One Great Week 6/5/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


Monday Morning Score

Sometimes things just work out.  We were not going on the daylight ride but at 5:00 am the Boss woke me up and said I changed my mind, lets go.  So we took off planning on taking a ride through mountains from Del Norte back through the mountians to Beaver Lake and when we got way up the road was closed.  Rats so change of plans.  The Boss found another road north that we had not taken in the past and it happened.

A huge black bear!

This was be far the biggest I have ever seen.

It was late in the morning, past when you usually see lots of wildlife.  Then we came around the corner following a high mountain valley and small stream there she was, a really big, beautiful cinnamon bear.  She was booking up the hill at full speed, we got to watch quite a way before it hit the woods.  Not sure how the Boss was able to get these but sometimes it happens just so.  Really a good example of just how fast one can run, trust me you are not that fast.  And of all the ones we have seen in the past she was way bigger by a mile.  Now it could have been a big boar or a female with cubs in the den, but either way she was not having it, we consider ourselves so lucky to have the honor and pleasure to experience it.

We love chasing stuff and this is the reason we get up and get gone.  Seeing a bear is a random occurrence and you can go your whole life without seeing one unless Yellowstone of Alaska.  So 3things had to happen just right, change of plans, closed road, and then the perfect pick on a new road.  All I have to say is I love Colorado.


Trying to describe our Sunday morning ride would not do it justice.  This morning the Boss and I were out of the truck looking at a bone pile in the woods and when I got back in she recorded a stretch of the morning drive.  It was almost 10 miles of this, and the video is from one of the better parts, it was gnarly but awesome.  Here is a quick shot.

We are up and gone at daylight, by far the best animal viewing time.  The morning drive was at an easy 10,000 plus and we managed to see 9 elk.  One thing we have noticed is the farther into the back country the wilder the animals.  The elk were really skittish and wanted nothing to do with us or the truck, or there might have been a picture.  And the one big bunch of mule deer were saw were the same, not having us being there.  But it was a lovely day and after the drive we headed to Big Meadow to catch some lunch.

Big Meadow 

It was tough and for over an hour it was only one small brookie.  Then I figured it out and caught my 4 fish limit in 10 minutes and I can positively tell you they tasted great fresh out of the lake and in the pan.  (I meant to show the old, cooked fish plate, but we got in a hurry and were chowing down before I thought about it.)  And speaking of fishing – the water on the creeks and rivers is starting what looks like a slow fall, but most of it is still hauling and still off color.  But it won’t be long, and I should hit it just right for the rest of summer and fall when I get back in July.


Randon Thoughts – or $$$$$ Talks


One thing I have been writing about the last year is chronic wasting disease.  It has been found in several captive deer breeding facilities across Texas and now it has been found in a free-range whitetail.  Big freakin’ surprise, it does not take a biology degree to see that coming.  Instead of stopping all captive breeding in the state and any transfer of deer from those facilities for any reason, the threat continues.  Now that it is documented in a free-range deer it does not bode well for the state’s deer herd.  Keep yourself informed.  Follow the $$$$.

Colorado Wading

Colorado is one of the few states where property owners own to the middle of the river.  Without getting to deep into the legal weeds the Supreme Court of the state has a case before it trying to decide what the law is.  It stems from a guy who to make a point waded into the river and of course a self-entitled property owner raised hell, called the cops and now the issue is before the court – Who owns the river?  The question is based on what the rivers were prior to and then becoming a state.  Hopefully the court will rule high water mark and open up all the rivers for wading.  But as with the above comment – follow the $$$$.

Boundry Dispute

A lot of the property lines in the west are actually squared off.  So, some guys figured out that they could be on public land and basically jump the corner to a landlocked public land without setting foot on the private land.  Of course the problem, see above, is the land/corner in dispute is owned by a really rich guy who blocks any access to the landlocked public land, on which he sells high dollar hunts.  It will be wait and see on all three of these issues before the courts but don’t bet on you and me.  Sorry I am getting that cynical in my old age but follow the $$$.  (Be real, you actually believe the common guy will win on these issues?)

The Award goes to Texas

As my search for the perfect 16ft aluminum v hull with a 15 – 25hp tiller steer motor for lakes out here continues, Texas is a dubious winner/loser.  While all states have different licensing requirements Texas requires titles on most boats, motors, and trailers.  As I search Texas, Colorado, New Mexico and Oklahoma it is stunning how many Texas boats for sale are missing one or all titles.  Just how is that possible?  And that nonsense just go to TPWD and get some is not true.  So while I have seen a couple I am willing to drive and check out, without all 3 titles just not interested in messing with that.  But no matter the state if there is no trailer title run away.


This is the 1647th time I have written.  The time sure has flown by.  From full on blog building, to waffling like I tend to do about whether to continue, it is still a labor of love so onward for the time being.  The photo work I have been doing in Colorado is a real motivator and here is a perfect example.

What a majestic animal!

Easy to get up and get out when this is possible.  (And our bear encounter this morning confirms that!)  Bighorns have always amazed me since I saw the first one on a hunting show when I was a kid.  Now I am here and it is just so cool to be able to realistically get close to them, or at least close enough for a long lens.


Tomorrow is out last day here and it will be back to Texas.  I am looking forward to some bay fishing and a trip or two to the lake.  But the last week with the Boss has been a memorable one.  Moose, rams, deer, and now a bear, it is what we paid the money for.  I intend to never forget to look up and take it all in.  Now back to the coast for a change of pace and some fishing.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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