Never Forget 5/26/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


Thanks – Never Forget

As we all prepare for whatever activity the weekend holds never forget.  Often young kids are sent out to defend our freedom and come back grown men and women, or they make the ultimate sacrifice.  That sacrifice had kept us free and continues to do so.  So a big thanks to those men and women for keeping us safe, and to the families of those that made the ultimate sacrifice you have our respect, and we honor your loss.


This is Beaver Creek that you can normally just walk across.

The rivers and creeks are swollen and muddy.  The runoff has really increased this week with warmer temps.  There is still plenty of snow in the high passes and combined with the little bit of rain we have gotten the runoff is in full swing.  But one of the things I really appreciate about this area is there is multiple lakes that are thawed and getting a few for the table is no big deal.  And of course the ulterior motive:  Old age is coming and the ability to hop in the truck and catch a few without a ton of effort will be nice in years to come.

Supper!  It took 30 minutes to get it done, if that!

These are stockers, which are specifically for folks to catch and eat.  So just after daylight I headed to Beaver Lake and it took all of a half hour to catch my limit.  I have found a nice grass bed in about 10′ of water and it usually holds them.  For entertainment the Super Duper spoon put 2 on the stringer (The 3.25 Knockin Tail is about to get a serious workout.) and then salmon eggs to fill out the limit and it was back to the house.  As I write this I can smell them sizzling in the pan!


And speaking of fishing the boat search goes on.  The LTS will head to the shop when I get back next month for a full work up and then it just might be on the market soon.  (Somebody is going to get a great deal.)  The perfect boat out here is small, light, with a small motor.  The lakes are not big compared to most I have fished in my life, not even a real need to get on plane.  Plus with many on gravel roads aluminum is preferred and the lighter the better.  While fly fishing is going to come to the forefront shortly fishing out of the boat will always be part of the plan.  Not even sure I would know how to act without one.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


After getting approval on my electrical rough in on the garage it is the next to the last step to be finally finished.  Since I got up early, I decided to head up north to check out a lake or two and maybe see a little wildlife.

Stopped to check out the Rio Grand at the Collier Wildlife area and it is running high and off color.  Not much for fishing but a great float.

I will never get tired of the view.

A great morning.

Butts always give them away.

For some reason there was not much moving this morning.  Found these girls on the way home.

After not seeing much that morning a big red coyote crossed the road in front of me on the way home.  No time to grab the camera but it is the second cool looking coyote this week.  I stopped at a new lake for me and met a nice guy and we whacked a few trout.  I did not take any pictures but trust me the fishing was good.  The trout were fat and sassy and I will be heading back there to break out the fly rod.  So much water so little time, but the bank fishing access is everywhere and it will take the rest of my life to cover it all.  And with many of the high roads opening new water and high mountains are waiting.


Today I finish the final phase of the electric in the garage.  It has been a long road, and a big learning experience.   Once that is done today the last thing is finding someone to add some gutters.  In the final analysis I am proud of the work we did under less than ideal conditions.  From blizzards, frozen ground, delays due to getting what we needed, we had it all.  But final inspection will be next week and then I can get back to enjoying our mountain home.  It has been stressful, it seemed the check writing was never going to end.  But from the reaction of all the neighborhood folks it is a job well done.  (As a side note the folks who are “summer folks” are arriving and our neighbors, all Texans, are great.  Some things are just supposed to be, and our house is one of those things and we could not be happier.  And to tell the truth I might be Texan in the legal sense but ask me where I live – the answer is Colorado.)

The Boss will be arriving next week, so I am very excited for her to see the final result.  She had a list of requirements, and we met each and every one of them.  The final result, it looks like it was built with the original house.  (How good does it look?  Pete our contactor has gotten 4 or 5 jobs just from folks in the neighborhood stopping by to check out the progress and introduce themselves.  It is a tight neighborhood who have made us feel welcome.) We will then spend the week in the outdoors before heading back to Texas.  Plenty of stuff to catch up on in Texas, and there are some fish calling my name on both bay and lake.

Last, please be careful this weekend.  Boat check out?  Saftey equipment all there?  A designated driver on both land and water?  And be nice, no reason to ruin your weekend.  I will be heading up to a high lake or two to catch a few fish and chase animals.  The dream continues so keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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