headed to the house to take care of things.  On the way in I saw these sticking out and turned out it was a couple of mice muley bucks in full velvet, amazing how much they have grown in the month I was gone.


Looks like horns to me.

This guy has potential.  Nice mass and a couple of brow tines will add to the total.  And yes, I see you.

I love them outlined like this.  Maybe someday I will figure out how to make it a better shot when it is backlit like this.

It is exciting to be back, and I look forward to chasing wildlife and living the good life.  So I am organizing the pack that stays in the truck at all times with everything needed to hit the woods, catch fish and take photos.  Can’t wait to see a full velvet elk.  And already excited about Yellowstone and Teton at the first of October.  The elk should be in full rut and the wolves await.  Looking like one great fall in the west.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


I got this comment from my buddy Rusty who has been a loyal reader and now a friend.

Happy Birthday and welcome to the 70’s Club!
After both knees replaced, shoulder replacement and ruptured gall bladder removed, I feel like the bionic man at 72. You are exactly right, in all the occupations we have had and traveled the world, fishing has always been the core passion. I also have a wonderful wife who not only supported me fishing but encouraged me to fish( she’s not a bad fly fisherwoman herself). How blessed we are!! Happy Birthday mi amigo.

PS: we can start a GoFund Me page if needed 😎

Thanks so much.  The key to life is keep moving one way or another.  And while he was at it he sent me this picture.

They got to be loving all that green grass.

I have heard that you can get a good idea how recruitment went with whitetails based on the number of twins you see.  Not sure if that is true but it sure is cool to see.  Have not seen an muley babies yet but they should start showing up in the neighborhood soon.  Thanks for the picture and hope to have some good fly fishing pics soon.


Things are busy here in south Colorado.  Campers, 4wheelers, fishermen, bikers, hikers they are all here.  There is a logger competition here this weekend and multiple festivals in many of the surrounding communities.  I on the other hand will be sitting on my breezeway with a good book, maybe a little happy hour, and start to organize the garage.  Then after the weekend it will be some serious fly fishing.  And many thanks to all who wished me a happy birthday.  My favorite was from Lacy.

Happy birthday to you.
Keep chunkin.

Ok I will!  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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