A Morning RIde 5/20/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors



Here is how I started my day.

I was out first thing this morning for a re-run up to Groundhog Park.  17 miles up one way the last time we tried it the forest service guy was going to close the road further up so we turned around.  Today I made it all the way to the top, and as usual it was a wildlife adventure.  Plus, no waiting on crews or supplies, no painting or yard work so it is a good day.

Not sure what he was eating but he was not leaving it.

I happened to see this guy first thing.  Way out in a field he was muching on something and did not leave when I stopped.  And that he stayed in spite of me watching him told me how committed to eating he was.  So after hoping I could get a shot of him flying time to move on.  Next up was a “yote”.

The coyote was way out there and hit the road the minute I saw him.  Watched in binocs and then took a stab at it.  A really cool color.

If you want to see the Colorado coyotes, you must get up early.  We see them crossing big fields and valleys as they head to the bed after a night of hunting.  Of the tons I have seen in my life this one was one of the biggest and darkest.  When I first spotted him over 100 yards out he was laying down and almost looked like a bear as dark as he was.  If it was Yellowstone my first thought would have been wolf.  Once I stopped he took off and after watching him took this random shot and here it is.  It might be a little blurry but I have always told you they are what they are.  Seeing this one this color was a real treat.

Headed Up!

This particular road has tons of cool vistas and plenty of places to hike.  It ended up raining so the hike will be another day.  Can’t wait for the Boss so she can see how wonderful it is up there.

It is amazing how many mule deer I see every day.

I just took this because I thought it looked cool.  When I left first thing it was just cracking daylight and I almost made the stupid mistake.  The deer were running wild and I slowed down before one turned into a hood ornament.  You just never know when one will jump out, a common occurrence here.

Saw several grouse today.  It seems like they are in the same general altitude and a certain type of woods.

Funny how you see them in very specific places.  After looking at lots of picture I think this is a Dusky Grouse.  Looked a little different than the Blue Grouse but hard to tell for sure.  There is actually multiple grouse in Colorado so will be on the lookout for his relatives.

Getting high now!

Not sure how high this drive is but this will give you some idea.  I was just about above the clouds, something I still can not get over.  Such big wild country where you can get away from most folks.

The Top!

My tracks, not a soul in sight and dead silent.  A fresh snow, there is still lots on the high mountains.  It pays to be prepared for anything this high up.  Maybe someone will come by, and maybe not.  But that is what makes it what it is for me.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Saw this guy on the fence behind the house.  There were lots of birds that morning and this guy was the best of the bunch.  Turns out it is a Western Tanager in breeding plumage.

One beautiful bird.

It was a long way off but it sure is pretty.

Guess we need a bird book, lots of new ones for me.


A good drive this morning it started raining once I got back down so I headed to the house for breakfast.  It is spotty now so next up will head to Beaver and maybe put supper on the stringer.  Now that the garage is almost finished it will be back to the retired Colorado lifestyle.  Really looking forward to the Boss getting back in 10 days.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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