Home. Then Dang It! 6/9/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

We got back Thursday and so this morning it was off to the lake early.  It really was not a fishing expedition; it was a boat diagnosis run and unfortunately it did what it did the last time I fished.  So instead of calling I just took it straight from the lake to Bob to see what the deal is.  What it did was funny, but not funny ha ha.

Both days it did the same thing, after running all over it finally went to full on beeping when I accelerated above 4500 rpm.  I could slow down and it would stop.  Funny how it did it the same both days, after running like a top all morning.  Today I decided to troll some and see what would happen, which was no problem as it trolled fine.

A nice blue cat headed to the fry pan.

I caught a nice catfish and lost another, and added 4 or 5 bass in about a half hour.  Normally I would have kept on going but decided to take off and see if it did it again, which it did.  As soon as I got above 4000 rpm it started beeping and as soon as I backed off it ran fine.  It was peeing just fine and sounded normal.  Usually I have a guess but this time not a clue.  So it will be wait and see, hopefully an easy fix and back in my hands so I have a boat this month.

5 or 6 like this was the size of it.

As far as the lake goes all I can say is wow!!  The water was to the top of the pier at the ramp and was 86 degrees and off color over most of it.  Plus there was not a cloud in the sky or a ripple on the water, it was dead calm and hot.  Since I knew it was going to be a short morning I stuck with the “good” spots but all I could catch were smalls.

I threw the book at them; frog, buzzbait, spinnerbait. swim jig, spoon and Knockin Tail, and all I could catch was on the 5″ watermelon red stick worm.  There is tons of green stuff in the water and maybe I just did not stop at the right place.  But there will be a time and place where you can catch some nice ones shallow, especially if cloudy with the wind blowing, it will just take covering lots of water until you find them.  Those that did bite were on wood, which tells me not much this time of year.

At least I got to fish a little, and put a nice cat in the bag for the Boss.  Wish I could have worked them over but it did not work out.  Now it will be a waiting game until I hear from the mechanic, not having a boat is a pain in the butt but there is plenty to do around here so guess I will be responsible.  And to top it off I can’t find my phone.


It was a gobble fest.

4 Toms with only 3 hens so the strut was on.  Of course I did not have the good camera today, it was still cool to see.  There was just not enough girls to go around.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


And the beat goes on in Canada.

A real nice pike.

And who does not like a muskie, one of the great bucket list fish.

Clyde and the boys are having a great trip to Canada.  It has been a literal beatdown, especially on smallmouth, but when fishing Lake of the Woods and Crow Lake you never know what is next.  They are catching from 50 – 100 easy a day on the works.

They always stay at Muskie Bay and if you have never made that bucket list trip to Canada Muskie Bay is the place to go.  Whether you man up and tow your boat, or fly in to International Falls and let them handle it all you cannot go wrong.  They are great folks that will help you all they can.  And if you want to muskie fish hire them, cut your learning curve and see what all the fuss is about.  Nothing like seeing a fish as long as your leg smoke it at the boat.  So check them out, maybe you will catch the fish of a lifetime.  I can not recommend them any higher.



I am keeping an open mind on the next presidential election, so I listened to Mike Pence’s announcement.  There will be no way I would vote for him under any circumstances after he said the following:  “I will open up our public lands to energy exploration.”  Sorry but that is a no go for me.  Every public land in this country needs to be preserved for our children, they are not making any more.


On our way back we stayed in Fort Worth and when we hit the road the next morning I was reminded I was back in Texas;  it was hotter than most days at our house in Colorado and I could feel the humidity on my skin.  And today it is just plain hot.  So the jobs I have back here will be done early everyday, there is a list.  But fishing is coming so keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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