The Boss is Here 4/24/23.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


The Boss joined me yesterday and this morning we headed out for both a drive and a hike.  The weather is cool but sunny and got into the high 50’s today.  The higher up in the mountains the more snow there is, consequently the runoff is in full swing.  I did not fish any the last few days as I hung out and watched my garage make a few steps forward then picked the Boss up at the airport.  Building in Colorado can be challenging when  trying to get it done in early spring.  And though it is 32 degrees at this moment it is snowing pretty good.  With temps to reach the high 50’s it should be no big deal unless it really dumps on us, but it is not really sticking yet.

But our day yesterday was perfect, and a few animals cooperated for the Boss.  While I am becoming a South Fork “resident” somewhat acclimated she is still just taking it all in.  As she is here for 2 weeks there will be more adventures.  It takes a little time to acclimate to 8600 feet so out hikes will get more aggressive as we go.  So “man” up old lady, we have some miles to cover.


Until yesterday the marmots were not really out but spring has sprung in spite of the show showers we are having.  Today we found a pod of marmots running wild and having a big time.  And the rest of our hike and drive was just as productive.  We both have a love of wild animals so here is are a few.

It was wacky Marmot day!  They are actually the Yellow-bellied Marmot who are found in the west.

They hibernate most of the winter and are active in the summer.  There was a bunch of them today on a couple of rock piles, which the Yellow-bellied prefer for their hibernation.

Today was the first time we saw both Bighorns and Mule deer in the same field that had emerging green grass.

Some of the younger sheep had their fill and were taking a short nap.

The big Rams have deserted the real low country.  We tried several high mountain roads for our hike but they are not open yet, but most should be open by the 1st.

We found another bunch but later but no big rams.  While we have gotten a few really good pictures the chase for the perfect picture of the big ram continues.

These are the Mule deer the sheep were hanging out with.  It was in one of the greener patches of grass around.

So a great first day for the Boss with more to come.  And while the elk were way the hell off it checked all the boxes.  It is one of the prime reasons we came here and it rarely fails to make our day.

The dead giveaway when looking for elk – Big White Butts!  That is about as far out as our 600 lens will reach.


I had hoped to make Arkansas this spring, but the building project became the priority.  I got these from my buddy Clyde and my old friend Randy.  Clyde said the fishing was a little tough but anytime you can catch huge crappie it is a great day.

My old buddy Randy.  Those are real Bull Shoals crappies.

Clyde with a couple more examples.  Hey man, remember that time we ate 19 in one sitting?  Those were the days.

Back when I was guiding my customers caught lots of them this size.  Being deep and clear highland lakes Bull Shoals and Norfork produced some real monsters and we often caught them from brush as deep as 30 feet.  Nothing like feeling the thump of a big one.

This is what makes big Bull Shoals what it is.  How about crappie, walleye, and Kentucky’s for the evening fish fry?

And while there were a few walleyes in my time we never really considered them a species to target, but it sure is not that way now.  Both lakes have a healthy population of them and nothing like catching a mixed bag like the one above.  And notice on the stringer they only kept the Kentucky.  There are lots of them so keeping them to eat is a good thing.

Our old adherence to catch and release was really needed in the early 70’s but now a healthy balance is only achieved with some put and take.  We have come a long way from the old 10 bass no length limit.  Whether it is sea trout, bass, or any other fish, once the states set their limits it is just fine to eat a few.  But it is still nonsense to pack the freezer, it is best to catch them and eat them, a 6 month stay in the freezer sure does not improve the taste.  So congrats to the boys, looks like it was a good trip, sorry I missed it.


The plan for the rest of the day is up in the air.  The snow has slacked off some in South Fork but it is starting to accumulate at the pass a few miles above us.  It just goes with my new life plan, do not sweat the small stuff, be content to sit by the fire and read a book, or head out to hike, it does not matter either way.  My only hope for today is the boys get some hammering done.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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