Wildlife Running Wild 4/29/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


What a day!

As we have been busy doing “stuff’ the last few days we got up and headed out at daylight.  We have driven a lot over the years visiting the area in search of wildlife.  When it comes down to it the day was simply a home run.  We went up and over the divide to Lake City, then up to Gunnison, then the round trip back east along one of the great drives in this country.  We crossed the divide again, finishing in Del Norte, then home.

It started with sheep close to the house and went from there.  Tons of elk, mule deer, antelope and we finally saw a moose.  Stuff was up and moving on a beautiful day, plus our timing could not have been better.  So instead of running my mouth here you go.  Many of these shots are really long distances and often not the focus I hope for, but that is not the point, it is in the doing.  And of course, getting them to do what I want, in the right light is impossible.  But the hunt continues, the perfect shot is out there.

I literally said I don’t think antelope like it this high, the first of many we saw on the day.

I could not possibly over estimate the number of deer today.

It was the best day for elk, we saw them all over.  Getting out early is the key, along with the right place at the right time.

These guys nesting at the lake.  Love ospreys.

Crossing the divide.

Our first moose here.  He was way down in a valley as far as the lens would reach.  Amazing how big they really are.

No way to get closer to these but this is how it went today.  That is some elk!

Sorry for more sheep pictures but I can’t help it.  To live where I can see them regularly is a dream come true.  Can’t wait until they open the high roads.

They were crawling all over but the rams are hard to find.

“We see you.”

Nothing says Colorado than wooden fence, an old shack and elk. 

Always looking for big white butts.  Hard to guess how many we saw but it was an all around wildlife day.  One of the big reasons we came here.

Love these little guys.

Only got to the river a couple of times but I can sure catch the browns.  Wanted to eat a couple but the problem, they must be under 12″ and I sure have had a hard time catching that.  But the lakes are opening and supper is no big deal.

And a side benefit but one of the reasons we made the loop was to check out the fishing access.  There is some really great water and I am looking forward to fall.  There are some cool places in both Lake City and Gunnison to stay and a plan is starting to germinate.  But the fishing is taking a little back seat for now, there is plenty of time for that.  We are still stunned we live here.


wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


A couple of days prior on our trip to Durango, then a back country drive between here and Del Norte.  We are exploring it all, and there is plenty of it.

Looking down from Wolf Creek Pass.

We first saw her on the edge of Wolf Creek Pass.

After she crossed the road she headed up the hill.  I will never get tired of seeing sheep.  


After hanging with the guys as they worked we decided to take a trip over to Del Norte, which is close.  Taking the back way we were surprised to see so many Antelope as they are not exactly common, but they were right where you would expect to find them, wide open plain.  They were definitely spookier than their cousins who live in the fields along the highway.

This second bunch we saw today.  

It was a great drive when we came on the sign for the arch so we turned off and headed back in the hills and were surprised at how cool it was.  Hate to say it Utah but Arches park may have lots but few even come close to how cool this one is.

The Boss in front of the La Garita Natural Arch.

A sacred site to the Apache and Ute tribes.  In a really wild part of the area North of Del Norte.

The Arch, really an awesome sight.

A great spot by the Boss.  These were way out and a longer lens would sure have helped but at least we are able to get some pics as they raced across the plains.

To many cool rock formations to count.  It is a beautiful area and we will be returning there soon.  Some great hikes.


Suffice to say we have been out and about and with the Boss staying another week that won’t stop.  Tomorrow we head up the hill behind the house.  It is no small trek but worth the climb.  Then a road that has been closed that heads up into the mountains to an old mining town.  Monday back to the garage and hopefully getting close to done by the end of the week.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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