Keep the 17″ length limit! 6/15/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

Looks like I will be boatless for the time being.  This is one of those times when I miss having 2 boats, but oh well, stuff happens.  But it was needing the annual, so it had to go in sometime and as usual hope for the best prepare for the worst.  The joys of boat ownership.

But it has helped me get some stuff done that is needing it.  Work on the garage and house, tire rotation and alignment check, haircut, new bathroom fittings, the list goes on and on.  But a lot of it got knocked off the last 2 days and the plan is to get all of it done before I get the boat back and then it will be fishing until I drop, or decided to head back to Colorado.  (But if the fishing is as good as today no hurry, get it while it is hot.)

Tomorrow it will be POC with one of my Facebook friends, Brent, who I have not yet met.  The tides and prime period look good for tomorrow and it will be great to get back on the bay.  And I am really looking forward to coughing up the good spots, my old milk run.  Before I am out of here for good in 17 months, I fully intend to share those “spots” fresh and salt that I have told you all about, and will be happy to pass on to those who would like to have them.  (Thinking about drawing a Coleto map.)  It will be up early and gone in time to launch at daylight and hopefully put a few fish in the boat.



A mix of clouds and sun. Hot. High 96F. Winds SSE at 15 to 25 mph.


High   10:18 am  0.66.   Low    11:13 pm   -0.66.  (It was up when we started and did not go down.)

Solunar Times

Major  10:21 to 12:21.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Since we went to 17″ on the coast I have been saying wait until we see what happens next year.  Well next year is here and the average size is way up.  I have seen this over the years as they increased the length on bass and lowered limits several times in the last 45 years.  And it has happened on the coast a couple times since I have been in Texas.  There is almost always a rebound in size within a year or two, and from this morning’s results it is working big time.

Of course, the guides whine, they always do.  We are doomed, no need, along with other complaints but in the end it works out.  All you have to do is look at the number of registered guides much less the wanna be’s and it has not hurt the business at all and sure helps the fish.  And more and more we are seeing catch and release on the coast.  So my vote is to keep it 17″ and 3 and let’s catch big trout, never a bad thing.  Now having said that here is our 6:30 – 11:30 results.

The Knockin Tails Doing the Work

Brent with the first keeper on the 4″ Mansfield Magic Knockin Tail.

This trip was as much for Brent as it was for me.  And it was nice to be the passenger and not the driver.  Part of the morning was to show him my old go to spots as he is just learning and lay down some tracks.  As I wind down this part of my life the plan is to share what little I know with anyone who wants to know.

The only disappointment this morning was we started on my favorite topwater spot and they were just not having it.  The tide was high and coming in and that area is better on the fall.  From there we just hunted and pecked, and while it was slow, when we caught one it was a good one.


A solid 20″ and the 4″ Purple Demon Knockin Tail which has become my go to.

I showed him how to get around in Big Bayou and then went up to the Oil Cut.  Learn some red right returning kind of stuff, areas to watch out for, just whatever crossed my mind to make it a little easier to learn.  As a side note we saw plenty of black drum swimming around and did catch another small.  That is also where I caught a short trout.  I had hoped we might have picked up a redfish there but the tide was up and they were off in the pools and pockets.

Brent with the morning flounder on the 5″ Halloween Knockin Tail.  He caught several fish on it.

There were several air boats running around and once I left POC and I saw the trailer for some redfish tour which starts tomorrow.  So those guys were in those far back bays looking for reds.  And if the tide stays the same there will definitely be access to those places, at least until later in the afternoon, plenty of time to get as limit.

I think we might have caught 2 small trout today, the rest were boxers like this one but I had my 2 for supper so a few got lucky this morning.

The swimming by black drum of which we saw several in the Oil Cut, so Brent did the drop the Knockin Tail in their face and he followed it down and ate.

Brent’s last of the morning was 20″ on the board before back in he went.   This picture does not do this fish justice.

My last an 18″ with the Purple Demon Knockin Tail way down in his mouth.

It was hot, a tough kind of hot, and Brent called it a day at 11:30.  I had hoped the tide would really start dropping before we quit, it was going to be a good one but if you are too hot it is time to quit.  The Boss says folks are coming to the ER so be careful, it can go from bad to horrible in nothing flat.  Remember fishing is supposed to be fun and heat stroke is not on the fun list.

I enjoyed fishing with Brent today.  And here is my wrap it up comment:  I WANT MY BOAT BACK!!!!  If today was any indication it is good, maybe real good.  If today’s size was common some serious wading would be in the works and a trip to the Upper Laguna would already be booked.  Time to catch em!


It will be hard but I will wait until Monday to call the mechanic and see where we are or might be.  Great to be back on the salt and I sure hope I can get back out there soon.  Looks like there are plenty of trout pushing 20″ and there are about 10 spots I want to fish.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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